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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1912669
Fourth Chapter to Moon Cry :)))
Chapter Four
The Plain Jane Truth
Strong, muscled arms wrapped around her waist. She didn’t dare open her eyes. Her body was flipped around, and she felt the heat of his chest. ‘What is he? And why is he saving me?’
And then it was over. The air no longer breezed over her, her heart no longer beat so loud. The earth seemed to be still. She hadn’t even felt the ground. With a deep breath, and a quick bracing of her mind she opened her eyes.
She was in Derik’s arms. Her  eyes widened as she stared up at him. He frowned down at her. “I know I scared you, but damn! Did you have to try to commit suicide?” His expression was serious.
A million things came to her mind, but all she could force her dry lips and vocals to say was, “What are you?”
He sighed. He drew her tighter to his chest. “A lycanthrope.” He said quietly.
She gasped. “Y-You mean a werewolf?” She asked in disbelief.
He clenched his dagger-like teeth and nodded. She stared at him. Pictures flowed through her head of half man half wolf creatures. She remembered things she had read about them. They were creatures normally despised by humans and hated for their hunger of human flesh.
“I’m not like that Sylfi. I’m not a monster. Please don’t confuse me with those things that you see in your head and in books. Please. I won’t hurt you. You can leave if you want. You’ll never have to come back.” His  voice was choked with emotion.
He set her down on her feet, and stepped away from her. She stared at him in fear. “Then what are you? Do you turn into some half wolf half man-”
“-thing?” She asked warily.
He chuckled darkly. “Of course not. I look like a huge fluffy dog.” He growled trying to lighten the mood.
Sylfi smiled faintly. “Really? I like huge fluffy puppies.” She joked.
His eyes widened. “I am not a puppy! I’m the alpha.” He grumbled.
Sylfi laughed at that. “You?! That’s hilarious! You have got to be kidding me!” She laughed hysterically.
He sighed and rubbed his temples. “Sylfi. I’m serious about this.”
She stood up straight. “Then prove it.” She challenged him with a growl.
Amazed “Ooh’s” came from the crowd of boys that had gathered around them. All of the pack was there. Watching interestedly. They had all wondered when she would find out. And now the truth was unraveling before her very eyes.
Derik frowned, and dark creases marred his forehead. “Sylfi, you have no idea what you’re getting into.” He spoke softly.
Sylfi frowned back. She folded her arms across her chest and squared her shoulders. “And this affects me how?” Derik groaned at her remark.
“I could end up hurting you, Sylfi. And I really don’t want to do that. I would never forgive myself.” He said through clenched teeth.
She seemed to be completely unaffected by this, but beneath her calm resolve, she was a trembling wreck. She licked her lips to soothe herself. “Try me.” She half growled courageously.
He sighed. The boys stared in shock. Blane laughed to himself. “What the hell are you laughing at?!” Derik snapped at him.
“Oh, nothing. Just think of what she said for a minute.” He grinned unaffected by Derik’s harsh tone.
Sylfi thought about her words and frowned. Sudden bursts of laughter erupted from all the boys. “I bet you would like to try her wouldn’t you Derik?” They laughed.
The shadow of what might have been a smile appeared on Derik’s face. “Really? You boys really are childish.” He shook his head.
Sylfi groaned. “That was not what I meant and all of you know it.”
Derik laughed now. “Are you sure?”
Everyone laughed, including Sylfi. The boys slapped each other on the back and silently thanked Blane for lightening the heavy mood.
Sylfi walked over to Derik. All the laughter died in her eyes as she looked at him. “Are you serious about the wolf thing?”
He ground his teeth. “Yes.”
She frowned. “I don’t believe you.”
He nodded. “Fine. Lets leave it at that.” He turned to the boys. “Now, who wants to go swimming?” He smiled.
‘Thank god that’s over. Hopefully we can keep it this way.’ He thought as he took her hand and they traveled through the woods.
He lead them all the way there with Sylfi tight at his side. The sound of running water greeted his ears. Sylfi stopped and Derik watched as she cocked her head to the side. She closed her eyes and listened deeply. There. She could hear the falling water clear as day now. “A waterfall?” She asked curiously. “Yes.” He answered.
Derik grinned. ‘So she does have more acute senses than average. Especially considering the fall is more than eighty yards away.’
The boys began to run towards the sound. Derik felt the urge to run with them, but this was his chance to kiss her again. “Sylfi.”
She looked at him. The desire in his eyes so clearly mirrored in hers it shocked him.
