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Friday was almost over. Oh how I wanted it to be over. Friday was crazy. It was Friday after all. Just one hour left. The place was crowded like hell and people just kept entering the damn Pub. I was serving so many beers that I honestly lost count and just hoped people gave me the right amount of money. Yeah, right. People kept coming to the bar and taking jars of beer to their tables. It was again, all mechanic. And the worst part was that I couldn't lose the smile. Fake fake fake smile, of course. There was always someone who tried to flirt with you during the day but Friday was exaggerated. Then again, there weren't just drunk old gross men, there were a few young probably nice guys. But the problem was that I didn't want to speak to any of them. The problem was that no matter what, I kept searching for a green rusty coat with a hoodie between the crowd. The problem was that I couldn't explain it to myself. You see cute guys all the time, get over it. Yes but not all of them are so irritating. I smiled at myself.
-You seem amused- damn, I knew that voice.
-Huh?- I tried to sound indifferent. He chuckled.
When I turned around he was wearing a black trench coat and his hair looked brighter. Damn. Damn. Damn.
-Can I get you anything?- I said closing my eyes.
-What do you recommend?- seriously?
-Huh... beer?
-Then I'll have one of those please- I rolled my eyes but something inside me was flickering.
-Here. Enjoy- I put the beer in front of him. He nodded as in "thank you". I don't know why but I really tried to look busy in front of him and ignore him for the rest of my time there. Sometimes I would glance at him and it appeared as he was looking at me. What was he doing by himself anyway? Didn't he had friends to be with at a Friday night? When my turn was finally over I walked at him -sorry, do you want another one?
-Don't you have to go now?
-Are you stalking me?- that made him smile, as he looked at his hands.
-Yes- was all he said.
-Great- I took my apron off and headed for the exit. Said by to Freddie and Ellie as usual and pushed the backdoor. When I got to the main street there was someone standing outside the Pub. Of course -you're really taking this seriously, aren't you?
-What?- he seemed alarmed.
-Stalking me.
-Oh...- what was he thinking?
-So now what, Jack? Are you gonna murder me or something?- his eyes opened up so wide, it looked like they were coming out of the sockets. He looked terrified, his mouth still open -I'm joking- I assured him and laughed nervously.
-Oh...- he recovered his speech; what was wrong with him?! -I was just wondering... if you have any plans.
-Right now?
-It's 3 a.m.
-I know.
-Well, I guess not.
-Would you like to take a walk with me?
-Weren't you the one who said it was dangerous to walk around at this hour in this town?
-Not if you're with me.
-Oh, so you're asking me on a date or something?
-Yeaahhh, I guess I am.
-A date at 3 a.m.? -he nodded -how do I know you're not a psycho who wants to rape me or something?
-I guess you can't...- he frowned and looked at his shoes.
-What? -he looked up.
-Okay, I'll go -there was that grin again.
-Okay then -could we stop saying ok?
We went to this bridge, the only one in the city I guess, that was almost downtown. He asked me my full name, why did I worked there and for how long and why did I lived where I lived and where was my family and if I had any friends and why wasn't I at school no more and if I had a hobbie and a bunch of other things.
-Alright, don't you think that's enough? -I finally managed to interrupt him.
-Yeah! Stop interrogating me -I laughed -why don't you tell me something now?
-Something? Like what?
-I don't know. Let's start with your name.
-You already know my name.
-I mean your full name, Jack.
-Oh, Carter.
-Jack Carter? -I said in a weird tone, with a smile. He shyly smiled back. Oh god, will I faint? What was I doing, anyway? Since when do I accept going on dates with strangers at 3 a.m.? Why didn't Jack feel like a stranger? -okay, uhmm... what do you do for a living? -his expression abruptly changed and looked away at the filthy water under the bridge.
-I don't know. Whatever they need me to -his voice sounded really weird. He was uncomfortable so I decided to let that go.
-Where do you live? -he smiled widely, as if my question was funny.
-I don't... I don't keep a permanent residence...- was it a private joke? Stop smiling! No, actually, don't. He had a pretty smile. His teeth were perfect squares. Couldn't he have a flaw?
-Oh... -was all I managed to say -then... where do you sleep or...?
