Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1906781-The-Power
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1906781
After Nick gains an incredible power, his friend Brii wants a taste!
Part 1/4(?)

Nick and Brii had been friends for a long time. Nick was a tall guy with long brown hair and brown eyes. Brii was almost just as tall at about 6 feet, with black hair, blue eyes, breasts at about a B-Cup, and an amazing ass. They told each other everything, every secret and every story. They had known each other since middle school, and attended the same college together. They met up almost every day before class, with their other friends, then parted when the day started.

Brii met up with Morgan, another long time friend, to learn math. She envied Morgan-not for her long brown hair or piercing green eyes-but for her boobs. They looked incredible, C-Cups at least, and she always flaunted them with low cut tank-tops and push-up bras.

"You're lucky, y'know that?" Brii told her before class.

"Why?" Morgan asked innocently.

"You know why." Brii pointed to Morgan's perky breasts, contained by a tight pink T-shirt.

"Oh..." she laughed. "Yeah, well...don't worry about it. Yours are nice too."

"Not as nice as yours. How come you always wear push-ups?"

"Huh? I don't!"

"What?" Brii almost shouted in disbelief.

"Yeah, they're just like this. I hardly ever wear bras." Brii shook her head as the teacher came into class. Just as he did, another student did as well. A girl with short hair, glasses, and huge boobs-the size of cantaloupes, almost F-cups. Morgan pointed to her. "How'd you like to have Morgan's boobs?" Brii smirked, then shook her head.

"That's a bit too much for me. You annoyed how she has the same name as you? I'm surprised Mr. Chomskay never mixes you guys up."

"I can always tell by the way he says her name." They conversed as they took their seats. "You can almost see the drool pooling on the floor." They both laughed, and class began.

***AT NICK'S***

Brii and Nick hung out after school, watching TV. Even though they had been so close for so long, they never even tried dating. They never even talked about it. They just enjoyed each other's company, and that was enough. They were already deep into a conversation about one of Nick's favorite topics: boobs.

"They're huge on her!" Brii told him.

"I've seen them, y'know." Nick responded.

"Then you know how massive they are."

"Which Morgan are we talking about? Your friend one or the other?"

"The other one, duh! Morgan's are fine, but hers are just...insane."

"Nah. There's no such thing as too big, Brii."

"Pssh. Should a known I'd get that response from the guy into BE." Nick laughed and went red. "Morgan's, though...I'd love to have mine that big..."

"Wait, your friend or-"

"Yes, Nick, yes. Jeez. Just call the other Morgan 'Gigaboob' or something." Nick laughed.

"That's horrible." He stood to go into the kitchen. "Yours are fine, Brii. Don't even worry about it."

"But they look so small on me though...I mean, when I look at Morgan, I just think 'sexy'. When I look at myself, I just think..."

"You should think sexy again, OK?" He returned with two sodas. "Look, Brii, you're fine, OK. I'm not just saying that to be sentimental or whatever, I mean it." Brii smiled.

"Yeah, I know. Still, if I had the chance...I would." Nick tipped his can towards her.

"Well, whatever you do, I wish you the best." They sat around, watched TV, and talked some more, before Brii left to go home and work on her Bio homework, leaving Nick home alone. A few hours passed, and as he prepared for bed, he noticed a strange golden egg on the counter. He lifted it, studying it closely. There was a clasp at the middle, dividing it into two equal pieces. Nick undid to clasp, only to see a flash, then hear words in his head.

'I see into your mind. I know you have a deep desire, and I will grant it to you. Soon after I leave you, you will be able to control the breast size of any woman. This, I grant to you.'

The voice left, and the egg vanished. Nick felt dizzy, but collected himself. He sort of panicked, not knowing what to do; so he texted Brii.

'Something happened. Come quick.'

The next morning came, Nick up and pacing in the living room, not sure what to think. Soon, Brii knocked and was let in.

"I got your text. What's wrong?" Nick paced a bit more, then faced her.

"Well...there was this...weird egg thing..." He explained everything as they sat on the couch in the living room. Daniel looked at him with confusion and disbelief. She shook her head.

"No way. There's no way that happened."

"I swear!"

"Nick, you probably just didn't get enough sleep. Go to bed."

"But Brii, I..." he hesitated. "Feel different." Brii could see he was serious. She nodded, then stood.

"Fine. Prove it." Nick stood.

"What do you mean?"

"Make mine as big as Morgan's." Nick was taken aback by this, but wasn't too shocked.

"Um...are you-"

"I'm sure. Try it." Nick thought. He wasn't sure how to do it, but suddenly, instinctively, he knew how to do it. He stared at Brii's small breasts and thought "Morgan...Morgan...Morgan..."

Suddenly, Brii gasped. She felt a slight warmth beginning to grow in her breasts.

"Woah. Nick I...I think its working." The warmth was turning into tingling, and soon they were wiggling gently. The sensation crawled through her whole body in waves, slowly, building up. "Oh, Nick...it feels so good." Her breasts then began to grow, slowly, but building in speed and size. They strained her tight green shirt, drawing it up and stretching it out. "Wow...ohhhhhh wow...this is....unnnnhhhhh..." soon they were C-Cups, but for some reason, they didn't stop. They grew right past C's and into DD's, the size of softballs. "Uh, Nick..." Brii began to worry as they reached E-cups. "What's going on? These are a bit..." Nick noticed, then realized something, something that should have been obvious before.

"Shit!" He shouted before Brii's boobs became the size of bowling balls. Her bra snapped and the weight startled her, making her wobble on uneasy feet.

"Unnnh...what?" She grabbed and hoisted them up.

"I thought of the wrong Morgan!"

"You WHAT?"

The Morgan I thought of was-"

"Lemme guess: Gigaboob?" Nick slowly nodded, gawking at Brii's now tremendous mams. They had slowed and eventually stopped on the engorged F-Cup mistake.

"Well...try again! You CAN shrink them, right?" She poked and rubbed them.

"Uh...yeah. I...I think so..." So Nick looked at them again, and made sure to think of the right Morgan. Brii looked down at her torn up tank-top, seeing her now massive cleavage.

"God, they're huge..." She strained to keep them up, lifting them with her hands again. "Hurry up!"

"I'm trying!" He really was, but nothing happened. "Its...not working."

"You're kidding." Nick looked at her and shook his head. Brii's eyes widened and she looked at her breasts in fear.

"Oh...oh no..."


The next chapter has been written and can be found here:


Please note that it does have more mature content than this one, so I had to give it an 18+ rating.

© Copyright 2012 Expansive Thinker (writer9215 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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