Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1911712-Eyes-of-a-Hero
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Relationship · #1911712
Story showing the relationship between a dog and its owner.
My eyes opened and the sun wasted no time penetrating the heat through my skin. I forced myself to get out of bed, uncovering the white duvet cover to invite the unwanted chill of the morning air which felt as if thousands of daggers were stabbing my skin. I swung my rucksack on my back and went down the stairs, following the hot, inviting smell of my mom’s cooking into the kitchen.
‘Hey mom.’ I said as I walked into the white and slightly tattered kitchen.
‘Hello darling. How are you?’
‘Good I guess. What are you making?’
‘I made some banana bread for you to take to school.’
I sat down at the table after dumping my black rucksack on the floor. I poured some orange juice into a cup and put some cereal into my bowl. I started to eat it when my mom came and sat down opposite me.
‘You ok?’ She asked, concerned.
‘I have to be.’ I shrugged.
‘You don’t have to be anything.’
‘I do. Dad’s…’ I stopped abruptly. I didn’t want to say it.
‘You can say it you know.’
I sighed a defeated sigh. ‘I miss him mom.’
‘I know. We all do.’ She held my hand. It’s my dad’s anniversary of his death. He died whilst on his 2nd tour in Afghanistan but he was killed by an IED. Sergeant Brickson was one of dad’s best friends, they were practically brothers and ever since dad died he’s been making sure that I grow up right and he helps my mom.
‘I’m gonna be late if I don’t go now.’ I excused myself.
The day seemed to drag on so slowly but I managed to survive and I walked home. I made a stop at the cemetary and stood above his grave. ‘I miss you dad.’ I said, voice cracking. In my head I was hoping for an answer but I knew that I would never get one.

After school finished eventually I walked home, ignoring the day that had gone past me. I unlocked the door and I went to the table to find a note.
An hour later, the doorbell rang and I opened to get it. I opened the door and saw my mom.
‘Wait here.’ She ordered and she ran back outside. She went to the car and ended up bringing a dog out. The brown coat and the brown chocolate like eyes reminded me of my father. I crouched down and the dog ran to me, not giving it a second thought, and started licking me with his big pink tongue, his way of saying hello. The short brown, black, and white fur brushed against me and felt so soft and his triangle pointed ears bent down as I stroked him.
‘Happy birthday.’ Mom came to me and ushered us inside. She said that I could play with him only if I finish my homework and so I did.
‘You got a name for him?’ She asked.
‘Seeley. After dad.’ I said looking at her. She smiled.
‘Your dad would be proud of you.’ I got up and started to play with Seeley. He made me smile, he made me feel good about things. We ended up getting a Chinese takeaway and it seemed as if mom had already got some pet food and toys from the pet store that she works at.
I offered to do the washing up but my mother insisted that I should relax. I watched TV and allowed Seeley to come up onto the couch. I took him out for a walk and he walked on the leash perfectly. I woke up the next day after I felt a sloppy tongue wipe his way round my face. I tried to stop him but he kept coming but eventually I calmed him down and he lay down next to me. I kept stroking him and when my phone rang his head popped up along with his ears.
‘Hey.’ Her soft and tender voice felt as if she was lying down right next to me.
‘Hey.’ I smiled, stroking Seeley.
‘Are you ready?’
‘Celebrate your birthday!’
‘Oh! I completely forgot and made plans with my mom. I’m so sorry Lexi…’ I said in my most innocent voice.
‘As if I’m going to fall for that.’ I could just imagine her giving me one of those looks. ‘I’m on my way over now. Be ready in twenty minutes. I’ve phoned your mom already so just get ready.’
‘Fine.’ I sighed and ended the call. I opened the door and greeted her by kissing her and invited her in. Seeley got up and ran towards her who looked at me, shocked.
‘You got a dog?’
‘Yeah, my mom got me a dog for my birthday.’ I smiled. She bent down to pat him and then he came and sat next to me.
‘He loves you.’
‘He reminds me of dad.’ I said, looking up from Seeley to meet her eyes.
‘Come on, we’d better get going.’ She got the basket and waited at the door. We lay down the blanket and sat down with Seeley lying next to us, drinking his water. ‘So, how is everything?’ I knew what she was talking about; the fact that my dad’s dead was the day before my birthday. Depressing much?
