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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1912670
Fifth and final chapter of Moon Cry :))))
Sylfi woke to find Derik’s arm wrapped tightly about her waist. Her head was lying on his chest. She wasn’t startled by this. She lay perfectly still, so as not to wake him. “Awake already?” Derik’s voice surprised her.
She nodded, her black hair rippling like a pool of midnight. He sighed heavily as he held her tight. “I thought you were asleep.” She murmured sleepily.
He snickered. “I haven’t slept all night, beauty.”
Her eyes widened. “Then what have you been doing all night?”
He didn’t answer. There was no way to explain what he had been doing. No word to describe how he had been searching for her mother. Of course, he could tell her that. But then she would want to know how. And that would definitely not be easy to explain.
She frowned. “Fine then. Don’t answer. I’ll just sit here and think of all the dirty little things you could have been doing.”
He rolled his eyes despite the fact that she couldn’t see him. “And what would that be?”
“Think about it. I was laying here, asleep, in nothing but a skintight camisole and underwear. Plus, you’re in my room. Now, Derik, what could that be?”
Derik smiled to himself. “A number of things. I’d like to know what you were thinking of. Hmm, Sylfi, now what would that be?”
She frowned and exhaled loudly. She tried to sit up, but found that his arms were extremely tight. “Damn it.” She cursed under her breath.
He laughed softly as he kissed the top of her head. He kept her tight against him, not wanting to let her leave yet. “Sylfi.”
“What?” She gave an exasperated sigh.
He smiled to himself as his hand lightly stroked her hip. She shivered with desire. “I would like my answers, please. Either that or another kiss, perhaps more.” He whispered sensually in her ear.
She shivered again, as his hot breath blew over her neck. Swirling sensations of desire swept through her body like a hot wind, and she suddenly found herself wanting more. She didn’t let the desire fade away as she had before. No, this time she let it consume her as she felt his gentle touch.
“I think I’ll give you the kisses.”
Derik grinned. “Good.” He eased his grip just enough for her to turn around so that she was facing him.
She leaned in, erasing the distance between them. And then he couldn’t wait any more and he crushed his lips against hers. His hand clutched the back of her neck, wanting more. She moaned, desire sweeping through her again. She pressed her hands on either side of his chest. His arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her hips to his. He grunted softly and boldly caressed her inner thigh.
“Wow. I didn’t think that you two would actually get this far.” They jumped and Sylfi shoved herself off Derik.
Blane snickered from the window where he had entered the room. He smiled cheekily at Derik. Derik growled at him in warning. “Ass.”
Blane laughed at Derik’s anger. “Ass? Hah! I’ve heard better out of you. Sylfi’s ass is pretty cute though. And I love her lacy black panties.” Blane winked at her.
She grimaced and turned away, pulling the blanket about her. “Shut up, Blane. Why are you sneaking into my house anyway?”
Blane grinned from ear to ear.
“Cause I was hoping to catch a glimpse of your sexy ass.” He grinned.
Derik glared at him, a vein in his jaw showing how great the anger he was suppressing was. “What did you really want? And if you make one more comment on her ass, I swear you’ll be limping for a year.”
Mock horror masked Blane’s face. “Oh no! I wouldn’t want Derik mad at me! I guess I’ll tell his majesty why I’m actually here. Other than to admire his lovely princess, that is.” Blane winked at Sylfi.
Derik’s teeth clenched with a loud snap. “Get on with it.” He said tightly.
Blane flashed him an award winning smile. Sylfi laughed at him, despite Derik’s angry expression. Derik ground his teeth, and looked away from them. Blane sighed. “I’ve really pissed him off now. Well I’ll tell you what, Markus wants to know when his brother will be back?”
Derik’s anger instantly faded and a sad glint came into his eyes. Sylfi frowned and gently leaned into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her and absently stroked her hair. “Tell him that he should visit, and that I will come by tonight.”
Derik’s voice was soft and something told her that he was thinking deeply. She sighed and held his hand gently in her own. Her fingers traced invisible patterns on his skin that sent shivers down his spine.  A small twitch appeared in his jaw as he tried to suppress a smile. Blane noticed and grinned at him openly. “Thought I’d relay that to you. Well, I suppose I’ll go spread the good news, oh, and congratulations on discovering you’re an Inbetween. You really had me baffled.”
She looked at him, clearly surprised by the fact that he knew. “How-” “Did I know?” He interrupted her.
He winked. “Derik will explain it to you one day.” And with that he was gone.