He smiled and ran his finger down her smooth cheek. She marveled at the heat his skin produced. He leaned down and gently pressed his lips against hers. He pushed his tongue into her mouth. The salty sweet tang of her saliva made his heart go into a crazy flutter.
“You look like you’re trying to lick her lungs.”
Blane’s voice startled them and they both pulled away from each other so quickly that Sylfi almost fell backwards. “I mean, could your tongue be any farther down her throat?” Blane asked.
Derik glared at him with such an intensity that Blane actually took a step back. “Blane.” He warned.
Blane rolled his eyes and jogged up to the other guys. Derik and Sylfi looked at each other. Sylfi blushed deeply and gave him a slim smile. “We need to catch up.” She said, clearly embarrassed.
Derik nodded sullenly. Sylfi sighed and followed him through the woods. It wasn’t long before they were standing just outside of the little clearing where the water was. Derik made her stop and cover her eyes for a dramatic effect.
Then, holding her hand, he led her to the waters edge. “Oh!” She exclaimed as she felt cold water wash over her feet.
Derik took her into even deeper water, so that it came to her knees. “Derik! I don’t have my bathing suit on!” She gasped, feeling him tug her into even deeper water.
Derik laughed, as did the boys. “Would you like to put it on in the bushes?” He asked.
“Maybe if I could see the bushes. I’m certainly not going to let you lead me through that process.” She smiled wryly.
A chorus of laughter rang out from the boys. Derik uncovered her eyes. She looked in awe at her surroundings. She was standing at the base of a waterfall, its water fell in beautiful sprays that turned white before they fell to the bottom.
The water was so clear that she could see the grains of sand beneath her with very little effort. And she could see fish swimming in little schools deeper in. The way the sun’s rays reflected off the falling water made it look like a rainbow was sliding down.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Derik asked leaning into her shoulder.
“Yeah.” She whispered.
The other boys stared at the two uncertainly. They had never seen Derik like this. For so many years they had avoided other people.
No one had ever been able to find them. Always hidden and with each other, they had forgotten how to interact with others.
Derik noticed them, and stood straight. He pulled Sylfi’s bikini from his pants pocket, and handed it to her. He pointed to the bushes he had mentioned earlier and watched as she walked off. When she had disappeared behind them, he motioned the guys closer.
“Listen, I know you are all so uncertain of her. But you guys saw how she reacted to me. That’s not natural. This girl is different. She has to be-” He stopped short as she reappeared.
Everyone smiled innocently at her. Derik walked over and took her hand. He smiled at the smooth texture of her hand. “Want to go swimming?” He asked as if he hadn’t even been talking about her.
She smiled at him and nodded. She hadn’t even heard them. ‘Good.’ He thought. All the guys splashed into the water. They noticed that Derik and Sylfi were just standing there, staring at each other. “Hey, Derik! You gonna strip and come swim or not?” Blane asked him.
Sylfi’s delicate brows disappeared into her hair. “Strip?” She asked incredulously.
Derik chuckled darkly. “Don’t worry I’ll be wearing my underwear. I’m not nearly brazen enough to be naked in front of you.”
She let out a long sigh of relief. “Well, while you do that, I’ll go ahead and get used to the water.” She released his hand and walked to the waters edge.
The guys laughed, and waved her in. “Come on, girl! The waters every bit as cold as Derik’s-”
“Blane!!!” Derik cut him off.
Blane rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath. Sylfi giggled and walked about waist deep into the water. She took a deep breath and then dived in.
* * * *
Sylfi laid down in her bed. Derik was in the guest room. ‘Why did he insist on staying the night?’ She asked silently. ‘Probably thinks he’s going to get lucky.’ She mused.
Derik sat on the bed. He frowned at the memory of the night before. ‘Tonight I’ll pay more attention. Even if it means staying up all night.’ He sighed. He peeked out at Sylfi’s door to find that her light had been turned off. Slight snores came from within her room.
Derik smiled and laid down in the bed. Within a few minutes sleep overcame him.
* * * *
Sylfi’s eyes slowly opened. Gleaming black eyes stared at her from the window. She stared at the shadowy figure in shock. Fear struck through her as he glided towards her. “Sylfi.” A voice like velvet whispered.
“Wh-who are you?” She asked  hoarsely.
The dark figure sat beside her on the large bed. A deep chuckle came from him, as she scooted away, afraid. “You’re most perfect nightmare.” His velvety voice wrapped itself around her.
“What do you want?” She drew the blanket closer to her shivering body.
