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Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1912838
A girl find herself in an uncomfortable situation when a guy finds her swimming at night.
Chapter 1

The house was dark and silent. It was just past 2 AM, and I was sure that everyone in my family was asleep. I opened my door as quietly as possible, tiptoed though the hall and down the stairs, grabbed a towel from the bathroom and slipped out the back door.

  Running down the walkway in my bare feet, I cringed as the gate of the fence around the pool creaked when I opened it. I flipped a switch on, watching as the water was illuminated by the soft glow of the underwater lights; the water looked so inviting.

  Setting my towel down on one of the lounge chairs, and glancing quickly around to assure myself that no one was watching, I started to undress, tossing my jeans and t-shirt onto the chair with the towel. I unhooked my bra and was about the take it off, but something told me to leave my underclothes on, so I reached back and re-hooked it.

  I walked down to the deep end of the in-ground pool. It was a warm night and I knew that the water was going to feel wonderful, so I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and dove smoothly into the water.

It was just the right temperature, and felt delicious on my skin. I had never swam in anything less than shorts and a t-shirt before, so to be able to glide through the water so easily was a new and freeing sensation. It would not see like a big thing to some people, but to me it was a new and exciting feeling. I felt a delicious sense of mischief, as no one but my best friend knew that I was out here, swimming almost naked in the middle of the night. Or so I thought.

I surfaced in the shallow end of the pool, and as I stood I reached up to brush the water from my eyes.

“I’d like to watch you undress more often,” a deep, very male voice said.

A shock went through my body and I froze, my hands over my face.

Oh no, who the hell is that?! I thought. ‘No one was supposed to see me, especially not a guy! And why does his voice sound so familiar? Dang,’ I groaned inwardly, ‘what am I going to do?’“Oh, God,” I said aloud.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” the voice said.

That voice, I knew that voice! It couldn’t be… I slowly brought my hands down from my face. There he was, sitting on the lounge chair with the towel and my clothes.

Damn, he sure knew how to put a girl in an uncomfortable situation.

“You,” I said. “What are you doing here?”

“Sightseeing,” he said, looking at me pointedly.

I just blinked, and then I had a thought.

“How did you know that I was going to be out here at 2 o’clock in the morning?”

He smirked. “A little birdie told me.”

I knew it! “Kinsey!” I growled. “I’m gonna kill her.”

I had told my best friend that I had always wanted to skinny dip, and that I had finally gotten up the nerve and was going to, late after everyone was asleep.

She also knew that I had a crush on her older brother, but I never dreamed that she would do anything this dirty to me; sending him out here when she knew what I was going to do. Lucky thing I had kept my underclothes on.

I glared up at him.

“Alright, you peeping Tom, you’ve had your little look-see, you can leave now.” I wiggled my fingers at him.


He just sat there, looking down at me with something in his eyes that made my heart turn over in my chest.

“I didn’t come here for just a ‘look-see’, as you put it.” He stood up and pulled his shirt off over his head, throwing it onto the chair with my clothes.

I pulled in a sharp breath, my heart pounding. What was that supposed to mean? He didn’t mean… if he thinks… Oh, hell no.

“This has gone far enough.” I waded through the waist deep water and climbed out, extremely aware that I was almost naked.

Apparently he was too, because I could feel his eyes on me as I steeled myself, resisting the urge to run and hide. I took a deep breath and walked over to the chair he was standing next to. I reached to pick up the towel, but suddenly it wasn’t there.

He held it behind his back, looking down at me with a barely suppressed grin and mischief in his brown eyes.

“Give it back,” I ordered. “I don’t like being almost naked when you can see me.”

“Why not?” He couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face. “I like it.”

His voice softened a little when he saw my face.

“What’s wrong? You’re not embarrassed, are you?”

I blushed.

“Well, yeah, a little. But that’s not the point. Give it back.” I held out my hand.

“Only if you kiss me,” his said, his eyes glinting.

“Absolutely not,” I said, turning my back on him. I heard the towel drop down on the chair and felt him come up behind me.

He slid his arms around my waist and his breath tickled as he whispered in my ear.

“You have a beautiful body.”

I sucked in a breath as he leaned down to kiss my neck. I could feel my resolve wavering as he placed several soft, intoxicating kisses down the side of my neck. How did he know what my body craved? I knew that I should pull away, make him stop, do something, but my body didn’t want to cooperate. He was not making this easy.

“Andrew,” I whispered, “please…”

“Please, what?” he asked softly, switching to the other side of my neck. His kisses were soft and gentle, never increasing their pressure, his breath on my neck causing an involuntary shiver to run down my spine.

“I’ve wanted to touch you for so long.” He ran his fingers lightly up and down my arms, causing gooseflesh all the way down my legs.

“I’ve had feelings for you ever since the first time Kinsey had you over,” he whispered in my ear.

“I don’t believe that,” I whispered back.

“Why not?” He pressed another kiss to my neck. “Just because I didn’t show it? You didn’t either. I was shocked when Kinsey told me that you liked me. You never even hinted. How Kinsey found out that I liked you too I’ll never know, but she told me the other day that you had a crush on me. And when she told me that you were planning on coming out here tonight, it seemed like a perfect opportunity.”

I’ll bet it did,’ I thought, ‘He probably overheard our conversation on the phone this afternoon. I can’t believe that Kinsey would actually do something like that to me, after all the things we’ve talked about, and I can imagine that he could have listened in when I talked to her earlier.  He just saw it as a perfect opportunity to ‘get some'.’

I broke away from him and grabbed the towel from the chair, wrapping it around my wet body.

I turned and looked straight into his eyes.

"I know how all you guys are," I said. "I've heard all the stories. You tell a girl that you love her, that you can't live without her, then you have your way with her. When you've had your fill, you drop her like a hot pototato and run to the next girl."

I pulled the towel tighter around me, trying to ignore the look on his face.

"Well, I'm not gonna be one of them. I have never been kissed, much less had sex, and I intend to keep it that way. So you can just go find another victim."

With that, I turned away, grabbed my clothes off the chair and ran to the house, not even glancing back, leaving him standing alone by the softly lit pool.

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