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EXT. JUNGLE-EVENING A FULL MOON IS SHINING THROUGH THE TREES DEEP INSIDE THE JUNGLE. A SMALL, BLUE, FLICKING LIGHT DARTS BACK AND FORTH, SIDE TO SIDE NEAR A WATERFALL WHILE A WHITE PEGASUS SLOWLY STROLLS TOWARDS THE SMALL LAKE AND DIPS HIS HEAD INTO THE WATER FOR A DRINK. THE CAMERA MOVES CLOSER INTO THE FLICKING LIGHT, BUZZING ROUND THE PEGASUS HEAD, SHOWING IT TO BE A SMALL BLUE FAIRY. CHARO I have not seen anyone, sir, I do not think they are coming. I am afraid we are doom. HAYDEN (Raise his head from the water, and turns to look at Charo, who is off to his side) Do not be so quick to claim defeat when the battle has not even begun. (CONT’D) CHARO (Raise his little hands) Sir, I can not even get my brother, Barrio, the king, to come. If he does not arrive, then none of the fairies will come. They dare not defile the king's order. HAYDEN Did the king order them not to CHARO (Hung his head down) The code of law states in the land of the ][fairies, if the king refuses to go, then no other fairy is allowed to step outside of the kingdom. HAYDEN And if they do disobey? CHARO (Spoke softly) They will be incinerated. HAYDEN They will come. ( begins to walk away from the lake ) CHARO How can you be so sure? ( flying alongside him ) HAYDEN You of little disbelief, allow doubt In your heart, and you will undoubtedly lose. CHARO Look at me what can I do. I am no more significant than an ant. HAYDEN And so is your heart. CHARO BUZZ OFF MAD, WHILE HAYDEN LAYS DOWN IN A BED OF MOSS AND FALLS ASLEEP. FADE IN EXT. JUNGLE-MORNING THE SUN AS RISEN IN THE FAR EAST AND DEW AS SETTLE ON THE FOLIAGE. A GLITTER OR GOLD DUST NOW SHINES THROUGHOUT HAYDEN COAT. HE STANDS UP, SHAKES OFF THE GOLD DUST AND WALKS TOWARDS THE SUN. TWO TWIN EAGLES CIRCLING THE JUNGLE ABOVE, FLY DOWN ONTO A BRANCH JUST ABOVE HIS HEAD. ENOCH AND ENASH ( talk in unison ) Why is it that, we circle high above the heavens to keep order. Yet, no one can do the same below. HAYDEN Explain(eating some plants) ENOCH AND ENASH We fly high above, and when we see something out of the ordinary, we come down and correct it. HAYDEN ( still chewing ) Do you see anything Out of the ordinary now? ENOCH AND ENASH ( looking at each other than at Hayden ) No. HAYDEN ( looking at them ) Then why the complaint? (Bends down to eat some more) ENASH Sir, we are tired, it is just my brother and me. ( His wing come out than in ) EXT.JUNGLE-DAY. THE THREE OF THEM BEGIN TO WALK AMONG THE JUNGLE, and OTHER CREATURES COME OUT TO GREET HAYDEN. ALONG THE WAY, A SMALL MONKEY SCURRIES OUT AND HANDS THEM EACH A GIFT. HAYDEN SMILES AT THE MONKEY. THE MONKEY QUICKLY RUNS UP A NEARBY TREE TO HIS FAMILY, LOOKING DOWN ON THE THREE OF THEM. HE IS SITTING PERCH ON A BRANCH HUGGING HIS WIFE AND SMALL CHILD. HAYDEN ( stops to look up at them ) You two come to me with your complaint. Do you not see the good you have done, because of me? ENOCH AND ENASH ( Fly down in front of Hayden along A stream) Sir, we do not understand. HAYDEN ( looking down ) Who do you serve? ENASH Why you, sir. HAYDEN And what is your rank? ENOCH AND ENASH We are first in command. HAYDEN Do you see any disorder since you have taken the position? ENOCH AND ENASH No, sir! ENOCH But, sir, soon, the humans will come and destroy our homes, just like they Did over in the east. Everyone is afraid. EXT.JUNGLE-DAY (CONTINUE) HAYDEN WALKS AWAY FROM THE EAGLES AND BEGINS TO EAT SOME GREEN FOLIAGE. HIS WHITE COAT SPARKLES IN THE SUNLIGHT. THEY SEE CHARO COMING FROM A DISTANCES AND TURN TO FACE HIM. CHARO ( buzzes in ) Request to see you, sir. ENOCH AND ENASH ( flies in front of him ) The prince is busy! CHARO ( flying from side to side trying to get a glimpse of Hayden ) Request to see you, sir! ( Hayden is off in a distance eating ) ENOCH AND ENASH He wishes not to be disturbed! ( they fly on each side of Charo ) CHARO ( eyes get big, he is no match for the two of them ) Ah, come on fellows, you know I am second in command. Please, I need to talk to Hayden. (CONT’D) ENASH ( smiles ) Second, not first, which means you have to- ENOCH Go through