-Mostly hotels -for some strange reason I felt embarrassed with his answer. I looked at him and he was looking at me. I'm pretty sure I blushed and he chuckled.
-Do you have any family...?
-No -his answer was consistent. I didn't want to go any further.
-I guess so...
-You guess so?!
-Yeah, I mean yeah, a couple. I guess -he smirked as he looked at me being annoyed by his last sentence. I glared at him.
-No - he seemed a bit amused with this answer.
-Girlfriend? -WHAAAT? I said it before I could think it -...or you know, sexual orientation? -what the hell was I saying? Someone please stop me or kill me or whatever. He found this really amusing now.
-No. I don't have a girlfriend. And isn't it obvious what team I play for?
-No, it's not obvious -I teased him. I don't know why but guys are always too defensive when you question their "likings".
-Well, I'm straight. Do you have a boyfriend?
-No, I actually do play for the same team -you could see panic in his face. I burst out on laughter due to his expression. He realized I was joking.
-I think it's time to go home now -he said as he stood up. Was he mad at me or something?
-You get to decide that? -another dirty look at me. Why does his serious expression made me wanna throw myself to him and do thing I usually don't say aloud? There was this tension between us. Couldn't he feel it? God...
We walked in silence towards my flat. When we got there he looked awkward. Was he expecting me to invite him in? How many days had I known him? And did he think I was that kind of girl? I didn't like those thoughts.
-Do you... uhmm... -I kept staring at the door and then at him.
-Are you inviting me over? -he couldn't hide his grin.
-Not for what you think.
-Oh, and what's that that I'm thinking? -lose the grin!
-You said you didn't have a "permanent residence" -I quoted him. We entered the building and climbed up the stairs. Third floor. I opened up and he followed me -so? -he looked confused -do you have a place to stay for the night? -my voice was irritated.
-No, I guess no.
-Can I offer you something to drink?
-I thought your duty hours were over -the smirk came back. I rolled my eyes at his response.
-I don't know, what do you have? -how could someone be so cheeky?
-Why don't you just go snoop into my fridge, huh? - I yelled exasperated.
He walked around my flat observing every little thing, looking at the ceiling and, finally, got to the fridge and started snooping. Shit.
-Nothing looks quite edible -he was trying to get on my nerves again, I knew that.
-Then don't take anything -I said, defeated.
-I'm sorry, did I annoyed you? -he turned at me with the fridge door still open -I didn't mean to, is just that you're so easy to mess with.
-Well you sure can be annoying. I'm kinda hungry, aren't you? I'm gonna make something -I headed to the kitchen and started taking out things, but the truth was that I didn't even know why I was making -would you like to eat something, Jack? What would you like?
-Yeah, sure, whatever you do is great.
I wanted to take those words somewhere else.
I ended up making my old galettes recipe with some fromage frais on top and marmalade. I even added up some fresh strawberries I had picked up from the market. It wasn't til I started serving them that I realized I was trying too hard. I cursed at myself for that, since that was one of the things that made me hate girls, girls who were always trying too hard to impress boys. And I knew my dedication in the kitchen was only motivated by that figure sitting on my couch that had been staring at me during the whole process. I felt so stupid I even considered throwing them away. But they looked way too tasty so I just sucked it up.
-Here -I sat on the same couch and put the plate in the middle of us. I grabbed the t.v. remote and started zapping, just to downplay the whole thing.
-Mmm... this is smell so good -I couldn't help look at him, he had one galette under his nose and had closed his eyes. I giggled.
He took a bite of it and then a second one, and there wasn't anything left in his hand.
-Try to chew the next time.
-You're such a good cook -he was stuffing his mouth again.
-Or you're not really demanding -I had a wide smile on my face.
-Are you a big fan of porn or...?
-What? -I opened my eyes wide and he pointed to the t.v. screen with his head, still eating. Indeed, we were watching porn.
I started laughing and did not change the channel.
-Well, AREN'T YOU? -he laughed too, then took the remote from my lap and started to zap too.
That short moment, when he grabbed the remote without even looking at me made me cringe and feel electricity through my entire body. Did he noticed...?
I finally ate some galettes, I was really hungry although Jack didn't leave a lot to eat.
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