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This is the draft of a children's book about bullying that I am working on. |
Kered Trumps a Bully – “Time to get up, Kered! Waking up was hard for Kered, because everyday it meant having to go to a place he didn’t want to go. SCHOOL!!!!! UGH! Yuck! School! "No!” thought Kered. “Get up Kered! Time for school!” Mom meant bus. Dad had already left for work. Kered’s older sisters were already dressed. “They must love school,” decided Kered. Brush those teeth. Take a bath. Wash that face. Get dressed. Breakfast! Have a great day!” mom says as she kisses her children. First Kimberly, the oldest. Then Nicole, the middle child. But Kered hangs behind. “Kered, we go through this everyday. Why don’t you want to go to school?” “I just don’t like it.” Kered grumbled. “But you have to go. You have things to learn so you can grow up and take care of yourself. Now, come on. The bus is here.” Mom kisses Kered and off he goes. The bus ride isn’t so bad because Kered just sits with his sisters. But being they were older and therefore in different classes, they could do nothing to help Kered in school. And it begins as soon as Kered gets off the bus: “Hey, sissy!” “Sissy boy!” “Kered is a sissy!” All day Kered had to hear all of this, with no teachers being around of course. Isn’t it always the way, no witnesses? You see, the name calling was the reason Kered hated school. Can you imagine if someone was picking on you all day? You wouldn’t like it, would you? This continued and Kered became sadder … and sadder and sadder … until he didn’t feel like going to school at all or even playing outside with his sisters and or real friends. And he wouldn’t tell his parents what was wrong. It got so bad that he didn’t even want to eat. Has this ever happened to any of you? Or do you know someone this is happening to. But someone noticed … Kered’s parents and teachers noticed what was going on … “What’s wrong, Kered?” asked mom. “Nothing.” moped Kered. "What’s wrong, Kered?” asked dad. “Nothing.” Again was Kered’s reply. “We know something is wrong. Tell us.” His parents begged. “I’ll be all right. May I be excused from the table?” Kered went to bed, but he couldn’t sleep. All he thought about all night long was Tony and all the others teasing him. The next day … “Here comes the sissy!” “Here comes Kerry!” “Leave me alone!” screamed Kered. “Or what?” Snarled Tony. “You’re not gonna do anything scaredy cat!” Tony then shoved Kered against a bulletin board. On this bulletin board was a notice that read: “Want to join the band? Sign up TODAY!!” Derek stopped a moment and read it. The BAND. His sister Lacey, who was a year ahead of him in school, played in the band. She played the clarinet. Toot, toot, toot. Toot, toot, toot. She was ALWAYS practicing. Even though his other sister, Kat, would sometimes tell her to cut it out, Kered thought it was wonderful!! That’s what he will do, he’ll join the band! The bullies weren’t in the band!! Maybe now he could get some peace! Kered was soooo excited, actually the first time in months!!! He couldn’t stop talking about it on the bus with Kimberly and Nicole. Kimberly only rolled her eyes. “Oh, no! More noise!” Kim sighed. “Oh, be quiet, Kim." Said Nicole. “I think that’s cool. Then I won’t be the only one in the family.” When Kered got home, he immediately told his mother, who thought it was a marvelous idea. When dad got home, he told him. Dad, too, thought it was marvelous. Both mom and dad couldn’t help but notice how excited Kered was. They had not seen him like this for a very long time. Now, to select an instrument. Well, Kered didn’t want to play the clarinet, because well, it seemed only the girls played the clarinet. And if Tony and all the other bullies knew he played that, they would call him a sissy for sure. Flute. No. Saxophone would be cool, but so many keys. No. Drums, too loud. So, no. Trombone. Too big. Too long. So, definitely no. Tuba. Too big. So, big no. The trumpet. Hmm. Well, it has three valves. PERFECT! Nobody would call him a sissy if he chose the trumpet. So, the trumpet it is!!!! The next day at school, Kered signed up for band. He was soooo excited!!! Within a couple of days, his mom and dad bought his trumpet. The first day of this new band was going to be the following week, and he was all set. Kered could barely eat or sleep he was so excited. Finally, next week came and for once in a LONG time, he couldn’t wait to get up. He couldn’t wait to get out of bed. He