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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1912666
Third chapter to Moon Cry :))
Sylfi walked beside him as they traveled through the misty forest. ‘She’s so interesting. The way she reacts to stuff is definitely not normal’ He thought as they dodged trees, and tree limbs. ‘The boys keep asking questions that I just don’t have the answers to. Maybe if we made her feel more comfortable, she’d answer their questions?’ He bit his lip. It was worth a try. ‘Why wouldn’t she admit that we had had an-’
‘-awesome kiss?’ He thought bitterly. ‘It makes no sense! I thought it felt so good, and yet she claims she didn’t think it was that good?’ He growled to himself.
He put up his hand to halt her. He had heard a low sound. He didn’t recognize it, so it was only best to keep quiet for a minute.
Blane rose up from the shadows of an old oak. He ignored Derik’s staring, and headed for Sylfi. Derik didn’t move a muscle as Blane went up to her. “Sorry, about yesterday and last night. Please disregard everything that I said.” He said, his face a knot of emotion.
Her brows knit together in confusion, but she smiled. “Thank you, and I’m sorry too. Please forgive me?” She asked sweetly.
Blane couldn’t help but laugh. “But of course.”
Derik rolled his eyes. “Are you done yet? Where are the others?” He asked impatiently.
Blane sighed. “They’re waiting on you. We kind  of guessed where you had gone.” He glared at Derik.
Sylfi perked up at the mention of the other guys. “Derik, wasn’t there a guy you didn’t introduce me to?” She asked remembering the boy in line behind Blane.
Derik thought for a moment then nodded.
“His name is Jak. He doesn’t really have much when it comes to brains, but he’s tough.” He said, leading her towards the cabin.
They walked further into the meadow. The flowers were so lush that they came up to their knees. Sylfi marveled at their beauty. Both boys watched her intently. “You like gardening?” Blane looked at her questioningly.
“Yeah.” She nodded. “I used to grow various plants in the windowsills of the guest rooms at home.”
“Why did you stop?” Derik cocked his head at her.
She half-smiled. “My parents started complaining about their missing flower pots.” She blushed.
Derik and Blane burst into laughter. They arrived at the steps to the rather large cabin. It’s wooden walls gently creaking with inside movement. Faint male voices echoed from inside.
Suddenly a face appeared in the nearest window. Blue eyes almost hidden by brown hair stared at her. “Hey guys! They’re home! And they brought the babe!” David yelled.
Derik rolled his eyes in irritation. Blane laughed. Sylfi smiled to herself. More faces appeared at the window. Markus, Dalton, and Matt joined David at the window almost directly after he spoke. They crowded each other for a view.
They pushed and shoved to see the three outside. “Stop crowding me!” David laughed shoving Dalton, and Markus off him.
Sylfi and Blane laughed at the hilarious sight. Derik shook his head and sighed. He smiled at Sylfi and beckoned her up the steps to the front door. He tried the knob, but it was unfortunately locked. He closed his eyes and growled lowly to himself.
Giggles and laughter came from behind the door. A muscle in his jaw strained visibly. “Open the door now.” He growled deeply.
The laughter from inside instantly halted. The lock on the door clicked, and the door slowly creaked open. David’s head appeared from inside. His blue eyes gleamed. He studied Derik’s closed eyes, and tight jaw. David whimpered.
Derik’s eyes burst opened, flaming golden orbs glared at David. With a startled yelp David disappeared inside. Derik sighed. He held the door open for Sylfi and ushered her silently inside. Blane snickered as he followed Sylfi inside. Derik shut the door behind him, and stood beside her anxiously.
The room was large it held two cream-colored sofas, a large TV, and numerous game stations. Wood paneled walls , and wood floors made it homely.
‘It smells like dog.’ Sylfi  thought to herself. She scrunched up her nose and sniffed a little harder just to be sure. ‘Definitely dog.’ Derik noticed her odd facial expression, and looked at her in wonderment. “Is something wrong?” He asked concerned.
“Huh? Oh, no.” She looked at him and smiled apologetically. “Do you have a dog?”
A frown flickered across Derik’s face. “No. Why do you ask?” He asked in a strained voice.
She gave him a confused look. “I just thought I smelled dog. That’s all.” She shook her head and turned away from him.
