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Rated: 13+ · Other · Dark · #1906976
Book 2 of my story
Book 2
These are documents of my life and what I lived through. I hope these are kept safe my friends that are currently reading this. I hope this war does end soon. If you are trying to track where I am…good luck is all I can say. Mainly I write these to as a reminder of what I have been through if I truly do forget. Good luck to all trying to survive this war against the Red Snakes. Also be warned of the Green Mongoose. They are very tricky indeed.

Chapter 1
More Mysteries
November 16th, 1970, 9:56am
It has been 6 years after Shiva’s death and I found her personal log. I asked Jig if it was ok to look at it and he said it was ok because I already knew her memories. I am still trying to figure out why she wanted me to know her memories. I did found out it was a good idea to keep a personal log of my own. I just started for the first time today. I will put a note to try to write down what I remember before this day later.
For the past 6 years I have been training in the ways this planet had to offer. Sometime this year I was going to be done with my training. My alarm went off at 10:00am. Shoot I am going to be late. I stopped writing my history down and ran out the door of the cabin. I saw Jig waiting for me in the field. Jig said “What have you been doing?! You are going to be late for training!” His tail picked me up and tossed me onto his back. I am glad we have practice that in case of emergencies. It used to be very painful. I almost fell off when Jig took off. He must be more in a hurry to get to training than me.
I already got done the hand to hand combat training, learning to fight alongside dragons, and how to battle a dragon if needed. What else can there be? Jig said “You forgot fighting while riding on a dragon, also fighting while in mid air combat.” I said “I am still new to this. I wonder how much longer this training will last.” Jig said “The faster you learn this stuff, the faster the training will end. I know all your horrible training years at the organization base.” I said “Yea but that is nothing to me. Knowing my world is gone and my some good friends died. Not including my families death all cause by one man. That is the only reason why I am doing this training so the organization does not know my strategy anymore.” Jig said “Get ready. We are about at the training grounds.”
We started to descend into the training area. When we landed no one was here. I was about to get off when Jig stopped me by moving his tail in the way. Jig said “Wait. Remember you still needed to learn to fight while on me. I believe this is that time to learn. Look ahead of us. There is a line of practice dummies waiting.” I said “Well lets head to them with caution. There is no one around and that is what I am nervous about.” Jig kept on moving closer at a very slow pace. I slowly moved my head scanning the area for any surprises. I notice some of the trees were fake. I said “Jig look at some of the trees. They are not real.” Jig said “You are right about that. Think you can send your flying camera to investigate?” I brought out my fly and controller. I sent it to fly around the fake looking trees. I saw a hole in one of them. I sent it in the hole to check out what really inside it. When I landed the fly, I adjusted the camera on it. “There now let’s see who this is.” I zoomed in on the face and focused it. It was one of the trainers watching us.
I said “Jig I see one of the trainers in the fake tree. He is just standing there watching us. What do you think we should do? Jig said “Act like you are going to go. I will move back to the forest and you get off and walked over behind them. Meanwhile I will head towards the targets and act like I’m going to destroy them myself.” I said “So I am going to be like ditching this training because no one is here and you are going to continue on. I like the sounds of it because I can get back at the trainers for the nonstop training two weeks ago. Three days of no sleep really took its toll on how I reacted. Ok I am just going to get off here and just walk away.” I slid off Jig and started to walk away. Once I got into the forest, I first made sure I was out of sight. I walked towards where my fly’s homing system was as quietly as I could. I saw my target just a few feet in front of me now. I hide behind a tree and got my holographic projector ready. I first called back my fly before I made it project a simulated wolf that is about to attack. I turn on the sound as well. I heard a few people screamed and fabric shredding. I turned off my hologram and got out to see what damage I caused. I saw three scared people running towards Jig for protection. I started to laugh as I watch them turn around to find out it was just me. I ran over to see what they had to say about this. As I grew closer their faces were not happy at all. Trainer said “That was not funny at all. You are supposed to listen to us and work on training not goofing around. Now get back to the training exercise we gave you.” I said “What training? You have given me no assignment, plus I wanted pay back for the nonstop training you done to us.” Trainer said “You did not get the message hang on your door?” I said “No I did not get any message. “ Trainer said “Interesting. I wonder where the message went. Well you were supposed to destroy those dummies over there while flying on your partner.” Jig said “That is weird. He skipped part of the training. You are suppose to learn how to fight on me first than do that. Also this is different for mid air training. I wonder what you can learn from this.” I said “That is very interesting. I wonder why I am the one that gets all the weird training.” Jig said “I can fix this. This training needs to end because you already know how to ride. You know how to fight. All you got to do is doing it together. I can convince him that you know how to do this already and just end the training. I am not really doing it for you but because I don’t want to do training this way. It is just not right to learn out of order.” I said “Well you can try. I am willing to try anything to get out of this. It is getting pretty weird.”