‘Better now I’ve got you and Seeley.’ I told her, stroking Seeley on the head.
‘You love Seeley don’t you?’ I nodded. It was true, Seeley had officially become my best friend. We were walking home, past the construction site, when I saw it. The banner saying that they were building it so it was a Marine Corps Recruiting Office. I smiled, knowing what I was going to do. I got home where my mom was there with Sergeant Brickson in the front room. Lexi talked to my mom about something whilst I wanted to talk to Sergeant Brickson.
‘Sir?’ I started.
‘Yeah kiddo?’
‘How old were you when you joined the Corps?’
‘I was 25.’
‘What about dad?’
‘He was 21. Why do you ask kid?’
‘I was walking back home with Lexi when I passed a construction site-it was going to be a Marine Corps recruiting office.’
‘Yeah. We’re building a new one in Quantico as our old one got demolished.’
‘What was my dad like?’
‘Are you asking me as a friend or as a Marine?’ He sat down on the couch.
‘He was the bravest Marine I ever knew. He was smart, strong, decisive and hell he was fast. As a friend, he was like a brother to me. We did everything together, lived together on base. Played basketball, baseball everything. As a dad, he loved you and your mom. It’s a good thing that you called your dog after your dad. After 5 years of service as an active Marine, he wanted to become a dog handler next.’
‘What if I took his place? As a dog handler, I mean. Seeley’s a Malinois and only 8 months.’
‘If you joined or not, you’d make your dad proud and a pretty damn smart Marine.’ He looked at me. I smiled. ‘But you should talk to your mom and Lexi about this. It’s a pretty huge decision.’
‘I know. But I thought with your experience that you could give me some advice.’
‘Hang out with me tomorrow. I’ll take you round base and then you’ll see.’
‘What’s going on?’ My mom came in followed by Lexi and Seeley. I looked at Sergeant Brickson for help, he nodded.
‘I was just asking about joining the Marine Corps.’
‘What?’ Both of them looked at me in shock/confusion/happiness.
‘Look, I want to make dad proud. He was going to be a dog handler, ask Sergeant Brickson if you don’t believe me!’ Both eyes looked at him.
‘It’s true. Seeley talked to me about being a dog handler after 10 years of service and then he wanted to be a recruiting officer so he could be close to home.’
‘He never told me that.’ Mom sat down, holding my hand. Lexi followed behind her, sitting next to me holding my hand. Seeley came and sat by my feet, looking at me.
‘He was on his way back home on your 10th anniversary- the day before Dylan turned 7- as a surprise. He wasn’t due back to the States for another two weeks but he persuaded his CO to let him come back. Hell, he had got your presents and everything. On the way back as I was escorting him to the chopper going back home, he got killed by two gunman in an ambush. He saved my life, urging me to go on and leave him after telling me that I should give the ring to Dylan on his 16th.’
‘Improvised Explosive Device.’ I finished the sentence. I knew what it was. It was on the TV, newspapers, online – it was everywhere.
‘Wait, he was going to come back home?’
‘That was the plan. NCIS investigated the scene and retrieved this from your dad.’ He handed me a ring. The sterling silver signet ring had a black square on which it had the USMC flag in silver. The Eagle overshadowed it- representing the Great Seal of the US. On the edge of the square, it had engraved the abbreviation of the Corps on it in black- USMC. On the sides of the ring, it had the 50 stars from the US flag, representing each of the 50 states in the US.
‘He got this for me?’
‘Yeah. He had it custom made and all. He wanted you to grow up respecting the military. Ma’am here you go.’ He handed my mom a blue box. The box had the name ‘Seeley She opened it and gasped in admiration. I could see a locket pendent. On the front it had the USMC symbol and when she opened it had a picture of me, my dad and mom when I was around 6 old. We all looked so happy. My dad was cradling me in his USMC Utility uniform and had his arm around mom. At the bottom a quote read ‘Always love you’ in black.
‘That was the day your father was deployed to go to the war in Afghan. The last time we ever saw him.’ She hugged me tightly, sobbing.
‘Thank you. One more thing Dylan, but I need to give this to you in private.’
‘Sure.’ I got up to follow him. ‘Mom, are you okay?’ She nodded but her tears still kept flowing.