He continued to frown. Blane snuck away and through one of the eight doors that lined the room. Sylfi stared after him, amused by his sneaking. “Why are there so many doors?” She asked looking around the room.
Derik smiled. “There are four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a den. It’s pretty self explanatory that there aren’t any hallways. All the rooms are accessed from this room.” He explained to her with a smile.
Sylfi’s eyes widened. “Jeez. My house has twice the rooms, but they’re all linked together by a network of hallways.”
Derik laughed. Sylfi shook her head and smiled at him. “Where did all the guys go?” She asked him.
Derik thought for a moment. “Probably to their rooms. We all share rooms. Two people per room. I share a room with Markus. Wanna see?” He asked me with a smile.
Sylfi smiled. “Sure.”
Derik grinned to himself as he directed her to the darkest colored door. He opened it to reveal a comfortable room. The walls and floor were the same as in the room before. But here there was a large queen size bed. It was dressed in a blue sheet set. Markus was sprawled on the bed, his eyes closed, ear-buds in his ears. His long black hair fanned out on the pillow.
Markus suddenly opened his eyes. He sat up and took the ear-buds from his ears. “Derik?” He asked looking in Derik’s direction. “Is that Sylfi with you?” His gaze was now directed at her.
“Yes Markus. It’s us. I wanted to show Sylfi the room.” Derik smiled at him affectionately.
Markus smiled. “Hello, Sylfi. How are you?”
Sylfi smiled at him. “I’m fine. You?”
“Good.” Markus nodded, he looked at Derik now. “Would you like me to leave?”
Derik laughed, Sylfi stared at him in confusion. “No, Markus. I’m sure she’ll be happy to have your company.” Derik smiled at him, and ruffled his hair.
Markus laughed. He laid back down and plugged in his ear-buds. Sylfi smiled. “Do you two share a bed?” She looked at Derik.
Derik smiled. “Yeah. The other guys do too. It’s pretty weird I must admit. But it’s just like sleeping with a little brother or sister.” Derik patted Sylfi’s head.
Sylfi laughed, she ducked away from him and ran out the door, through the door room, and outside. She continued to run, allowing her legs to carry her away from the cabin. She stumbled and her legs collided. With a loud  a squeal of shock she fell to the ground.
Derik appeared beside her laughing. “You okay?”
He helped her up from the grassy ground. Sylfi laughed with him. “Yeah. I just tripped on my legs.” She blushed.
Derik smiled sympathetically. He had been inches away from her the entire time. Never before had he seen a person run like that. Her gait had been so perfectly in tune to his own. “You wanna go play a video game?”
Sylfi dusted herself off. “Sure,  but then we have to go back to my house, and the other guys gotta come too.” She reasoned with a smile.
Derik arched a brow at her. “Oh, really? And why do we have to?” He asked her cynically.
Sylfi smiled at him smugly. “Cause I’m gonna show you all how to really have fun.” She smiled at him.
Derik laughed. He grabbed her hand and led her into the house. They played games till seven, and then headed to Sylfi’s house to experience the joys of luxury. They had all kinds of fun, and soon it was midnight. Derik ushered the boys out of the house. Then with a smile he left Sylfi with a kiss, and a promise to return tomorrow.
* * * *
The darkness filled the room so completely that when she woke up, she couldn’t even see her hand in front of her face. The floorboards creaked. “Hello?” She asked nervously.
A black shape wrapped around her. Smooth material, and a cold hand subdued her scream. “Sleep, Sylfi. Sleep and dream.” A velvety voice sent her into a scarlet cocoon of sleep.
* * * *
Sylfi woke without much memory of the night. She sighed as she dressed. With ease she went about her usual day. Derik did not appear, nor did any of the other guys. Weeks passed without a sign of the crew. Sylfi slowly allowed herself to fall back into her old pattern.
The woods of the surrounding mountains were silent. She glared at them angrily for withholding their secrets. She began to slowly forget about the boys. Their memories dulling, and fading with the days.
* * * *
Summer came quickly. There had been many tests to focus on to keep her mind from the worry of her missing parents. She was sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal on her lap, and a romance in her hands. The doorbell rang through her thoughts, echoing in the silent house.