Derik stared at the window for a moment. A frown creasing his brow. “Oh yea, Blane, go ahead and tell her I’ll give her piano lessons too.” He muttered sarcastically.
She looked at him in shock. “You can play piano?”
He sighed deeply and kissed the top of her head affectionately. “I’ll take that as a yes, and now you need to shut up.” She said settling back into his chest.
She yawned sleepily.
He rolled his eyes and pressed his cheek against the top of her head. “You’re a sweet little angel, you know that?” He whispered softly into her ear.
She wore a sleepy expression as she stared absently out the window. He kissed her again and brushed the hair from her face. ‘An Inbetween. A child born of light and dark. Able to wield the startling powers of both so immensely if they learn to control it, they could control the world.’ He brooded what the official who had killed her mother and father had said. They had killed them without hesitation.
After all, they had broken such an ancient and important law. He sighed and looked down at her now sleeping form lying on his chest. She was snoring slightly, so lightly that it didn’t even sound like a snore. He smiled to himself. I highly doubt such a peaceful and small girl could control the world. He looked at her fondly and brushed her hair behind her ears.
He heard the sound of the doorknob being turned and tensed. Markus stuck his head in the doorway. “Derik? Are you in there? It smells like him.” He  said unsurely.
“I’m here. Hush now, Sylfi’s asleep.”
Derik said affectionately. The blind boy came in and stood in the open doorway. He had a puzzled expression on his face. “What’s the matter, Markus?”
His face flushed slightly. “You two weren’t. . . You didn’t. . .” He trailed off purposely.
Derik laughed under his breath. “No, Markus. I haven’t bedded her yet. And I don’t intend to for a while. Although I must admit, as I always do to you, that I almost did.”
Markus smiled slightly. “I figured that you might have only because Blane was talking about how he found you two. He even described her underwear.” Markus’s cheeks colored.
Derik sighed. “Should I go kick his ass now or later?”
Markus laughed, the sound light and pleasant to the ears. “If it were my girl, I’d kick his ass for interrupting.” He smiled openly at Derik.
He nodded. “I think I might go and have a talk with him. I don’t like the way he was looking at her. But of course, there’s just one teensy tiny little problem. Her. She’s asleep on my chest, Markus. If I could get you to hold her for me while I go beat some sense into Blane, I’d be happy to explain what happened last night.”
Markus nodded. “That would be fine. So long as she doesn’t think I’m you. I wouldn’t want to make you angry with me by kissing her. Though I will admit, it is a pleasant thought.” Markus colored deeply now.
Derik smiled kindly. “Just so long as it doesn’t turn into a long term thing. Then it would be okay. Just once, mind you.” Derik winked at him.
Markus smiled. “Alright! That sounds like fun!” He said sarcastically.
Derik laughed and gently lifted her off of himself. Markus carefully picked his way across the floor to the bed and Derik placed Sylfi’s limp body into his arms as he sat down. Markus quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and oddly enough she adjusted herself on him in her sleep. Derik snickered. “She likes you already. Don’t go stealing my babey.” He teased.
And with that Derik was gone. Markus idly stroked her soft hair. Is it brown or is it blonde? Perhaps its red or black? He sighed. To see again. What I wouldn’t give. She made a soft sound that only Markus’s sharp ears could hear. It was more than a sound. It was words.
Is she sleep talking? Sure enough she was. “Derik! No. No! Don’t hurt him! Please!”
Markus was surprised, by the emotion in her voice. She’s having a nightmare. He realized suddenly. “I’ll do anything! Don’t hurt him please! I promise you! Anything!” Her soft voice rang in his ears.
Markus frowned. She seemed to be talking to someone. Begging them to leave Derik alone. But how could that be possible when he was the only one in the room? His ears heard only her voice, and no other. There was no one else in the room. And he was sure of it.
Could it be just a nightmare? He wondered to himself. “Is she still asleep?” Derik’s voice startled him.
Markus looked to where Derik’s voice had come from. “Yea. She was talking in her sleep, oddly enough.”
Derik suddenly began to walk across the room. “Why don’t you go home, Markus? Sylfi could use a break from all the drama. And I think you could use some time in charge. There are things I have to take care of. By myself. Go home, okay?”
Markus nodded, slipped from under Sylfi and quietly left.
Derik took her sleeping body up into his arms. He lovingly kissed her cheek. “Wake up, Syl.”
Her red eyes fluttered open sleepily. “Derik?” She bolted upright and looked at him anxiously. “Derik? You’re okay!” She squeezed him in a tight hug.
