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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #1911845
Joanna's peaceful laundry ritual is forever changed.
Of all the wondrous colors, pink was by far the most alluring. To Joanna, pink meant fun, feminine, and available. As laundry day arrived, two baskets overflowed with anticipation; the Pink Basket… and then the rest of the clothes. Although she could have washed her clothes any day, she chose Sunday just because that was the day the cops chased the winos and weirdoes out of the Laundromat.

Joanna walked into the Laundromat with the pink clothes slung over her shoulder in a large garbage bag, while in the other hand, she carried a small Claire’s shopping bag with the other clothes, a novel, her wallet, and some gum. She walked around to the second row of washing machines so people couldn’t stare at her through the large windows in the front. The smell of bleach and lemon laundry softener filled her with ease and she looked forward to diving into her book. She had the whole place to herself.

Joanna quickly filled three machines and shut the lids. They spit and hissed as they filled with water. She hopped onto the machine washing her pink clothes with the book in her hand. The vibration of the machine calmed her. If her friends Chloe and Judi were there, they would tease her about how the machine was the closest thing she had to a man in months. But they were not, so Joanna sat on the machine and enjoyed her book in peace today.

Time passed in a “book haze” and Joanna was lost in a world of sensual international spies and political betrayal. As she leaned into her story, she didn’t notice the bell on the front door jingle, or hear the thud of clothes in the other side of the Laundromat. She didn’t pay any attention at all until one of them spoke.

“Did you see the look on his face, Phil?” The first man’s voice was high pitched and youthful; it seemed a bit strained and excited. “He thought you were going to blow his brains out!”

“Shut up, Dan. I ain’t going back to the pen, we got the money and we don’t talk about it anymore.” The second voice was deep and intimidating, like his words contained a deadly threat.

“But Phil, that was like the greatest rush ever! It was like two hookers covered in coke, and a-“

Joanna’s washing machine filled with pink grinded to a halt with a loud screech. She sat perfectly motionless, like a rabbit avoiding a wolf.

“See if anyone else is here.”

Joanna’s heart quickly pumped pure energy as she heard the younger man walking around the aisle. Glancing at the nearest dryer, she felt her body jerk into action.

Dan was a thin, rat-like man with a basketball jersey and pants that didn’t fit. His curly red hair was mostly covered by a dirty cap. He glanced down the second row, and then turned back to his friend. He just about left when something caught his eye and he stopped. Joanna waited in her hiding spot, controlling her speeding breath as best she could. Dan spun around and headed straight toward Joanna’s washing machine.

“Phil, come here!”

Phil was a large man, as large as any bouncer Joanna had ever flirted with. He wore a plaid hunting jacket and a camouflage hat. The men stopped right in front of Joanna and turned their backs to her. From inside the dryer right across from the men, she could see them going through her stuff.

“No one’s here, relax.” Dan said as he popped one of Joanna’s Spearmint gum in his mouth.

“Check the bathroom. If she heard us, you, and her, are dead” Phil’s voice was calm and stern.

Dan looked very concerned as he scurried to the bathrooms. Phil pulled out Joanna’s cell phone and started to press buttons. Joanna panicked at the thought of these two men calling Chloe or Judi. The big man turned and leaned against the machine, facing Joanna. She tucked the loose pink shirt to her body and shrunk back into the machine as far as she could, but he seemed distracted with the phone.

“Yo Phil, bathroom is clear, we are good!” Dan seemed relieved and a bit proud of himself as he strutted back to Phil. “Whatcha got, there?”

“A cell phone, stupid”

“I can see that, but what else?” Dan ruffled through the Claire’s bag. “Jackpot!” He pulled the wallet out and started to remove the bills and cards.

“Dan, who leaves their stuff in a Laundromat?” Phil grabbed the wallet from Dan.

“Maybe she went out to get some ice cream?” Dan nervously replied. “She might have taken a couple bills out so her wallet doesn’t stick out of her slutty clothes.” Dan opened the washing machine and pulled out a pair of pink panties with a black cat on them. “I think I’m in love”. He snickered and waited for Phil to respond.

Phil scanned the room with a stare that could kill. Joanna sucked her body into a thin wire and pressed against the top back end of the dryer. Her body weight shifted the drum and the dryer churned with a grinding squeak. Both men looked right at her.