She smiled to herself in excitement. It was probably her parents trying to surprise her after being gone for so long. She navigated through the complicated network of hallways towards the front door. She composed herself before opening the door. Checking her clothes for food or dirt. Then, fully satisfied she opened the door.
Derik stared down at the surprised girl with a small smile. She didn’t react to him at first, but then after a moment of staring she embraced him in a hug. “Sorry. I thought you were my parents.” She apologized, allowing him in, and shutting the door behind him.
He gave her a sad smile. “They’ll come home soon, Sylfi.” He said reassuringly.
Sylfi gave him a weak smile, and an even weaker nod. “And where were you?” She asked leading him into the kitchen.
He frowned now. He merely shook his head instead of answering. Sylfi sighed. “Fine. Don’t tell me. That’s okay. No one ever tells me anything anyway.” She said in aggravation.
Derik rolled his eyes. “Trust me Sylfi. You don’t want to know where I’ve been.” He looked her over a couple times. “How are you doing here all by yourself?”
She calmed down a bit, was still ticked that he wouldn’t tell her where he’d been. “Okay, but it is so boring here.” She shook her head sadly.
They sat down at the table. Derik watched her as she ate and read at the same time. It amused him that such a scattered person could multitask so well. He examined the back of her book.
He made a face of disgust. ‘Romance? Why do women like that crap? They should read something more action packed.’ He thought with a heavy sigh. “Sylfi?”
“Would you like me to stay here with you till your parents get back?”
Sylfi choked on the spoonful of milk she had just put into her mouth. Covering her mouth she gagged, and swallowed it. She placed her book down on the table, and looked at him critically. “And what do you suppose I do? Let you sleep in my bed with me?” She asked sarcastically, her blood-red eyes staring at him intently.
A smile pulled at the corner of Derik’s mouth. “I was thinking one of the many guestrooms, but that sounds much better.”
Sylfi’s jaw dropped. “You little pervert!” She gasped.
Derik’s brows disappeared into his brown-black hair. “I never suggested more than that we share the bed.”
She laid her head in her hands and moaned. “What am I going to do with you?” She grieved.
He laughed. “Good question. But an even better one is what I’m going to do with you.”
Sylfi glared up at him. “You aren’t going to do anything with me if it involves perverted things.” Her voice was icily cold, it chilled Derik visibly.
He shivered. “What’s happened to you Sylfi?”
She rolled her eyes. “You, and my parents ditched me for two months, that’s what’s happened to me. And my parents still aren’t here yet.”
Derik sighed. They looked at each other for a few minutes. They kept themselves in silence. For a few more. Sylfi stared at him pointedly. “Where did you go?” She asked in a painfully innocent, and sad voice.
Derik closed his bright golden eyes. “Sylfi. I can’t tell you that.” He spoke slowly half growling.
She sighed forlornly. “Why not Derik? Please? I won’t tell anyone, I promise. You don’t have to tell me everything.” She begged.
He opened his eyes. They shined at her like golden sun disks. “I was in Japan, Sylfi.” He looked at her expressionlessly.
Her jaw dropped in astonishment. “My parents are in Japan. Tokyo, Japan.” She muttered looking at him.
Derik nodded. The room was silent.
Sylfi rose shakily from the table. She walked quietly to her room, and locked the door behind her. Derik sat thoughtfully where she had left him. Would she figure it out? ‘Maybe she will.’ He thought sadly. ‘No. She doesn’t know enough yet.’ He reassured himself.
Sylfi spent the rest of her morning in her room wondering when her parents were coming back. ‘Why does it feel like Derik is tied to all this?’ She asked herself with a soft sob. She stood up and walked to her vanity. She half-heartedly brushed her hair, and put on some make-up.
“Knock. Knock. May I come in, Sylfi?” Derik’s voice interrupted her thoughts.
“Yes, but you have to promise to do something for me.” She tried to make her voice sound normal.
The door creaked open slightly. Derik’s head came into view. His yellow eyes gleamed at her knowingly. When Sylfi didn’t object, he opened the door enough to get his entire body into the room. Sylfi watched him in fixedly. He left the door open and leaned against the wall. His body relaxed and he looked at Sylfi.