Tears began to stream down her cheeks. “He said he was going to kill you! He said that you didn’t care about me, that you were holding me back. He told me that he was going to kill you if I didn’t go with him! But it was all a dream.”
Her voice cracked with emotion. “Just a dream.”
Derik grabbed her shoulders and gently held her an arms length away. “This is important, Sylfi. Who? Who told you that, and where were you?”
She looked confused and then realization flickered across her face and turned into horror. “You can’t mean that it was real, can you?”
Derik let her go and looked away. “Answer me.”
She shuddered. “He said his name was Coraelus. And we were in a bedroom of sorts. Sitting at a table. He. . . He had eyes like mine.” She whispered.
Derik’s hands clenched into fists at the name. “Coraelus is a powerful being. He is the only hybrid that has ever been allowed to live. He’s the most feared Slayer there is. He kills mercilessly, and is known to torture his victims horrendously before gruesomely killing them.” Derik’s voice was hard as he tried to keep the emotion from his voice.
Sylfi shuddered at the thought that she might be one of his victims. “Do you think they sent him after me?”
Derik’s dark chuckle was humorless. “I know they did. Of course, they probably said that he could deal with you as he liked. Which means, that possibly, we can strike a deal with him.”
She frowned. “A deal?”
He nodded. “Yes. Though what we could possibly make a deal of, I don’t know.”
“I have a very good idea of a deal that you can make me.” The cold voice of the man from Sylfi’s dream cut through the air.
Derik sprang up, and angrily whirled around to face the dangerously beautiful man standing in the window frame. His black shoulder length hair was slightly curled at the tips and exaggerated his blood red eyes. Two sharp fangs protruded from his mouth as he smiled at them. “Coraelus.” Derik growled going into a crouch.
“Wolf.” Coraelus nodded, and then he looked at Sylfi and his smile grew. “Sylfi, my dearest. How are you? You look a little pale. Are you ill?”
Derik growled threateningly as Coraelus began to move towards her. Coraelus looked at him disdainfully. “Would you like to speed your death?”
His voice sent shivers down Sylfi’s spine.
“Derik, please.” She begged, hoping that he could hear her silent pleas for him to back down.
Coraelus suddenly laughed. “Ah. How sweet. You should listen to her pleading thoughts, Derik.” He sneered.
At this Derik growled again. “Run Sylfi. No matter what you hear or see, run.” He commanded her without looking away from Coraelus.
Sylfi’s eyes widened. “I am not going to leave you!”
Coraelus smiled evilly. “What a brave little beauty you are. I suppose I should let you watch as I tear him apart. Or would you rather we settle this with a deal?”
Derik snarled. “Name it!”
Sylfi cowered against the bed as Coraelus glanced her way. “I wish for Sylfi’s hand in marriage so that she belongs to me.”
Derik’s hands gouged long gashes in the floor as he clenched his fists in anger. Sylfi nearly screamed, but knew that was bound to push Derik over the edge. Coraelus smiled at her, hunger in his blood colored eyes. “If you don’t agree to it, then I shall simply slay you and take what I want.” He was looking at Derik now, red eyes narrowed.
“Deal.” Sylfi’s voice rang loud and clear throughout the room.
Derik’s eyes widened in clear surprise. “No!” He growled.
Coraelus laughed gleefully. “I knew you’d see things my way.” He turned his attention to Derik. “Yes. She cannot go back on her word. She belongs to me now.” He crooked a pale finger in her direction. “Come here, my sweet.”
She gulped, and walked to him, a blanket wrapped around her. He smiled at her small form beside him. Derik found himself unable to move as Coraelus wrapped his pale arms around Sylfi. He pulled her close, so that all along the length of their bodies was pressed together. The blanket fell, and a smirk appeared on Coraelus’s face.
Derik pushed with every ounce of energy he had against the invisible force holding him in place. “No!”
Coraelus laughed as his hand twitched slightly, and the energy was ripped from Derik’s body. Derik blinked as the world became hazy, and his eyelids drooped before closing as he slumped to the floor.
“Derik!” Sylfi screamed, and tried to break away from Coraelus’s strong grip.
“Uh, uh, uh. You aren’t going anywhere, my pet.”
Coraelus held her tight, her resistance was futile. “No. Oh god, no.” Sylfi cried letting herself fall into his arms.
He stroked her long, midnight colored hair comfortingly. “Shh. Your little wolf is fine. He’s just going to be asleep for a while.”
