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Have you ever thought of the end of the world, that humans would bring their own downfall? |
Life is much like a runaway train, not to be slain. Life is unstoppable and may achieve much, but many a man have prevented such. Though you may say life has gone far, and as it may twinkle like a star, there is but one evil matter, it only splatters life like a bug, like a rock smashing into a lake, and it is the brake of life. Yes, the brake of life stops much, so clutch tight as man halts the train of life. This evil manner of life is quite like a knife cutting through vulnerable bread, so let it be said that it has been said. And may you lay your head! For this evil item brings about the wrong. So among all, beware this brake of life. Must you know more? I assure you that this evil manner of man is not a bore. So yes, it brakes life, and though not speed but movement is more honorable towards the destination, life simply shall not arrive at all without hesitation. It seems though that the final product of us must exclude the man's nefarious corruption, so let it be no assumption that exclusion is required but yet the man so desired and still desires the downfall of itself. So indeed men make this the brake of life. Need more to hear? Then lend your eyes to here! Let it be noted that life has not bloated but merely floated. Brakes reduce speed, and how the life obtains it false! Progress, which the brakes impede, is limited to such imagination in our heads, but yet these vivacious dreams hide under the bed. Hiding not from internal inspiration that doth so startle the mind, but in fear of the brake that is not so kind. Just think! If brakes are released on this runaway train, motivation sprints towards the destination, with hints of motivation and kindness. But for now is applied this brake of life. And now, the train, which is not to be slain but will, is slowly chugging up a hill. Soon the brake shall win, and not forward but backward will the wheels spin down the hill to crash. Soon the wreckage and rubble will turn to trash. Just be warned that the backwards rolling train will not then have brakes to stop it, for that would be for the better. This brake of life is therefore for the worse, and yet man has fabricated this curse; the brake of life. |