‘I’ll take this.’ Lexi assured. I followed Sergeant Brickson into my bedroom.
‘Your dad wanted me to give this to you.’ He handed me a blue box. I opened it and was immediately mesmerized by the sterling silver. The princess diamond shape held a white diamond and around the band it had encrusted tiny jewels of diamond.
‘What is this for?’ I asked confused.
‘Your dad brought it for you to give to whoever you propose to.’
‘Thanks sir.
‘I’m just doing what your father wanted me to do.’ I put the box away in my safe and went back outside.
‘You ok mom?’ I asked, going to sit next to her.
‘Yeah. Just overwhelmed. I’ve got to go shopping for some food with Sergeant Brickson.’
‘Ok. I’ll stay with Seeley.’
‘Ok. I’ll be back in about an hour.’ They left and I could hear the engine of the Mercedes CL Silver car drive off.
‘So, you want to join the Corps then?’ Lexi turned to me.
‘Look, I know you should’ve told you but…’
‘Yeah you should have but I’m proud of you. You can join if you want, I’ll always love you.’
‘I love you too.’ Seeley whined.
‘Love you too boy.’ I chuckled patting him.
‘So, what are you going to do about school?’
‘I’ll need to ask Sergeant Brickson about what to do. Thank you.’
‘For what?’ She asked.
‘Standing up for me against your brother and everything.’
‘Don’t worry. He’s just being overprotective.’
‘He’s your brother.’
‘Yeah.’ I smiled.
‘So, if we were still going out in say 10 years time, what would you do?’
‘I should be working by then hopefully as a doctor.’
‘Just asking.’ She gave me a look, pressing me to go on.
‘It’s just that dad thought about the future. Getting Sergeant Brickson to give me the ring on my 17th birthday and everything. Just got me thinking about the future.’
‘The future is what you make of it. If it’s joining the Marine Corps then it that but if it it’s something else then it’s something else. As long as you’re happy then no-one will care.’
‘Thanks.’ Then Lexi’s phone rang.
‘Hello? Calm down, I’m coming over.’ She ended the call on her Samsung Galaxy SII.
‘Leah’s had a boyfriend crisis. I need to go over. Are you going to be okay on your own?’
‘Yeah. I’ll see you at school.’
‘Yeah. I love you.’ She kissed me and made a quick exit. Seeley looked at me and I let him up onto the sofa stroking him.
An hour later and my mom came back home with Sergeant Brickson carrying the shopping. After he left, I sat at the table with my mom when we were eating.
‘I want to join the Marine Corps.’ I decided. She looked at me, dropping her fork and holding my hand.
‘Are you sure?’
‘Yeah. I think it can offer me a great deal and I would feel as if I would be making dad proud.’
‘You’ve already made him proud but if that’s what you want to do then…’
‘I need to know that you’re okay with this.’
‘I am just… I’ve already lost one person I love on the battlefield and I don’t want to lose another.’
‘I won’t. Thank you.’
‘Just be safe.’ She kissed my hand and resumed eating.
‘I’m going around base with Sergeant Brickson tomorrow.’
‘I know. He told me.’
‘I’ve noticed that you’ve been spending a lot of time recently.’
‘He’s a friend.’
‘Just a friend?’
‘Mom, are you happy with him?’
‘Does he make you happy?’
‘Yes, of course he does.’
‘Then I’m happy for you.’
‘I thought you would be angry. He was your dad’s best friend.’
‘We can’t be stuck in the past, we have to live the present and look into the future.’ She smiled
*** 7 YEARS LATER***
The atmosphere was immense. The constant chatter seemed never ending and everyone conversation included an ‘I love you’ or a ‘Goodbye’. I could see Jack and Lexi patting Seeley, saying their goodbyes to him but Seeley didn’t know that. Seeley played with Leo as they do ignoring the goodbyes from Jack especially. He was a dog- a war dog. Everyone in the military hated this, not just the Marines, but everyone. We had to leave our loved ones behind, not knowing if we would come back.
I’ll be fine mom. ‘I tried to reassure her. She hugged me tightly, shedding tears onto my desert utility uniform. I kissed her on her cheek and then reluctantly let her go. I saw him, only at the tender age of 3, trying his hardest not to cry. I bent down. Opening my arms for a hug and he ran up to me. I lifted him up and hugged him, not ever wanting to let go.