Sylfi’s shoulders shook as she continued to cry. “H-how long? How long will he be asleep?” She stuttered
He smiled, and it was cruel. “For as long as I wish. But if you please me, I’ll consider awakening him sooner than I had planned.”
She frowned, tears rolling down her cheeks. Do I dare ask how long he had planned to keep Derik like that? Coraelus laughed, startling her out of her thoughts so that she looked up at him in surprise. “You would not like to know how long I intend to keep the mutt like that. Though that can be changed if you allow me to bed you.” He said it matter-of-factly.
Her eyes widened and her tears instantly stopped. “To what?”
“To bed you, to screw, fuck, make-love to you. And I would very much like to do all those things.” His smile showed his sharp fangs in a way that made her groin tighten with want.
She looked at Derik’s body hopefully.
“And if I let you, you’ll wake him up?” She asked shakily.
He laughed. “My dear, I want you to participate, not to let me. But, yes, I will.”
She shivered as she realized what he meant. If it means Derik will be okay, then I don’t care. She thought as she tilted her head back, letting him kiss her, his fangs grazing her skin. She sighed with delight, and then reprimanded herself for enjoying it when Derik was laying there on the floor. He laughed. “Oh, don’t be shy. He’s fine, and trust me the last thing I want is for you to be worried about his feelings. You should be worried about mine, if you care for his health at all, that is.”
She nodded severely, suddenly not wanting to aggravate him. He smiled, and once again, her insides coiled with a strong desire she had never felt before. She wanted to kiss him, to just kiss him over and over. She became aware of the fact that she wanted him to lay her down, and bed her. She realized that she wanted that more than ever.
He chuckled darkly. “Really now? You finally want to give in to the ecstasy I have to offer?”
Something about the way he said it made her body scream for fulfillment.
“Yes.” She said huskily.
His lips quirked, and he drew her tight against him. A state of languor settled over her as his lips brushed over hers again, his fangs a sharp prick on her skin. A moan escaped her, and, no longer caring, she continued to kiss him. “Rael.” She murmured his name.
He arched a brow and drew back briefly, “You know my chosen name? You really are powerful for one so young, to of heard me whisper it to your thoughts.”
And then he was kissing her again. His lips moving in insatiable patterns against hers. Hunger rose up in him, and without restraint, lightly cut into her lower lip. Blood flowed from the wound into his mouth, hot and sweet. He placed his hands on her ass and picked her up. She instinctually wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms encircled his neck.
“More?” She asked as the flow of blood began to lessen.
The sweet taste was better than any he had ever tasted before. “More.” He growled, his lips moving to her smooth, pale neck.
She moaned softly and her fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck, sending shivers down his spine. His tongue crept across her skin
-making her hair stand on end with desire. She inhaled sharply, and straightened her neck. His fangs lightly scraped her skin, awaiting her approval. “Take it.” She moaned, breathing heavily against his ear.
His fangs pierced her skin with ease, and she caught her breath in ecstasy. He could feel her energy, young and wild flowing into him as he greedily sucked on her skin. Energy flowed through her veins, coursing in time with his heart. Her blood was made of an electric fire, burning sensual paths through her body.
He felt the immense amount of energy hidden inside her, and his mouth fastened tighter about her neck. He continued to indulge himself with her sweetness as he glided to the bed. He laid her down and assumed his position over her.
As he finally broke away from her a fierce hate for the clothes on her body overwhelmed him. He quickly tore them from her body, and gazed intently down at her unblemished skin. He laughed softly as a realization came to him. “You’re a virgin! How wonderful this shall be.” He said as he hungrily cleaved into her.
Her eyes closed as she was swept up by a rush of feelings.
* * * *
Sylfi awoke to find herself nestled in Rael’s arms. Her head rested on his muscled chest, and one leg was settled between both of his. His hand idly stroked the smooth flesh of her bare hip. “Good morning, my lovely.” He whispered into her ear.
She yawned sleepily, and stretched against him. “Good morning.” She murmured, her voice thick with sleep.
He kissed the top of her head. “You have completed your end of the bargain, and now as have I.”
There was an anguished groan from the corner of the room, and she bolted upright. “Derik!” She had forgotten all about him.
He rose to his feet shakily and looked at her, confused. And then everything became clear and he understood what had happened. Coraelus’s arm was still wrapped around her waist, keeping her from going to Derik’s side. Derik regarded their two naked forms with tight eyes.
Without a word he turned on his heel and headed for the door. “Derik! Please, no, it’s not what it looks like!” Sylfi cried as she lunged towards him, in hope of breaking free of Rael’s arms.
