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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Psychology · #1914866
Dr.Bambillo illegally disscuses the mental health conditions of his younger patients.
Chapter 1
“You have no idea how many of these kids are on medication!” Dr. Bambillo informed officer Monson and Dr. Crabblesnitch as they all sat around the small café table at the Old Bullworth Vale Coffee House sipping their hot beverages.
“I’m not surprised, kids these days act like wild animals infected with rabies, always fighting each other and what not!” Officer Monson spoke up.
“Medication is unnecessary in my professional opinion, children these days simply need role models to lead by example and to teach them lessons of morality.” Dr. Crabblesnitch added in.
“That may be true but that doesn’t change the fact that some of them are just plain crazy!” Insisted Dr. Bambillo, the other two men sat and listened quietly as he began illegally discussing the health conditions of some of his younger patients.
Gary Smith was by far one of the most mentally unhinged patients locked away in Happy Volts Asylum. Sure on the outside he appeared normal but that was only part of the front he kept up in order to lure in unsuspecting victims. Everyone already knew about the school incident but only few knew of what took place once he arrived at the asylum. That particular day did not suit his arrival in the least bit, it had been a beautiful sunny day but with all he had done and evidently planned to do it most certainly should have been a dark and stormy night. He didn’t come quietly either, from the time the police and orderlies had shown up on up until they had thrown him in a padded room in a strait jacket and injected him with heavy sedatives he was kicking and screaming as if he were insane.
Upon meeting him the Dr.’s first impression of the boy had been that he had a severe case of what he liked to refer to as, “Bad Attitude Syndrome”. He showed all the signs: eye rolling, refusal to cooperate, unnecessary insults, and a whole slew of other things as well. His first few week’s there he didn’t seem to be much of a problem except for the occasional issue of him refusing to take his medication. Other than that he had pretty much stayed quiet and kept to himself. However that somewhat calm demeanor he had portrayed was short lived.
  Dr. Bambillo had received a call from the asylum at exactly 8 a.m. on the dot. The description he had been given of the incident that had taken place around 2 a.m. that morning had been flat out disturbing. He was needed at the asylum urgently to assess the patient and hopefully find out the cause of the incident. Arriving at Happy Volts he wasted no time in checking in and had an orderly lead him straight to the padded room that Gary Smith had been moved to until further notice. Once the orderly had unlocked the door he stepped inside to find the boy sitting in a cushioned chair in a strait jacket with his legs bound and a Hannibal Lecture like mask strapped to his face. Apparently it had been far worse than they had made it sound. There was another soft padded chair sitting directly in front of him, not wanting to startle Gary, the Dr. slowly made his way over to the chair and took a seat. All the while Gary didn’t bother to look at him even once. After seating himself the Dr. took a moment to visually inspect Gary’s expression. Overall he appeared calm, but his eyes told a completely different story. They were merely a small indicator of the ferocity and instability burning on the inside of him. Glancing down at the report he had been given he began to read it to get the gist of all the details of exactly what had happened early that morning. As he scanned the paper he made certain to not make a face at anything he read. Towards the end of reading, a muffled voice broke his attention away from the report; he lowered the paper to look at Gary.
“You know doctor, if you and the rest of the staff here and my parents weren’t so amped on pumping me with all this shitty medication and actually did your jobs correctly then maybe stuff like this wouldn’t happen!”
Slowly raising his head Gary brought his gaze up to meet that of the doctors. Dr. Bambillo waited for a moment but the teen said nothing else.
“Gary,” He began, “Despite what I’ve been told I’m not making any assumptions here, I want to hear what happened and I want to hear it from you.” Dr. Bambillo informed him.
Gary merely held his gaze and said nothing. “Gary I know you don’t enjoy being locked away like a wild animal or talking to me, but look at it this way, the more cooperative you are the more I can help you and the more you let me help you the sooner you can get out of here and be free again.” Dr. Bambillo again waited for a response from the boy but as before he said nothing.
The promise of eventual freedom didn’t seem to hinder Gary in the least bit. Glancing back at the paper the Dr. thought he would start by asking questions based solely on what the report said seeing that as usual, Gary was not cooperating. However before he could say anything else Gary decided to speak,
“This is exactly what I’m talking about,” Gary spoke up again while rolling his eyes in the air.
“What do you mean?” Dr. Bambillo questioned him simply wanting to make sure that the two of them were on the same page.
