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Rated: · Other · Other · #1910573
When I went snuggle to the couch, Jack was there holding something.
-You make these? -it was one of my scrapbooks.
-God Jack! You shouldn't be seeing that! -I snatched it from his hands.
-You're really good, you know? When you told me you like to draw I didn't think you were so talented.
-You shouldn't be so snoopy... -I glanced at the notebook in my hands and thanked it was just full of portraits and sketches. If it was some journal or something more personal...
-Sorry, it won't happen again -he giggled.
-Do you want some? -I said grabbing the plate with the poptarts.
-Mmm... healthy -he reached out for one. I rolled my eyes.
I did the same and we ate in silence. Then I turned the tv on and I couldn't help but remember us and the guy at the bar. I smiled at that thought.
-What's so amusing?
-Nothing. I was just remembering the show with the bugs -I laughed.
-Oh. That guy was a real bother.
-Was it? -I said with rising one brow.
-Wasn't it? You wanted to go with his friends?
-Not really -I continued laughing, due to his reactions. He looked annoyed for a change -so what about you and the bar in that pretty neighborhood? Do you go often?
He looked really annoyed this time, for the comment I had just done, I guessed. I regret it a little.
-Yes. Very often.
-That's where your friends are from?
-Yes -he had a shy smile now.
-Oh. And how come you went to The Pub instead?
-Well the first time I just found myself in it -he looked more amused this time- I was working nearby and then... the other days I just couldn't be somewhere else.
My heart beated to the possibility I could be the reason for his comebacks. I ignored the warmth on my chest and kept going.
-So when are you going? -I changed the subject to the thing he told me before.
-In a couple of days.
Suddenly I felt stupidly sad. I turned my head to the tv again, and started zapping. We were quiet again and not looking at each other. Out of nowhere I felt something in my hair which made me turn quickly. Jack was holding one of my locks in his fingers and twisting it with his eyes focused in it.
-Sorry -he said without taking his eyes off the hair entwined in his fingers- I like your hair. I couldn't resist.
Oh Jack! If I did all the things I couldn't resist!
-I like your hair too -I said also looking at his fingers, with a low voice and a smile similar to his.
-Do you want to come with me tomorrow? Back to my bar? -he laughed- I want you to meet some people.
-Some people?!
-My friends -I knew how much he hated to say that so I smiled. But the truth was I was terrified by his request. What did that even mean...
-Oh okay, sure. Just remember my turn ends late.
-Don't worry, they're creatures of the night -he chuckled again.
I realized he still hadn't let go of my hair and he was sitting even closer. He started to grab more locks and the room turned around. I felt what I feel at the alley, that pounding inside of me. I decided to go for it, after all he was the one speaking of introducing me to his people. But I didn't want to throw myself to him, I wasn't sure of anything but that electricity flying around us. I thanked I had still a bit of the alcohol effect.
I didn't even look at him, I just touched the fingers he was using to touch my hair, taking off his hand of it. Our fingers were burning hot, his hand took mine, I was looking at them but I knew he was looking at me. When he finally do what I was expecting him to, I felt relieved.
His neck was leaning towards me as our lips touched again, with our hands still together. With his other hand he was touching my face, so softly it burned. I wanted to touch his hair so bad but for some reason I felt really weak and awkward, like I couldn't move.
We kissed faster and more anxiously, I felt his tongue in my lips and something inside me burned even more. I stopped thinking and when I noticed, my hands were all over his hair, pulling his head closer to mine. He grabbed me by the waist in the same way and by the hair with the other one.
I really couldn't believe I was making out with Jack. That was probably the only thing I had think since we met but actually doing it was so different. He was such a sweet boy, it made my heart shrink.
Things started to heat up, so much he was lying on the couch and I was practically on top of him. We couldn't stop even though our lips were swollen. I'm not sure when we got lost.