He smiled slightly to himself. She had been looking at him, and he had seen it.
“I was wondering if you’d like to go do some swimming at the local pool?” He said smoothly.
Sylfi’s mood lightened somewhat. Amusement crept into her eyes. Since she had seen him in the winter, she hadn’t told him about her pool. Derik studied her for a moment. “What are you hiding, Syl?” He smiled at her cunningly.
She burst into laughter. He shook his head with an adoring smile plastered on his face. She slowly stopped laughing, and calmed herself down. “I have a pool.” She was doubled over still holding back the laughter that continued to bubble up inside her.
His eyes widened. “A bar, an art gallery, a theater, a studio, and a pool? Your house just has it all.” He shook his head in incredulity.
She smiled at him, but he knew that that wasn’t how she felt. “Yeah, everything except someone to share it with.” She frowned.
Derik knew she meant her parents. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and smiled at her. “I’ll share it with you, just like I said.” He soothed her lovingly.
She smiled at him wiping away tears that had formed in her eyes. “That would be nice, Derik.” She whispered meaningfully.
He smiled at her. “So what about that swim?” He grinned at her.
She laughed. Her eyes lit up brightly. He loved to see those beautiful crimson eyes filed with such joy. She looked up at him. His eyes smiled back at her. She stood up excitedly. “We going to go swimming or not?” She teased giddily.
He smiled at her. “If I get my way we are.”
She laughed again, and swatted his arms. “Well, get so I can get my bathing suit on.” She pushed him out of the room.
He sighed and submitted to her swatting. She closed the door behind him and quickly pulled off her clothes. She quickly pulled on her midnight black bikini. With a quick examination of herself in the mirror, she opened the door. She gasped and jumped back, as she nearly walked right into Derik’s chest for the second time.
“You really need to watch where your going, Syl.” He laughed.
She looked at him, dumbstruck by the thought that he had been right outside her unlocked door. ‘He could of easily opened the door, and seen me!’ She thought with a sharp gasp. “You okay?” He looked at her concerned.
She bit her lip afraid to tell him her fears.
“What’s wrong?” He looked at her anxiously.
“You didn’t look did you?” She asked shyly.
His worry quickly turned to anger. “Of course not! Why the hell would I do that?!” He said  indignantly.
She frowned at herself for being so quick to jump to conclusions. “Sorry. I just didn’t realize how close you were. I didn’t mean that I think your that type of person or anything, I just. Uh.” She sighed and placed her hand to her forehead.
His anger receded and was replaced by remorse. “Hey look. I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have overreacted the way I did. Do you still want to go swim?” He looked at her longingly.
She smiled brightly again. “That sounds good to me.”
He nodded. “Lead the way.”
* * * *
They swam until dark. Then they both separated, after devouring a very supple and well prepared dinner. Derik took a guestroom across the hall from Sylfi. It had a setup exactly like that of Sylfi’s room. A huge queen-sized bed  sat in the middle of the room with a window on one of the sides.
A large closet to the right of the bed, and a floor length mirror against the left wall. He slept for only a couple of hours before a noise in Sylfi’s room woke him. It had been muffled, and very light, but it had woken him.
He stood silently, and crept into her room without a second thought. She laid peacefully in her bed. Her eyes closed, and her breathing slowed to the rhythm of sleep. His bright yellow eyes scanned the darkness. ‘Nothing. Did I imagine it?’ He wondered.
Then his gaze came to the window. It was wide open, and the night air breezed through. As the wind caressed his face, it sent a tingle of fear down his spine. The strong sweet scent filled his nostrils, burning them. He growled angrily at the trail the intruder had left. ‘Vampyre.’ The thought struck him hard.
He whirled around angrily, and returned to his room.
* * * *
The dark being silently stepped back through the window. ‘A werewolf?’ He mused unhappily. He watched the girl as she slept serenely. A gentle snore rose from her into the rich night air.
Forgetting the boy, he walked to her.
He brushed his hand tenderly across her warm cheek. A sigh escaped the girls mouth, and he felt the pains of hunger raise up in him. Anger flared through his lithe body. ‘He will not take her from me! She is and forever will be mine.’ He thought, a snarl rising in his throat. Regaining control of himself, he stepped away from the girl.