“What do you think I mean!?” Gary spat sarcastically, “Just fucking give it a rest would you!” his voice was cold and icy,
“You’re all the same, you sit up here and try to convince me to talk to you acting like you’re interested in what I have to say! But regardless of what I say the end result is always the same! You’ll simply hand me another damn prescription and send me on my way! Then when there’s no change in my behavior you all sit around looking stupid and wonder why!”
The Dr. sat quietly for a moment as he thought about what Gary had just said,
“Gary, I’m getting the sense that you’re trying to tell me that there is something wrong but it’s not something medication can fix, is there something else you feel  is a problem?”
Gary narrowed his eyes at the Dr. seemingly angry that the man insisted he had any issues period.
Growing frustrated he decided to change courses.
“Just quit it with the nonsense and read the report it’ll tell you what happen!” Gary growled from behind his mask.
Dr. Bambillo stared at him for a moment believing that he was clearly trying to avoid the question he had just posed. Meanwhile Gary continued to sit and sulk over the situation at hand, still angry at the conversation that had just taken place.
‘Damn meds!’ He thought to himself, ‘If these idiots and morons would stop trying to make me take all this crap then I’d be just fine! They keep trying to change me when there is nothing wrong! The fools! This is a classic case of if it ain’t broke then don’t fucking fix it!’
Suddenly Gary snapped out of his train of thought as he realized that the Dr. was now staring at him. Gary cocked one eyebrow as if to say ‘what the fuck are you looking at!?’ without actually saying it.
“What’s on your mind Gary?” The Dr. questioned him now that he was done reading the report on the early morning incident. Feeling his frustration rise Gary clenched his teeth behind his mask,
“Read the fucking report!” he shouted.
“I already read the report Gary, but the report only tells me what the orderlies and nurses here know, it doesn’t tell me what’s on your mind.”
There was a brief moment of dead silence as Gary let the Dr.’s remark sink in. He was growing angrier and angrier by the minute. Dr. Bambillo thought he was on to him and normally he would play along to make him think he could understand him and that he was helping him along the road to recovery but he was not in the mood to do so today.  Gary looked at the Dr. again who sat and waited patiently for him to start talking. As bad as he wanted to deter the subject he knew doing so was now pretty much pointless. The man thought he knew that he was hiding something and was now waiting for him to tell him what it was that he was hiding. Gary didn’t like to feel like anybody knew or even thought they knew anything more about him then what he wanted them to know. And Dr. Bambillo was no exception.
“You’re the Dr. you figure out what’s on my mind.” Gary finally replied, deciding to be uncooperative as usual. He smirked at his own remark behind the mask.
The expression on Dr. Bambillo’s face didn’t change even the slightest bit at Gary’s remark. He sat quietly for a moment seeming to decide how he should answer to Gary’s uncooperative attitude.
“Well Gary If I didn’t know any better then I would say that you have the need to be and feel in control of yourself and everything around you.” Gary let out an incredulous snort at the Dr.’s response, “Yeah so what!?” He snapped waiting for the right opportunity to change his demeanor.
“I also feel like you have no concern for the wellbeing of others and you don’t care what type of results your actions will cause. If that is the case,” The Dr. continued “I’m starting to think that at some point in your past you didn’t have control but someone else had control of you and everything in your life. Or better yet you feel like you still don’t have control of something in your life so you act out and try to control the world around you to help ease any feeling of not being in control… if that makes sense!”
One of Gary’s eyes twitched involuntarily at the remark and even though it was only for a brief second the Dr. knew he had struck a nerve. 
There was another momentary pause as Gary couldn’t decide how to respond for a moment, he suddenly got the feeling that the Dr. was closing in on him and he didn’t like it, when he didn’t respond the Dr. spoke up again.
“Do you think maybe this need to be in control of everything stems from the way your father treated you?”
Anybody else would have blanched at the Dr. for bringing up such a sensitive subject but this was Gary Smith and Gary Smith didn’t blatantly show any emotion that could possibly cause others to deem him weak.
“This has nothing to do with my father!” Gary protested in a confident manner.
“You don’t think that your need to manipulate and control the people around you stems from your father’s tendency to manipulate and control you and your mother?”
“No! It does not!” Gary reiterated, bothered by the fact that the Dr. knew anything about either of his parents.
“What about your own attitude and mentality?”
