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A girl finds a medallion, that gives her mythological transformation abilities. |
"The Medallion" In ancient times when the witches weren't hunted down, they created many unique and individual artifacts. The majority of them filled with there own each unique power. They varied from curses to blessings, and some even held the power of transformation. There was even a medallion that allowed the witches to transform into many mythological creatures. This medallions power was great and at that time had almost virtually no restrictions. The witches of ancient times often used this medallion to play pranks on those without magical power. As the times slowly became less witch friendly, the witches would soon find the folly of that incredible power. Time had passed, and by now the ancient Greek's were the most powerful force known. A Witch named Medusa who had inherited the medallion had decided to use it for revenge. She used the medallions power to transform herself into a monster known as a Gorgon. She wanted revenge on all the people who had called her mean, ugly and even repulsive. Many humans suffered from her desire for revenge. Then as many tales have told a hero came by the name of Perseus. He had his own reasons for seeking a Gorgon, but fate pitted him against Medusa. Perseus was well armed before he confronted Medusa, his preparation had rewarded him with her head. Where Medusa's lifeless body stood on the ground after her defeat. A group of witches had gathered to quickly retrieve the medallion which caused all of the recent trouble. Many had witness Medusa's cruel use of the medallion. Fortunately she ended before she could have done even greater harm. This brought a question to the Witches who had gathered however, they even feared the medallion's power may be too powerful. Then a witch had a brilliant idea, she decided that they should limit it's power. The Witches then gathered at there yearly meeting place to decide how to limit it's power. Once the votes were in a unanimous decision was made. They would go to each of these Mythological creatures, or otherwise home and have them put a lock on there form. The lock would only be broken if someone passed there test. Naturally it took quite awhile to lock all the forms of the medallion. The witches were confident that the locks wouldn't break unless they passed the test, and it wouldn't be until modern times when the medallion would finally again be used. A young girl slowly reaches for the snooze button as she tries to get up from the sound of the alarm beeping. Once out of her bed she goes towards her dresser and grabs some undergarments and her school uniform. She then heads to the hallway to grab herself a towel, then she puts her clothing down at a place where it will stay dry and walks to the showers. As she is about to enter she sees that her father is ready to do the same. "Sorry Anya but I've got work to do so I'll be heading in first." he says. Anya looked at her father slightly annoyed and then rushed towards the only bathroom in the house. " Not if I get there first!" She exclaimed. Fortunately for Anya she managed to get to the bathroom first. Her father then knocked on the door, "Anya I really need to go first today, will you please let me?" he asked. " No dad every time you get in the shower before me you always use up all the hot water." She the continues, " Besides the neighbors have been complaining about your early morning opera singing in the shower." Her father then responds. " Fine, but hurry up I have to be work early today." Anya then proceeds to take her shower. Once she finishes she takes the towel and dries herself off, then she puts on her undergarments and her school uniform. Her school uniform consists of a red shirt with the schools logo, a knee length skirt, gray socks, and a pair of black sneakers. She then heads towards the mirror in the bathroom and then dries her blond hair. She combs it, then carefully puts a bit of make-up on. "I'm done how do I look?" She asked her father. " Absolutely beautiful with your gorgeous blond hair and brilliant blue eyes. " He says. Anya then thanks her father with a big hug and slight kiss on the cheek. Once Anya is inside the kitchen she prepares herself a bowl of cereal. She then grabs a seat at the dining table and turns the television on. "We are here live at the museum, which was robbed last night. A witness here claims some rather unusual things happened last night." The reporter on the television. "Although the police had arrived in a swiftly manner, unusual statues of the policemen who arrived and the security guards who were posted at the museum. Anya then looks towards her father who had just recently got out of the shower. "Is this why you had to get a shower first?" She asks. Her father nods, " Yes, I find it to be quite unusual myself and as the new curator of the museum I want to see what the objects they took were, and if they took any valuables from the curator's safe." Anya's father said. Anya then looked at the time, it was six forty-five a.m. "It's time for me to catch the bus now