Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1912585-Corpse-Worms
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Dark · #1912585
A horror story about a girl that meets a very twisted guy. Not for the faint of heart.

Nanette walked into Ali’S Bar & Grill and scanned the front of the bar frantically.  Where the fuck were they? They told her that they’d be out front when she got there.  She bit down hard on her bottom lip and anxiously surveyed the front of the bar again.  She was just about to open her purse and grab her cell when she saw them. Keri and Thomas. She pushed her way through the crowd as the tears she’d been fighting made their way down her cheeks.

“Omigod, girl! What’s wrong?” Keri said. “Let’s get you into the office, okay hun?”

Nanette nodded as Keri and Thomas escorted her out of the bar and into the office in the back.

“Are you okay, Nanette?”Thomas asked when all three of them were safe and sound in the dingy but comforting confines of the bar’s office.

“Of course she isn’t okay you douche. Fuckin’ look at her. She’s a fuckin mess.”

“Take it easy man, why are you trippin.’ I was just...oh, fuck whatever, I’ll get us a drink.”  Thomas said.  He left before there could be anymore friendly banter between him and Keri. He was not in the mood. Not today.  He and Dillon had a job to do in about four hours and his nerves were really giving him the jim-jams.

“Nanette, baby, tell me what wrong,” said Keri as she eased Nanette onto the couch.

“Mark...Mark...lef...left m-—me.”

“Left you? Left you? That piece of fucking shit. I’ll kill him. I’ll fucking kill him.” Keri had never liked Mark, not from day one.  “So, was he cheating on you?”

Before Nanette could answer, Thomas opened the door and came into the office.  He had a bottle of Patron and three shot glasses.  “Hey I brought some teq...” he started.

“Thanks baby. But maybe you should let us gals talk a while. This is kinda for girls only.”

Keri was right, this was girl stuff.  Thomas nodded and turned to leave the office.

“And honey?”

“Yes, dear?”

“Leave the bottle.  And the glasses.”

Thomas complied and left the bottle and the glasses on the table.  “I’ll be out front if you need me.” He was more than happy to leave. Fuck that shit he thought. I got enough on my platter. Plus he needed to call Dillon and get the details of the night’s little venture.

After a bit of coaxing and a few Johnny Lines( courtesy of Keri), Nanette reluctantly caved to peer pressure and agreed to go and sit at the bar and have a few drinks.  She wasn’t really in the socializing mood, but the thought of going back to the apartment that she had shared with Mark up until a few hours ago made her want to crawl up into the fetal position and die.

Ali’S Bar and Grill was unusually crowded for a Tuesday night.  In fact, it was a regular beehive of activity.  Then again, Ali was tending bar and her margs were legendary.  Everyone on the west side of Fort Worth new of Ali and her margs.  She didn’t normally tend the bar anymore, not since her brother Dillon had bought the place and named it after her.  She was actually the manager but sometimes she would jump back behind the bar just for kicks.

“Heya Nanette! How are you? Want your usual?”  Ali said as she quickly swabbed the counter with a white dish towel.

Nanette was just about to request her usual drink when an idea struck her.  Why not order something different?  Why not be impulsive for once in her life?  What’s the worst that could happen?

“I’ll have a Colorado bulldog tonight, Ali.”

“Colorado bulldog? Are we feeling audacious this evening?”

“Audacious? Really, Ali? Audacious?”

“Don’t hate.  I’m just putting my word o’ the day calender that Jason bought me to good use.  Audacious was today’s word.  It means...”

“Drink, Ali.  Think drink.”

“Okay, okay, I’m going. I’ll have it right out hon.”

Nanette smiled as she watched Ali playfully skip away.  Her ponytail bounced rhythmically behind her.

“Excuse me? Is this seat taken?”

The voice startled her.  She turned toward it and there next to her stood the most gorgeous, no, not gorgeous but the most pulchritudinous man she’d ever seen.  Pulchritudinous.  She wondered if that word was in Ali’s word of the day calender.  The word meant beauty.  She had learned that a few weeks back while watching the spelling bee on ESPN.  Funny how at certain times the most random things seen to pop into your head.

Before she could respond, the man had taken the seat next to her.  And God did he smell good.  How could she even be thinking about this sweet smelling adonis when just hours ago the only man she had ever loved had just walked out on her.  But there was something...something about this guy.  It was like her mind was instantly surrounded by a cloud.  It was if he were taking over, taking control of her.  Taking control of her thoughts if that were even possible.  She hardly noticed that Ali had slid a coaster and a drink in front of her.