I waited as Jig talked with the trainer. I wonder what type of stuff he is saying to get us out of this training. I also wonder why the trainer and the two people were hiding in the tree for and if that was normal. What am I saying? Nothing is normal anymore. That organization ruined my normal life long ago. They ended the day they killed my family and recruited me into their forces. I hope other kids figure out the truth and rebel against them as well. I am going to need all the help I can get to take down the organization for sure. Just remembering some of the help I had died within a blink of an eye. Why did he let me live? He could of killed me right there. I guess he really does want me to suffer than to finish me off fast. Trainer said “Ok you are done with training for the day. Be sure to report back tomorrow at the station.” He walked off with the other two people. I said “Jig who was those other two people anyway?” Jig said “One of them was the Chief and the other was a regular person to witness the training done here.” I said “Ok I won’t ask why there were here but ok. So what are we going to do now?” Jig said “Well I was thinking but I can’t think of what to do.” I said “Well I guess I can continue on building a room for you at the cabin. It is almost done anyway. Just need to make one last wall to close off the room.” Jig said “Wait there is no need for that. I prefer looking outside while I’m resting.” I said “Ok than I will make a landing zone for you so you can get in without troubles.” Jig said “That would make it nice. I can help remove some of the trees if you can get them partly unburied. Like just get some of the roots visible so it will be looser when I pull it away.” I said “Alright, the sooner we go the sooner we get done and make any changes if needed.” I held on as we took off into the sky. I watch as I saw the clouds flew past me than we started to go down a bit. I saw the trees rushing past us on the ground. Than I started to get dizzy. I still am afraid of heights.
I put my head back up and closed my eyes. I waited till we landed in the field to open them again. I slide off Jig and walked to the cabin. Once I was inside I looked around for that shovel. Took a few minutes but found it in the closet. I also saw Shiva’s personal log in there. I need to look at that later to see what the organization has done around here. Those scattered memories from Jig just showing things but I do not fully understand what they mean. I walked back outside. I went over to the trees that needed to be removed and started to dig out the roots. Once I got done the tree started to move away from the ground. Jig was fast at his work for sure. We continued to do this for a while. Once we got done it felt like days later. I checked my watch and found out it only took 5 hours 23 minutes. Jig walked into his room and just curled into a ball with his head on top of his tail. It seemed like he was staring into the unknown world, at least for me its unknown. I walked inside the cabin and to the closet. I took Shiva’s log and went to my bed. I laid down and open to where I left off in the book. That is strange. First it was talking about a mission than it went to a few blank pages. Than it just goes to new topic. I wonder if she forgot to write the rest of it down so left a few blank pages. They did have a lot of free time though. I bookmarked those pages to refer back to later. There is something still strange about that. I started to flip through the pages and notice that there were many blank pages. I wonder why she did that. It makes since as much as all those memories she wanted Jig to give me. None of them give all the information on what happen. Something is always been cut out of it. I closed the book and set it on the ground. None of it makes since. Maybe I will figure it out in the morning.

Chapter 2
The Visitor

I woke up the next day and started to stretch a bit. I walked over to the kitchen and made myself some food. Once I was done with that I went outside to check on Jig and see how he was doing. I didn’t see Jig anywhere. I did found a note on the wall. It was from Jig. “Sorry I won’t be here for a while. Not sure when I will get back. Good luck getting to the station. P.S. I suggest you start walking by the time you find this note.” Well this is just going to be a fun day. At least I know where I’m going. I’m not sure how long it’s going to take so I better get started. I grabbed my sword in the sheath. Both were customize so people knew who they belong to by the colors and two letters on them. The sheath was black with SW painted in silver on each side. The sword was made of the finest materials around here and was silver with in black letters was SW. The SW did not stand for south-west but instead for my name that I go by, Silentwolf. I am glad Jig was willing to help me out in creating my sword. Now I wonder how he even made that message.
