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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Teen · #1911821
Teen Fiction

Screaming… That’s all that I could hear was screaming. The sharp, shrill, shriek escaping ones dry and sticky throat and traveling through the cold, damp moggy air between us to invade my ears, pushing its way through my ear drums and rattling around in my head, bouncing and banging against every wall violently. The screaming filled the air around me for about another five seconds, and then abruptly cut off. Silence took its place in the air, settling on all our shoulders like two large weights. The silence was better than that screaming, but the start of the silence didn’t mean comfort or relief, we knew what it meant and that crossed all our minds even the soft, sobbing girls huddled together in the corner behind me. My heart dropped to what felt like was the floor, and I let out a long sigh. We all stared darkness in the face here. No signs of light, or the outside world. We were all just stuck in this dark, damp room surrounded by cold, hard cement walls until we all had our turn. As I stared off into the darkness, I lost my train of thought, my mind had gone away hidden with the light. I could still hear the girls behind me sobbing, knowing what would only come of them soon enough. I frowned for them all, my heart sinking even closer to hell. I was lost in thought until a strong cold hand grabbed hard against my arm, jerking me out of my thoughts and back to this reality. I smiled a grim smile as I was dragged forward, toward where the screaming had come from not too long ago. All my last thoughts for now escaped my mind as I was turned to face the other girls in this darkness…

Chapter 1: Home

My name was not spoken much around these parts. Not that my name was hard to pronounce, no. It was merely that no one here took the time to ever say my name. Where I am, saying the names of people around you was just a waste of time, and apparently to everyone else my name was a big hassle. I sighed as I looked around my surroundings that were lit with small dim florescent light bulbs that hid behind yellow stained streetlight covers that were so worn and old the city might as well as left them off. We all walked around in the near darkness once the sun set, if even it came out during the day, and we had gotten used to it. None of us needed much light to move around, and to be honest, none of us needed words to be exchanged in order to communicate. Not that we communicate with each other much as is. My life here in this poor grim city has been an unpleasant one and like others, I wish for a better life, a life with much more happiness in store. But unlike everyone else, I do not wish this for everyone else, no. I only wish this for me, wishing it for anyone else would be totally and completely insane, and an utter waste of time. In my mindset no one else cared much for me, so why should I sit here and do what they do not? If they wanted a better life, well then they could wish for it on their own. I am sure that they do not need my help with that at all. Even if they did, they wouldn’t get it. I thought this as I walked down the wet streets, the sound of my shoes tapping against the wet stone sidewalk echoed through the streets. I walked slowly in the direction of my home, not really paying attention to much of anything as I walked, kind of in my own world. I sighed silently,

“My home…”

My home, was really nothing of a home, it was more of a shabby run-down apartment. I dreaded going home. The cold, torn grey wallpaper surrounds me there, and the clouded and chipped windows fogged the outside world. The creaking wood floors gave an eerie feeling to the place as I walked. The fireplace that was built to provide warmth only lets in the bone-chilling cold draft, and the clogged black chimney only suffocated any glimmer of the warm flame licking up the damp wood logs. There were water stains in the rotting ceiling and paint peeling off the worn wooden doors. My couch had hardly been used since I bought it new, but it looks as if a team of energetic jumping children came and bounced away on it every day since I moved it in. Although, I can hardly keep it dry with the water almost constantly dripping down in through the dark cracks in the ceiling. The kitchen was small and cramped, only about enough space for barely one person at a time, the counter tops were stained all different colors from all the previous tear and wear of owners. The fridge was a dirty white and tucked away in the corner directly across from the old rusty stove and the sink was next to that and wasn’t at all in better condition than anything else there. My cabinets had paint peeling off of them as well, and were hardly ever filled at any given time; there too, I could never keep the water out from dripping in. The dining room wasn’t really a dining room, It consisted of a small wooden table with water rings and two small wooden chairs, one of which the bottom of the legs were worn and on the floor under it you could see two faded lines where it was pulled in and pushed out for constant use. The other dining chair had never been touched since I moved it in. There was never really anyone else besides myself there to have used it. My bedroom was just as bad as the rest of the house condition wise, but what I liked about my bedroom was it was the one place where the water drip didn’t get on any of my furniture, so therefore my bed always remained dry, which often made me happy really. In my bedroom there was my bed, which was about the size of a queen sized bed, with several layers of blankets and such to keep me warm through our cold damp nights, a nightstand with a lamp and an alarm clock, and an old worn dresser that hadn’t moved in with me, but instead was there already when I had moved in. My bathroom as small and cramped, with merely a sink, a toilet, and a bathtub that was kind of old and looked dirty, but I did my best always to keep it as clean as I could. In my bathroom there wasn’t even a mirror, so every time I needed, or wanted, to do my hair or make-up I had to go to the dresser in my bedroom that had a mirror attached to the top of it. It was all depressing and tedious really. I slid my key into the lock of my door and sighed quietly. This is where I live, and not even my own home I enjoy going to. I turned the key and slipped in the door, closing and locking it behind myself. I glanced over my living area as I leaned against the door. Buckets of water were placed randomly about the living room floor, as water even now still dripped in them from the ceiling. My eyes glanced over my couch, which was now soaked to the bone, if it had any bones. My eyes stuck to the couch, thinking long and hard as my fist tightened around the folded plastic in my hand. I walked over to the couch, my heels clicking against the wood floor as it creaked beneath me. I came to a stop just a foot short of the couch, and stared at it for another minute then took the plastic, grasping at one end of it and throwing it out in front of me in the air over the couch. It floated there in the air for a mere moment then glided down through the air and settled softly on the couch. I tucked in the extra into the cushions and pulled it snugly around the whole couch; after I was sure that the plastic cover wasn’t coming off I stood up and looked to the ceiling where the slow small drops of water seeped in just above my couch. I watched as drop after drop fell from the small crack and dropped through the air to land against the cold, hard plastic and slid down to the rotting floors. I stood looking for a few more minutes then when I was satisfied I nodded slightly and made my way to my bedroom. I passed by the kitchen, pausing to look inside for only a moment then turning and continuing on to my bedroom. My stomach churned and growled, but I was not very hungry at all, or at least I didn’t feel like eating. Feeling a bit exhausted my feet shuffled along the wood floors as I made my way into my bedroom. I looked up seeing my bed and smiled a bit to myself knowing that warm comfort was only a few steps away from me. Even though I had to go shower and change first it was still only a few steps away. I sighed at the thought of a shower, I hated showers here. The showers were always cold and not fulfilling, I always came out of the shower just dreading ever taking one. My shoulders slumped over and my head hung a bit as I made my way to the bathroom, grabbing a change of clothes on my way over. I showered quickly and almost ran to my bed burying myself beneath the massive pile of blankets stacked on top. I cuddled closely against my warm mattress and pillows, pulling the blankets over me tightly making sure not to give the cold air any chance to penetrate my warm comfortable bubble. I yawned big and long, and settled my head into the pillows and my eye lids grew heavy and my body numb as I drifted away from this awful reality and into a better and cozier dream as I watched the world before me fade away.

