Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1906231-TRUVANA-the-discovery
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1906231
when 2 friends find a chemicaly active lotion type stuff,all can go wrong.
It had just been possibly the longest day of school ever,and all wanted to do was kick back on the recliner and take nap that would last the rest of my life.Well,that's what I wanted at least until I was forced into a adventure that would forever change my life. But right now, when everything was right with the world, I was riding a bus with my friend Greg Berns. Me and him, we didn't know it yet, but we were about to on the biggest fiasco of the century,or centuries.All the doom and gloom that now takes place,started with him saying,"Can you belive that test!" I replied"I know right! Who can study all that any way!" "I hate school! Why do we even have to go!" He protested in anger."Because if you don't you'll either be really awkward or really stupid."I explain to him."I at least wish it was all just a little bit easier.Or at least a little more intresting,like that factory that all of a sudden blew up then disappeared."he said "What are you talking about!?!" I ask."You mean you never heard the stories?" "What stories?"I ask."You know,the factory then the random explosion,c'mon man you had to have heared of it!" he said with a look that looked as if I just backhanded his mother."I have never heard of any stories about a factory disappearing!" I said sarcasticaly."Well it all started in the 1920s.THe great depression started to sink into effect.That factory was a testing facility that made products like shaving cream and lotion and things like that.Well,people thought that theyblew up their building because it was either go bankrupt and have that on your bussiness forever or you could get rid of all the building and product alltogether and have nothing to worry about for your grandsons bussiness life.No one knows exactly what happened that day,but everyone thinks they blew the building up along with the product to ensure a nice and rich life for thier reletives to come." "But why not blow up the building and keep the product?" I ask "Huh,I guess I never thought about it that way."said Greg."Do you want to come over today to like look this stuff up and investigate a little more?" I ask."I don't know."he said."How come." I ask "What if your not the only one who asked that question? What if there had been others who wanted to know,but had somthing holding them back or an obsticle in their path."He said."What do you mean?"I ask."I mean what if thats a conspiracy?What if were not supposed to know?What if....The goverment is hiding somthing from us.
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