Derik stopped, his back to her.
“Oh, really? And that’s why the air is filled with the scent of your lovemaking?” His voice was hard, and cold so cold.
“I made her a bargain, wolf. If she allowed me to bed her, I would awaken you and set you free. Otherwise, I had planned to let you lie in an eternal slumber.” Coraelus relaxed, and released her, laying back.
She instantly stood, wrapping a blanket around her. She placed a hand tentatively on his shoulder. His muscles tensed, but he did not turn. “I would rather she let me sleep.” He said angrily.
She gasped and tears began to roll down her cheeks. Her hand slipped from his shoulder as she fell to her knees with a silent sob. She buried her face in her hands, and let the unshed tears fall.
Coraelus cursed. “See now what you’ve done?! Why must you be so petty and selfish?”
Derik whirled around and glared at him. “You took her virginity! You cheated the innocence from her! You’ve forced her to become yours! And all because of me.”
Sylfi’s black hair created a veil around her face, and Derik wanted nothing more than to lift it, and kiss away her tears.
Coraelus nodded.
“Yes. Kiss away her tears. Enjoy  the time you have left. New Years eve we shall be married. And I shall no longer tolerate your longing looks and feeble kisses.” He said as he stood.
He gathered his clothes and, with a wave, vanished so quickly out the window that a mortal eye would not have seen him. Derik crouched beside her and placed a gentle hand under her chin. He lifted her face as her hands fell, and her hair parted. “Why?” He looked into her blood colored eyes. “Why would you do this for me? Why would you give up everything, and become his puppet for me?”
She closed her eyes and took a deep shaky breath. “Because I love you.”
Derik wheeled back sharply as if he had been stung. “No. No, don’t give everything for me. No. I’ll never let him touch you again. Even if it kills me. Never again.” He stood and looked at the window.
His hands were clenched into fists and his knuckles were white. “Never again.” He whispered, walking to the window.
Sylfi’s eyes widened as she realized what he meant. She stood quickly, forgetting her nakedness, and grabbed his arm.
He looked at her and found himself staring at her pale, unclothed body. She made his heart beat rapidly. The smooth curve of her hips, the roundness of her breasts, the lusciousness of her kiss reddened lips. He felt desire spark within him, and his anger was washed away.
He wanted her, he wanted her and that was all he knew. Is it wrong to want her? Is it wrong to want such a beautifully innocent woman as this? Even if she just made love to the person you hate most in this world? Even if she just woke up in his arms? And with that final thought he became sober, and looked away.
“Put some clothes on, Syl.” He forced his voice hard.
Her lips quivered, threatening more tears as she pulled on some clothes. He sat down at the end of her bed, and watched her brush her sex-knotted hair. The idea of her in Coraelus’s arms made him want to wretch. He wanted her to be his, and no one else’s.
He wanted to be the one holding her against his chest. He wanted to make love to her like he had never wanted anything before. She put down the brush and sat beside him. “I’m sorry.” Her voice was a hollow whisper.
He nodded. “As am I.”
She gave him a sideways look. “What are you sorry for?”
His reply was stiff. “Making you cry.”
She looked down at her clasped hands resting in her lap. “I did it for you. He was going to leave you like that, or worse, kill you. I couldn’t bear the thought of that loss. Ever. And it would be my fault.”
He closed his eyes and she heard his teeth close with an audible snap! She frowned. She had just told him that and he had done that? She folded her arms across her chest and glared at his silent form. “You’re an ass.” She hissed angrily.
A muscle twitching in his jaw was the only sign that he had heard her. She was suddenly pinned beneath him on the bed. Her eyes widened in fear. His own bright yellow eyes glared down at her accusingly. Her body trembled under his gaze.
“I’m an ass, huh?” He bent down and crushed his lips to hers.
She was sure that he was bruising her, but it felt good. She felt her heart hammering in her chest as he pulled away. “Am I still an ass?” He asked smirking, the smug smile made her want to pull him back down.
She licked her tender lips, wanting more and feeling drunken. “No.” She said with a catty smile, and wrapped her arms around his neck.
He smiled and winked quickly pulling away. She whimpered and sat up. He was all the way by the window. “Derik?” She slowly padded towards him.
He smiled at her confused expression. She looked at him as he leaned against the wall the way she had seen the ‘popular’ boys do it at school. She quirked her lips and leaned against him. He folded her into his arms. “Sylfi?” He whispered in a mock tone.
