Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1911008-Bernice
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #1911008
An old girlfriend appears and turns a man's life upside down.
The sun shimmered into Jason Vulner’s eyes as he left the downtown library in Macon, Georgia. His heart thumped for just before he stepped into the sunlight he thought he might have glimpsed someone from his distant past. His hand shot up to shade his eyes to make sure of what he thought he saw. My God it’s her! He stopped frozen in place, spellbound. Inside his heart raced furiously. Concentrating with all his might he focused his eyes on the woman across the street. Yes, there was no doubt about it. It was Bernice.
He had had no contact with her since high school, yet here twenty years later, he knew for certain it was her. She still had the same walk, the fearless plunging through space oblivious of anything or anybody. A slender young man half her age walked at her side, straining to keep up. They laughed and Bernice intermittently poked and shoved him, squeezed the back of his neck and shook it, and generally womanhandled him to his obvious delight.
Entranced Jason followed them into a bookstore where they stopped and browsed some magazines on display. The young man leaned over and said something to her and laughed while pointing to something in the magazine. She turned into him and slammed him with her upper arm and shoulder. A sharp stab of pain and lust struck Jason Vulner’s groin. She used to smash him the same way.
Suddenly, Bernice’s piercing blue green eyes found his and instantly recognized him. Terror struck his system. Keeping eye contact, she smiled and shook the young man by the neck again, as if displaying him as her trophy.
Jason gulped as they walked past where he stood with an open book trembling in his hand. Her eyes, fired with the majesty and power from old, continued to lock on his as she smirked. They said I still own you, Jason, you son of a bitch. He quivered with fear and at the same time wild excitement, praying she would so much as crook her finger, and allow him to follow.
She didn’t. She breezed past him on out the door without looking back.


Bernice knelt beside him in the dirt of the athletic field at high school. “Why are you crying, Jason?”
“Pug Sleper beat me up,” Jason said between sobs, ashamed to have her find him like this, but his face and body hurt and he couldn’t control himself.
“Why?” She reached and fondled the back of his neck and turning him towards her.
“I wouldn’t give him my lunch money.”
“Oh, Jason.” She brought him into her arms, and caressed the back of his head. He cried into her shoulder, dripping tears on her white blouse.
In front of school the next morning, waiting for the bell to ring to start the day, Pug Sleper crept up behind Jason and pinioned his arms with his. He squeezed hard as Jason cried out in pain. “Ahh!”
“You thought you could hide from me out here, boy. I ought to give you another whuppin,” Pug said as he jerked Jason around.
“Please, Pug, don’t beat me up again? I didn’t do anything to you,” Jason said in terror with his eyes starting to tear.
Pug moved his hold to Jason neck and pulled him down to his hip in a headlock. “You don’t have to do anything to me, boy. I just like kickin the shit out of you.”
Bernice moved into Pug’s side and quickly put him into a headlock of her own and squeezed hard. “Turn him loose, Pug, or I’ll put your face down into the concrete.” Pug hesitated for a moment reluctant to give up his prey but as Bernice increased her pressure he turned loose of his hold on Jason. Bernice couldn’t resist marching Pug around in front of the school on her hip humiliating him in front of the other students. When she tired she flung him away from her. “Now this shit with Jason is going to stop. And I mean now.” She pointed her index finger at him.
“Who says?” Pug asked flabbergasted.
“I say.”
“You think cause you’re a girl I won’t kick the shit out of you? You got lucky with that headlock.” He took a step toward her and gave her the evil eye.
“I wish you’d try, big man. I’d love to practice some of my karate blows on that deformed face of yours, see if I can spread that pug nose around a little more.” Fear flashed in Pug’s eyes when she said karate. The school bell rang.
“You’re saved by the bell,” said Pug with relief in his eyes.
Bernice walked up until she was in his face. “You can find me any time, Pug, and we’ll finish this. In the meantime,” she stuck her index finger in his chest, “if I hear one word of you beating up on Jason, I’m going to come looking for you.”
Pug bolted for the front door as if late for class. About ten paces from her grasp he stopped and turned back towards her. “I’ll find you, Bernice. You won’t get away with this.” he said then turned and ran for the front door of the school.
From that day she looked for Jason and took him as her charge. She protected him before, during, and after high school from Pug and any of the other rougher boys. While she shielded him from harm, her beauty and personality consumed him. She instilled spark and energy into his bleak and miserable life. He lived frail and afraid until she became his friend and protectress.
As time went by Jason found himself more and more pliable to her power. He found enjoyment in her overpowering him with her physical strength. Playing she took Jason to the ground, straddling him with ease. “How do you like this, Jason? I own you, and can do anything I want with you.” She forced his arm back over his shoulder with force.
