Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1908937-fear-within-death
Rated: E · Short Story · War · #1908937
Fighting between life and death the characters must survive or get eaten alive.
Time seemed to stop.The night is still as water.Cries of the dead echoed through those who had fought in the war.Silent figures laid on the beds thinking about what happened.Memories filtered through them.The killing,the pain,death.It wouldn't be long until they joined their brothers.Lea slipped out of the tent with a pit in her stomach.Since the war started she was busy nonstop helping the wounded.She didn't even know if her kids or husband were alive.Four years ago she was happy.Now it was all pain and misery.
"Doctor!We need a doctor now!"the screams came from tent B.Lea rushed into the wooden cabin.
"Doctor,someone is screaming in tent B."
"Tent B?But no one is allowed in there."
"Doctor I think someone has awakened."
"Impossible.No one ever....."
The screaming got louder.It now echoed through the camp.
"We need to get down there now!"
They raced towards the tent.The raging screams echoed inside.A man,bloody and weak stood before them.
"Doctor you got to help me please.I don't know where I am.Everything is so dark.Please help me."
The man walked forward making the doctor fall to the ground.As the soldier moved into the light Lea saw his face.Her screamed echoed trough the night.His eyes hung down on his face.Blood streamed down the ashy face.The doctor was pale.
"Sir please lay down so we can help you.You are very hurt."
"I don't need help.What I need is................"
He stopped mid sentence.Then crumpled to the ground.He moved no more after that.
"Doctor are you all right?"
He seemed to be in shock.He mumbled something.
"Sir what did you say?"
The doctor waved his hand so Lea could come closer.When his mouth made it to her her his told her again.
"No one ever escapes death.................this tent is for the dead.No one ever escapes death.It's impossible."
Lea fell back.
"But what does that mean?"
"It means the end of the world."

Five months before

"Thank you.Hey can you tell me about that man in the corner?"
"His name is Jois.Checked in yesterday."
"Why is he in the dark?"
"Jois like to keep to himself.He seem handsome and mysterious.My type of guy."
"You really need someone to call your own Mary."
"Like you have anyone either Luna."
Mary turned away from Luna.As she ate she got the feeling she was being watched.She turned her head towards the corner.Heading her way was Jois.She turned back to her table just as he sat down.
"You got some nerve."she hissed at him
"A pretty lady like you shouldn't sit alone.Especially a pretty lady with a sword like that."
Luna clutched her sword tighter to her.
"A man like you needs to learn respect.What do you want anyway?A strong man like you shouldn't be traveling alone.You'll draw attention to your self."
"Ah a sexy lady with a feisty side.So what brings you to this town?"
"Looking for someone.I'm supposed to bring them in.If they won't come well...",I patted my sword,"I'll have to use force."
"Who you looking for?Maybe I could help."
"Joseph Harks.Middle age guy,blond hair green eyes.Seen anyone who looks like that?"
"Well then I'm on my way then."
"Wait let me help you."
"You?Don't make me laugh.A pretty boy like you couldn't handle it."
"What does that mean?"
Luna stood up finishing her drink.
"It means you can't handle it.You wouldn't last a minute on the battle field."
She walked out of the tent.Chills went through her spine.
Luna whipped around.
"Following me around now?"
"I came to talk to you."
"You aren't a soldier so don't try."
"That isn't what I wanted to talk about."
"Then what do you want?"
He grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her into the ally.
"What do you think your doing?"
"Shh someones been watching us."
Luna looked around the corner.There stood a man wearing an over sized coat.
"That him.That's Joseph.When I tell you run you better run Jois.Did you hear me Jois?Jois?"
She turned and gasped.Jois was beaten to the ground by two men.She pulled out her sword.
"You want to fight then you fight me."
"Not so fast."
Luna whipped around.
"Joseph.We meet again."
Blackness came soon after.
"Luna wake up."
Someone was shaking her.
"Mmmmm,where are we."
"I don't know."
Shivers went down her spine.
"Here have my jacket."
"What about you?"
"I'll be fine."
She scooted towards him.
"Can I lay in your lap one last time?"
"I guess I should tell you.Joseph is not who he seems.I work for a secret company.We were trying to find a way to keep people from dieing.One of our scientist went rogue.His name was James.He later changed his name to Joseph.He was obsessed with the research.He create a "pet".He was ordered to kill it.He refused.That is when my company was ordered to kill him.He escaped killing all my friends.Only three of us survived.We continued our mission.Joseph plans to build an army out of what he created.He plans to rule the world.That is why we must stop him."
"What did he create?"
"A creature of the night.A creature from hell itself.A creature taken from the devil himself.He made the dead come back to life.They don't last long.They survive for a few minutes before going back to hell.But i'm afraid it may be to late.We been chasing him for five months now.He may already been successful on creating his army.And if he did then we rather share the few moments we have together."
Luna seemed prepared for death.She stopped and tilted her head up and kissed Jois lips slightly but pulled back quickly.
"Sorry I just got..........."
Jois locked lips with hers before she could finish.
"Your hair is as black as night.It shines perfectly in the moonlight.Your eyes are the perfect tint of green.Your as sweet as a bird in a meadow."
"Is this your way of being romantic?"
"Is it working?"
"I guess so."
"Then yes."
Luna closed her eyes and buried her head into his chest.
"Let me lay like this forever."
"Always and forever"

Back in the present

"Doctor what do we do?"
"We have to leave quickly.We'll run to the mountains.There we will be safe."
Lea opened the tent.The night seemed to be still.The full moon watched them as they moved.
"What about the patients doctor?"
"Leave them."
"But they can't be left here.They are innocent men."
"Lea if we are going to survive then we must leave them behind.It's a sacrifice we must make."
They started for the trail but abruptly stopped.There a army stood before them,not living nor dead.The leader had black hair that shined brightly.It's green eyes stared at them.Another,one that looked like a boy,stood behind it.
"Lea run!"
They ran to the hills.Cries of death echoed that night.
© Copyright 2012 faysjourney (wolfsrain at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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