I took my time in the forest. I had no idea what to expect around here much. I knew I should have done exploring sometime ago. I checked my watch and notice it’s been over 3 hours of walking so far. Well I made it to the lake so I know I’m at least halfway there. I took a quick break and looked at the area. A few birds were flying around. I saw a fish jump in the lake. I heard a crunching sound behind me from the woods. I quickly turned around and looked at what could have made it. As I scanned the forest I notice nothing that caused it. I started to move on into the forest again. I heard another cracking sound near by. I turned and searched the ground. I saw no life but I did see some strange string hovering over the ground a bit. I grabbed a heavy enough rock and tossed it at the string. A net popped up where the string was. Now I got to watch out for traps. I grabbed a stick it and poked around in front of me before I continued forward. Another crunching sound came very close this time. I scanned the area again seeing what was causing it. I saw nothing again. I wonder what is following me causing those sounds. A sound of clanging metal with a cry of an animal made me jump. I ran over to where I heard it.
I saw a wolf caught in a bear trap. I looked around before I continued forward. I stopped when the black wolf stared at me with its red eyes. I heard it make some whining noises. I slowly walked closer hoping to help it get free. As I walked near its trap right back leg, it started to turn its head more to watch me. When I got to it I got down on one knee. I looked at the trap to try to find the most easy and less painful way for both of us to open this. Something wet and rough hit me face. I jumped back and looked for what it was. I saw the wolf was turned all the way it could towards its trapped leg. I guess it licked me and that is what scared me. I laughed a bit and got back up. I got back to the wolf’s leg and try prying it open. It opened up fast and easy. I held it open till the wolf got out of it. I let I clamp shut again. I walked over to the wolf and trying to look at its leg. It back away and growled a bit. I backup myself and held my hands in front of me trying to not look like a threat. This time the wolf slowly came to me. I bent onto one knee to try to get a better view. It was bleeding badly. If it did not get medical help it could get infected. I use my healing gift on the wolf best I could. I could only get the bleeding to stop and for it to close the wounds. “Thank you for the healing”. I jumped and look around for who said that. I said “Who said that?” “The wolf behind you said that.” I turned and looked at the wolf. I said “You can talk?” The wolf said “Yes I can. That is not normal around here?” I said “I have no idea. I am not really from around here. My name is Silentwolf. What is yours?” The wolf said “My name is Kuran. I am also not from around here. You probably won’t believe where I am from.” I laughed as I said “Try me.” Kuran said “Well I am from another planet.” I said “Is that all?” Kuran said “I told you that you wouldn’t believe me.” I said “I believe you. I am to from another world. Bet you didn’t see that coming” Kuran said “Are you kidding me? I thought I was an unlucky creature that got banished to another world. This green and black swirl thing sent me here.” I said “Yeah that is a portal. I got sent the same way as well in a way. Any idea how to get to a town from here? I lost my directions when you, I am guessing, where following me and made some noises.” Kuran said “Yes that was me. I was seeing how creatures were like around here. Guess I picked the wrong person to follow. Follow me to the town that I know of.” I followed Kuran through the forest. I saw the city a while later. I said “Thank you for showing me the way here. If you need a home you are welcome at the cabin I live in. I am pretty sure you know where that is.” Kuran started to walk away and said “No thank you for helping me out the trap and giving me a home to go to.” I watched Kuran run back into the forest.
I started to walk towards the city. I notice something was different. I did not see any sign of dragons. Everyone seems to be doing fine still. I guess it is normal around here. I walked throughout the town till I got to the station. I walked inside and saw Jacob was here as well. I said “Hey Jacob it’s been a while. How is it going?” Jacob said “Wow it has been a while since I last seen you. It was pretty good till I notice my partner disappeared today for who knows how long.” I said “Yeah same here. Just got with training I am hoping.” The Chief walked in and asked us to come inside. We both followed him into his office. We all took a seat around a desk. We waiting as The Chief was grabbing something from his desk. He put a box on top and looked at us. The Chief said “Use these wisely or you will regret being here.” He opened the box and a couple of badges were in there. We grab them and look to see if they were a joke or real. They were real with our names imprinted in silver with a black background on them. He handed us some paper with our work schedule on them. We nodded and left without a word. When we left the station we just said good job to each other and went our separate ways. I did not have to worry about anything till tomorrow morning. Better get back to the cabin and see how my new guest is doing.