us. CHARO BACKS AWAY, AS ENOCH AND ENASH GLARE AT HIM FLYING IN CLOSER. HIS WINGS BEGIN TO FLUTTER FASTER AS HE TRIES TO FLY UP AND OVER THEM, BUT ENASH MEETS HIM FACE TO FACE. ENASH SMILES AT HIM. CHARO TRIES TO WHIP AROUND TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE JUNGLE, BUT ENOCH IS TOO QUICK FOR HIM. HE TRIES TO FLY UNDER THEM, BUT THEY MEET HIM FACE TO FACE. EVERY WHICH WAY HE GOES THEY ARE TWO STEPS AHEAD. HIS LITTLE WINGS ARE NOT FLUTTERING AS FAST, AND HIS BREATHING IS HEAVY. TRIED AND EXHAUSTED HE SLOWLY FALLS INTO A BED OF CROCUS AND FALLS ASLEEP. ENOCH AND ENASH PLEASE WITH THEMSELVES FLY OVER TO WHERE HAYDEN IS. HAYDEN ( looks up ) Is everything okay? I thought I heard Some commotion earlier. ENOCH Everything is excellent serves. HAYDEN Good. ( shakes his head as if to untangle his mane. ) I want You two to fly throughout the kingdoms and announce in each one of them. That their leader must attend the meeting near the blue waterfall. We must prepare ourselves against humans. ENASH Every one, sir? HAYDEN Everyone. ENOCH Including Barrio, the king, and his brother, Charo. HAYDEN Yes. HAYDEN BEGINS TO WALK TOWARDS THE FLOWERS OF CROCUSES, ENOCH AND ENASH LOOK AT EACH OTHER WITH A WORRY LOOK AND QUICKLY FLY IN FRONT OF HIM. ENOCH Ah, excuse me, sir. ( Hayden looks up ) Maybe, we should walk this way instead. (Pointing towards the north.) HAYDEN No, this way is subtle. ENASH But, sir, there is so much more to see, And you always take the same route. ENOCH A new route would be good for you. ( he looks down at the crocuses and sees movement. Hayden looks at them, then turns and heads north, just a few minutes before Charo rises to see the back of Hayden ) FADE OUT. INT. OFFICE BUILDING-NOONTIME THREE MEN ARE SITTING AROUND A DESK, TWO OF THEM ARE DRESS IN BUSINESS SUITS, THE OTHER IS DRESS IN WORK CLOTHES AND HAS A CONSTRUCTION HAT SITTING ON THE TABLE. THERE IS A BIG AREA MAP OF THE JUNGLE LAYING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TABLE. RUSSELL ( in a black business suit. looking at the map. ) I have been all over the world, but I have never seen this place before. KRIS This place is like no other place you ever see. It is not easy to find. You don't see it on the map. There are creatures in this area. He is waiting for nothing. He is only listening to our conversation. RUSSELL ( shock. ) Listening to our conversation, you mean he can understand us? NATIVE ONE He is one of the king's scouts. RUSSELL ( looking at the leopard ) So what are his intentions? NATIVE ONE He will follow us for the next week or two and see if we come in peace. Then he will go to his king and tell him. THE PARTY COMES TO A STREAM, LAVENDER IN COLOR, THEY STOP TO TAKE A REST. WHILE SITTING THERE A SMALL WINGED CREATURE, ALMOST CHILDLIKE, CREEPS UPON THEM. NAT TURNS JUST IN TIME TO SEE THE SMALL CREATURE COMING TOWARDS HIM. THE CREATURE IS SMALL NO MORE THAN 10IN. HER SKIN TAN, SHE HAS ALL THE FEATURES OF A HUMAN, EXCEPT FOR THE WINGS ON HER BACK. NATIVE TWO ( watching ) Shh! She won't hurt you. She is only curious, and she has never seen a human up close before. ( the creature slowly touches Nat's face, he crinkliest ) NAT So what do I do? NATIVE TWO Nothing sits there. NAT ( she squats down next to him to cocking her head and looking at him funny. she copies every movement he makes ) What is she doing? NATIVE TWO She is mimicking you. NAT ( throws his hand out ) Stop that! (She makes the same jester, opens up her wings, He throws out both arms) GO, GO. ( she does the same. she climbs up into his lap and looks him in the eye. ) Great! Now what. ( Russell and Kris start laughing ) KRIS I think you have just made a friend. NATIVE ONE She will follow us for the week. She has attache herself to you. NAT ( stands up quickly, the creature falls to the ground, but fast runs and jumps on him, NAT catches her in his arms. she smiles ) What is that Suppose to mean? NATIVE TWO It means you are her responsibility now. NAT ( puts her down, she begins to jump on him again. he motioned to her to stop ) Stop! I am not taking this creature along with me. (CONT’D) . |