When I woke up, my head was against his chest. He was still sleeping, his mouth a bit open. I didn't move, though I wondered what time was it. It was sunny outside so I didn't think it was too late for work. I didn't want to wake him up, I wanted to stay there for an entire century. I closed my eyes again. He probably felt when I moved so he woke up anyway. I didn't open my eyes, just smiled, he put his arm around me and rolled so we were both laying on our sides, facing each other. I finally opened my eyes and he was looking at me. I stared into his eyes, like in the bar, and I got carried away by how pretty they were. And now that he was sleepy his face looked even more adorable. His long eyelashes fluttered as he focused and his lips looked pinker.
-What? -he said with a hoarse voice, proper for the morning.
I put my thumb on his lower lip and removed the remains of my lipstick.
-You have make up on -I smiled.
He put his thumb on my lip too and touched it softly from side to side. He wasn't taking off any lipstick. Then he moved his thumb to my upper lip and did the same. I opened my mouth sightly and bit his finger with my teeth. That had such a strange effect on him, I felt electricity again. I pressed my tongue against the thumb and I couldn't even notice when he started attacking me. This time he was on top and we were kissing violently, our teeth colliding. I could feel all his weight on me, that made me feel so aroused. His hands were all over, mine on his hair. He touched my jawline with his lips and then went back to my mouth. I never wanted anyone so much. I never really wanted anyone before, except from celebrities and fictional characters. Guys I had made out with in the past were a bore compared to this. Nobody gave me this feeling. His smell was extraordinary, I wondered if he had lotion on. I got lost on Jack again, I couldn't remember where I was when we stopped. His face was sinking on my hair, I could feel his breath on my neck. We had never been so close.
We remain there for so long, the only think that woke me up from that state was my stomach.
It wasn't very late, but I was still surprised. I didn't have anything at home and really didn't want to go shopping so I told him we should go out for something to eat. We both needed to shower and change, so we agreed to meet at the bridge downtown, where he took me once.
I was putting makeup on when I stared at the mirror. I seemed so different yet I looked the same. I couldn't lose the smile and my eyes were wide and shiny. I decided I wanted to look absolutely stunning that day for Jack and our plans, that I did all my effort. I wasn't clueless in that matter, I knew how to make myself look better.
I wore my favorite dress, that wasn't particularly flattering but I felt so happy in it. Though it was black... I've always had a weird taste. I waited for my hair to be dry and also did a lot for it. When I had a final look in the mirror I was satisfied with the result. I even wore my favorite suede black booties, that made me look taller.

When I arrived, Jack was already there. He looked amazing and I laughed at the thought that we had been doing the same: try to look good for the other. He had a blue t-shirt and a black coat on, that looked fancier than his other coats. His shoes were also more stylish and this time his clothes didn't look like they didn't fit. His hair was still messy but it looked cleaner. I also noticed his face looked different, probably he washed it and stuff but it was something else, the color of it was also different. I felt bad immediately, did he sleep at all when he was by himself? He didn't have any dark circles under his eyes, which made me feel jealous since I always do, even when I sleep well. He even had a blush, or was it when I arrived? His eyes were really open when he saw me and a cute shy smile appeared on his face.
-You look really good, Annie.
-You too, mate.
We both laughed at my response and headed downtown. We decided to eat at some diner I thought it looked picturesque.
When we got what we ordered Jack took only a minute to finish it. I also wondered how much did he eat when he was alone. If alcohol was food...
He then walked me to work, and sit on his favorite place. The place was a bit crazy, all tables were occupied, it made me wonder the reason; I'd been so out of touch with the world lately that I couldn't even remember if it was a holiday or payday or something.
I was of course aware of Jack following me with his eyes the entire time, so I tried not to be as clumsy as always. When Ellie came to help on my side of the bar I couldn't help it.
-Oh Ellie, this is Jack -I made it sound as a non important thing, since she was the one who asked...
-Oh right! Hello Jack -she gave him a warm smile. Jack was the funniest thing, he did not see that coming at all, he looked truly surprised. He replied with a gasp that intended to be "hi". When Ellie walked away, I started to laugh at him loudly.