daddy, bye." She waved her hand and headed out the door to the bus. On the bus heading towards Anya's school, she sat with her best friend Becky. " You and you're father race each other to the shower as usual?" Becky asked. Anya responded, " yes and I beat him again." Anya and Becky then talked about various gossip and rumors. Before either of them knew it they had arrived at there school. Anya and Becky went to an all girls middle school. There school was called East Girls Academy. In School Anya and Becky were fortunate enough to have the same homeroom teacher Mr. Paradox. Shortly after the bell rang Mr. Paradox began the morning roll call. Once he was finished he turned on the television for the morning announcements. The announcements were short and brief, once they were over it was time to begin first period. Meanwhile Anya's father had just arrived at the museum. "Good Morning sir." A man passing by said. "Good morning to you too." Anya's father responded. Unfortunately for him just before he could enter the museum he was swarmed by reporters. "Professor Curtis Sapphire, what are you thoughts on the museum's robbery? Do you expect this to be another artist joke? Or do you think that something actually turned the police and the museum security guards to stone? Curtis quickly responded. " No comments." He then went through the swarm and quickly went to the curator's office. Curtis locked his office doors once he was behind them. His assistant was already waiting for him in his office. "Those reporters are persistent aren't they?" Curtis assistant asked. "They're adamant about getting a story out of us about those statues, Connor." Curtis said. "Speaking of which, I trust that you have one of those statues available here for us to examine peacefully?" Connor nodded. " We got one here alright, so we can examine it at our leisure." Curtis went and looked at one of the statues very carefully. He inspected every inch of the statue. " It's amazing, this statue is the most life-like statue I have every seen. The artist who made this must have incredible talent to make a statue like this." Connor asked. "Do you believe that the statues are actually people like some of the reporters believe?" Curtis then shook his head. "No they're the most life-like statues I have seen. I can understand how some of the reporters came to that conclusion, but living people being turned to stone that's ludicrous." "Now that I've taken a look at a statue, we can get some real work done now. We have quite a few new additions to the museum we need to add, and a few that we still haven't decided on." Curtis said. Curtis and his assistant Connor began looking at the various art pieces and deciding which collection or exhibit they belonged to. Hours had passed as they looked over the various works of art. "I still can't decide where to put this medallion." Curtis said. "Is there any special markings that could help you found out where it belongs to?" Connor asked. " No, and that's the problem there's no markings identifying which time period it's from. It's era or even it's origin I am completely baffled by it." Curtis answered. " It's almost noon, shouldn't daughter be at lunch now? Why don't you take a break and give her a call. You did tell me that her birthday was today after all." "Becky, over her I saved you a seat." Anya yelled in the cafeteria. "Thanks, I hope you weren't as bored to death in your second period as I was. Geometry is a total bore." Becky said. " My second period was mostly Cassie talking about herself the entire time." Becky interrupted. " Cassie? You mean Cassie Reign the girl who thinks she's absolutely perfect in every way?" Anya nodded. "Yeah the worst part was she managed to be more interesting then the English teacher throughout the entire second period." "It's still better then sitting through Geometry." Becky says. "Too bad the cafeteria food never taste good, why do you think that it never taste good?" Becky asked. "Maybe they put something in it to make it more healthy, but it also takes all the taste away?" Anya theorized. "What do you think that could be?" Becky asked. Before Anya could initiate a response her cell phone began to ring. Anya took out her cell phone and looked at the screen to see who was calling. "It's Dad." She said. Anya then answered her cell phone. "Hello Dad? Is there a reason you're calling?" She asked. "They're is a very good reason I'm calling, it's to wish you a happy thirteenth birthday." He said. Anya then thought about the news that was on earlier about the life-like statues. She knew her father wouldn't have any opinion on them until he at least had a look at them himself. She then proceeded to ask him over the phone. " Thanks Dad, while you on the phone, you've managed to get a good look at those statues by now right? So what is your opinion on them?" Curtis responded, " I did in fact the detail and texture of them it's absolutely amazing. As far as the whole humans turned to stone theory goes I personally don't believe it. I do know that if someone did create them they have an incredible talent, which makes it understandable why many of