“Perhaps somewhere along the way you recognized the fact that maybe you didn’t have full control over your own mind so you sought out to control any and everything else that you possibly could?”
Again another moment of pure silence
“Gary, attitude is contagious, how one person thinks or behaves can easily rub off on someone who spends a lot of time around them and they may not even realize it. How your father treated you as an individual could have easily been the foundation for how you treat other individuals in your life… that along with your inability to care for and love others most certainly could be the reasons for your tyrannical behavior.”
Gary narrowed his eyes at the Dr. recognizing the fact that he was indeed hinting at something. Feeling his rage start to boil over Gary sought out an explanation.
“Who are you talking about?” Gary questioned the man through clenched teeth, Dr. Bambillo tilted his head to the side for a moment knowing that his next remark was more than likely going to ignite a fuse within Gary.
“I’m talking about you Gary, I’m talking about your father and I am talking about a small boy you attended school with by the name of Peter Kowlaski.”
Gary’s eyes widened at the remark, normally he wouldn’t make any facial expression that indicated how he felt about something but the mention of Pete and caused that notion to go flying out the window.
“How the fuck do you know about Pete!?” Gary growled at the Dr. it was obvious someone had spoken to the Dr. without him knowing about it, the question was who though? Although chances were that it may have very well been Pete one could never be too sure. 
“I spoke with someone who seemed to know quite a bit about you.” Dr. Bambillo informed him.
“WHO!?” Gary practically shouted from behind his mask.
“I’m sorry Gary but I promised them that their identity would remain anonymous” Dr. Bambillo replied rather calmly.
“Pete was here wasn’t he!?” Gary demanded to know, “He came to see you didn’t he!?”
“Gary that’s not important right now, I understand that Peter may be someone important to you but keep in mind that he’s free and you’re locked up in here.”
Most other people would have grown furious at that remark but as mentioned before this was the one and only Gary Smith! So instead of showing his anger and frustration Gary simply deadpanned at the man.
“Now let’s try to stay focused and get back on topic, okay, I can tell that talking about your family and personal life is a touchy subject for you so we don’t have to discuss your family or anything like that but just remember the more you withhold from me the harder it will be for me to help you and the longer it will be before you get out of here. On the other hand,” The Dr. went on, “We can talk about Peter if you want to.”
The mention of Pete’s name a second time caused a foreign feeling to overtake Gary, he hated talking about Pete but at the same time he loved talking about Pete. Unlike anyone else he had ever encountered in his life Petey had stirred something in him the very moment he had ever set eyes on him. The feeling he got whenever he looked at the boy was one he found disturbing because he had never experienced one like it before. Unlike everyone else Pete didn’t turn away from him, he didn’t judge him and in the beginning he never even questioned anything Gary did or said to him. That however was only in the beginning, as time went on and the boy got older he started questioning him and that was something Gary couldn’t have….
“Gary?” Dr. Bambillo called out to him.
Gary abruptly came out of his train of thought for a second time that day. The look on his face told the Dr. that he had been lost in thought most likely due to the mention of Peter.
Dr. Bambillo waited a moment before he went on, “You and Peter were close I assume?”
A shudder ran through Gary’s body. Forgetting his need to be uncooperative he for once gave the Dr. an honest answer.
“Yeah…. We were….”
“You’re last Dr. told me that before you got sent here you were expressing to him an interest in trying to clean up your act, is that true?” Dr. Bambillo continued to question him trying to get to the heart of the situation assuming there was one.
Instead of verbally answering him Gary gave a simple nod of the head to confirm that it was true, he had shown an interest in straightening up his behavior. Or so he had claimed…
“Was it for Peter?”
Another nod of the head was all Gary gave.
“Did you tell him that?
Gary squeezed his eyes shut attempting to suppress the overwhelming amount of rage he felt, “I…” He paused unable to get the words out.
“It’s okay” Dr. Bambillo told him, just take your time. Gary took a deep breath.
“I never got the chance to…” The words came out in a slow heated growl.
“…Because he fucking showed up… and took him away from me….”
There was yet another moment of silence before the Dr. responded,
“I see, and by he you mean Jimmy Hopkins?” Another bout of rage coursed through Gary’s veins and the Dr. knew that the answer was yes.