Sometime later

I saw Kuran lying down in front of the door. I said as I laughed “What can’t open the door?” Kuran said “I can’t find any way to get into this place.” I walked over to the door and turn the knob. I said “That is how you get in. Guess I should create a doorway that you know how to use.” Kuran said “Yeah that would be helpful. I still don’t get how you opened that.” I said “Well we will worry about that some other time. Can you handle surviving on your own while I’m gone?” Kuran said “Yes that will be without a problem if I can find a way in and out of this place.” I said “Ok than I will create a door so you can get in and out of here without too many problems. Now just to figure out how and where to put it.” I could make a small door that can be push open. As I was thinking, Kuran started to sniff around and stopped at a spot by the wall. I walked over to see why he stopped so sudden. His nose pushed on a spot on the wall and some noises happened. I looked around while panicking a bit. I never knew about that and now I wonder if it is a good thing he found it. As I was searching around I saw that a small space appeared in the wall. It looks big enough for me to crawl in or for Kuran to walk in. I used the flashlight on my finger to see where it goes. A straight path that declines as you move along the path is all I could see. I crawled in after Kuran walked in sniffing something. As we got in deeper I notice the passage got bigger and some wooden supports. Ah dang it, now I got spider webs in my hair. This junk is always a pain to get rid of. As we continued I was able to stand up and started to smell this horrible smell. I saw a few bones of a rat I think on the ground. I continued after Kuran ignoring the smell. I looked down at where I was walking to see if there was anything else on the ground. A few minutes later and the passage way just ended. Kuran was still sniffing the wall. I sat down by him and felt the wall. Nothing but dirt was there. The floor vibrated and we started to rise into the air. I was prepared to jump off it when a light appeared above us. The ground above us broke open as we rose into the opening. Once we got up far enough for me to see where we are I saw the lake with the forest around us. The bench was not to far from where I was either.
Voice from behind “I wonder if you were ever going to find that.” I turned around and saw Shiva’s father Brain standing. I said “I forgot about the robotic stuff you had done to yourself. Also what you mean you wonder if I was going to find what?” Brain said “The secret passage way you and your friend there came out of. I installed it for quick escapes.” I said “Wait I thought you did not know about the cabin?” Brain said “Shiva knew that I know it was there but I guess at the time she did not get my hint that someone else was also here. Ok enough of that discussion. I can honestly say there are no other secrets in that cabin besides what you know and what you have changed yourself.” I said “Is there a way back into that tunnel from here?” Brain just raised his hand and put it on the back of the bench back left leg. Kuran and I moved from our spot as the passage opened again but this time the floor moved down as the ground covered up the hole. I said “Well Kuran I think we just found a temporary way for you to get in and out of the cabin for now.” Kuran said “Well it is easy to remember. Just I am going to have to get used to this world’s area a bit better.” Brain gasp while saying “That wolf can talk?!” I said “Yeah he can. After coming to this world I believe anything is possible at this point.” Brain said “Well before anything else happens that is new I’m leaving. My heart can’t take that much. I am going to head to the computer room from the secret entrance and give the guards a hard time. They always wonder how the heck I sneak pass them without them knowing.” I laughed while saying “Have a fun time with that.” I waved goodbye and walked back to the cabin with Kuran at my side.