Stuck in a dryer with two criminals reaching for her, Joanna gasped like a terrified college kid. As they dragged her out by her arms and hair, she screamed as loudly as she could. The big man, Phil, smothered her face with his massive hand and growled at her. Dan was clumsily holding a pistol and pressing it against her cheek.

“Scream again and we will paint the walls red.” Joanna’s body stiffened and she was able to feel her feet touch the ground. She nodded as tears ran down Phil’s hand.

“She’s cute. Whatcha wanna do with her?” Dan asked with a wry smile. He looked her over like a hungry dog waiting for scraps. Phil shook his head, and Dan seemed frustrated and disappointed.

Phil let Joanna go with a warning finger pointed at her. Joanna felt more afraid of the big man’s gesture than the gun still close to her cheek. Phil pushed the gun away from her and Dan skulked back.

“Listen girlie, it’s real simple. You lost your wallet and phone, and you didn’t see us. I got friends who would really enjoy hurting you, but as long as you’re quiet, I’m quiet. You hear me?” Phil’s voice was softer and almost warm. His face was friendly, like he was trying to sell life insurance. In this case, he was, and Joanna decided to buy it.

“Okay… I hear you, sir…. Please, please...”

“Now don’t start crying again, just finish your laundry, and we will finish ours.”

And that was it. The two men continued to wait for their clothes to wash, and they checked on Joanna every few minutes. Joanna trembled as she put her pink and non-pink clothes in the dryer and stood there on the brink of tears. While the adrenaline was wearing off, the fear was not. She glanced at the bathrooms and the emergency exit many times, but they had her wallet so she fought the instinct to run.

Dan, however, found Joanna far too interesting and decided to watch her from the end of the aisle. He leaned against a washer with an arrogant strut and chewed her spearmint gum like a cow.

“So, pretty lady, you a university girlie?” he said with a clicking sound. He walked closer, tapping his pistol on each washer he passed. “whacha taking in school?”

“I’m in GMU, taking Neuroeconomics.” Joanna replied with feigned confidence. She bit her lip and told herself to bury her fear and be ready.

“Nero-what?” Dan looked frustrated for a moment and then Phil’s booming voice echoed across the room.

“It means smarts and money, stupid!” His voice had a hint of mockery, but Dan quickly regained his wry composure.

“So you study brains and money? That’s funny for a girl alone in a Laundromat.” Dan moved close enough to touch and he glanced hungrily at her chest.

“Dan, get these sheets in the dryer and leave the girl alone.” Phil boomed, causing Joanna and Dan to jump. She felt so relieved and thankful that Phil was in charge and more interested in laundry. Dan’s face wrinkled and he took a breath to protest. He huffed and headed back to his partner.

“Jeez, Phil, we gotta be here for a while, we might as well enjoy ourselves.” Dan whined and pulled clothes from the washer to the dryer. Falling clothes splattered on the floor.

“Unless you want to wash those again, you watch what you’re doing, stupid!” Phil barked and a strange curiosity prompted Joanna to lean up to the crack between the dryers to investigate.

The men were washing towels and what appeared to be bed sheets. Mostly dark colors, but a pink pillow case slipped out of Dan’s arms and onto the floor. It was patchy and Joanna’s heart began to race.

“What is that?” Phil grabbed the pink bundle and held it in Dan’s face. “I said burn the white, we only wash the darks!” Both men looked down the hall and at the great big windows. Phil tucked the pink cloth into a pile of darks and lowered his voice. “Go dry these clothes on the other side.”

Joanna started to hyperventilate and she moved over to the dryer and opened the door. Through fresh tears she pulled the clothes out and shoved them into the garbage bag. Dan was standing right beside her and she cried out in fear.

“Something spook you, slut?” With his gun still pointing at her, he slowly reached down into the garbage bag and touched her pink clothes. “You aren’t done, you need to dry these a bit more.” Joanna trembled for a moment before he snapped at her. “Get them in the dryer, bitch!” He held up his hand to strike her and Joanna flinched.

She lifted the garbage bag and tossed the whole thing into the dryer and closed the door. She stood there for a few seconds before she slowly pulled out a few coins and put them in the dryer. It lurched and started to spin the bag of clothes. Joanna backed up as Dan tucked the pistol into his belt and started filling the dryer next to hers.