couldn’t wait to eat breakfast. He couldn’t wait to get on the bus and go to school with his brand new trumpet. He couldn’t wait … you get the picture. The time came for his first band rehearsal, and he practically ran all the way to the bandroom. He sat down in a seat and took out his trumpet. He began tooting a few little notes, well the best he could for not really being able to play yet. BUT … his heart sank when he looked up and saw … Tony sit down next to him!!!! “Hey, sissy! Gonna try and play the trumpet? Ha! Puny thing like you can’t blow out a candle let along a trumpet!” “What are you doing here?” “I thought I’d join the band, too. At first I wasn’t. But now that I see you here, sissy!” “Stop calling me names!” “Make me!” Before anything could happen, Mr. Kelly, the band director came into the room and welcomed everyone to class. The first day for Kered probably would have been much better if he didn’t have to sit next to Tony. When Kered got home, his parents asked him how his first day went. And the first words out of Kered’s mouth were, “I want to quit!” “What???!! Why??” “I just want to.” “Something has been going on for a long time now, and we want you to tell us what it is,” dad said. “I think I know what it is.” His sister Tracy spoke up. “There is this boy in Kered’s class named Tony who has been picking on him.” “Is this true, Kered?” mom asked. “Yes.” “So, that’s why you haven’t been yourself lately.” Dad said. “I think we should speak with this Tony boy’s parents.” Mom said. “I think Kered should hit him!” Said Nicole. “Violence never solves anything,” dad said. “Maybe Kered should prove he is a better trumpet player than Tony,” Kimberly stated. Everyone looked at Kimberly. “Maybe the best way to beat him is to … well, beat him at music.” Kimberly said. “That’s a great idea!” dad exclaimed. “Really? Do you think I can do it?” “Of course you can, but you have to believe you can.” Said mom. “Then I’ll do it! I’ll start practicing right now!” Kered ran to his room and the sounds of trumpet could be heard all over the house, sometimes not the best sound. But the family, though wincing, got a good laugh out of it! Kered practiced and practiced and practiced. And then practiced some more. Finally, Mr. Kelly announced in class that after weeks of practicing that it was time to have shakedowns. Now, a shakedown is not as bad as it sounds. What it means is to audition for chair positions, to see who is the best player. Kered was nervous but excited about this at the same time. "Well, all you other trumpet players need to watch out,” bragged Tony. “Because I am going to get first chair! Ha ha ha!” “We’ll see about that,” mumbled Kered. Kered would go home and practice the rest of the day. And night … Until finally the big day arrived … Kered was sooooo nervous. Wouldn’t you be? The first order of business was for Mr. Kelly to have EVERYBODY in the entire group to play a short passage from their band books. Everyone would have to play the same thing – and in front of everybody else. How nerve wracking!! On Monday, it was the flutes and clarinets. Tuesday – the saxophones. Wednesday – The trumpets – THE TRUMPETS??? Wednesday FINALLY arrived and Kered was so nervous. Everyone in the trumpet section had their turn. It was finally down to two players, Tony and Kered. Tony played first. Pretty good. Nice tone. For a 6th grader. Then it was Kered’s turn … Kered was nervous. He played exactly what Mr. Kelly wanted to play. Then came the waiting. The results. And everyone waited. And waited. AND WAITED! For Mr. Kelly to tally the results. Finally, he looked up at everyone and told everyone that they did a great job for their first time. He then went section by section until he came to the trumpets. Kered felt a lump in his throat. “First chair trumpet goes to …” KERED RICHARDS!!!!! Kered was 1st chair!!!! By the way, Tony ended up 10th!!!! Kered was soooo happy!!!! He couldn’t wait to tell his sisters and his mom and dad!!! At the end of band class, Tony walked up to Kered. Kered braced himself for trouble, but was actually shocked by what Tony said. “Congratulations, Kered. You are a good trumpet player.” “Thanks, Tony.” “And I’m sorry for calling you a sissy and all those other names. Maybe you would like to practice together sometime?” “Hey, I would like that!” So, in the end not only did Kered trump a bully, he gained a new friend. And they practiced together and eventually Tony sat 2nd chair to Kered’s 1st. (But he still never beat Kered!) THE END |