As we got inside I asked “Now what do you normally use to sleep on?” Kuran said “Uh…most of the time in a cave but sometimes out in the woods on anything in a certain area that is dry.” I said “Well…I have no idea on a bed to make you than.” I grab some logs by the door and walked over to the fireplace in the main room that I relax in. I use the lighter that was stored in my arm to light the fire. Once the smoke started to rise, I blow on it a bit till the blaze started to cover the logs. Kuran curled up in a ball a few feet from the fire but close enough to feel the warmth of it. “I guess you will be sleeping there?” Kuran head raise and said “Yes. This is very nice spot to rest and relax. It’s not like home but it is close enough to be called home for a while, at least till we can figure a way for me to get back home.” I remember that portal creating device that Nicodemus had on him. I could send him back home here and now but I don’t know where his home is and might send him on a planet he can’t live on. Once I’m ready to travel again I guess I could take him along as well. I looked at Kuran and notice he was already sound asleep. I decided to leave him alone and let him rest.
I remember when I got sent to another world. I had no idea what to expect except that dragons were my enemies at the time. Than I met Shiva and she showed me the truth and broke me free from my slavery. It cost her life later on that she helped me. Now I live in her old house with her old partner Jig.
My stomach interrupted my thoughts to remind me about getting food. I quietly took a few steps towards a kitchen. A loud squeak caused Kuran to jump from his spot and growled in a defense position. Kuran said “Sorry…I’m still getting used to this.” I quietly said “You and me both. This world is still very new to me and I been here for 6 years I think. Now I’m living with another creature I don’t know much about. I guess life is really a mystery or at least full of surprises.” Kuran said “Well I guess we could talk about both our lives a bit if we are living together for a while. Maybe that will help ease our nerves a bit.” Well mostly his but it does not sound like a bad idea. I said “Sure why not. A quick summary should make it easy on both of us but instead of telling mine I rather show you. Telling it would be confusing.” Kuran asked “How are you going to show me?” I smiled while saying “Well I guess you are going to have to wait and find out.” I took off my cloak and hang it back on the wall. I carefully took off the fake skin glove off my arm to show the robotic arm underneath. Kuran tilted his head and stared at my arm. “I know it took a while for me and everyone else to get used to it as well. Guess I should start from there and continue on.” Kuran sat down and listens to my life and what the organization has done to me. I told him about why I am here and why I have not gone back. I did not tell him about the portal device I have though. It is better I kept it to myself till I figure out how to use it.
Kuran said “That is interesting how so much can happen in such short of time. Also I had seen some people with that tattoo. I have followed them on my home world but they just vanish a few minutes later. With your story it sort of explains why and how they disappear so fast. I wonder how they do it.” I said “Well I have a theory on how they do it but I can’t prove it yet.” Kuran said “Well if you do figure out how please let me know. Then I can finally return home and return to my family. Now to keep my end of the deal, my home was in the woods. I was in a family of five others. We all looked alike except on colors. As you can tell my pelt is black, one other wolf in my pack was white and had a mix of light red in its fur. another was of pure grey. Another pack member is red with black markings, if I remember right, most humans would call it a red wolf I believe. One other is of a golden brown color like the stars, and last of all was my mate who was silver but had a golden line run over her head and over her spine to meet her tail. That is all I am going to say for now.” I watch him curl back into a ball and I walked into the kitchen to make a quick snack than to sleep.
I made a quick sandwich and walked towards the stairs. As I got to the stairs Kuran said “This place is big, did you make all this?” I said “I thought you were asleep. Keep talking out of nowhere is scaring me a bit. I did not make most of it though. All I added was a few cabinets and tables. Also the side house for another friend of mine that is coming back sometime. I’m not sure when he will return.” Kuran said “How many others are in this place? I’m sorry just trying to learn a bit more around here.” I said “No worries I can understand that. So far it’s just you, my other friend and me.”
As I walked upstairs Kuran followed looking around. I said “You don’t stay asleep for long do you?” Kuran said “Well I do but I’m interested in what’s around here.” I just shrugged and moved towards my room and maybe a room for Kuran as well. As I opened a door it squeaked these high pitch sounds that hurt my ears. I said “Well that’s another thing on my to do list. Find some oil for this door.” When I looked at Kuran he was lying down with his paws on his face and his ears just folded down. “I guess you did not enjoy that noise much either.” He slowly got up while raising his ears slightly. Kuran said “Are you trying to kill my hearing?” I said “No that is the door. I need to find some oil so it does not make that sound again. It hurts my ears as well. I don’t think as much as yours though. Anyways you can sleep in here if want. My room is the 3rd door on the right.” Kuran said “Ok ill explore in here than.” I watch him walk in and explore the new room. He hesitated at first but he did go on the bed and laid down stretching immediately. Kuran lightly said “I never felt something this soft before. What is this?” “Well around here it is a bed what most creatures sleep on” I replied. “If you need me you know where to find me.” I smiled and walked down the hallway a bit to my room.