“Dan, we have a job to do, and this girl is not going to be a problem. Leave her alone.” Phil sniffed the air and came stomping around the aisle of dryers. Smoke was billowing from the dryer as the garbage bag ripped and melted in the dryer. He opened the door and a rancid steam drifted out. Phil glanced at the smoke alarms and closed the dryer door. “Leave those in there for a few minutes, then get your stuff and go.” Phil held up her cell phone. “Don’t worry child, we have an agreement.”

Joanna was again filled with relief and even excitement as she thought about her freedom. She wanted to thank Phil, but it seemed awkward.

“Um, I can buy new clothes, why don’t I just take my stuff and go now?”Her heart flittered with the idea of walking out of the Laundromat door and leaving this all behind her. The police, her family, even Chloe and Judi didn’t need to know what happened this Sunday afternoon. It would be a painful memory washed away with a bubble bath, some ice cream and a pink shopping spree.

“But Phil” Dan pleaded, waving the gun in the air. “She can get the cops, and having that phone won’t mean a thing if they bust us!” Dan looked like a sad puppy, and Joanna held her breath as they waited for Phil to answer.

“You are stupid, Dan. It’s not the phone, it’s the information!” He tossed the cell phone to Joanna. She caught it in mid-air and stared at Phil, taking short breaths. Phil stood taller and more dignified. Like a professor reading from his notes, he spoke in a composed and concise manner. “Chloe Benson 703 993 4258 and Judi Harris 703 993 6854. Both GMU students as well." He smiled slightly and nodded to Joanna. “Have a good night, miss.”

“Wait! Phil, they will just get the cops to protect the girls, you call me stupid all the time, yet you-“

Phil grabbed Dan by the neck and pulled him closer. Dan’s red face choked and spit under the strength of the big man.

“Listen! Let the girl go or I will rip your spine out. She is smart enough to know better than to put her friends at risk, especially during university. They are-”

The gunshot shook the room and Joanna felt herself scream, but the ringing in her ears was all she could hear. Behind Phil, the dryers dripped fresh blood and Phil groaned as his strength bled out of him. Dan clutched his shaking hand with the bloody pistol to his side and backed away. His mouth moved in soft words, but Joanna couldn’t hear them. They both stared at Phil in shock.

Joanna slowly shuffled for the door but the deafness wore off and she heard the gun click behind her. Even her once shivering body stood frozen as she clenched her fists and closed her eyes.

“Hey…” Dan’s voice was uncertain. “Get back here—I can’t…” The fear in his voice made his command sound like a plea for help.

Joanna opened her eyes and looked at the big windows and glass door. She thought about running. In his uncertain state, Dan may not shoot. But then she thought about Phil, and she was surprised that she wanted to help him. She rushed to his side and placed her hand on his shoulder.

“We need to call an ambulance!” Joanna looked up at Dan, the red and steel barrel still pointing at her face, but she did not feel afraid of it anymore. Dan was a quivering mess.

“No! No cops! You have to fix this, now!” Dan shouted like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum. Tears rolled down his face and his expression transformed from sadness to anger. He grabbed Joanna by the arm and pressed the gun to her cheek. She could feel a cold wet drop of blood mingle with her own tears and roll down her chin.

“He needs a Doctor!”

“You’re a med student!”

“No, I am studying science, not medicine!”

“Shut up, bitch! Just help him!” Dan’s face was red and veins pulsed visibly under his skin. He let Joanna go and started to pace. Swearing and whining, he covered his face with his palms. When he noticed the blood on his hands and face, he panicked. He grabbed Joanna’s pink clothes from the dryer and started to wipe the machines. “Help!”

“But this man will die if we don—“

“Help or I blow your brains out!” Dan pointed the gun at Joanna again. A lump crawled up to her throat and she choked out a whimper. The dying man on the floor intensified the panic racing through her veins. Without Phil to save her, she would have to do whatever the mad man holding the gun wanted. She grabbed a pink towel and sobbed as she wiped blood from the dryers.

Dan started to pace and swear again. He tried to pull on Phil’s jacket, but it didn’t take much to see he wouldn’t be able to move the big man. He slumped against a washing machine. Joanna had almost gotten all the blood of the dryer, but felt her heart sinking. The floor was covered in bloody footprints from Dan pacing and she would need more than a few towels to clean it up.

“What do you want from me?” She started to cry. “I cleaned blood and there is so much more, what do you want?” She slumped against the dryer and dropped the stained towel on the floor.

“I don’t know. We need to get rid of evidence.” Dan commanded and held the gun up at her again.