The emotions died away as he glided to the window. With one last longing look at her, he flew through the window.
* * * *
Sylfi felt the sun-warmed wind run over her face. She sighed, and just let the sun heat her eye-lids. It sent warm sensations throughout her body. She had removed her clothing during the night, so that she could cool down.
But now she felt a slight chill. ‘Why does this happen? In the night it’s warm, in the morning it’s cold.’ She sighed because this was pretty normal for her.
Derik silently creeped towards her bed. A crooked grin split his face as he inched closer. ‘I’m going to scare the crap out of her.’ He thought sneakily.
Sylfi’s tranquility was shattered as she had the odd feeling that she wasn’t alone. Her eyelids fluttered open. “Holy shit!” She yelled.
Derik laughed happily. His face hovering three inches away from her face. She pulled the blanket closer to her body. Derik noticed the sudden movement, and smiled. “What are you hiding?” He grinned at her.
She scowled at him angrily. “Nothing. Why were you trying to scare me?”
He laughed. “Are you naked?” He asked suddenly serious.
She moaned. “That is none of your business.”
He sighed, and stood quickly. He headed to the door “Please hurry up and get dressed, so that I can talk to you.” He said with a small irritated smile.
With that he went out the door, and shut it. Sylfi sighed in sweet relief. She stood, allowing the blanket to fall to the floor. She dressed quickly, and rushed out the door. Derik stood there with a small smile on his face.
He reached out and gently stroked her un-brushed hair. She smiled at him as she remembered that she hadn’t brushed her hair yet. “Oh!” She exclaimed.
He laughed as she ran back into the bedroom, and brushed her hair. She sighed contentedly as she examined herself in the mirror. He grinned widely as he saw her beauty. The sun filtered through the hallway window just right. It caused her hair to sparkle as if it was made of black water.
She noticed the way he was staring at her dreamily. She laughed, and shoved him playfully. “You overgrown love struck puppy!”
He laughed. “Oh, really? You think that I’m love struck over you?” He raised a brow.
She laughed, and darted down the hall, and into the kitchen. He was hot on her heels as she ran outside. Still she ran. She ran into the woods, and Derik followed. Her feet ran with the rhythm of Derik’s as he came up beside her.
She felt the thrill of the chase beat in her heart. Derik grinned as he realized that she was understanding. They ran along side one another until the cabin came into view. Then Derik stopped her.
All the boys were standing there, staring at them in dumbfounded silence. Blane was the first to speak. “What the hell? Where have you been?” He glared angrily at Derik.
Derik growled defensively.
“I decided to keep her company. If you got a problem with it, then you can shove it up your ass.” Derik snarled at him.
She smiled politely at the boys, Blane in particular. “I’m sorry to have kept him from you. Maybe you should have visited before?” She smiled innocently.
The boys faces almost instantly lit up brightly. Blane grinned at her. Blind Markus smiled at her as well. “Do you want to go swimming?” He asked with a smile.
Sylfi smiled. “Yeah. That sounds great. Well, if I had my swimsuit, that is.” She frowned.
Derik laughed. “I can run back to your house and get it. That way we can all go for a swim, and I can show you our most secret of hide-outs.” He ruffled her hair affectionately.
She laughed. “That sounds great!” She exclaimed.
Markus smiled widely. Derik kissed Sylfi’s hair lovingly. “Be back.” He disappeared.
And he was back. Within about two-three minutes he reappeared from the trees. Sylfi shook her head at him. “You know, the way you move is almost inhuman.” She grinned teasingly.
He swallowed hard. “Hehe. Umm, yeah. Sure.” He said nervously, Sylfi’s brows knit in confusion.
“Is something wrong?” She looked at him worriedly.
He laughed. “No.” ‘Oh, if only you knew.’ He frowned.
He handed her the black bikini. Markus was frowning deeply, brows creased, unseeing eyes staring. “It’s fine.” Derik whispered gently patting his head.
Markus relaxed and nodded. The other guys had all vanished inside the house to gather up towels, and swim trunks.
Markus pondered over Derik’s words. Oh, how he wished he could see. Derik obviously liked Sylfi, but why were the others so worried over her? ‘If I could see then I would probably be just as worried. But I can’t, so maybe I can use that to my advantage.’
