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Rated: 13+ · Prose · Dark · #1905327
a dream i had that i turned into a short story
I am on my way to work, and i am driving along the dirt road i take everyday to get there, when almost hit an overly attractive girl in a blue sundress that on first site grabbed my hearts attention as if i just drank a potent love potion in all strangeness she has a pet tiger and a snake tattoo, i am struck with confusion and desperation, to talk to this girl, so i get out of the car, she just kindly looks and keeps walking into the woods, and without hesitation i blindly follow. the forest is beautiful, bright and alive, it is adding to the complex situation i am in, she keeps walking and she is so far out of reach, keeping a slow and steady pace as if its just a routine walk as is my old routine to get to work, she keeps touching the trees with her lush delicate fingertips, i start to run faster but no matter how fast i run i seem to end up even further behind. i end up tripping over myself due to fatigue and once i get up the forest turned hollow, and dead, no sound, no life, all the trees are bare and dead, the fog is so sick i can barley see but i somehow am still able to see the girl with a snake tattoo and pet tiger in the distance, so i am somehow unfazed by the sudden change in environment and just keep walking...the forest is getting really think and i am now brushing away dead branches to keep moving, and in frustration i start just pushing through the twigs and i fall to the ground due to the applied pressure of my body weight, but i land in a field, a meadow of some sort, its even more beautiful than the forest used to be, and the girl with the pet tiger is close, but she is opening a strange old-fashioned wooden door attached to nothing, and she suddenly disappears.

at this time, i have come way to far to try and go back and get to work on time. so i approach the door, and open it. and close it behind me. i am now standing on thin air, the world and clouds beneath my feet, i am somehow not fazed by the fact that i am floating thousand of feet in the air, the girl with the snake tattoo is in talking distance, but i say nothing. i am just gazing blindly into her eyes that match the beauty and nature of her pet tiger, she is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. and i don't even try to say anything, i am just in a state of paralysis.

she finally speaks after a few minutes of silence, "its good of you to meet me here, come closer you got to see something"

i don't even respond i just walk closer towards her, and a giant silver mirror appears and at first site is isnt showing either of our reflection.

she replies "look closer."

i go towards it and i extend my arm towards the mirror, i can see my reflection, (but not the girl with the snake tattoo) but i have a different outfit and expression on my face, the mirror of myself intentions look bad, suddenly the mirror shatters and falls twords the earth through our feet. and behind the shattering mirror is myself. but the myself that was shown in the mirror.

the girl simply says "this is who i want you to meet"

then she disappears into thin air, just vanishes like a ghost,

i start to panic and look around me, all i see is clouds and the world beneath my feet, i try to scream but no sound comes out.

The mirror of myself grabs me by my shirt and looks deep into my eyes, staring into my soul.

and sternly and aggressively says, "all is lost, you've got nothing more to fear, than me. its draped across your tangled flesh and bones, your taste is all i know. You're heart is breaking mine to pieces."

i turn and run afterwords, i am terrified as i look and notice i have no where to run, i am afraid to step because i am afraid to fall to the earth.

The mirror of myself, appears instantly behind me and screams, "WAKE UP! ALL YOU HAVE TO FEAR NOW IS MYSELF!!!

the weather changes and matches his tone of voice as if it was the thunder screaming his words.

rain, lightning and wind start swirling around and striking every in every place and every direction, some bolts are even going through me. the storm is being generated from my mirror self, as if they are coming from his/my finger tips.

he/me pushes me and i fall through the clouds and i am heading straight for the earth, i am free falling towards the earth with nothing to catch my fall, i am figuring i am dead. this is my last breath. but inches before i hit the ground i close my eyes and fall into myself, into another reality as if it was just a bad dream, i feel nothing, and i cannot move, my vision is blurry, and it slowly clears, i realize i am on the floor of my living room, there are tons of empty perscrption bottles on the floor its obvious they are all empty and they are in my system, i cant move, or speak, i am just laying there helpless, and the girl with the pet tiger and snake tattoo dressed in the blue sundress, is standing above me looking at me, and she is silent for a few moments.

"the thing i wanted to show you moments ago...it was you, as you are now, it was your soul. Its what everyone who sees you perceives you as, and its only desire is to destroy you. There is no other way around it. Besides, I cant love you, nobody can. You are unpredictable, dangerous, you leave way to often, and to often you NEVER come back.

the girl walks away as my vision fades, and i start to see my life flash before my eyes, but only my secrets and memories that seem with out a doubt to prove her statement right. and the colors of the room start to spin and blur, i am still lying on the floor unable to move or speak, its obvious i am dying. Things quickly turn black. and its black for a while. no sound, no thoughts, nothing to see, or hear, i am in a void. I seems as if years have gone by, i accepted this nothing that is me, and what i see, i am figure-less along with everything around me. just pure black matter.

it must of been close to 30 years that has past in the void.

I open my eyes,and wipe them as if i just woke up. and i am looking in the mirror. as if i seen myself for the first time. as if all that occurred never happened. I have my uniform on, and its about time for me to drive off to work. and its the same old routine.
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