the reporters thought they were actually humans turned to stone." Anya then asked. "What was stolen from the museum dad, anything you were currently working on?" He quickly answered. " The theft takes an even stranger turn. Nothing but old and easy to replace fossils were taken from the museum last night. Despite there being much more valuable items on display." "That is strange dad." Anya said. Her father then proceeded to speak on the phone. " Yet not as mysterious as trying to find out a collection this medallion goes to." Curtis had then peeked his daughter's curiosity. "What medallion?" She asked. Her father then responded. "It was the medallion you found two years ago, back when I was still doing archaeological work." Anya then responded. "I remember that medallion. I kept telling you I could see some strange markings on it, but for some reason you couldn't see them." Curtis interrupted. " I've tried everything I could think of to try and see those markings, yet it was to no avail. I wonder if you would still see them, how about once you're finished with your school and homework, you visit the museum and we'll see if you can still see the markings you saw two years ago?" Anya thought awhile before she answered. "Okay Dad I will, lunch is almost over so I got to go now bye." Anya then hung up her cell phone and put it back in her back pocket. The bell signaled the end of lunch, Anya and Becky had the same gym for fifth period. "I'll see you in gym Anya." Becky said as she left the cafeteria. In the girls locker room Anya was getting her gym clothes on. Which didn't take long to put on. The first five minutes of gym were basically warm-ups , once they had finished warming up it was time for a game of Volley Ball. Anya and Becky were put on the same team. Before they knew it gym class was over, neither Anya or Becky managed to score any points. The bell once again rung signaling the time to change classes once again. Anya and Becky went to different classes for sixth period. Anya's sixth period was Geometry, while Becky's was English. Anya's Geometry class went by fast for Anya, before she knew it was time for her final class of the day. History was Anya's final class that she was required to take. Anything after this class would be mostly electives and sports. Despite her previous class going by quickly, her final class no matter the subject always seemed to drag. Hearing that final bell signaling the end of class was relieving for Anya. "Finally it's over, well the first day of the hum-drum school life at least." Anya said to Becky. "How was your last class?" Becky asked as they both got on the school bus and continued there conversation. " Dull, almost as dull as your Geometry Class, but it was the waiting for that final bell that really killed it." Anya replied. The bus had stopped at least four times before finally reaching Anya's stop. Twenty minutes had passed when she finally got off. Anya and Beck then began heading to there house. Anya waved to Becky as they split up and went there separate ways. "I'll see you tomorrow Becky!" Anya yelled. " Same here!" Becky yelled back. It took another five minutes for Anya to reach her home. At home Anya went and took off her school uniform and then put on a V-neck white T-shirt, and some blue jeans accompanied with a pair of sandals. Once she finished putting on her casual clothing she began her homework. It took a few hours but she managed to finish her homework around five thirty P.M. Now that her homework was done she went and grabbed her small black purse and headed out. She went to the first bus stop she would need to take to get to the museum. Once she got off the first bus there would be two more buses she would need to take to travel to the museum. It would take at least two hours before she would finally reach her destination. By the time she arrived it was seven thirty P.M. The museum would only be open to the public for another thirty minutes. At the museum Anya saw that all the reporters form the morning had finally left. Waiting at the entrance of the museum was her father's assistant Connor. "Hello Anya enjoy you first day back in school?" He asked. Anya just shrugged. "It was okay." They both proceeded into the museum. "Your father has been working very hard since he got here this morning. Do you think he misses traveling around the world as an Archaeologist?" Connor asked. " He quit traveling around the world after mom died. I think it was mostly because he didn't want to have to leave me alone, or interrupt my school work with all his traveling. So I think he decided it would be best for him to get a job that wouldn't require as much traveling." Anya replied. Connor then looked around and notice they were close to the Curator's Office. " Anya you stay here, I'll go and get your dad and tell him you are here. Okay?" Connor asked. Anya simply nodded in response. Connor then left Anya's side and proceeded to the Curator's office. That's when he noticed that the door was wide open. "That's strange Professor Curtis Sapphire would never leave the door open like that. " Connor thought. Unsure whether or not some hostile