His face was all red and he gave me a dirty look.
-What? You can do it but I can't? -I smiled and lost myself in work again.
Too many people, too many time, I was going mad, as always. I don't know if it was because I knew I was heading somewhere with Jack after work, but it felt like the most crowded day in that place. I didn't even have the time for a quick glance at him, he probably could've gone and I wouldn't have noticed. When I finally could breathe for a few seconds I approached his place. He was looking at me with a smirk which immediately made me roll my eyes.
-Don't worry Annie, only half an hour to go -this time his face was sincere. It was as if he was pitying me. I gave him an honest smile too.
The way he said my name... I made myself focus again, Ellie and me were chatting above all the noise.
-I feel guilty to leave you with all this mess -I told her full of regret.
-Oh, don't worry honey, I'm shutting down earlier -she smiled at me -and you must have better things to do... -I saw her glancing at Jack. I blushed.
When I finally was apron-free and ready to go I went to the bathroom in the backroom. It was definitely cleaner than the ones for the costumers. I looked at my reflection on the mirror, I was a mess. It was there when I remembered Jack wanted to introduce me to people. I thought about cancelling but it seemed too late. With the very few resources I had in my bag I tried to do something about my hair and face. Myself on that blurry mirror, with the dimmed light, hidden from all the noise... how long had I been locked in a rooms like that? I opened the door.

-I still can't understand how you manage to find this place -I said to Jack as we approached the club I've been before a few nights ago. I sounded even louder this time. He pulled me towards him and crossed the street before a car. We were holding hands again.
When we entered I couldn't see anything. It looked like a real club this time, with all the neon lights and the loudest bands. I couldn't even see my own feet, everything was flashing blue, and we could hardly move between the crowd. He put his arm around my waist to help me and there was this electric shock again. He must've felt it too cause we stopped and looked at each other for a second, in the middle of all that disaster. His eyes were intense and focused on mine. Suddenly he looked away and grabbed my hand again, as he turned around.
-Hey Jack!
-Oh hey, I was looking for you guys! -they were speaking loudly but I could hardly hear them above all that noise. I sounded like a man's voice, I thought. He pulled me again, I just let myself go, I was blind again.
There was one guy leaning between the bar and the stage, and the one that came with us get there too. Since it was behind one of the huge speakers it kinda block the noise a little.
-Adam -Jack nodded at him -you guys, this is Annie -my face was probably bright red and I was thankful for the darkness for a change -Annie this is Adam and this is Matthew -he said the last with a fun tone. I just say "hi" with a shy tone.
-Hey -Adam greeted me with a nice smile, but something about his expression looked weird.
-I'm Matt, call me Matt -the guy grabbed my free hand and shook it with a big smile on his face.
-Ok Matt -I said with the same tone, they all laughed.
Adam was even taller than Jack and also looked older, as far as I could see his hair was dark too. Matt was about Jack's height but he looked kinda buff, bigger in the hoodie he was wearing. They all got to talk; I found them quite pleasing, they asked me polite things like where did I worked and stuff.
-Uh oh, I better go -Matt took his drink and went away with a weird laugh as he looked at Jack.
-I was going to go now anyway -Adam followed him also laughing but not exaggerating as much.
I glanced at Jack who looked annoyed but still had a smile on his face.
-Uh oh indeed -he said as if he was talking to himself, amused.
I was still looking at him, I noticed a girl was coming at us, that's what Jack was looking at.
-Grace -he said when she finally made it.
-Oh hi Jack! I was looking for you earlier! Oh I just saw how those two idiots ran away from me, but I'm gonna get them... oh is this...? -Jack now looked truly annoyed, he sighed and interrupted her.
-This is Annie, Annie this is Grace.
-Oh hi!!! I was hoping to meet you soon -she said with a big smile and then put her arms around my neck.
-Ump... hey.
-Be nice -Jack told her.
-I am being nice -she gave him a dirty look.
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