I’ll rewind a bit for you to understand the timeline. I had Seeley trained to be a war dog and I was his dog handler. As a present- just in case if Seeley doesn’t make it- I got a new puppy, a Border Collie named Leo, for Jack. I proposed to Lexi when I was 20 and Lexi gave birth to Jack when I was 21.
‘Take care of your mom, ok Jack?’ I whispered.
‘Yeah dad.’
‘I’ll miss you. I’ll be thinking about you all the time.’
‘Me too.’ He burrowed his head behind me not wanting to show anyone that he was crying.
‘Have a great birthday and you can open your presents.’
‘Yeah. I love you.’ His blue eyes beamed in the sunlight and I pushed his blond hair back.
‘I love you too.’ I let him down and saw her. I kissed and then hugged her, ignoring the other Marines that were being deployed.
No-one wanted to leave their loved ones but it was part of the job.
‘Be safe.’ She said to me.
‘I will. I love you and Jack.’
‘We love you.’ I held her hand, the ring that my father gave me, and hugged her. I closed my eyes, picturing them all in my mind.
‘Marines!’ Our CO shouted, signaling to me that it was our time to go.
‘Bye. I’ll see you in three months. Love you all.’ I waved, looking back and walking towards our Boeing Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight along with all the other Marines and their dogs being deployed. I checked in with my CO, Tom, who turned out to be Lexi’s brother.
‘You ready for this Dylan?’ He looked at Lexi who was holding Jack in her arms.
‘I think so.’ I sighed. Looking one last time at the crowd of people sobbing and forcing a smile upon their faces.
‘I’ve got your back.’ He patted me on the back, looking at me.
‘I’ve got yours.’ I patted his back meeting his eyes. We nodded at each other in agreement and he went in first onto the chopper. I looked back one last time at mom, Lexi and Jack. Those were the last three people that I would see before going to Afghanistan.
Inside the chopper we were all sitting, with our dogs on our laps, strapped in. It didn’t feel as if we were forced but it was restricted. We could see our loved ones comforting each other but I didn’t care. I focused my eyes on the three people that I loved most – Jack, Lexi and mom. I tried my best to sleep and before I knew it we had arrived in Camp Rhino, Registan Desert, Afghanistan at 19:23. We managed to make it to the base and were introduced to our dormitories for the night. We were told to get ready to debrief at 20:15 with our dogs in the meeting room. It seemed that I was sharing a dorm with Tom which turned out to be fine. We went into the debriefing room which was basically an empty training hall where the chairs were set up and I sat down next to Paul who was with his dog, Leo. We were debriefed and then sent back to go to sleep.I turned off the light and closed my eyes. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Who knows if I would make it out of Afghan alive or dead.

The next day we were on our way to base when I made eye contact with Seeley’s big brown eyes and was pleasantly surprised to see that he wasn’t scared. We all congregated into the hall.
‘Right, we’re starting our patrol on Tuesday and we’ll go out at 06:00.' We were dismissed and sent to our dorms. I was with Tom again but I didn’t mind. The next day, after training I Skyped Lexi and Jack.
‘Daddy!’ Jack squealed with delight as he saw my face on his screen at home.
‘Hey buddy!’ I replied.
‘Where’s Seeley dad?’
‘Seeley!’ I called over. He lay down next to me and I turned the camera to him. He put his paws on it- intrigued to see what it was. He eventually gave up and just decided to sleep. I rolled my eyes. ‘Seeley’s sleeping next to me.’ I told Jack.
‘Hey, where’s mommy?’ I asked.
‘She’s just come back from hospital.’
‘Why? Has something happened? Is she okay?’ I started to ask with worry.
‘I’m fine.’ She entered smiling. ‘Even when you’re miles away you still worry about me.’
‘I can’t help it.’ I laughed.
‘Hey buddy can you get the rest of the stuff from the car so I can talk to your dad?’
‘Sure.’ He jetted off.
‘He’s growing.’ I noticed.
‘Yes he is.’
‘Anyway, why the trip to the doctors?’
‘I have some news.’ She started to grin.
‘Honey, I’m pregnant.’ She announced.
‘What?!’ I asked, startled. I must have said it loudly- Seeley was looking at me with those ‘why did you wake me’ eyes. I pet him and he fell asleep almost instantly.
