Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1911490-Untitled
by Ares
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1911490
The start off of the final story Idea that my last Untitled item evolved into
Without looking back, William steadily walked to his old apartment. He looked at the old, crumpled paper in his hand. Come to your old apartment, it read. He hoped it was his old girlfriend ready to accept his invitation as a friend in his life again. William wished that over everything else; she had always been a dear friend to him for years. Apparently, that had all changed when they broke up. He turned into the complex and sped towards the building. Why did it have to be in the very back, William asked himself. He never really thought that through and he was about to pay for that. When he reached the building, he raced up the stairs; the door was already cracked open and on the door was another message. In the bed room, it read; it was written in blood. Suspicious, he cautiously went to the back bed room. When William got in the doorway, he nearly fell back at the sight that awaited him. Every woman that he had ever loved was dead; stacked on top of each other on the bed with blood all over the room. All of their heads were turned to face the door as if expecting for him to show. It seemed as if someone wanted to have the past haunt him for all eternity. To him, it was a message; but of what, he could not tell. He just knew he had to get home; he wasn’t safe here.

         William raced home as fast as possible. Everything seemed fine from the outside, but then again, so did the apartment.  He sprinted straight to the front door, took out the key to unlock it but as soon as he touched the door with the key, the door slowly opened. That’s when he knew something was wrong. He locked the door when he went out. He rushed to the stairway that led up to the bedroom. When He entered the room, the sight was more horrible than the last. On the outside wall, next to the window was a message written in what William assumed was the blood of one of his ex-girlfriends. “Your time will come”, it read.

         Seeing the threat, he turned for the door which was now shut and a tall figure was standing in front of it. Assuming this was the person responsible, William confronted him. “Why?” he croaked, his voice broke with grief. “Kara, Brittany, and Chloe; what did they do to deserve this?”

         “They didn’t” Came the reply. “You know, William, I seriously thought you would have asked ’who are you?’ first. Guess I was wrong,” the man pointed out.

         “Well, who are you? Guess I should know who I’m gonna kill over this”

         At that remark, the man had to laugh. It was a chilling laugh; one that could only came from an evil specter. “You kill me? That’s funny, William; Very funny. Anyway, you can call me Roy. That’s not my real name of course, but it will do for now.”

         “I will kill you, ’Roy’,” William stated. “I’ll go ahead and do it now!” With this, he lunged at Roy who, with the back of his hand, swatted him off to the side into the wall with ease.

         Barely hanging onto consciousness, William saw Roy slowly walk over to him. “See how futile it will be, William? You can’t kill me. I’m too strong and too fast for you to kill me. However, you just made this fun for me. With that show of aggression, I’ll let you live for now. Remember though, when we meet again, you will die.”


         William woke up in a heavy sweat. Man that was some dream, he thought. He’s been having the same dream for a couple weeks, now. Each night more events have been added to the dream; each night, it’s been turning more into a nightmare. His thoughts quickly turned to reality. Well, looks like I’m gonna have to change the sheets again. William got out of bed and quickly took the bedding off, pillow cases and all and put all of the linen into a small laundry basket and looked around the room. Everything was just as it has been for years. The queen-sized bed was in the same spot; the same in-table was next to the bed with the same lamp. He also looked to the picture on the in-table. It was an old picture; only a few years old. He was in this very room when it was taken. Only at that time, another person was living in the house; his ex-girlfriend, Kara Clemmons.

         Kara was very beautiful; she had dark brown hair that went down to her mid-back, deep, sea-blue eyes and she had a very slim, but somewhat muscular physique; like she played Volleyball or softball. She stood even with William, both standing at five feet, eight inches. Her friends always thought they were twins due to the fact that they had matching eyes, hair and were both left-handed. However this was very far from the truth. They had only met a couple years before we started dating. He was down for months after she left him. William blamed himself for everything despite the fact that she insisted she broke up with him because she “didn’t love him anymore” which, he believed was a way to cover the fact that she couldn’t handle having to worry about her family while she stayed with him, seeing that they were nearly a hundred miles from his house. That’s when he started thinking about suicide. He was alone in this dark world; separated from everyone else. Until he started talking to Michelle, who helped him get through his troubles.