person was in there Connor continued cautiously. He managed to get in the office without much trouble and took a peak inside the office. "Professor Sapphire? Your Daughter's here like you requested earlier." He said. Despite that he heard no response from Curtis Sapphire. As he went further into the office he noticed a small yet strange creature inside, he then screamed as loudly as he can which managed to seal his fate. The strange creature then managed to get away carrying a fossil. Anya was still waiting for Connor to return with her father when she heard a scream. Worried about her father she rushed in the direction Connor went. She managed to reach the office without any trouble. She took a look and noticed a statue that looked like Connor. She went and inspected the statue only to notice some familiar yet strange runes on it, slowly disappearing from sight. She then went further into the office and covered her mouth in surprise and shock as she saw her father as a statue. She at first couldn't believe it. "No!" Anya cried. "This..It...It can't be happening! It just can't be!" Anya inspected of the statue of her father thoroughly. Her inspection only confirmed her fears further. " It's him , I know it is, What am I going to do?" Anya thought inside her head as she anxiously paced back and forth in the office. Sitting upon her father's desk was the medallion that her father wanted her to look at. She went towards the desk and took a look at it, that is when she noticed one of the medallion's symbols was similar to the one she saw on Connor. "I recognize that symbol." She then went and grabbed the medallion off the desk. "It's too bad you can't help me." She said to the medallion. Anya shook her head in disbelief. "What am I doing? Talking to a medallion as if it can help, when I know it can't. I need to try something more practical." Anya then got out her cell phone and decided she would call the police and see if they would be available to help. "Hello, please state your emergency and will be right with you." the woman on the phone said. Anya nervously told them her problem. " I found a statue in the museum. Please send help." Anya then could hear the woman on the phone sigh in disbelief. "Please don't use an emergency number for prank phone calls. " The woman then hung up before Anya could respond. The police call didn't work and worst was that they believed it was a prank so there was no reason to try and call back again. Anya continued pacing around the room and then began to wonder. "Now What am I going do?" After a few minutes of worry Anya finally sat down and took a deep breath. Once she exhaled she managed calm herself a bit. She then organized her thoughts. She knew the police were out of the the question now. She was also curious about why both Connor and the medallion had a rune that looked similar to each other. Still holding the medallion from when she picked it up, she grasped it firmly and tightly and spoke. "If only I had the power to do something to help them. I want to help them no matter what I have to go through. It was then the medallion began to glow brighter and the rune symbols on it had shifted, some had even changed there shape. It was almost as if the medallion she was holding on to had an answer to Anya's wish, to remedy the current situation. "Huh?" What's going on?" Anya asked herself. The medallion continued to glow brightly, until Anya heard a monotone voice in her head. "Your contract has been accepted." The voice said. Anya thought she was going crazy hearing voices in her head. "What Contract?" She asked. The voice responded. "The contract to use the Mythos Medallion to remedy the current situation." Anya then looked at the Mythos Medallion and noticed that the runes had changed. However she wanted to remedy the situation in any way she could and if this medallion could help, then she would use it. She still had a lot of questions for it though. " What exactly does this Mythos Medallion do?" She asked. The Voice responded to her question. "It allows you to take a form of a Mythological Creature, if you earn it." Anya looked a bit puzzled at the answer. "Earn it? What do you mean by that?" She asked. The voice then spoke once more. " All forms have bean sealed and require you to pass a test to unlock each form. There are many to choose from." Anya thought a bit before deciding to ask her next question. "Which form will help with the current predicament I'm in?" The voice didn't respond right away, instead it seemed like it was taking it's time before deciding. " IT will require the saliva of the creature that turned them to stone in order to reverse the effects. I have found the form that will most likely draw the creatures out." The voice said. Anya then thought about what the voice said and thought to herself. " Aside from drawing them out I'll also need there saliva to reverse the effects. Hope whatever form it is will be able to handle whatever turned them to stone." The voice then asked Anya, "Are you ready to acquire the form you need." Anya then responded, " If it will save my dad then I'm ready for anything." End of Chapter |