‘Yeah, I started getting morning sickness so I thought I’d go to the doctors to check it out.’
‘How far along are you?’
‘Only 2 weeks but still…’
‘I love you, you know that right?’
‘I was hoping.’
‘Did doc do a scan?’
‘Yeah, I’ll scan it and send it to you. Could you tell my brother please?’ I nodded.
‘Have you told Jack?’ I asked.
‘Nope. I was hoping you would do the honors?’
‘Sure.’ I smiled. Right on cue, the little man came and took a seat next to Lexi. I could hear the scampering of Leo’s paws trudging the wooden floors.
‘Hey big man. Did you put everything out?’ Lexi asked.
‘Of course I did.’
‘Hey, your mother and I need to tell you something.’
‘Is it good or bad?’
‘Good.’ I couldn’t help but smile.
‘Ok. What is it?’
‘Well… your mother is pregnant again.’
‘Really mommy?’ He turned to look at her.
‘So I won’t have to be the youngest anymore?’ I could see his eyes getting bigger and bigger.
‘I’ll take care of the baby. I’ll be the best brother in the world and if anyone picks on them then they have me to answer to!’ He said proudly. We all laughed.
‘I’ve got to start cooking breakfast but I love you, Marine.’ I chuckled.
‘I love you too. I’ll say hi to your brother for you.’
‘Ok. Bye.’ She went off into the kitchen.
‘Hey buds, whilst I’m gone you’re going to have to be the man of the house.’
‘I know.’
‘You’re going to have to make some pretty big decisions and look after your mom and the baby when it’s born.’
‘I’ve got to go but I’ll try and chat later.’
‘Yeah. We all miss you, even grandma.’
‘How is she by the way?’
‘She’s good. Mom says she’s coming over for dinner tomorrow with grandpa Peter.’ They got married shortly after I was enlisted.
‘That’s good! You’re going to help mom cook right?’
‘Sure.’ He smiled- he loved to bake.
‘I’ve got to go now but I’ll see you soon.’
‘Dad?’ He said as I was about to end the call.
‘We all love you and we’re all proud of you.’
‘I love you too and tell mom to rest okay? Take care of her or at least get grandma to help her.’
‘Sure thing dad. Bye.’
‘Bye.’ Just like that the conversation had ended. I shut down my laptop and took Seeley out for one last run and slept. Tomorrow was when the real job began.
My alarm went off at 05:00 and woke me up with the annoying high pitched trill. Surprisingly I woke up straight away and jumped off to get changed in the head. I passed the guys who were coming with us and gave a silent nod which carried the message. Tom came and set his tray opposite mine and dug into his cereal.
‘You nervous?’ he asked in between his cereal.
‘Just a bit.’
‘You’ll be fine.’
‘I hope so. By the way, I have an announcement.’
‘What is it?’
‘Your sister’s pregnant.’
‘What?’ he dropped his spoon and looked at me in disbelief.
‘She’s pregnant.’
‘How far?’
‘2 weeks.’
‘That’s great news. I’m happy for you both.’
‘Boy or girl?’
‘We don’t know but I hope it’s a girl.’
‘How come?’
‘Just, I’ve always wanted to have one of each. I do know one thing thought- whether it be a girl or boy I’ll love them and protect them.’
‘I know you will.’
‘Yeah. Good talk.’
‘Yeah. You nearly done?’
‘Yeah. I can’t eat any more without being sick.’ I started to get up.
‘Ok buddy. Let’s go and get ready.’
‘I’ll meet you back. I need to collect Seeley.’ He nodded as we went opposite directions. I went and got Seeley and walked back to the dorm.
‘Time to go buddy.’ I looked at him and put on my camouflaged backpack. I made sure that my water bottle was filled up and took out the iced bottle from the canteen for Seeley.
One day, we were on patrol when we saw two kids, both similar ages to Jack. They looked terrified and using a translator we found that their parents were killed by the Taliban and that their school was bombed. We led them to a safe village where they were going to be safe. This routine continued on for about a month when it changed.