As I entered my room I saw the computer I installed in here still on. I thought I turned it off. Well no one is perfect and this computer is like an old super computer from my old world anyway. At least it can do what I need to get done. When I got to it I saw a disk partly out of the CD drive. Now I remember what I was doing. I was making a copy of the disk I stole from the organization. Always does help to make a backup copy. I ejected the original copy and put it back into the case. I grab the copy and place into a sleeve labeled Music Disk 438. I wish there was more important information on these disks but there is not. Just information about each person there and what they can do. No base locations or what they are planning next. At least I have another advantage during a fight if I know them now. I know how they trained and what they can do.
Now it’s time to shut down this computer for the night and get some sleep. I grab my mp3 I made with some headphones. I set it to listen to a few songs I have recorded around here. My favorite thing I have recorded is just listening to the forest on a peaceful day. Hearing the birds chirping, the rabbis hopping around, the wind blowing through the trees, some dragons were roaring somewhere. As I listened I lay down on this soft bed and got some sleep after this confusing day.
Chapter 3
First Day on the Job

The music stopped and my alarm went at 5am on the dot. I quickly shut it off hoping it did not wake up Kuran if he is still sleeping. My back is in some pain. That’s what I get for sleeping with my sword on it still. I jumped out of bed and rushed quietly as I could downstairs. As I hit the bottom of the steps I saw Kuran looking at me from the relaxing room. I said “I got to run to work for a while. Think you will be fine on your own?” Kuran replied “Yes I’ll be fine. I just have to watch out for traps.” I said “Yea that would be wise. I am not completely sure how I healed you last time. It happens very rarely that I can heal something.” Kuran said “I thought you knew how to without a problem?” I nodded and said “Yeah I know it looks like I know what I’m doing. To be honest I rarely know what I am doing and just go with the flow on whatever happens. Anyway I got to run bye for now” I ran out the door and shut it quickly behind me.
As I was running through the meadow I tripped on something and got a taste of grass. Ok here is a good fact, grass does not taste that good. I got back up and looked at the ground at what I could have tripped at. There was nothing there. I scratch at my head in confusion and something hit the back of my legs hard and fast. I fell on my back this time. I said “Jig if that is you knock it off.” Just as I was saying that I saw him reappearing to the left of me laughing. “Yeah laugh it up. Where did you go anyway?” Jig said “I will tell you later about that. You seemed to be in a hurry. What are you in a hurry for?” I said “Well for work today. I have to get my uniform ready than get ready to patrol whatever they give me. Also did you know there are traps in the woods? I almost got myself caught in one of them yesterday.” Jig said “Well hop on, I can get you there faster. Plus I also have to be on patrol with you now that I am back. I never did know there were traps in the woods. I will tell the chief about that later.” His tail grabs me and drops me onto his back. I hurried and got ready for takeoff. Just as he launch into the air I closed my eyes and waited for this ride to be over. I never did like heights. I find it strange that dragon scales are the sharpest thing around here but I never seen anyone gets cut by them yet. “Many humans don’t understand why that is, but we dragons know and I’m ok with telling you this” said Jig “We control the way our scales are facing. I can either turn them so they can cut you now or just leave them down into each other so they are smooth to the touch. I can also have them as they are right now. We mainly have them this way when flying for less resistance. The smooth is for swimming faster in water if needed. The sharpness is for mainly when we are in battles.” I said “You always catch me off guard when you hear my thoughts like that. Why are you sharing with me all this information? I thought you had to get permission from the other dragons before sharing it with any human.” Jig said “You are different from other humans. I know I can trust you to keep this secret from everyone, We are going to land soon so get ready my scared friend,” I got ready ignoring that last comment of his. He landed in front of the police station in the middle of town.
