Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1911000-Toothles-what-happend
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1911000
i do not own how to train your dragon.it isent fineshed yet
Hiccups POV
Hiccup woke up the sound of pounding an his roof. He quickly got out of bed knowing he would never fall back asleep.

"Well hello there Mr bossy" he said to Toothless his dragon.
"Why do we always have to get up so early? Were the only ones awake Toothless." he complained.
Toothless just roared in his face. He just laughed.
"Come on bud i have something for you."
Hiccup took out the fake tail and put it on toothless.
"Letts go bud." he said as he climed on toothless saddle and they flew to the dragon training academy.

Toothless POV
He loved the feel of the fresh air on his scales! As he landed he relized the other riders were there with there dragons.
"Hey little bro." said hookffang giving him a nuggie.
"hey what was that for" he said
"Bet you cant cach me" said hookfang.
"Wacth me" toothlesss replied as he chased hookfang around the ring.

Riders POV
"Toothless stop chaseing Hookfang." said hiccup
" I still cant belive that toothless is a baby."said astride
"I know" said fishlegs" who would have guesed"
"uhh... guys" said tuffnutt
"I cant wait to wach toothless grow up. How big do you think hell get?" asked fishlegs
"GUYS" tuffnutt finely yeled get ing frustrated that they wernt lisening to him.
"What." said hiccup frowning.
" Look" he said pointing to something in the shadows.
Slowly. A figure emerged from the shadows. It was a dragon something about this dragon was strange. It was a blend of pink, blue, and purple. Hiccup had never seen a dragon like this. It was about the size of hookfang but lighter. Then the dragon did something that shocked the young vikings.
"Who are you."said the dragon.
allof the vikings mouths droped. Since when do dragons talk? This was all new the dragon was talking.
" Wheres the nightfury"hissed the dragon.
"What spices of dragon are you?"asked fishlegs
"Harmonic, im caled that because i have a special song, would you like to here it?" asked the dragon in a sickenly sweet voice.
"Sure" said fishlegs."Let me get my book of dragons first" he said running off.
when fish legs returened he started looking through the book. The harmonic dragon imeditly started singing the sweetest song you evere hered.
All of a sudden fish legs screamed " STOP SINGING!!!" but it was to late the dragon kept op her song.

Everyones POV

toothless started wailing
"Whats going on" said hiccup hurreying over to his dragon stopped
toothless sat up still like a statue and started snakeing across the ring.
"Remember when I said to stop singing? Well the song is deadly to nightfurys!" fishlegs said
"NOOO!!!!" yelled hiccup as he ran across the ring lungeing and covering toothless ears
imeditly the dragon stoped her song and toothless shock his head violently
"Idiots, now I have to do this the hard way.' hissed the dragon
"Don't you know who I am littlr night fury"toothless shook his head no
"Shame I gess I should tell you my story. Eversince I was little ive heard storys of my species and the night furrys wars you know how the night furys are so rare?" said the dragon
"Yeah'ansered hiccup
"Well ill tell yo why, there so rare because hes the last one. I know because I killed his family." hissed the dragon
toothless roared in rage and jumped on the dragons back just as the dragon took off in the air takeing toothless with her as they rose higher and higher in the air as toothless started to screech in terror as she grabed his leg and droped him.
"No!!!"they all said as he plummeted towards the ground barly pulling into a glide slaning into the side of the training academy.
"Toothless!" said Hiccup
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