“I’m Max,” said the beautiful stranger as he took Nanette’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Nanette,” she replied.  She cursed the small waiver in her voice.

“Nanette, that’s a great name.  I would love to spray your kitty with some of my thick, white, graffiti.”

Her mind was in a heavy, peaceful malaise.  What did he say? She really couldn’t remember.  She simply smiled and nodded her head.

“So, Nanette, how long have you lived in the city?”

“Lived here all my life. Born and raised.” Did she say that out loud? She wasn’t sure.  She wasn’t sure of anything anymore.  Her mind was still cloudy, or diluted, or something. She felt like she was outside of her body and her immediate surroundings were just images of the things they really were.

And his voice. His voice was like the singing of children, so sweet and so innocent.  It made her want to cry.

She felt strange.  Something deep down in her subconscious was screaming at her to run, run right home and away from him.  But she just couldn’t seem to communicate it to the rest of her physical being.  She was powerless.  But it felt good.  Oddly enough it felt good.

“I’m from Houston. The Bay Cliff area.  I moved here about a month ago to finish up my residency at J.P. Smith.  And I gotta say, I bet you have an amazingly tight ass hole.”

The fog in her mind thickened and once again she wasn’t sure what he’d just said.  So, like before, she just smiled and nodded her head not really registering what was going on.

“I’ve yet to see all of the metroplex and I would really enjoy seeing it with you.” Max said.  “You could be my tour guide and tell me all about the sites and landmarks and I’ll be thinking about how many times I can fuck your dead body before it starts to rot and stink.”

Again Nanette’s mind clouded over.  She tried the best she could but no matter how hard she pressed, she just couldn’t comprehend what Max was saying. It was very dreamlike.  Surreal.

“So, how is it a beautiful girl like you is sitting here, alone at the bar?”  Max met her gaze and held it with his infectious blue eyes.

“Long story.  And I don’t really wanna talk about it.”

“Say no more.  Tell you what, how about we get out of here and let me take your mind of all your worries and whatnot. I’m a professional. Shall we?”

Max rose from his bar stool and took Nanette’s hand.  Still under his spell or whatever it was, Nanette followed him out the door and into the hot, humid Texas night.

It was the next morning. The morning after the night of the best sex she’d ever had.  She had never orgasamed so hard and so much in her life.  She couldn’t wait to call Keri. Keri was going to plotz.  Especially when she hears about how Max can’t have an orgasm like a normal guy. 

It took two well lubricated fingers up his ass and a cheese grater to get him off.  She had never incorporated a cheese grater into her love making before, but then again, all things aside, she had never had sex like that before either.  Oh well, it seemed harmless enough.  So what if Max was a little kinky in the bedroom.  No harm no foul.

Just thinking of the previous night sent tiny volts of electricity down there.  Down there to her intimate area.  That was just what the doctor ordered.  Mark?  Mark who?  She did feel a bit dirty and kind of whore-ish, but completely and utterly satisfied.  The way she rationalized her one night of fun was simple.  She just viewed her night of debauchery kind of like a REDBOX rental. One night and a dollar.  Except it didn’t cost her a dollar.


“Doctor Currier’s office. How can I help you this morning?”  The jaunty voice on the other end of the line said.  And why shouldn’t that voice be jaunty and full of pep?  The woman attached to that voice didn’t have something wrong with her vagina. She wasn’t having a burning sensation, she wasn’t having something foreign oozing out of her. She was probably on top of the fucking world.

“Umm...Hi. My name is Nanette Banks and I need to see Dr. Currier as soon as possible.”

“Okay, not a problem. Let’s see what we can do for you Nanette.  Can you please hold for just a second hon. Thanks, be right with you.” The receptionist said.

“Sure.” Nanette replied.

Soft click.

Hold music.

Her heart thudded as she waited for Lil’ Miss Happy Von Happystien to return.  Shame, embarrassment and every other feeling of self loathing ate away at her thoughts. It was like being pecked to death by chickens.

“Nanette?”  The peppy voice interrupted her thoughts along with the awful hold music.  She hated fucking Jimmy Buffett.  Hated him.

“Would tomorrow at nine a.m. be okay?” The receptionist asked.