A small smile pulled at his lips. “Cold, my dear? Or simply afraid?” He asked, avoiding the question.
She shook her head, but her face paled and he could hear her heartbeat intensify. He chuckled again, the sound deep and low. She couldn’t restrain a shiver. “You should be afraid. You should be very, very afraid.” He smiled at her two pointed canines gleaming at her in the dark.
Her eyes widened as she studied him.
His short blond hair fit with his light skin.
His large black eyes seemed to be extremely dilated, there was no white to his eyes. She shivered as she stared into them. His full lips were rosy compared to his pale skin. His canines were at least half an inch long. They could easily pierce my skin. The thought made her shudder.
“Are you scared yet?” His smile was still there.
Those gleaming fangs made her heart race. He grinned deviously. “If you’re not, I can easily help you to become scared.” His tongue ran across the tips of his razor sharp fangs suggestively.
Her red eyes became wide with fear and she shrank back against the headboard of her bed. He laughed and leaned towards her. His black eyes smoldering. His pale hand went up to stroke her cheek. “Get away from her!” Derik’s voice froze his hand.
Derik had appeared in the doorway. His bright yellow eyes glared at the vampire on Sylfi’s bed. “I’ll kill you if you touch her.” He growled menacingly.
The vampire laughed. “She is an Inbetween. She doesn’t belong to you.”
“I have every right to claim her. After all, wolf,”
He sneered,
“I’ve been watching her since she was conceived. She is mine.” His pure black eyes icy.
Derik clenched his fists angrily. “She is not an Inbetween!” He roared.
The vampire laughed. “Oh but she is. And you know it. You saw her parents. You watched them die. They created something so forbidden it created the rivalry between our kind. They created her.”
Derik shook his head, and took a step forward. Anger written clearly on his face. “No. Sylfi is not that. No!” He was warring with himself.
The vampire shook his head. “Oh, poor boy. You know the truth. That’s why you alone were summoned to court to verify what they already knew. She is special, Derik. She is the bridge between werewolf and vampire. She is the only Inbetween to be created in eight hundred years.”
Derik growled and shook his head again. ‘No.’ He mouthed. The vampire sighed and stood up. “Think on what I have said. When you’re ready to hand her over without argument, come see me. You’ll know where I am.” With that he was gone.
Derik shook his head, and sat beside her.
“It can’t be true. It can’t. Inbetweens don’t exist. They were cold-blooded killers. You cant be one. No. Its impossible.”
Derik held his head in his hand.
Sylfi watched uncertainly as a tear slid down her cheek. My parents are dead? Derik was there? They created an Inbetween? What is that? They’re dead? Are they really gone? “Derik?” She asked confusion and sadness causing her voice to waver.
He looked back at her, sadly. “I don’t know Syl. I don’t know. It makes sense but that means that a Slayer will be sent to kill you. A fucking Slayer, Sylfi!” Tears began to roll down his tan cheeks.
Sylfi shuddered. “What’s a Slayer, and what the hell is an Inbetween?”
He licked his lips and wiped the tears from his face. “A Slayer is a highly trained vampire or werewolf that can kill either in a matter of seconds. An Inbetween is the offspring between a werewolf and a vampire. Your father was a vampire, Sylfi. And your mother a werewolf. She was part of my pack.” He choked back a sob.
“I never knew that they had actually had a child. She never told me. I only made the connection when I was called for the trial.”
Sylfi blinked. The information swirled through her mind like a hurricane, tearing apart everything she knew about herself.
She shook as tears began to slide down her cheeks. Derik frowned at her tears. He cradled her in his arms. She cried, and cried, and cried. Her camisole was drenched with tears, and her throat was sore.
Eventually she cried herself to sleep in his arms. He held her tight, allowing himself to face the truth of what she was. He wiped the tears from her closed eyes and softly brushed her hair behind her ears.
An Inbetween. I never thought that it was a possibility. Not once. And if a Slayer is sent? I don’t have a chance at protecting her. He’ll kill her without mercy. He’d probably enjoy it. But what if I could convince them that she is an innocent? Then she’d be safe.
He took a deep breath. All of this had happened far too fast and he knew it. But there was nothing he could do. Nothing he could tell her to make her feel better. No way to ensure that things were going to be okay. Absolutely nothing. He set her down on his bed, and crept out the window, and into the silent night.
In the cloak of darkness, he made his way to the woods. There he let his true self free, tilted back his muzzle and howled to the full moon.
© Copyright 2013 britny8987 (britny8987 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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