Everything started out normally – we had breakfast and were about 4 hours into our patrol. By surprise, a gunman appeared out of nowhere. One came at me but Seeley jumped up, injuring him in the shoulder and Seeley landed on the floor, whining. ‘No!’ I shouted- not thinking about what would happen to me next. I ran towards him but got shot in the back by a second gunman and collapsed onto the floor. I tried my hardest to ignore the excruciating pain but I was trying to find Seeley. I turned my head to see him practically wincing in pain and whilst all the gun fires went on, I hauled myself over to him. I tried to reassure him by stroking him and when the fighting stopped everybody rushed over.
‘Where are you hit?’ Tom came by me.
‘Seeley’s shot in the shoulder and I think I got shot in the back.’
‘You’ll be fine Marine.’ He told me.
******* 2 Days Later*******
‘This is killing me.’ I winced as I woke up. The pain wasted no time kicking in as I tried to sit up.
‘Easy.’ Tom helped me.
‘Guess the morphine didn’t work.’ I muttered.
‘Do you want me to get the nurse?’
‘I’m fine.Where’s Seeley?’
‘You’ll be reunited with him back home when you land tomorrow.’
‘Is he okay?’
‘Yeah sure. He didn’t let anyone touch you when we got here though.’
‘Have you told Lexi about all this?’
‘Yeah. I called her as soon as we got here- I told her you were getting back tomorrow.’
‘What time am I leaving?’
‘At noon.’
‘I guess I can sleep then.’
‘I’ll miss you.’
‘Stop it you big sob.’ I patted him.
‘See you later.’He left me alone and a nurse came in.
‘I’m just here to give you some morphine.’
‘Thanks ma’am.’ She smiled and I closed my eyes knowing that I was safe.
I opened my arms for Jack when I arrived home the next day and it felt so liberating when he came into my arms.
‘Hey buddy.’ I tried to pick him up but the pain of my back stopped me from doing that and I had to put him down.
‘Daddy!’ he kept saying. I pet Mylo as his tail was wagging and he kept trying to jump onto me. I hugged Lexi and winced in pain.
‘Are you okay?’ she asked, worried.
‘I’ll be fine. Doc says to rest at home.’
‘Ok. Jack, will you walk Mylo back to the car please?’
‘Sure momma.’
‘Here, give me your bags.’ I obeyed and she loaded them onto the trolley as we made our way back to the car.
‘Are you okay daddy?’ Jack asked.
‘Of course I’m okay.’
‘How was Afghanistan dad?’
‘Good, I met some new kids there who were about your age. How was your birthday?’
‘Great! Everyone came and even Aunt Beth and Uncle Clay came from California.’ Beth was Lexi’s older sister who married Clay.
‘That sounds great. How’s school?’
‘I hate it.’
‘Hey, don’t say hate.’ Warned Lexi.
‘Sorry, just saying.’ He played on his iPad.
‘How’s your back?’ Lexi asked as she was driving.
‘Frickin' killing me.’ I told her- I couldn't keep up with the ruse any longer.
‘Have you taken your painkillers?’
‘No, doc says to try not to use them.’
‘Just relax when we get home. You’re seeing Seeley again tomorrow if that helps.’ She reminded me. I smiled broadly. We made our way home where my mom and Sergeant Brickson were standing to greet us.
‘I made you your favourite.’
‘Banana cake.’ I smiled, reminiscing the sweet smell of the banana surging out.
‘Come on daddy!’ Jack shouted from the living room. Kids and their toys I thought to myself. I walked over to the living room and we started to play Kinect Sports and started to play Boxing and Soccer when Jack had to go for his piano practice. He’s quite good- must get it from Lexi.
‘Are you hungry? Cake’s done.’ My mom bought the cake out.
‘Thank you.’ I said as I received a slice of it.
‘Are you okay?’ I nodded in response.
She went as Lexi came in and sat next to me. I put my arm around her.
‘How are you doing?’ She asked.
‘Don’t you think that I should be asking you that question?’ I gave her that look.
‘I’m pregnant Dylan not disabled.’
‘Well, I’ve just got shot in the back not disabled.’ I shot back. She rolled her eyes.
‘Seriously, how are you?’ I asked.
‘Good. How’s my brother?’
‘He’s well. He says hi by the way.’
‘I got a call from the Corps- Seeley’s coming tomorrow at 13:00.’ She got up to start cooking and I watched some sports on the TV. When his practice had finished he joined me as we watched some basketball. Ten minutes later my mom had come home from the shops and gave me a painkiller.
