Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1904912-Dawn-of-Albion
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1904912
Takes place in 2066 in after the fall of a North American Empire.
It was around midnight, in small settlement near the north shore, it was so still that an elderly woman almost died of shock, when a large group of riders came storming down the dirt road. A fighter that was stationed at her house, came out beside her to check on her, after she released a short scream. He was a young man not yet twenty, he handed the lady a glass of water, before looking towards the riders.

"They are the Dragon's boys, Dawn, you need to go warn the Fellders, they'll hang them." The woman took in a deep breathe, "you must do your duty, as I would if I was your age." She smiled a sparkle in her eye."

Dawn buttoned up his wool coat, and picked his hat off a hook just outside the door. "As you wish Ma'am, send Jonah together the Ironmen just in case." He spit out over the railing before rushing towards the stables. His horse, Sarah, a gift from Jacob Richardson leader of his clan, she was his pride he's greatest friend and comrade. He patted her side lightly, her black coat shined in the light as she shook, her saddle sat snuggly on her back ready sixty percent of the day. He pulled himself on top of her, he never felt right riding, never was good at it. He headed out into the darkness of the night, the lady waved to him from the porch as Jonas rushed out the door.

The Dragon's boys were already at the Fellders' farm, three of them circled around the front and the door was off it's hinges. They all wore the coats of the Aryans as if it counted for anything these days. Dawn dismounted drawing his revolvers, Sarah took off back towards the house.

"Eh! You lot what are you doing here?" Dawn questioned cocking his runs, his hat was hanging around he neck, now allowing his long brown hair blew freely in the wind.

"None of your business wild men so return to your home!" Ordered one of the riders turning on him with a rifle at the ready.

"That rifle is a lever-action banned after the liberation, it's against the law for former slave owners like yourselves to carry one, you are all under arrest, by order of the Albion Free Government. And if you're doing what I think you're doing you'll be taken to the harbor and dumped into the water with rocks around your feet."

Two more men came out of the house dragging Steven Fellder behind them, had a bag over his head, but it wasn't to hard to recognize a breed slave. He was a large man, stronger then two horses, and equally as brave made Dawn wonder how to men took him down. The question was quickly answered as a sixth man came out with a small girl in his arms. She was about five she fought back thrashing wildly.

"Now knowing what you lot got planned for us, we isn't surrendering, definitely not seeing how our odds are so good......." Laughed the rider with the rifle.

Dawn winked as he shoot the man through the hand forcing him to drop his gun, he quickly shot an other in the arm. "Now you boys want to speak like gentlemen or die like dogs?" Dawn retook his aim on one of the men carrying Steven and another on the one holding the girl.

Another one of the Dragon's sons came racing down the road, "I suggest we get out of here, the Iron Monster is steaming this way. It carries the workers, we'll be out numbered ten to one." He huffed choking on the dust in the air around him.

"I am not letting you go no where, but if you surrender now, I'll make sure only the ones who caused harm will be charged." He looked at the men around him, "now on the other hand you can try and run and all die in some untimely way."

The riders all dismounted, and laid on the ground, the two holding Fellder did similar. The one holding the girl, he disagreed with this, "I am a land owner and a free man, I answer to no government." He made the motions to break the girl's neck, only to fall dead before he was able to complete the action.

"You lot behave now and do as you be told by the nice officer." Steven got to his feet and rushed to his daughter holding her to his chest. "I love you darling."

The train had stopped in a nearby field, and rail workers were riding towards the farm Jonas at their lead. Dawn took a deep cool breath of the nights air, Jonas stopped next to him and dismounted. "Let's see what mess these fools made on the inside, then we'll head to the Dragon's farm and collect their fines." Jonas nodded and followed him inside the old farm house past the workers slapping cuffs onto the, Steven lead them in. He sat down on the couch well Jonas looked over some damages and Dawn went down stairs. He found a man with his throat cut at the bottom of the stairs, Steven Jr was in the next room guarding his mother and younger brother. "Easy there sir put down that knife, I understand that you did what you had to defend your own."

Steven Jr. threw his knife down and stumbled forward, his mother Rose grabbed him holding him up. She smiled and looked to Dawn, "thank you."

Dawn turned back up the stairs as some rail workers came down. Jonas was already outside a truck had arrived from the train to collect the prisoners. Sarah had been collected by some of the rail workers, "take her back to her stable, I'll walk to their farm."

The Dragon was a fifty-seven year old lady from the main land, by the name of Sasha Lennon , she had run one of the largest work camps before the liberation. She had tried once before to over throw the Albion Government, since then her family was disarmed, only allowed to carry muzzle loaders to deal with farm animals. Their farm was more of a fortress, large walls surrounded the old house, unmanned watch towers sat in the fields. The gate had been removed when the Rangers had arrested Mr. Lennon, two years ago and they had yet to have been replaced. Jonas rode alongside him as the passed through the gates, he held up his fist ordering the rail works to hold place near the gate.