Yes! God yes! “Tomorrow would be great. Thank you so much.”

“You betcha! See you in the morning Nanette.”

Her crotch had started itching again.  It was itching so bad it was maddening.  She knew better than to scratch it.  Not even a light scratch.  She had scratched at it yesterday off and on and by the evening the itching had been replaced with an icy-hot burn that pulsated from the inside out.  It felt as is if she were getting reamed out by a baseball bat wrapped up in barbed wire.

And then, then there was the mealy-gray gelatinous ooze that seeped out of her.  Seeped out of her from down there.  And it smelled rank and musty.  The smell reminded her of spoiled Spaghettios with extra parm cheese.  Her vagina had been turned into an Italian restaurant.  She couldn’t even fathom what was wrong with her.  All this had happened so suddenly.  The itching had only started two days ago and it had rapidly progressed from there.  She rushed to the bathroom and vomited.

Nanette’s visit to Dr. Currier’s office had been far from routine.  She had never been so humiliated.  It was bad enough going for a routine ‘Well Woman’ exam, but this, this far exceeded that.  The questions, all the obtrusive questions.  And the looks. The looks on Doctor Currier’s face as she examined her. 

It was a mixture of shock and revulsion with a nice dose of condescension to top it off.  That was by far the worst part of the whole exam. That and when they had to suck the mealy gray infection out of her.  The nurse actually had to leave the room during the process.  It was the smell that drove the nurse out of the room.

The good news was all of it was over.  Well, almost.  She still had to get her RX filled and apply it twice a day for two weeks and the infection should clear itself up. 

After a taxing morning with the exam and all, Nanette wanted nothing more than to relax and wash the sticky minutes off of her body.  She went to the bathroom and turned on the hot water.  She stripped of her clothes and threw them aside on a pile on the bathroom floor.  She climbed in to the tub.

Max stood naked over his bathtub.  She was in the tub already.  She was waiting for him.  She always waited for him.  No matter what.  “I missed you baby.  I fucking missed you so much.  How’s my girl?” 

“Just a second,” Nanette called. Who could that be? All she wanted to do was take a shower and climb into bed.  And now someone was at the door. “Goddamn,” Nanette said through clinched teeth.

“Room for one more?”  Max asked.  “Oh now don’t look at me that way.  You know that I love you.  I told you I was sorry.  It won’t happen again. I swear.”  Max ran the tip of his tongue across his top lip.  He wanted her.  Wanted her so fucking bad.  He took his index finger and rubbed the pre cum across the head of his cock.  Julie Nash just stared up at him through her glassy, unseeing eyes.

Nanette hurried down the hall toward her front door tying her robe in the process.  “Coming,” she said as she got closer to the door.  She looked out of the peephole and her heart instantly skipped a beat and adrenaline pulsated through her body.  Which is a natural reaction when two policemen are standing on your front porch. 

Max climbed into the bathtub.  The bathtub held no water, just Julie Nash.  Her skin wasn’t looking as good as it had a few days ago.  It was more discolored and it had a few more open sores.  Last night Max had actually stuck his dick in one of those sores and had thoroughly enjoyed himself. 

It had been a kind of a spur of the moment kind of thing.  But that was last night.  She didn’t smell near as bad then.  Julie Nash was starting to reek.  He would have to dispose of her tomorrow.  Maybe even tonight.  Yeah, for sure tonight he thought as he rolled Julie over on her stomach.

“Nanette Banks?”


“I’m officer Tamblin and this is my partner officer Meeks.  Do you have a minute?”

“Umm...sure.  What can I do for you officer?”  Nanette’s mind began to race.  What could the Fort Worth police want with her?

Max looked down at Julie.  She had the perfect ass.  Even as a corpse her ass had held it’s round shape.  He reached for the tube of KY jelly and squirted a generous amount of it in his left palm.

“Would you like to come in?”  Nanette asked the two officers. 
“Well, Ms. Banks, this is a matter that we really need to sort out at the station.”  Officer Tamblin said.

“The station?” 

“Yes ma’am.  When we get a call from a doctor regarding corpse worms the law states that we take the suspect in.  We got a call from a Dr. Currier.  I’m afraid you have some explaining to do Ms. Banks. It appears that you like to do things you shouldn’t with the dead.”

© Copyright 2013 Dylan Davis (dylandavis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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