“What evidence? Just run, I won’t talk!” Joanna reached into her back pocket and tossed Dan the phone. The throw was short and it splashed into a pool of blood.

“You slut, I can’t take that, it has his blood on it! You did that on purpose! This is your fault!” He stomped up to her and grabbed her arm tightly, and Joanna let out a weak cry. Dan put the gun up to her face again. “I’m going to kill you, whore!” Joanna started to cry and pleaded between deep sobs. Dan squeezed her wrist hard and pulled her toward the restrooms.

Joanna screamed and struggled in desperation. She tried to scratch him, but slipped on a streak of blood and fell, pulling Dan on top of her. She could feel the thick wet stain soaking into her shirt and touching the skin on her back. She groaned in disgust.

“Oh, dirty slut, I didn’t know you wanted to say goodbye like this.” Dan chuckled as he held her down by her throat. She screamed through clenched teeth and arched her back to push him off. “Hold on there, let’s not start the rodeo until the bull is out.” Dan sniggered as he tried to unbutton his jeans with his gun hand. He glanced at the gun and then to Joanna. “Don’t want to have another accident” He giggled as he put the gun down behind him. With his free hand he started to caress Joanna’s pink, bloody shirt.

“Please, don’t! I will hide the evidence, I swear!” Joanna pleaded as she tried to fight off her attacker. Even though he was small, he was stronger than Joanna. She splashed and smeared the blood across the floor as she fought for her life. Fear and adrenaline overrode all sanity. She could feel her nails breaking as she tried to tear at his jersey and the floor. As she flailed she could feel cold metal touch the back of her leg.

Dan lifted her shirt up to her neck and caressed her skin. He laughed as she tightened her body. The blood all around them seemed to excite him and he pulled himself closer to Joanna. He seemed lost in the moment when a deep, cracked voice struck him silent.

“Leave the girl alone.” Phil spoke as he lay on his side looking at Joanna and Dan. Although mortally wounded, his presence still commanded respect and fear. He tried to pull himself up, but slid back to the ground. “Now help me up, let’s get going.”

Dan looked around at the ground urgently.

“I can’t see my gun!” He shouted.

“I saw the girl kick it. Get your ass over here!” Phil shouted. Dan glanced around again and then slapped Joanna hard in the face.

“You stay there, slut. Don’t even move!” Dan pushed himself off Joanna violently and ran over to Phil. “Let’s get out of here.”

Phil started to chuckle, and then he burst into a hearty laugh. Dan nervously laughed and tried to help Phil up.

“You’re too heavy! Why aren’t you doing anything?”

“I am doing something, stupid. Turn around.”

Dan let go of Phil and spun around. Joanna stood there with the pistol in her shaking hands. She quickly wiped her eyes and then held it again with two hands.

“Stay back!” She squeaked, feeling the weight of the metal gun that spilled so much blood. “I will shoot you!”

“No you won’t. It takes a cold heart to kill.” Dan slowly moved toward her, and Joanna backed up to keep the distance. “Trust me, I know.”

“I will shoot you.” Joanna could see his uncertainly and it gave her confidence.

“Give me the gun and I will let you go. You can call an ambulance or whatever you want.” He was moving a little faster toward her.

“I will shoo—.” Joanna was startled as she backed into the wall and the cold bloody shirt clung to her skin. Dan saw the chance and jumped at her.

Joanna closed her eyes and the gun went off. She fell to the ground and Dan was on top of her again. The attack knocked the gun from her hand and she felt despair chill her body. Dan groped and moaned as his hands grabbed at her body. Joanna opened her eyes and screamed the last of her hopes away. She could see Dan’s face. Instead of the wry, lusty laughter, it was filled with pain. Warm blood poured onto her chest and belly and she felt a sense of awe. As Dan’s life gushed onto her, it calmed her.

His body fell limp and rolled away from Joanna easily. The warm sticky fluid felt like a comforting blanket to her and as it cooled, she pressed her hands against it to preserve its effect. A strange shock moved in with the silence and she calmly picked her phone out of the coagulated puddle and dialed for the police.

Both Dan and Phil were cold when they found Joanna reading her novel to Phil and chewing her spearmint gum. The Laundromat was a beautiful pink of diluted blood and stained clothes. To Joanna, pink meant life, survival, and justice. Of all the wondrous colors, pink was Joanna’s favorite.

© Copyright 2013 Northerner (cornorth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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