Jonas dismounted and went to the door knocked three times and stepped aside hiding in the shadows of the early morning. Dawn stood proud in the light that came through the door, he smiled and said, "good morning ma'am, I have some news for you. Shortly after midnight, this morning, seven of your sons attacked a farm belonging to the Fellders family. Two of them were killed by our officers, two were wounded and the rest surrendered. They were armed with weapons that no one of your blood is allowed to own." Dawn took a long pause as the woman began to cry. "I am not sorry in delivering this message considering your actions against us in the past, you raised your sons to fight and act like fools and that is what they did," she opened her mouth. "No there is nothing you can say, you and all of those who live under your roof are under arrest and will be dealt with as their crimes permit. You house is to be searched and if need be sold to pay off debts." She drew a revolver and jumped forward taking aim, only to have Jonas crack her on the back of the neck. "I'm sorry ma'am I wish I could tell you what will become of you but that is up to my betters." The rail works were already storming into the house slapping cuffs on anyone they came across.

Dawn bowed his head in shame of what he had to do, he took no pride in the actions he had to perform. Jonas did like wise the Dawn had trained him for many years even though he was only a nine-teen himself. Dawn got to his feet and made his way back out on to the road he fixed his collar, "I'm dismissing myself from here, I cannot handle this anymore. You will take my place at the outpost, Jacob has already signed off on it."

Jonas looked sideways at him, "I understand Dawn, you were born in the town. This place is cold and wrong, I don't know how these people live out here."

"It's in their blood the belong here, farming the land fishing the waters. It's a wonderful thing, I can't stay here any longer, I can't make arrests on civilians and old ladies. He looked to the house behind them, maybe I'll come back some day and live in a place like this."

The rail workers were moving the prisoners to the gate and placing bags over their heads, Jonas shook his head and looked at Dawn. "I guess I'll speak to you another time, I got to go make sure this lot aren't miss treating prisoners." Dawn bowed his head goodbye before turning to the east heading back to the house he was staying in.

The sun was rising as he walked in the door, the lady of the house had woken the staff and hand a plate of food waiting for him. He ate quickly before gathering his things and saying his goodbyes. Sarah was loaded with his swords and rifles, only a small saddle bag of food even though he had to ride a long distance east before reaching the first friendly town. He wasn't intending to ride along the tracks incase on was to come along, Johnson had been testing out engines more and more in the past months. He adjusted his belt and reloaded his revolvers, he removed his coat and pulled his shoulder holsters from his bags and placed his triple barrel revolvers into it the weight made a major difference. He quickly stuffed his frock into the bags and pulled out a trench coat, he threw it on and took his black slouch and placed it on to his head, Sarah knew what to do as he began to walk she fallowed on his heels. It was wonderful weather for traveling.

By midday he had arrived at a Government outpost, it's commander was Cadoc Braton, a orphan from the same school as Dawn. He greeted him with, a pat on the back, "nice to see a friendly face out here for once."

Dawn chuckle removing his hat, "rangers with all their honor with never understand the comradeship between to school boys. Nice to see to Cad, I've come to me meet this bride you written about countless times."

"Of course, I wish you would've sent word that you'd becoming I would have a proper greeting for you."

"I would have warned you of my coming, but I decided to leave ahead of schedule, I have no wish to fight civilians."

Cadoc wave to a guard who sat in a watch tower to the left of a metal gate, "perhaps you should request a transfer to here, the tribal's are an organized enemy and a thorn in my side." The gate was slowly raise in to the air allowing access to the small town inside. "Welcome to New Tada the last village of the Albion state."

Dawn hid his feeling with ease as he view the building around him, five small houses a trading post and a town hall three stories tall, the tallest building to be built out side of the capital since the rise. "Nice work you've done here, what's it's population?"

Cad smiled, "impressed? We have fifty living in the walls, five scouts on look out in small cabins in the forest, and another on the way, my child." Cad guided him to the second house on the left of the road, "there's another house under construction around the side of the town hall."

"I'm not interested him how many homes you're building, who have a woman, and a child on the way! Is the council aware that you are breaking our laws, rangers don't breed we adopt and give a chance to another child like ourselves. Like I did with Jonas!"

"You raised the boy as your brother, and I have two adopted youth, Jacob sent them here once he heard I had a town, it's my right to have a child of my own." Cad opened the door into a small living room with handcraft furniture. "The way of the ranger was created during the rise, it's no longer our duty to carry the weight of our people, there are two three other orders that can aid us, and I have to food to provide for mine, this is officially an outpost I am not taxed I could support roughly two dozen more men."

