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unknown abandoned planet with the issue young and beauty lady often disappear in there |
archangle and eternal arrive at very out skirt of galaxy, in order to skip a chase.. run away from plant army, but unfortunately when they finally outrun them, they were out of fuel and food source, also nearly all of crew fight plant army, the only left in base, is just few girl, including cagalli and lacus, thanks to war, theres no one left for the quest searching food and fuel, so they make a plan, lacus and cagalli searching for food in the ruined near them, the other will stay here. cagalli just wearing light red clothes and short skirt, where lacus primping in the mirror. she wearing her songstress outfits, white long cloths, with purple long skirt. "why you primping?" say cagalli "i just want it, long time i didn't wearing this and who knows i might serving there" "oh, whatever come on just go" lacus and cagalli taking off, the ruins isn't so far so they just arrive view minutes, the girl walking in the land, looking anything usefull, till they come to suspicious looking building, with the banner "WARNING, JUST GIRL CAN ENTER THIS BUILDING AND BEFORE YOU ENTERING, BE SURE TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHS AND SKIRT JUST GIRL WITH BRA OR SWIMING SUIT CAN ENTER" "what are they mean?" said cagalli look confused "that they mean we must just wearin' bra?" "i think it's clear, so what we do?? or we just pass by look for other building?" "no, hurry take your cloths off we entering now" said cagalli take off her cloth and skirt showing her minimize wear, with white bra. lacus follow cagalli step, her decision fully dressing in vain, in the end she must take the cloths of. lacus wear pink mini bra, with cute flowers rope make it stai in place. the girl continue they're journey, in intersection, they split up, lacus take right cagalli to the left. lacus walking ignoring rebelious boobs that won't stay at place. she enter the room, that suddenly close on his own, lacus try to open it, but fail, she scream. till something appear behind her, some kind of real thing "the goblin.. " lacus shocked "please dont be scared, im not bad" say that goblin "im not scared, im just shocked i can see the real goblin hihi" the goblin just few centimeters form lacus, lacus kneeling so she can see clearly "so cute,, you know, im also love goblin" the door kicked by somebody, it was cagalli, "lacus you okey? are these goblin ferverting you" cagalli knock that goblin into the floor, "what are you doing cagalli? the goblin is good, he try to save me" "what are you talking about? she just want harassing you since you like not wearing a thing" lacus flushed "thats not true," lacus hugh that goblin who look enjoyed, while cagalli not happy with that goblin who exploit lacus idealism so clever and cunningly "sorry for my friend roughness, she didn't intend to do it" "don't worry lacus, im fine," goblin stare at lacus face and lacus stare back, and avoiding his tormentor "you know me?" said lacus "yes, i have heard of you, dream songstress but you really kind, naturally no human want talked to me" "thats not true, not everyone is bad, but they just need know you deeper, thats all" the goblin using lacus symphatize to geting her attention, and gazing her eyes "i'm really feel cozy with you" cagalli start walk a way the goblin was really getting lacus concern, then she rolled her eyes to them, "but lacus, can you feel cozy within my eyes??" cagalli could see goblin eye light up with green color suddenly she feel her eyes affected too, not strong enough but enough to affect her, but lacus her face and goblin was fully face to face so she must affected easily, and cagalli see lacus expresion sudenly relax. "stop, don't hypnitized her.." cagalli try to prevent her friend being controlled but goblin cast paralyze spell so cagalli can't move, but she still can see anything clearly "kehehehehe be patient blondie doll, after i finish my work to this pinky doll" lacus smiling, and cagalli seeing hypnotic seal easily blossom forth fertile in lacus eyes"wait your turn after i enslave your pinky doll friend the next will be you" cagalli try to resist the spell, but that was useless she bind so strong "i won't bother doing that if i were you, just be obedient and let me blossom hypnotize in your eye to kehehehe" cagalli couldn't replay due the spell but lacus already fully controlled say "obedient..."she sighed, smiling stupidly as she fully succumbed to goblin hypnotize "yes pink doll thats your new name" "i am pink doll" lacus say obediently "yes, so enjoying, so cozy, so relaxing" goblin pressing lacus intently, "i am so cozy..." small bit of her sense say this wrong that this was danger, the color were bad, but she helpless to do anything about it since the true sense of her slowly force her to clean away any obstacle that make her eye open so she can keep new color of her pupil fertile. to gag that rebelious sense she sit wit her legs spreding, be relax "cozy, i have give you that feeling, but what would you give me in return?" said goblin "i dont understand" lacus still can't keep her mind in joint with color that dominate her body "the how about you give me your mind?" "yes of course, go ahead and have it" lacus sighed, smiling happily to please the one who give the color to her "hem.. what about your body" "yes of course, go ahead and have it" she repeated "good doll, give yourself to me completely and i will make you feel cozy" "yes master" under hypnotize lacus no more than mindless puppet that will only to obey her master order. cagalli watching the proceeding how lacus now has become the real puppet, her body still stunned, nothin to do but only she the sexy songstress, the proud lacus has become pretty toy of pervert goblin, lacus clyne is gone away. "now blondie doll, as promised, after i have pink doll, now your turn to become my slave" he turn his face to lacus who still mindless "now, would you help me to to make your friend feel the cozy as well?" "with pleasure master" lacus grab cagalli back so she in sit position, but still helpless to move "lacus what are you doing, stop it i am.." lacus use her hand to gag cagalli "oh dear, come on, don't fight, just relax and enjoy it" said goblin cagalli try to fight but it's late, she can't close her eyes to eject hypnotic effect but the hypnotic already welcomed to her eyes till the point she cannot eject it, somehow the color so fascinating and lacus grab her head so same like lacus before, they stare each other, cagalli helplessly attracted so goblin can ressuming his hypnosis without problem and resistance same with lacus, goblin success take over this two girl. "mmm..." she moaned, forget her self lacus grab her hand "how you feel doll blondie?" say lacus smile in euphoria being enslaved "very cozy pink doll" cagalli same with lacus "now its the time doll, you pay me for the feeling" "yes master" lacus and cagalli in same time. at that time, lacus and cagalli nude they become obedient sex slave with no feel of rest, just serving their master, as for goblin being served by famous lacus clyne and cagalli, nothing left of their body that he didn't enjoy as his slave will obey him. that time they make love 2 girl one man in one bed. though no objection for the girl and cozy for the man several hour after doing sex lacus and cagalli back to eternal with their cloth on as nothing happend and talk like usually. lacus back to her room, when she open, goblin there, in her bed "you still obey me?" "of course master" lacus smiled she jump to bed striping till naked "good, because now every night you both must serving me in this room" "yes master" lacus sleep beside goblin who closed sheet and turn off lamp doing sex again with her. then, every night in lacus room cagalli and lacus working with sex to satisfied her master, but no one in ship know about it, in outside her room they act like usually, like nothing happend. and the girl back in night just to obey. END |