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Rated: · Other · Drama · #1912925
this is just a draft copy of my progressing story. hope you like it.
Rushing home from the school run, I had my daughter’s parents evening just an hour after the school bell rang for the last time that day. My mum was waiting in her car outside my house as me and Trixie walked into the quiet private road in which we lived. Mum was casually reading her book allowing it to lean against the steering wheel in front of her.  I walked up to the front door to unlock it whilst Trixie ran up to the driver’s side window to bang on it, letting her nanny know that she was there. As I opened the door, my oversized and very excited dog jumped up at me to say hello. Sammie was her name, nearly 4 years old and at least 25kg; she is a beautiful chocolate Labrador. Blissfully unaware how big or heavy she is. Her tail constantly swinging with excitement and constantly acting like a bulldozer around my home.  Shutting the door behind her, my mum- nanny pip to Trixie- She lead Trixie into my house behind me.  Within seconds of walking in through the door Trixie like most kids drops her school bag, book bag, coat and lunch box all at the bottom of the stairs and then rushes up stairs to play with her Barbie’s.
I was there all of 10 minutes before I had to turn around and head back up to the school again for my appointment with Trixie’s school teacher.
Walking up towards the school, I received a text from Chad, Trixie’s dad.
‘at school now’ – he isn’t much of a texter. He wasn’t much of an anything really.

There he was- the ex.  He was standing outside the classroom door. Our appointment was at 20 past 4. It had just gone quarter past now. I took a deep breath and continued to walk over to him. His back was turned so he didn’t see me coming.
“Hello, thanks for coming, sorry it was short notice but I only got the appointment booked yesterday”, I explained to him nervously as I finished walking the last 10 meters up to him.
“That’s ok” he replied casually, “thanks for letting me know”. The conversation had now come to an abrupt end and all but deathly silence filled the air for what felt like forever. Our daughter’s teacher, Mrs Connie, opened her door at just 16:24 to call us in; thankfully it broke our awkward silence. The ex and I didn’t have anything to talk about. Apart from having a child with him, we no longer had a connection, he broke my heart, and with that he broke everything I ever felt and saw in him.
“Thanks for waiting” Mrs Connie said as she stood in the open door.
“Right, take a seat, here is Trixie’s learning journey, have a quick flick through here” she said as she passed me the yellow folder.  “She is a wonderful bright girl, she is such a character. Some of the little things she comes out with” Mrs Connie explains with a smile. “She gets on with everybody in the class. You know, one minute she will be playing dress up with some of the girls and then next thing you know she will be playing chase with the boys.  You should be really proud of her” me and Chad looked at each other and smiled an awkward smile to each other. We may no longer be friends but at least we know that between us we have done a pretty good job so far of bringing up our daughter.
“Thank you, honestly we are so proud of her, aren’t we Chad?” I asked as I looked over to him again.
“Yeah of course, I think it helps that she is always surrounded by people” he replied. I nodded.
“Even though I’m a single parent, she goes to Chad’s every weekend. And Chad has his own family. So when Trixie there she is a big sister to Mellissa and Ella” I explained. Chad laughed.
“It’s true, she has taught Mellissa so much, and especially with Ella she takes the role of sisterhood seriously”.  The teacher smiled.
“That’s good. But honestly all I can say is that she is so bright and constantly asking questions about everything, which is good to see, she takes a deep interest in everything we read and learn about. Is there anything you would like to ask about Trixie?”
“Trixie loves school; she literally wakes up every morning asking ‘is today a school day’?  And she has always been smart for her age, but is there anything she struggles with?  Or below average for within the class?” I asked curiously.
“No” replies Mrs Connie, “like I said before she is a smart girl always wanting to know more, but even if there were a couple of things she struggled with then at this level of learning, there’s nothing to worry about to be honest”. Chad and I both smiled.
“Well that’s good, I’m glad she’s doing so well. I was a bit concerned to be honest. As there is dyslexia on both sides of the family”.

***Ring Ring*****          
“I’m so sorry I have to take this!” I apologized as I got up out of my chair.
“Can’t it wait till after this meeting??  Chad asked.
“I’m sorry this is my emergency number, it rings like once a year, and I have to take it.
“Hello?” I spoke waiting for a reply. I heard a little girl’s voice on the other end of the phone. I recognised her voice; it was Jessica, she is in Trixie’s class at school, and the daughter of my friends. “Hey sweetie, what’s the matter?” I signal for a pen and paper from the teacher. “Ok baby calm down and explain. Who’s in your house? “
“Some bad people, they hurt my daddy” she explain through her tears. Mrs Connie handed me the paper, I nodded to say thanks, I wrote down a telephone number, my full police ID, and the family address of the little girl on the phone.
“Ok baby, I need you to do me a favour; you need to hide, like in a closet or cabinet, just not under the bed sweetie, ok? Can you do that for me? But you have to be really quiet. Let’s see how quiet you can be ok sweetie, keep hold of the phone and then talk to me when you’re in your hiding spot ok”.  Still sobbing she agrees.
“Ok”. She whispered in reply.
I handed Mrs Connie my normal mobile out of my bag and the piece of paper I had just used.
“Call this number and just read what I wrote word for word please”. She nodded as she took the phone from me.  Chad was just sitting there in amazement. He wasnt quite sure what was happening or how to respond to it.
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