Dawn looked around, "you should request a discharge, and I'll recommended you to be appointed mayor of this town." He became silent as a young red head boy came rushing down the stairs towards them, he recognized the boy as the child of an ex ranger he had seen fall during his first battle. "Arwel's child you took him in?"

Cad looked at him already knowing he'd won the argument they were about to have. "I found him in a the academy, he is very bright and talented with a rifle I believe I can train him into a proper commander, perhaps he'll rival his father some day."

Dawn thought back to Arwel, he had lead on to a field to the north, the last of a resistance force had been cornered there by four scouting parties, Arwel was sent into beat the fight out of them. The moved across the field sixteen men and women armed with lever actions and pistols, Arwell carried an assault rifle. Their enemy was forty-three strong and turned out to be in better shape the they believed, Rose the youngest in their squad took a round through her hand shatter he rifle and sending shards into her skin. Dawn dragged her to the cover of a small dip in the ground, leaving Arwel's right flank open for attack, they were nearly on top of them by now and Arwell stopped to reload his rifle when he took and arrow to his right side. By the time he told anyone that he'd been hit the poison had spread through his body,he died reminding his troops not to die as a ranger.

Cad smiled, "you're not going to do anything are you?"

"You know I can't stop him from having a proper life, maybe he'll live a normal life without war." Dawn looked at the boy he was about 4, "if he wishes to fight, tell me I'll make sure he has a proper gun."

Cad laughed, "of course, now would you like to stay for dinner it's a first harvest of beef. I think it'll out do your rations without a doubt." He motioned for him to pass through a door at the to the right of the stairs.

Smells flowed through the doorway, potatoes and carrots food rarely food common in the borderlands, but also something sweet, the beef had be cooked into a stew. Dawn's mouth watered, "I'd be honored."

"Good, this is my wife, Olwyn, and my son Arwel and daughter Hyledd." Olwyn was a young fair haired and skinned woman about nineteen, Arwell was five year old ginger, Hyledd was a bit old to be adopted by Cad, she looked about fourteen her hair was fair like Olwyn but her skin darker, white but dark almost ill looking.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all, I am Dawn Richardson, I fought along side Cadoc years ago, and attended school with him before that." Dawn bowed to Olwyn, as a sign of respect for the lady of the house.

"We've heard much about you, most of or family time is spent reading letters full of your adventures through the wilds. I have no clue what you would give them up, and head back east. The capital is so dull compared to here." Olwyn greeted, placing a bowl infront of a chair and gesturing for him to take a seat.

"I have blood in the city a younger sister and my father Jacob has requested that a visit him. I've resigned my post in the next county over, so I must request that a group of rangers are sent to aid my replacement, it's getting boring there but rebels still have the habit of showing their ugly heads." Dawn sat down and raised his spoon and took a scoop of the stew, he ate it, "it's lovely thank ma'am."

"Thank you, so what do you intend to do after you take care of your business in the capital?" Olwyn smiled taking her seat.

"Well I'd love to truly adventure into the far west or across the northern sea into the ice fields." He paused thinking of the forests he had felt at home in months ago well tracking down a rebel leader, tall trees, no roads no sign of recent activity of man, ruins in it's heart, the green glow of the leaves. The warm trickle of water from the tree tops, slowly soaking his clothes. He almost fell asleep at with the thought of it. "Before that can happen I need to request leave from the forces."

"If anyone will get the green light it'll be you, you've served well and loyally. The youngest ranger to ever take a life, and the youngest to mentor his own replacement. I'm surprised you haven't been given a proper position in the capital."

"I'd hate that, boring office and street patrol life, that's for men like William. Hopefully Jacob will see that I'm not meant for that life." He looked into his stew, he eyed a chunk of beef, "so what do you intend to when you come of age, Hyledd?"

"I've been reading about the lands we came from long ago across the seas, to the east. I intend to train with a fishermen and contract the construction of a tall ship and sail back east. Maybe they've survived better then we have," the young woman paused looking into the candle on the table misty eyed, dreaming of a far off magical place Dawn feared she'd never find.

"I hope you'll fulfill your dream in some way," he smiled brightly, truly hoping that she would find some place she'd be happy with. "I don't suppose who've decided what you'd like to do yet, Arwel?"

The small boy looked up at Dawn his face covered in stew, a piece of potato in his mouth, and with a great amount of pride he said, "I's want to be a soldier sir, just like me fathers." He held up his tiny fists showing off his muscles.

"You'd be a fine soldier someday, I can tell, I got an eye for these things." The boy would make a fine soldier just like Rose had, but remembering what happened to her, he silently prayed the boy would take a different path.

Cad read his face, "have you heard from Rose or the others lately?"

