Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1913438-T-o-Be-or-Not-To-Be
Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #1913438
My first attempt at poetry, if you can even call this poetry, does it show any promise?
To Be or Not To Be

I’d like to be a poet, if you all agree,
I have the skills required, or not, I’ll let it be.

I’m only just beginning; you know this to be true,
From what you see before you, is there any hope for me?

I’ll happily take classes and reviews from everyone,
Then when we are finished, I’ll ask you all again.

The lessons are quite taxing; I’m doing quite well though,
Reviews are always helpful, thank you one and all.

I really think there’s hope for me, though many won’t agree,
And some may say just maybe, just maybe, there may be.

Alas, a poet he may never be, but give him “E” for effort,
On this we can agree, To Be or Not To Be.

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