Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1908506-The-Walmart-Carol
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #1908506
This story came to me in a dream
A Walmart carol
by:Reese Abernathy

It was Christmas Eve at the Jackson's house,and their family was sitting by a fire watching the wood in their fire place burn to ashes.Father was reading a good Christmas story to the children as they were gently falling asleep on the wood floorboard.Just as father rounded the end of his story, the fire began to burn out and the children began to fall asleep.Mother had just put out the surrounding candles, when the children began to snore.Then, mother and father carried the children up the stairs and into the rooms.Just as the mood had set, and mother and father were in their warm beds,and they on the verge of deep sleep, mother jumped with a stir and shook father awake then told him: "George! Wake up! We forgot to get the Children's presents!"
"Are you serious!" Said father.
"I told you to get them!" Combated mother
"I thought you said that you would buy the presents!" father said.
"No George, I told you to get the presents!"
"Well I guess we'll have to drive to the mall and buy some presents." father said.
"Are you crazy George, no stores will be open at this hour! Were going to be the worst parents ever tomorrow morning!" Said mother.
"Yeah, the worst." said father.
"Wait a minute, I know that tone of voice your using, you know something don't you?" mother said in suspicion.
"What, no, I don't know anything." said father.
"Yes you do, I've heard that voice before, you some place that we can go to get the presents, don't you?" Said mother
"Okay, I admit, there is some place we can go." said father in a very sighed voice.
"What is it George? If you don't tell me we'll be the worst parents of the year!" said mother.
"Okay," Said George. "There is a place I know thats open 24/7. However, it's so bad and evil that it does something to people. Very bad things." said father.
"What kind of bad things." asked mother.
"All I can say that you would under stand, is that as the prices rise, a man can fall." said father in tears. "You don't know the inhumanity Rachel."
"So what do you want, the children to watch me rip you limb from limb because you didn't go to this "evil" land to get the kids presents, or do you want to be a man and go and get the presents." asked mother
Father pondered on this for a long moment.
"Alright, I will go and get these presents only for the sake of our family." said father.
father got his coat, his pants, and his boots and walked to the bedroom door.
Before he left he turned to mother and said:" By the way I knew getting ripped limb from limb was a far better choice to go to this place in which I think you deserve to know the name. The name of this domestic porthole to bad prices and mean people is......Walmart." Crash! thunder struck in the far distance. Mother jumped, then said : "Be careful and you are a very brave man." Mother gave him a kiss on the cheek, then pushed him out of the room. Father took in a deep breath, then released all the air at once. Lastly, he shoved off. Through the door, to the car, and onto the road. Father drove stiffened, knowing that what was about to come, was going to be a big one. After driving for twenty minutes, he reached the parking lot of the dreaded place. He found a parking space on the deserted side of the lot. Lastly, he got out,making his way to the front door. Just before he got in, he stopped and read the giant sign of the store. He walked inside the building using three years of tai kwon do from when he was a child, to his self defense. However, the strangest thing happened, he was greeted by a man with a smile on his face, then was offered a cookie. He took the cookie then shoved it in his pocket. He proceeded down an isle of bikes and safety gear. He grabbed a two knee pads and ankle pads then continued. After about an hour he had all the presents, and was making his way to the cash register to buy his products, when a man called from the inside of a room. The man offered to wrap his presents for free. So surprised by the customer service, he felt a head ache form in the front of his head. Then, after about twenty minutes, he made his way to the cash register once more to collect his items, and leave the mass confusion. When he finally made it to the register the lady at the register said: "Are you having a good Christmas eve? If so, take those presents for free."
That sent father over board. He stumbled back four or five feet away from the lady, and then pass out onto the cold hard floor. He felt like he had been sleeping forever, when suddenly,a man with chains around his arms came over to father, then picked him up. When father looked around at his surroundings; He saw an older village, with horse drawn carts, old timers dressed in older dresses and rotted out shirts, but what stood out the most, was the man standing on what looked like a stage, with a man getting whipped by another man in a black mask. The man that picked father up was glowing and said: Are you awake?"
"Yes." replied father.
"Good, because I have a lot of things to tell you." said the glowing man.
"Where am I, how did I get here? asked father starting to freak out."
"Do not worry." said the man. "You are in what is known as a time bubble, It is a place where you are seen. The place where you are is the whipping block. This is the place that you people now are calling the Walmart, and that man right there is me."
"Why are you being whipped?" asked father.
"Because this was a time where freedom of speech did not exsist;I spoke out aginst king George."
"Wow," said father. "Thats terrible."
"But notice," said the man." That the trouble I face is wanting freedom, and fighting for it, while people like you have all the freedom in your time, but you choose to whine over the economy being to fragile or who the president is."
"so your saying that instead of my constant thought of blowing up Walmart, I should try to set a goal, like world peace or destroying hunger." asked father.
"Exactly." said the man. " "As a matter of fact, I have to break something to you that may confuse you."
"What's that." asked father.
"Your name is not George." said the man.
"What?" asked George.
"You've been brain washed by the other ghosts the last time we met." He said
What! I've never seen you in my life!" George said surprised.
"Oh but you have, Ebenezer." Said the man.
All of a sudden father had all these memories of things he did not know even happen.
"Oh my goodness, after all the stories and movies I never seen it coming." Said father.
"Thats right, the other ghosts have sent you forward in time, you are Ebenezer Scrooge." said the man.
After that, the glowing man sent Ebenezer back to his regular old time frame to stop a giant wrinkle in time. Some say thats why Scrooge was so grumpy all that time, having to leave his family on Christmas eve, and we all know where Scrooge is now, a banker that does not enjoy Christmas like everyone else. I hope everyone has learned a valuable lesson out of this, and merry Christmas.
© Copyright 2012 Reese Abernathy (epicreese2000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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