         He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Michelle’s number. After a few rings, she answered. “Hello?” She asked groggily.

         “I woke you up; I’m so sorry.”

         “Will, do you realize what time it is?” She asked, more alert now.

         “Yes, I do. I’m terribly sorry, but could you do me a favor?”

         “You had another one, didn’t you?”

         “It’s getting worse”

         “I’ll be right over, Will.”

         “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

         “You’re welcome.”

         William rushed to the door when she knocked. “Thanks again, for coming,” he said. “Wait, what’s all that for?” He asked her, pointing to the suitcase and duffle bag she was carrying.

         “If you’re gonna keep having this nightmare and insist on having me talk to you about it, then I’m staying here. At least until it stops,” she replied.

         “Well, I’m not gonna stop you,” he replied. “Here,” he said grabbing the suitcase and duffle bag. “Let me take this to the guestroom for you” As he took her baggage where she was going to stay, she made her way to his room.

         She looked around the room, taking everything in. She went to the mirror William had set up by his closet. Her reflection looked back at her with a puzzling, but extremely tired look. Her copper-colored hair was hanging down to her shoulders and her brown eyes were weary looking; she was in desperate need of sleep. She thought she was about to drop to the floor and sleep the night away. She went to sit on the bed and, when she saw the picture on the in-table, she picked it up carefully as if it would cut her hands. At that time, William walked into the room. “Do you have to have this picture?” She asked when he sat next to her. She looked at him worriedly.

         “Yes, Michelle. I do. You already know why, too.” he responded. “Besides, it’s not like she’ll come back to me in any way. We haven’t even seen each other at all for years now.”

         “She was a dear friend of yours, Will,” She replied. “Even when you were together, wasn’t she?” he put his head down and nodded slightly.

         “Kara was the best friend I had. We came up with plans together. ‘We’re gonna do this; we’re gonna do that.’ Everything’s been different since then.”

         “Sounds like elementary kids to me,” She pointed out.

         “She’s why I recovered from the disaster, Michelle. I’ve never told anybody this, but if it wasn’t for her… I wouldn’t be talking to you right now. You wouldn’t even know me. I would‘ve just been that guy at school who never talked to anybody.”

         “You’re talking about your family, aren’t you?” he confirmed her question with a nod before she could even finish the question. “When she came into your life, all your worries went away, didn’t they?” Again, another nod confirmed before the whole question came out.

         “Even as a friend she was always there. It’s been very, very difficult without her. Even to this day,” he replied, solemnly.

         “Will, you need to sleep. It’s still one o’clock in the morning,” Michelle told him. With that, she bade him good night and walked out of the room.

         William was thankful for Michelle being in his life. He had been through so much and for once the troubles stopped; allowing him to actually have a decent life. He had lost family years ago to a fire that destroyed his house. The fire department said it was arson and the accelerant that was used was untraceable so they couldn’t co-ordinate with the police to catch the arsonist. That’s when he separated himself from everything. He went into the state’s care at the age of sixteen and was put in therapeutic foster care until he turned eighteen. He then kept moving from place to place staying with distant family members that removed their selves from the family circle years before the fire; they didn’t know about anything until he had told them.

         He tried working at several places, but didn’t seem to fit in. By the time he got anywhere in a job, he moved again, keeping any money he earned to sustain himself until he found another. That was until he started dating Kara. He settled down; trying to make a new life. Unfortunately, that too had to end and again, he isolated himself from the world, living like a zombie through day-to-day life. It wasn’t until he started talking with Michelle that he tried living a full life again. He had a few beat downs since, but He was still standing.
© Copyright 2013 Ares (ares1989 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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