“Ah,” he moaned in pain. “Please, Bernice?”
“Please what?”
“Please don’t hurt me?”
She crunched her knees into his ribs as flashes of delight raped his mind. “But I like it, Jason. You want to gratify my impulses, don’t you?” She increased pressure on his arm and ribs.
“Oh, yes. Yes, Bernice. I’ll do anything you say.”
“Say that I own you.”
“You own me.”
“Say that I rule.”
“You rule.”
“Say that you’re my slut.”
“Oh…I’m your slut.”
She never hurt him, not really. Well it hurt, but not bad. She could injure him bad like Pug if she wanted. She used her strength to demonstrate a symbolic gesture to her physical superiority. Jason learned to accept it, and then, as her strength devoured his weakness and made him unafraid, he grew to relished it. With her guiding him, day after day, he saw and felt things he never before imagined. From the day she blessed him with her brand, he felt sheltered with the relief of not having to worry over making any decisions, or taking any action that might compromise him. He took everything to her for her sublime direction.
As the years went by Bernice’s dominance gradually became more aggressive, her actions more lewd. They ran naked in the woods. She tackled him to the ground, putting her knee in the middle of his back and pulling back both his arms until he groaned. Her body radiated the thrill of physical supremacy. He delighted in being the object of her pleasure, the receptacle of her caprice. She turned him over and smothered his face with her vagina, demanding his ministration. She moved her pelvis down and absorbed his rock hard cock and fucked his brains out.
Jason’s parents arranged for him to attend college at Georgia Southern near Savannah. The agony of leaving Bernice tormented him for weeks. He couldn’t leave, not now. After finding paradise he didn’t think he could live without her. He didn’t want to go, but to challenge his parents? Unthinkable. When he told her, he expected her to oppose it. She didn’t. She said, “Good, I’m tired of you anyway.” Her eyes looked amused as they often did and he prayed she spoke in jest.
The day before he left he came to her in the woods. “I can’t leave you, Bernice. You know I love you. I worship you. You’re the greatest thing to ever come into my life.”
She slapped him so hard he saw stars. “God damn it, Jason, didn’t I tell you I’m tired of you. You’ll get your ass down to that college or I’ll beat you up so bad, it’ll make your sessions with Pug Sleper look like patty-cake. You’ve never felt my fist, and believe me, I hit hard.” She hit him on his cheek bone so hard he recoiled from her and assuaged his pain. “And the next time I see you, little boy, I’ll do it again and again until you’re out of my life.”


Jason left the drugstore reminiscing, yearning for those days, envying the young man who had taken his place. Out on the street, out of nowhere a leather thong encircled his neck and he was pulled into Bernice’s face. Her blue green eyes danced savage and wild. “Did you think I was through with you, slut?”
Stunned, he couldn’t reply.
“Didn’t you think I could see you drooling over there, prying into our relationship. You’ll pay for that. And look at this ridiculous erection.”
She slammed her knee hard into his groin doubling him over with pain.
“His hands, Jaster.”
The young man scurried over and pried Jason’s hands away from his groin and proceeded to tie them behind his back with another thong. He danced away when he finished, his eyes blazed with the same wildness. People walked by, curious, but unconcerned. Bernice led him with her strap to an old beat up Plymouth parked on the street and threw him face down onto the back seat floorboard. She sat with her feet on his back and head as Jaster drove off.
They stopped at a decrepit house in a rundown neighborhood where she dragged him inside into a back bedroom. “I’ve grown, Jason, and now you’ll find out how.” She motioned to Jaster and he untied the strap and stripped Jason naked as he leered at him with a sick ghoulish grin. To his shame, his member jutted harder than he could ever remember.
“I see you haven’t forgotten our sessions, little boy.” She swiped viciously at it with her strap, and he howled in anguish covering it with his hands. Something was wrong here. There was no mere symbolism of dominance. These hurts were real. He was in the middle of some kind of sick nightmare. Jaster tied him to a post and the nightmare continued. Bernice came up with a whip and lashed his back and buttocks with force, bringing howls of anguish from his lips, while Jaster danced and masturbated in front of him at his misery.
They tied his hands and feet face down on a bed. She produced a strap-on and mounted him, viciously penetrating his anus and slamming back into it time after time. His cries were drowned out by Bernice’s wild howl, a sound only the devil could make. She pumped into him until he thought he’d pass out from the pain. When she finished, Jaster mounted him as well, and took his own vicious little pleasure.
It was after two AM before he staggered home. The twins were in bed, but his wife, Angela, waited up in anguish. He’d tried to think up something to tell her, but could only stammer out the truth. She listened in horror, and then toward the end the fear struck his heart for a moment when he thought he saw a small flame dancing in her eyes.