She rolled her eyes. “You’re officially an ass again.”
He snickered and rested his chin on the top of her head. “You enjoyed our kisses, did you not?” He asked softly.
She sighed. “Yea, but you stopped. And that’s why you’re an ass.”
He smiled to himself and kissed the top of her head. “Too bad, so sad.” He chuckled.
She rolled her eyes. “I could get you to kiss me again.” She said hotly.
He laughed so hard he nearly squeezed all the air from her lungs. She glowered at the floor. “You really think you could?” He asked after he had
-managed to stop his laughter.
She took a deep steadying breath. “Yes, I do.”
“Hmm.” He thoughtfully traced the lines of her collarbone.
The light touch of his fingers on her skin caused her body to tremble with desire. “What is it?” She asked closing her eyes and letting her weight press against him.
He let his index finger fall in the hollow of her collarbone. She inhaled sharply as his fingers rose to the sore area of Rael’s bite. She shuddered as his fingertips brushed the wound and a strange, heady desire filled her. “That.” He said, fingers still tracing it’s edges.
Her head tilted to the side and she let out a low moan. She wanted him. Wanted him so much that it was all she knew. Such an aching desire. “He’s left you so vulnerable.” Derik whispered bitterly.
She giggled drunkenly. “He who?”
Derik swore colorfully as he realized the extremities of what his touch had done. If I can do this to her, what can a vampire do? He thought, suddenly wary of letting her out of his sight. He removed his hand from her neck, and let both arms fall to his  sides.
She opened her eyes and turned to him. Her eyes were half-closed and dreamy. “You wanna go have some fun?” She asked huskily, pressing herself against him.
I’m screwed. Her nimble fingers began quickly unbuttoning her button up shirt. He swallowed as the tops of her pale breasts nestled in the cups of her bra became visible. So, so screwed. He thought as his pants grew tight. She looked up at him with those big puppy eyes, practically begging him to screw her. “Sylfi.” He warned as she unfastened her bra and he closed his eyes moments before he heard it hit the floor.
He heard the zip of her zipper coming undone. Aw, shit. And then her hands were on him. He was surprised when she pressed her lips to his. It certainly didn’t help. It only made his desire grow.
He tried to steel himself against her touch, but found it nearly impossible. “Kiss me.” She plead softly, rubbing against him.
He groaned. “Sylfi, stop. I can’t handle this. I have to find a way to undo the deal you made.” His voice was hoarse with unfulfilled desire.
  Sylfi frowned, as she slowly ran a hand through his hair.
“Why? Why can’t we just make love now? I want you, isn’t that enough?” She asked sleepily.
Derik frowned as he realized the bite was still in effect. It was muffling her common sense and heightening the need for sexual intercourse. He was going to have to be mean. “I am not copulating with you, Syl!” He made himself growl angrily, his eyes flashed as he opened them.
She shrank back, fear in the pool of her eyes. She bent her head like a rejected puppy. He did his best to hold his ground as he took in her naked form. She awkwardly covered what she could of her body with her arms and hands.
She looked down at her feet. Staring in a daze at the clothes she had taken off. He sighed as she closed her eyes. “I’m sorry.” She whispered. “It overwhelmed me. Please, don’t be mad at me.”
Derik shook his head. “I was never mad at you. Only afraid for what might happen.”
She nodded, and opened her eyes. They stared into one another’s eyes, unable to pull themselves away. Until finally, she managed to look at the window. “I’m so sorry.”
He placed a soothing hand on her shoulder. “You don’t need to be.”
“What has he done to me?” Her voice quivered with emotion.
Derik’s grip tightened, and then he let go of her shoulder.  “Something I’m afraid I cant undo.”
She sighed, and began pulling her clothes back on. He forced himself to look away, and focused instead on the open window. “You were driven by what he’s put in your blood. You couldn’t control that much-” He trailed off unsure of the word that would fit.
She ignored it, and hurriedly dressed. “So you don’t know if we can fix this?” Her voice was no longer filled with emotion but she turned her face away from him.
Derik didn’t answer immediately, rather he took a moment to scent the air. The emotions that filled the air was the thickness of sorrow and the sharp scent of fear. He too looked away from her, “I don’t know.” There was nothing else he knew to say.
She took a shuddering breath, her whole body jerking. “Well then. . .” She trailed off quietly.
“Yea. But I can still try. So don’t you dare give up yet.”
She looked at him, cheeks streaked with tears. “Not yet.”
© Copyright 2013 britny8987 (britny8987 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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