The next day I woke up excited to see Seeley.
‘Daddy! Seeley’s coming home today!’ Jack screamed as he jumped into our bed. Lexi faked groaned and we turned around to see him standing up.
‘I know buddy!’ I said, genuinely meaning it. Mylo came in and jumped onto the bed licking me. Jack went to his room to get changed as I walked into the black marble top kitchen and saw Lexi.
‘Smells good.’ I hugged her.
She laughed. ‘I love you Marine.’
‘I was hoping.’
‘Here you go.’ She passed me two plates full of pancakes and I put them on the breakfast bar. Just on cue, Jack came running down with Mylo behind him.
‘Mmm. Smells good momma!’ He sniffed.
‘Thank you. Here’s your plate.’ Lexi handed him the plate as he got onto his stool.
‘Thanks!’ After making two coffees- one for Lexi and me- I got up onto the stool and started to eat the pancakes.
‘How was your day these past few weeks?’
‘It was good. Ms. Smith gave us cookies last week.’ Lexi and I chuckled shaking our heads.
‘It was good. Even better when I found out that I was pregnant.’ I smiled at her.
‘What time is Seeley coming back?’ Jack asked.
’13:00.’ Lexi told him.
’12?’ He guessed. He’s not so used to military time yet.
‘No. Think about it again. 13:00.’
‘Oh! 1 o’clock!’ he correctly said.
‘Yeah. Want some milkshake?’
‘Go on then. It’s in the fridge.’ Lexi let him have it.
*******4 Hours Later*******
‘Come on Jack!’ I shouted at the bottom of the stairs.
‘Coming daddy!’ He ran down the stairs carrying Seeley’s favourite toy- his chew toy thing. I buckled him in his seat and Mylo slept on the ground. Jack started to play on his Ipad. I sat there in silence, glancing at Lexi every now and then, until we arrived. When we did arrive I was somewhat nervous.
I got out of the car and unbuckled Jack and let him take Mylo. The plane touched down and a whole bunch of people and some dogs but not Seeley.
‘Maybe we missed him.’ Lexi suggested. So we went to the front office.
‘Excuse me? I was told that Seeley would arrive today?’ I asked the guy.
‘Wait a minute.’ He told me.
‘Sorry kid, guy over in Afghan was drunk and put him on the next flight.’
‘When’s that?’
‘We don’t know. We’ve been told to lay low for the next few weeks.’
‘What?! He’s my dog… he was shot in Afghan.’ I argued.
‘Sorry kid. I’m sure he’s alright.’
‘You’d better hope so.’ I shot back.
‘I can contact you as soon as I know sir.’
‘Please do.’ Lexi intervened. She knew the full extent of how this could have gone.
‘Come on Dylan.’ She ushered me away. She buckled Jack in and I sat at the front, trying to block out what had just happened.
We got home and I went straight off to bed. This day had just gotten worse. I wanted Seeley back- dead or alive.
The next day, I refused to eat or even to get out of bed. This continued for about 3 days.
One day someone interrupted that schedule. Lexi knocked on the door gently. I turned to look at her but continued to stare outside. She came and snuggled up next to me.
‘I got a call from the front office.’ I turned round, hoping it was the news that I hoped for.
‘He’s coming home in 2 hours.’ She announced. I laughed and hugged her.
‘It’s nice to see you smile.’
‘Thank you for being there for me. I’m sorry for the past few days.’
‘Don’t worry. Although , Jack was upset.’
‘Where is he?’ I suddenly felt guilty.
‘Come in Jack!’ Lexi shouted. He opened the door and the little man jumped on top of the bed.
‘Seeley’s coming home!’ Jack shouted.
‘Do you want to pick up a burger on the way there?’ I suggested.
‘Really momma?’ we both looked at Lexi.
‘Go on then.’ She reluctantly let in.
‘I love you all.’
‘I love you too dad.’ He hugged me and Lexi rested her head on my chest.
An hour later, we made our way to pick Seeley up after collecting a burger.
‘Daddy?’ Jack asked after having a bite of his burger.
‘Yes?’ I looked at him after sipping some of my vanilla shake.
‘Why are you injured?’ Lexi and I made eye contact- we didn’t want to tell our 4 year old son about the real stories of wars in Afghanistan.
