Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1914225-The-Silent-Campaign---Part-1
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1914225
A captain takes the ultimate test at sea.
Conn Sonar! New contact bearing 1 4 5 Designate Sierra 1! "Very well, what do you got?" The captain says, setting down his coffee mug. "It's sketchy but it looks like we caught a boomer coming out of the barn captain, could be a boomer from Murmansk." Replied the Sonar Officer. "Start your track on him, Conn out" Said the captain. The executive officer, with a worried look on his face says "Captain, what happened?". The captain with his usual charms and humor replied "Well, looks like our worst fears have been realized" after setting down the piece of paper in his hand. "Call Adams get him in here ASAP" he said. "Aye Sir" said the Executive officer. A few minutes later Adams, a younger man that had 3 years experience with the CIA entered the command room of the USS Ohio Submarine. "Whats up Captain?" he said. "Well, looks like you were right. We caught us one of them there ballistics subs you fellas have been lookin' for" the captain replied. "Alright, can you put this bad boy on the surface? I need to make contact with HQ fast." He said. "Very well buddy, ill have us topside in no time" chuckled the captain. "Make my depth 023 Meters depth control aye" said the XO over the announcement system. The hull of the submarine starting popping, then after what seemed to be minutes the submarine started to angle up making balance difficult for the sailors aboard her, plates were breaking in the galley and the cooks were getting covered in food, then disaster struck. The EAM (Emergency Action Message) machine started to blink red and an alarm went off. The paper printed from the loud printer then the captain picked it up and read it. "Son of a bitch..." he said with a look of shock in his face. "What happened?" Adams replied. "Russia is threatening a missile launch on the U.S, we are to retreat to grid reference 1554 near the bottom of red route one and we have strict orders for radio silence, and to not let any submarines get past us" he said grimly. "Navigator plot us a speed course to the bottom of red route one" He commanded "All ahead flank" The executive officer yelled. "Take us down to 137 depth control'" Said the captain. "Aye Sir, 20 Degree down bubble" Said the diving officer. "Sorry adams your not getting any messages out any time soon" the captain said with remorse. "Conn Sonar! Torpedo in the water bearing 1 8 7!!!" Yelled the Sonar Officer with a panicked tone and look on his face "Shit!" Yelled the captain "Rig for red and deploy countermeasures, all silent, all stop" He whispered. Now it was just a matter of luck and waiting, would the torpedo go after the countermeasures or ram straight into the submarine, killing all aboard her? Captain Jones had 20 years experience commanding submarines in the Atlantic, since the cold war era. Gary Adams was a intelligence officer sent by the CIA and put aboard the Ohio to look after Soviet naval activity. "Conn Sonar, high pitched noises coming from the torpedo, its definitely soviet." whispered the sonar officer. The pinging increased on the sonar machine as the torpedo neared. Then, all of a sudden it stopped. No more pings or any noises. But little did they know that it was a distraction that allowed the Typhoon Class Submarine Dmitri Donskoy to escape undetected, now they were staring face to face with an Akula Class attack submarine that managed to sneak right into the perfect attack position. "C-C-Con S-Sonar, new contact b-bearing 3 6 0 d-designate sierra 3" the sonar officer said knowing they had lost. "360?! that's right on top of us!" Yelled the captain. "CONN SONAR, TORPEDO IN THE WATER BEARING 3 6 0!!! WE LOST CAPTAIN!" Screamed the sonar officer with what little breath he could conjure up. "All ahead flank! Full Rudder Left, deploy countermeasures!, BLOW BALLAST DAMN-IT!" Yelled the captain as the pinging increased with every second. It was useless the Akula submarine had them, and with a quick and very loud thud the torpedo lodged itself into the rear of the submarine, but... To the surprise of everyone aboard it did not explode. "A dud?!" Yelled the captain. Everyone smiled and hugged each other believing to have had cheated death that day. "Get me a damage report cob!" Ordered the captain. Who then picked up the PA system and addressed the crew. "Dont count your chickens before they hatch fellas, first of all we dont know what damage that dud did, secondly anything could set that son of a bitch off and blow us all to kingdom come, so for the time being we are gonna slowly surface and float on top, which makes us vulnerable..." he said "Sir, the torpedo did a pretty big number on the batteries and air systems so we better surface now, but most of our propulsion equipment is intact but we shouldn't do too much moving because one false step could set off that torpedo" the chief of the boat said to the captain. "Soviet engineering at its best eh?"
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