Derik sighed as he watched Markus get that odd look on his face that always meant he was thinking about something. ‘Poor boy. I wish he could see what Sylfi looks like. I’m sure he’d understand why I think the boys are being stupid.’
Sylfi frowned at the two boys. She held the bikini top like a rubber band. She stretched it taught between her thumbs, and aimed it at the area between Derik’s legs. ‘He’s going to kill me for this.’ She smiled deviously.
Derik heard a “Whoosh.” and then pain struck through his genitals. “Holy Shit!!!” He jumped and glared at the thing that had struck him.
“What?” Markus asked obliviously.
Derik chewed his lip angrily as he stared at Sylfi’s bikini top. Very slowly he turned himself to face her. One dark brow rose. ‘Now where did she go so fast?’ He walked around looking for footprints. She had disappeared.
Markus was hopelessly confused, as he heard Sylfi climb higher into the oak tree. Derik’s slow, light footsteps warned him that he wasn’t happy. He had heard the sound. He just didn’t know what had happened. “Derik?”
“What, Markus?” Derik asked still fuming.
“Why is Sylfi climbing the oak tree?”
Derik froze. A small smile formed on his lips. He looked up at the tree, at Sylfi. She banged her head against the wood, cursing Markus under her breath. He laughed humorlessly. The sound was disturbingly low. She shivered, and climbed higher.
“You aren’t getting away that easy. But I’m not going up there. However, know that when you come down, and trust me you will, my wrath will be ten times the pain you’ve caused me.”
He spoke low and harsh, allowing the tightly leashed beast within him to show remotely. Sylfi
laughed nervously. “Are you trying to scare me?” She asked semi-sarcastically.
Derik grinned at her showing all his unusually sharp teeth. “If I wanted to scare you, you would have already left running, and screaming.” He growled.
Sylfi rolled her eyes. “I’m not afraid of you.”
He laughed evilly. “Oh, really? Then why are you still up in the tree? Hmm, my little kitten?”
Sylfi opened her mouth, and then closed it. “Shut up. I can’t find a way down. That’s all.” She growled back at him.
A snarl ripped through his throat. “What have I told you about growling at me?”
Markus shivered at the ferocity in Derik’s voice. ‘Man has she pissed him off or what?’
Sylfi purposely growled at him angrily. Surprisingly enough Derik laughed. “Would you like me to come up there and get you down myself? I promise you’ll have more cuts and bruises my way, than if you come down yourself.” He grinned mercilessly.
Sylfi shuddered. “You wont do i-” She didn’t get any farther.
In one huge leap he was gripping the seven inch thick branch that Sylfi was sitting on. He swung himself up onto it easily. She gaped at him awestruck. It had taken her almost 5 minutes to get this high in the tree, and all that it had taken him was one leap.
She looked down at the thirty foot drop below them, and then to the boy who had just jumped that distance. She released her surprise in one huge gasp. Derik grinned at her. “I am capable of more than you could ever understand.”
She just blinked, and made a slight noise, as if she was trying to force herself to speak. Derik released a menacing growl that sent her leaning backwards. “Scared yet?” He asked. She was speechless, once again she opened her mouth to speak but found that no words came to mind.
Derik laughed, and leaned towards her. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Her eyes became pools of blood. “H-How did you d-do that?”
He chuckled. She watched in fear as he came closer. She edged away from him, and found her back against the tree trunk. ‘Shit.’ She bit her lip and pressed harder against the tree. He reached out to her. “Scared, Syl?” He spoke softly.
She shook her head defiantly. He smiled darkly, and allowed his fingernails to grow into three-inch claws before her eyes. She gasped, and tried desperately to back away from him. She closed her eyes and let go of the branch.
She felt her body falling. Time seemed to move so slowly, she could hear every beat of her heart. The air around her whizzed by, yet she knew she wasn’t more than ten feet from the ground.
But the ground was coming, and it was going to hurt. Man was it going to hurt. ‘It only takes three pounds of force to break the skin. But how many feet up in the air must a person be to die if they fall?’
© Copyright 2013 britny8987 (britny8987 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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