Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1911703-The-World-Is-What-We-Make-It
Rated: E · Other · Opinion · #1911703
The world is what we make it, so let’s make it better.
The world is what we make it, things go wrong every day, that’s just the way it is, it’s our job as human beings and as the people that hold this world together to put things right. No matter how hard things get, you just have to sit back and realise that there is always going to be someone who is worse off than you. All I see is people complaining about how the government are causing problems, and the politicians are cheating us; until recently I thought exactly the same; but now I have opened my eyes and can see that no matter what anyone says, everyone is responsible for how the world has changed. It’s not as if the “change” is anything new, anyone with access to a history book will see that. Things have always gone wrong, whether it’s natural disasters, or caused by people, it has always happened. People have lived through wars, plagues, depressions, huge natural disasters; the list goes on... but we still exist on this planet. It seems that these days people are too focussed on making problems worse, making mountains out of molehills, it’s all “me me me”; people seem to think that only they matter, and so long as they have plenty of what they want; there is no reason to worry about anyone else. I'm not in any way saying people should be sharing their hard earned money, it’s not about money. It’s about how we act as people, what we do to help others, and if we care enough about our world to hold it together. Money issues and employment issues have been around for decades, families have faced extreme difficulties, look at the great depression. People all over the world were without jobs and unable to feed their families, and yes it was hard for everyone, but it didn't wipe us out did it? No. We are still here, on this planet, with the same responsibilities we've always had. People just don’t seem to care any more, like as if they are thinking “Well the world is already ruined and there’s no changing that”, this is giving up, this is quitting, this is realising that you’re as bad as any for not making the effort to care or help.
As for all the fighting, crime and hatred, I will never ever understand it. What happened to so many people to make them want to do these things? We weren't given the gift of life just to take it away from other people, there is no way to justify it. When countries have problems with each other things are dealt with in the worst possible way, to leaders it’s not about doing what’s in the best interest of the people, it’s about greed and power. Say what you want, make as many excuses as you want; it’s not going to change the fact that the people of this world are not stupid. Millions of people can see what you are all doing to this world, and one day hopefully people will realise that there are better ways. Ways of fixing issues without killing people, destroying homes, using weapons or ruining the lives of so many people. Being from different countries, having different colour skin, being different genders, none of that stuff matters, not a single bit of it, we are all humans, we are all the same. We are supposed to come together as equals and put things right, not claim “power” and label other parts of the world as “poor”, It’s not supposed to be that way, we are supposed to help each other. Until we all start working together things are just going to keep getting worse, Instead of being against the government we need to try and work with them, there has to be a way. If the public had their way, and the government crumbled; do you actually think the way of living will be better? You are kidding yourself if you do, if the government crumbles, the world as we know it will crumble too. Don’t get me wrong, I disagree with many decisions that have been made by our government, and in countries around the world, but we have to accept these decisions, face the changes and find a way to manage. Things could be a hell of a lot worse, I for one can picture how the way of life would be without government, leadership and order, and I definitely wouldn't say it would be better. We just need to work together, make cuts in the right places; take everyone’s needs into consideration not just the majority. There must be some way that things can work without people having to suffer, without people losing their homes and everything they've worked for. Imagine a world without hate, without crime, without pain and suffering, I think as a species we have evolved enough to be able to see that the world and everything on it is in trouble. There are too many people taking everything for granted, instead of realising how lucky they really are. There are too many people destroying families and not thinking about the people that are left behind to pick up the pieces. Love and peace has been replaced with hatred and greed. What happened to the people who were willing to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders? I have been through thick and thin and I am still standing strong, I'm not going to just give up. All over the world countries and people are suffering from acts of god; hurricanes, tornado's, tsunami’s, people lose entire families, closest loved ones, their homes get destroyed, but yet they still manage to hold their head high, be strong and rebuild their lives, there are millions of people out there with REAL problems, think about that every time you face challenges, you will realise that things really could be worse, just stay strong and push forward. We only get the gift of life once, and there’s enough hatred and anger out there. No doubt people will disagree with things I have said, and will probably give nasty unnecessary comments, well those are the people I was talking about earlier, the ones more interested in making a problem instead of helping to solve one. I believe I am entitled to an opinion; so I’m giving it. The world is what we make it, so let’s make it a better place for all of us.
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