I slipped off Jig and walked towards the stairs to the entrance. Just as my foot touch one stair a wall of flames went dead in front of my and around the police building. I jumped back and covered my face and hands till I felt the heat stopped. I looked up and search from where that came from. I saw a person wearing a gray suit with a big tank on his back and his arms with to torches connected the tank. A small blue flame was in both hands and aiming at me. I said “You must be what the organization calls The Living Flames.” I took a quick at the police station and saw nothing but ashes in the front half of it. I guess this person was trying to take me out not the police building. She said “I am no longer called The Living Flames. I am now Icy Flame. I will have revenge for you killing my old friend Nicodemus” I said “Icy Flames now? You might want to tell that organization to update their profiles. You still called The Living Flames there. Also I did not kill Nicodemus that is Jacobs fault.” I quickly dodge to the left as a blue beam went past me and onto a lamp post. The lamp post was covered in ice now. “Don’t ever call me that again!” she angry yelled. So she has some anger problems. Maybe I can use that to my advantage. I pulled out my sword and held it in front of me. I heard this low growl from the left of me. I looked and saw Jig ready for battle. A low crack sound echoed and a cling sound right behind me. I looked at what it was and saw a hole in the ice. I said “Jig I bet that sounds was from a gun.” Jig said “A gun?” I said “A gun is like a cannon, but a lot smaller and does major damage to humans. I am not sure if it can hurt you but I suggest we find cover now!” I ran into the burnt police building as another crack echoed the sleeping city. I dove forward and felt something go across the back of my left leg. I ignored the pain running for the back door. I check behind me and saw Jig already in the air attacking Icy Flames with fire of his own. I broke down the back door and went left down the alleyway. I asked “Jig do you see anyone in the back with some sort of strange weapons that you might think is a gun?” Jig replied “Yes it’s about 7 blocks down and it the old hospital building. Keep running down that alleyway and turn left at the 7 entrances than right at the 3rd than left again at the 1st. That will be right at the building than you must go up 3 floors.”
I thank Jig for the directions and started to run to the hospital. As I past the 4th entrance, a wall of fire burst from a wall behind me. I jumped to the left and took cover in my fireproof cloak. Just as I felt the heat fade away I rushed back into the alleyway and kept on running. My left leg pain is not helping at all. I cut part of my black shirt underneath and used it as a temporary bandage for my leg. I really wish I knew how to get that annoying healing to work. I turned left at the 7th exit than right at the 3rd. I took the first door on the left I saw and quietly opened it. I walked up the stairs with my sword in front of me. As I got to the corner I stopped and put my back into the wall. I used my sword to try to see what is around the corner and hopefully spot any dangers before I enter. I saw a few tables full of items but nothing seems set up for a hostile attack. I hurried down this hallway and up the next set of stairs ignoring the many doors and rooms I pass. I moved more carefully when I got to the third floor. I was searching for any signs of dangers and of the deadly sniper. As I started to walk up the final set of stairs I saw some blood going down the stairs. I looked the wall for any sort of light switch. The light dim of the sun is nice and all but not good enough when I see something like that. I found it at the wall in front of the stairs. When the lights came on a dark blue room came to life with light. I slowly walk up the stairs with my sword at the ready for anything. When I got to the top I saw a dead body on the ground with a sniper rifle in his hands. Jacob was there with his sword out covered in blood.
I nodded to him and put my sword away. I bent down a bit to grab the rifle and whatever bullets I could find. This person is loaded with ammo. 28 rounds he had left on him including what was in the gun. This customize sniper is still in pretty good condition. I reloaded 5 rounds into it and walked over to an open window. I bent down on one knee and put my right eye into the scope. I adjusted the scope so I could make out where Jig and that Icy Flames person are. The area around them was either in flames or iced up. So much destruction can be caused of one little battle. These battles must end if I ever am going to find a peaceful home again. Revenge is not the path to go down on. It causes nothing but destruction. Jig said “I am glad that you realize that now. Now take that shot of yours and let’s end this destruction”. I aimed the gun to her head. I lowered my aim to her tank on her back. Just as I was about to pull the trigger she moved. I quickly readjusted my scope and found her tank again. I fired and the bullet just dented it. Her faced quickly turned and looked dead at what I am at. She fired another blue beamed at my location. I jumped to the right onto the floor where Jacob has been waiting with his back on the wall. Jacob said “Here let me try the shot. I did have better aim than you when it comes to long range anyway.” As I handed him the gun and ammo I said “You better make this next shot count. I think she is onto us now and shoot the middle of the tank did work so well.” He said “You are supposed to shot the wires the top of the tank or the wires connected to the tank. Did you even pay attention during the training range week?” I said “Oh shut up. I didn’t think that stuff was ever going to be useful. Just take the shot and end the destruction out there.” I watched him aimed the rifle. I notice his finger was twitching on the trigger. Than I watch that one finger fires the riffle and a loud scream came from outside. I quickly looked out the window to see a blue and red fires go into the sky and vanish. A gush of wind blew into all open windows and the building shakes a bit. That was one big boom from something that small.