There was a smell of rainwater and moist grass in the air around me, but it wasn’t like the smell of rainwater at home, it didn’t have the sickening, dirty smell of mold that went along with it. The smell of rainwater was almost fresh, like from a meadow I could only imagine. I could feel a thousand light touches all over my body, and I opened my eyes to find that I was outside in what really was the meadow I always imagined. It was lightly sprinkling and it was dim, It must have been about midnight or later. I looked around in an almost dreamy-confused state to see brilliant green trees surrounding me, and soft grass and flowers beneath me. I ran my hand across the moist grass, its touch foreign to me. I’d never felt grass at all since I was born, I was always surrounded my concrete and buildings. As I still just ran my fingers through the grassy weaves almost dazed, I heard a laugh, a deep, rich laugh from behind me. Although I knew someone else was there with me, and that I didn’t even know who it was or what they would do to me, I couldn’t pull my attention from my surroundings. The voice spoke in a strong but gentle tone,

“Do you like what you see here? Isn’t it just beautiful?” not being able to voice my opinion or even ask who he was I just nodded a simple nod, and as I did there was another round of laughter from him.

“You’ve never seen such a sight have you? This is all very new to you isn’t it?” I nodded again, my fingers still intertwining with the blades of grass “You know, this could become a daily thing for you. You could learn to live here in such beauty. It would be so easy for you.” This caught my attention and finally I could draw my gaze from the ground and look at him, at my visitor. He was a tall, well-built man who looked as though he was in his early to mid-twenties, he had hair that was a dirty blond and went just about past his ears his bangs swept aside to the right revealing his left eye and some of his right which from what I could see were a welcoming emerald green and shone ever so slightly in the slits of moonlight that managed to pass through the trees above us. His mouth was soft and kind and the corners were turned up in a gentle smile, he had on black pants, some combat boots and what appeared to be a long grey button up coat that the collar covered his neck almost up to his jaw-line and went down to about his knees. I could see that he left all but the last two buttons un-done on his coat and my eyes traveled down his outstretched arm along the fabric to his gloved that that was held palm-up and open toward me. I hesitated for a moment not being able to conjure up something to say or to even raise my hand to take his, I examined his face and features taking in everything that I could and when I didn’t take his hand he just looked me in the eyes and smiled warmer as he drew his hand back to his side.

“As I was saying, you could live in this every day. You could roam these lands every day whenever you wanted.” I looked at him, puzzled and asked almost inaudibly,

“How?” He smiled his gentle smile again and reached out to me grabbing a lock of my hair and tucking it behind my ear, but as he did that I could feel something else being tucked behind my ear as well. When he straightened up and smiled again I raised my hand to what was tucked behind my hair and it felt almost like smooth velvet had been folded and cut over and over again. I ran my hand along the length of it feeling something sticking out of it that was almost moist and soft. I turned to a nearby pond and looked at my reflection in the water seeing the brilliant pure white color of the flower stand out against my almost blood-red hair. I turned back to the man and even though he was watching me closely, he still kept the perfect smile on his lips, I blushed some.

“What is it..?” I asked. He looked puzzled for a moment and then his eyes softened as he spoke his words came out smooth like silk and rich with soothing tone,

“That my dear, is a Carnation. They’re kind of what I do.” He placed his hand on his hip and leaned his torso forward with a finger over his lips as he winked at me. “Best keep this to ourselves, eh? It’s not something I do for just anyone.” Hearing this made me blush lightly as I nodded. He stood straight again and smiled. “Good. Now I best be off.” As I turned back around to look at him he was gone, and I started feeling very light-headed as I felt myself hit the cold wet grass, then everything faded to darkness.

© Copyright 2013 Meldy Rene Belle (melodyrenebell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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