“So just to make sure that I have everything correct, You and Peter were together, when you were with him you didn’t treat him very well, but you recognized that and because you care about him you were willing to try and straighten up your behavior not just for your own sake but for Peter’s as well, however before you got the chance to do so Jimmy shows up and in a sense steal’s Pete away from you? Correct?”
Gary was again silent for a moment before he answered, “Yeah, that’s pretty much it.”
“Okay then,” Dr. Bambillo spoke up in an informative manner, “The entire time, was this your motivation behind what you did that got you expelled from school? Was this your reason for turning the school into a warzone and trying to get Jimmy kicked out?”
“What fucking difference does it make if that was my motivation or not!?” Gary rolled his eyes up in the air thinking that it made no difference one way or the other.
“Well Gary believe it or not it actually makes a big difference in your case,” Gary furrowed his brow at hearing this.
“Understand that you having a motivation in doing what you did shows that you didn’t do it out of pure spite you had a reason behind your actions and that is something that most Dr.’s and the school system would accept as a valid reason for doing what you did. You having a reason will play a major role in how soon you can get out of here.”
Hearing this bit of info Gary immediately began to hatch a plan in his mind,
“Now just because you’re in here doesn’t mean that we can’t still work on your behavior, assuming you still want to I am more than willing to help you clean up your act if you’d like?”
Gary blinked at the man before he responded, with a simple nod of the head. Little did the Dr. know that he had given Gary Smith entirely too much information. Knowing he had to play along Gary resumed his apparent angry state while he waited for the Dr. to continue.
“Now,” Dr. Bambillo went on, “Let’s back up a bit to what happened this morning.” 
Gary smiled to himself as thoughts of what he had done earlier that day filled his unstable head.
“I have to say I’m very proud of my work from this morning, what do you think Dr.?” Gary questioned the man as if looking for some form of approval.
Dr. Bambillo cocked one eye brow, before he again looked at the paper he held scanning over the lines that explained exactly what Gary had done. He thought that the boy had changed courses too quickly and rather smoothly but decided to ignore it for the time being.
“Well Gary to be honest I’m not really sure what to think, sure the paper says one thing but I still want to hear directly from you what happened. What exactly had prompted you to get several of the inmates here to attack one of the orderlies in such a vicious manner?”
The mention of what he had done seemed to strike a chord somewhere in Gary’s dark mind, his eyes suddenly lost their fury and had taken on an amused gleam as he let out a small chuckle.
“He was such an easy target” Gary began slowly,
“Like a sitting duck.” The last part of his statement was finished with a strain in his voice.
“If he hadn’t have been such a dick face then maybe he wouldn’t have been my target. Strutting around here like he was so high and mighty! Which is why I enjoyed tormenting him.”
Gary fell silent as he seemed to stare off into space, after a few moments of silence the Dr. spoke up again,
“You seem to have an issue with people who think they have control over anything...why?”
“Why what!?” Gary snapped
“Why does something like that bother you? The thought of someone other than yourself being in control of anything? Why have him attacked? Why get the others to do something like that to someone? Especially when most of them don’t even know any better?”
“Because I enjoyed it!” Gary responded in a harsh tone.
“Okay….” Dr. Bambillo paused for a moment realizing he should probably take this a bit more slowly as in one step at a time.
“You enjoyed something so brutal and sinister?” The Dr. Prodded further, he could tell that Gary was becoming frustrated and angry with his repetitive questions but if he had to anger him to get answers out of him then that is what he would do.
“What are you a fucking idiot!?” Gary had now reached his angry state, “Did you not hear what I just fucking said? I enjoyed tormenting him and not just him…”
At this point Gary began to yell and the Dr. found himself thankful that the orderlies had deemed it necessary to place him in a strait jacket.
“I like to fucking torture people! It brings pain and suffering to this world full of idiots and I enjoy every single bit of it! I enjoyed telling the retards and morons in this place to beat the tar out of that orderly! The frightened and horrific look on his face, the blood pouring from his body the tears streaming down his face, the sight of their fingers tearing into his flesh! Every single moment of it got me so fucking excited!”…

“My word!” Dr. Crabblesnitch interrupted, “I had no idea the type of sick deviant we were dealing with!”
“Well what do you expect? Kids these days think crap like that is cool and in style!” Officer Monson added in,
“You’re probably right” the Dr. Continued, “I have a number of young patients who openly engage in some form of violence or another.”
© Copyright 2013 Akemat Lynn (akematlynn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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