‘Well… you know that daddy went to serve and protect his country.’
‘Yeah.’ He agreed.
‘Well, in the process of it daddy got very hurt over there and the doctors are helping me to feel better.’
I sighed, I hated this. As parents, we want to protect our child from all this not tell them all about it. ‘Well, a man shot me Jack.’
‘Seeley too?’
‘Yeah. I’m sorry.’
‘I’ll get that guy who shot you. I’ll join NCIS when I’m older and get him!’ he started to say. Guess he took it well then.
‘Daddy’s okay.’
‘I know. You’re never going to die.’ I laughed and continued to eat. When we got there we waited, just like we did a couple of days ago, for the plane to touch down and when it did we anxiously waited for Seeley to come out. He did, last, being carried by one of the Corporals who had just finished his 2nd tour in Afghanistan. When he saw me, he jumped off forgetting about his injury and ran towards me. I crouched down and opened my arms to him and he started to lick me all over the place. We all petted him but he seemed to always come back to me.
‘Sir. The doc back in Afghan wants you to give these antibiotics daily and to take him to the vets in two weeks.’
‘Thanks Marine.’
‘No problem sir.’ I shook hands with him after saluting him and walked away. We got into the car and I sat in the back with Mylo, Seeley and Jack and I let Seeley up onto the seat. He slept across my legs whilst I was examining his injury.
‘You’re okay buddy.’ I stroked him and he looked at me- almost as if he was winking at me. We got home and it seemed whilst we were out- mom and Sergeant Brickson had practically invited the whole neighbourhood and a couple of the guys from base (we lived just outside the base as it was closer to Jack’s pre-school). Neighbours had gathered outside and as we got out of the car they erupted into a huge round of applause. I unbuckled Jack and let him take Mylo whilst I carefully scooped Seeley and walked him back home. On the way I got congratulated by normal civilians and those in the Corps. We got into the home and saw a massive ‘Welcome Back Marine’ banner which hung above the kitchen. I laughed and put Seeley on his bed and walked into the kitchen where everybody spoke with one another and also ate. The kids played on the game consoles whilst there was a massive water fight back in the garden.
What seemed to be forever after, the guests finally left and I put Seeley to sleep by the radiator- not too hot and not too cold. Mylo slept next to him and I walked in with two glasses of wine and gave Lexi who was lying on the couch.
‘Hey.’ She smiled upon seeing me.
‘Hey. So, Jack’s in bed.’
‘Your parents went back to their house. How’s your back?’
‘If you mean that it’s not killing me then it’s cool.’ She chuckled.
‘How’s the baby?’
‘Good. It’s going to be a kicker.’
‘Exactly what I had in mind.’ I cuddled her and we watched the red, yellow, orange flames fire up from the electric fireplace and she looked up at me.
‘I love you Marine.’ She told me.
‘I love you too.’ I kissed her. Then I saw Seeley come over.
‘What are you doing up?’ I looked at him.
‘You ok buddy?’ Lexi petted him. Half an hour later we were exhausted and went to sleep. We decided to let Mylo and Seeley sleep in the same room.
‘Momma!’ Jack suddenly came in about to burst into tears.
‘What’s up?’ she woke up groggily.
‘Come in here.’ He got in the middle and I found Lexi’s hand and went to sleep. This was what I liked- the whole family together.
*******15 YEARS LATER*******
I walked towards the burial site holding the hands of my 10 year old sister,(named Katherine Elizabeth Smith) with my mother (who was holding 6 month old James Lucas Smith), grandmother and grandfather following behind me. We dreaded this day, ever since he went back to Afghan for his 2nd tour his chances of dying were increased. Sure, he was home for Jamie’s birth 6 months ago but he died waiting for a heart transplant. That day when I found out, I burst into tears. I didn’t want my dad to die- he was someone I looked up to, not just as a boy but as a loving father and a great Marine.
We buried Seeley as well, our US War Dog who went on two tours with dad. I guess dogs really can grieve- Mylo seemed to be depressed for the past few days. I don’t particularly blame him, him and Seeley were best friends.
I knew my career- I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps and be a Marine. Not just any Marine, but a damn good Marine.
© Copyright 2013 IzziPark96 (isypark96 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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