“We have to go to the police, Jason.”
“No!” he cried out in horror, and threw his face into her lap. He hugged her buttocks desperately. “She’ll kill me, Angela. I know she will.”
“Okay, take off your clothes. I have to see your injuries,” she said as she went to the cupboard for some ointment. When she returned she stopped and looked at the welts on Jason’s body in awe. The light in her eyes had been real and it returned with a predatory viciousness. “Take off your pants. Underwear too. Turn around,” she motioned with her finger. Her breath rate increased.
As he turned for her his penis started to swell. He couldn’t believe it. Where was this feeling coming from? Here he had gone through hell and they both were somehow enjoying reliving it. By the time he came all the way around he was rock hard. Angela stumbled back to her chair and sat down in front of him. “Come here.” He kneeled again in front of her. She put his head up underneath her dress and spread her legs. “Do it,” she ordered with authority as she grabbed the hair on his head and squeezed. He’d never given her cunnilingus. He took down her panties and she pushed his head farther up into her. She salved the wounds on his back, rubbing into them with the ointment for a long time as he serviced her.
Their relationship took a sudden change. Though less than five feet tall, Angela took control of their marriage. She dominated all their lovemaking. When the mood struck her, she inflicted on him a little pain of her own. She was fascinated by his wounds. She liked to scratch and rub hard into his scars as he serviced her, savoring his moans, and pushing his head into her with more force.
Jason sat naked at the kitchen table waiting for his wife as instructed. She appeared wearing black lycra tights, a T-shirt, and white tennis shoes. She was not only tiny in height but slim, almost wispy in body. Her personality always lay in her large owlish eyes, which penetrated him at that moment with her newborn assurance of power. He was a nothing, a nobody, whose presence she tolerated more than desired. For some reason he stood saluting her magnificence and she motioned for him to sit back down with a flip of her wrist and sat opposite him.
“I’m sure you’ve noticed how things have changed since your chance meeting with Bernice.”
He nodded, not sure where she was going.
“I don’t know if you know it or not but Bernice is the leader of an organization called the Domain. It is dedicated to the female domination of the sexes.”
“No. I, I didn’t know that.” My god, she can’t be serious.
“I have come under her influence and have enthusiastically pledged my allegiance to her. Bernice teaches that a woman’s rule is absolute.” She stared at him hard. His blood raced with fear as he saw her sincerity. He was in the hands of a lunatic. “On this there can be no conflicting points of view, Jason, none whatsoever.”
“Wow.” Jason shook his head in wonderment.
“If you wish to remain in this house, your status must change drastically. You will no longer function as my husband but as my slave.”
“Slave? Come on, what’s going on, Angela?”
“You will dedicate yourself to my pleasures, whatever they might be. Whatever physical pain and humiliation you absorb at my hands in this holy cause, you will welcome as the price of my enjoyment. You will cease to think of yourself as a person but as an extension of me, your owner and absolute ruler. All your thoughts will be of me and my wants and wishes. Obedience to my dictates will consume all other priorities. It is all in here.” She flopped the stack of papers on the table in front of him, like a slap in the face. “This is a contract of voluntary enslavement the Domain requires that you to sign.”
He was flabbergasted. This was all so confusing. He needed more time. “This is an awful lot to be hit with, Angela. As much as I love you and need you, I, I don’t think I could go this far.” He pleaded to her hard stare with his eyes desperately trying to crack her stone wall.
“Honestly, Jason, I think you have little choice. If you fail to sign and enthusiastically obey the contract’s dictates, I will throw your miserable ass out into the street where Bernice and some of her more rabid followers await, salacious to apply their methods of persuasion on you. In the end you’ll become property of the Domain and passed from woman to woman to satisfy their individual idiosyncrasies.”
“You’ve got to be kidding.” Horror raced through his mind.
“I can assure you, Jason, I am not. I want your agreement on this by noon. I will also change my last name back to my maiden name of Chamber. You will take the name of Chamber as well. We will take the contract and have your and my signature notarized. Otherwise, start packing your shit and get the fuck out of my life.” She rose scrapping the chair legs against the floor and left.
He could not believe this was happening, and happening just a few short days from bumping into Bernice on the street. Bernice was a daemon and she terrified the living shit out of him. Somehow, Bernice had consumed Angelica and Angelica had consumed him. Angelica was right, though. He really had no choice. It was the case of accepting the devil he saw, rather than the devil of which he knew too little or too much of. No part of him wanted to have to face the world alone and especially be prey to the all powerful Bernice and her minions ever again. At least this way he would have Angelica between them. He reached for the pen and signed his life away.
© Copyright 2012 kemosabe (kemosabe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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