We walked down the stairs and out the door. A group of people were standing there looking at us. He quickly tossed at me the gun and said “He did it”. I said “I did it? What you talking about Jacob. That was mainly you that took those two down.” Someone in the crowd said “You burned up half our homes here!” The rest screamed “Yeah!” I saw dragons in the back not agreeing with the humans but ignoring this whole debate going on. They were talking to Jig I think, I am not completely sure though. Jig took off and flew above the crowd high enough not to hit them but low enough for me to grab his tail and get out of there. As we pass Jacob I grabbed him as well and we all flew into the sky. Jig’s tail lowered us onto his back. Jacob was in the back holding on. Jig started to descend onto a roof top not that far from here. Jig said “The crowd is just in a panic at the moment. Just wait it off up here till backup arrives, the other dragons know that this was not our fault.” I nodded and slide off as we landed. I turned to Jacob as he slide off the tail.
I said “How did you get to that sniper anyway Jacob? I thought your time on the job was in the afternoon.” He said “Well I was awake early anyway. I decided to bug you and see what type of clothes we were getting into. As I just rounded the corner on the street and saw the start of the battle. I saw you two had pretty much under control till that sniper fired a shot. Once I heard that I pinpointed it from the end of the street I was on but no idea what building. After that second shot I saw the flash from the rifle come from the window. I ran up the stairs quickly as I could hope to stop him before he hit you or Jig. When I got to him he tried to bash me in the face with his gun. I grabbed it and pushed him back into the window. I tried to knock him out the window but instead he tripped me onto the ground. I rolled over to the right as he tried to smash me with his shoe. I jumped up and kicked him in the face. While he fell I quickly grabbed my sword and stabbed him before he tried anything else. Then I saw the lights come on and watched you come up the stairs.” I said “Well that works. Why did you come an hour early anyway? I only left early to arrive on time. However I did not know Jig was back till I already was ready and left the house.” Jacob said “Well, I honestly do not know. I did not really pay attention to what time it was. I guess once I found out no one was here yet I would have wondered around. Maybe look at anything new.”
I slowly walked over to an edge and looked at how high we were. I quickly back up and counted seven stories high on another smaller building. I sat down and waited for my heart rate to lower. I got up and looked around the roof top. I saw mountains in the far distance on one side, different size buildings on the other three sides. So strange on how close this building really is to the edge of the city. I thought we were in the middle of it. I guess we did fly further than what it felt like.
A portal opened up right in front of me. I quickly jumped back and grabbed my sword. I saw Jacob to my right ready with his sword and Jig to my left ready to kill. I felt a burning pain hit the top of my right arm. I dropped my sword and put my hand on it and bent down in pain. Jig walked in front of me and Jacob came over and looked. A bright silver mark was on the top of my right arm. It looked like a silver wolf but I was not completely sure. My eyes were partly closed. I got up slowly ignoring the pain with my sword ready in my left hand. Jacob looked at me in concerned but soon stops and got ready himself. Jig got out of the way as a man walked towards me. Jig pushed me forward with his tail and took my sword. I watched as he did the same with Jacob. The man waved his hand for us to follow. I turned around and stole my sword back from Jig. Jig said “He is not here to fight. Leave your weapon and see what he has to say and offer to you.” I said “I rather not take any chances. People seem to react differently to me so I rather be prepared than sorry.”I watched at Jacob did the same thing and grab his items back as well. He held the sniper and fully loaded it. We both quietly followed the strange person into the portal. I hope Jig is right about this. I closed my eyes when we entered it. That green vortex gives a headache after a while.
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