"No I intend to do , as soon as I arrive in the capital." He finished off his stew and quickly ate his roll. "Is there anything else you would like to show me, I didn't really intend to stay for dinner?" He looked to Olwyn, "although I am happy I stayed, the food was wonderful, as was the company."

Cad got to his feet and picked up his and Dawns bowls, and threw them into the sink, "I'll ride with you for a bit, north into the tribal land." He picked a coat of it's hook by the back door and lead Dawn out, who paused and bowed goodbye to Cad's family.

Outside the villagers were going about their daily business, it almost felt like the capital safe and care free. Dawn reached into his coat and rubbed his revolvers, reminding him how far out they were. Cad took a horse from the stable and saddled it, the both mad their way to the gate. Sarah was waiting outside a soldier tending to her, she quickly rushed to Dawn's side as they began to walk north-east.

The tribal land was run by a group of old outs who claimed that the Albion government wanted to steal their land, even though none of the land belonged to them to start with. Unlike the other resistance groups they had never surrendered and were always together on their actions. Rangers avoided their land and some were ordered to contain them using militia groups, Cadoc had been leading one of those groups for two years now but he had already made his mark unlike the man who he had replaced who had just contained them never venturing into their land for any reason.

Dawn had a triple barrel rifle drawn and was moving slowly alongside Cad, the soldier had joined them and was looking into the darkness of the forest. "We're about to enter the Hedge soon, one of their strongholds. They won't do anything against us as long as we stick to the roads."

Dawn check the sights of his gun, "I have orders to go into that camp, I was meant to be alone, but your support is welcomed." He returned the rifle to it's sheath on Sarah's back, had took out a lever action and threw it to the soldier behind them who almost dropped it and his pistol. "What do you want?" He looked up at Cad patting Sarah's side lightly.

Cad smiled and drew a small lever action of his hip holster, "I'm always ready for a fight." The road split east and north, Cad led them to the east, "Won't this be a surprise to the bastards, I've never attacked one of their towns."

"For good reason, they have technology in there we're not ready to deal with, but we're going to need some of their gear. Or so Jacob tells me, he never gives me the whole story." Dawn pulled his triple barrel out again and went to a tree and tied Sarah to it. "Stay here and make sure no one gets to her," he looked to the soldier who bowed his head. "Let's get going then Cad their not going to sit in the woods watching us forever."

Cad dismounted and sheathed his gun, he grinned drawing a revolver and tied his horse up. "Long time since I fought alongside you."

"Let's hope, this isn't going to be a fight, we need them alive." He began to walk east, Cad stopped looking puzzled, "I have orders to only return fire, Jacob has a plan for them." Dawn slung the rifle over his shoulder and looked back at Cad, "I heard their women are beautiful," he chuckled turning back to the east.

* * * * *

The Fort was constructed on the edge of two ponds, the sun gleamed off their surfacing, allowing Dawn to see into the depths of the nearest one, cars and decayed remains of humans lined the bottom. Cad took out a cloth and wrapped it around his face, fearing the scent of the dead. The soldier's eyes widened as he say the bottom, he struggled to hold back vomit. The gates of the fort were built from old iron sheets from melted down cars, they filled the air with screams, as they slowly opened. A number of men and women wearing furs, and leather, and armed with old pre-war weapons stood awaiting them on the other side.

"I can't tell if their women are attractive, through all that fur, but I can say they don't bathe regularly, judging by the smell of them." The soldier joked looking over the guards.

"You've never served in the field have you, I've smelled far worse then they do, on several occasions. Learn to respect your enemy boy," Cad glared at the young man, "weren't you suppose to stay with the horses?"

The soldier's eyes widened as he turned and ran in the direction they'd just come from, Dawn laughed under his breathe. "Can't say I'm sorry to see him go, we may stand a chance without that fool, insulting them the moment we meet them." He shook his head, well looking their greeters over. "I am Dawn of Albion, and Cadoc of Albion, we are here on behalf of our father Jacob Richardson of Albion, we wish to speak with your leader." He slowly took a stance, with one foot behind him, and a hand on one of his revolvers.

A man dressed in chain mail came from behind the guards, carrying a shotgun. "I am Kenan of Hedge, do you come to speak of peace or of war?" He eyed Dawn rubbing his bald head, grinning like a fool.

"Albion wishes for peace, within it's boarders, we are here to hear what you need, to make this happen." Dawn smiled bowing his head, trying to show respect for Kenan, wanting good relations between their people.

Kenan returned the bow, "we don't like war, return to your work," he waved off most of the guards. "I'll lead you to our leader, lower your weapon," he said to Cad who still held his weapon at the ready.

Dawn waved a hand signaling him to lower it, before following Kenan into the fort. The inside was warm, due to a large fire in the center of the fort, huts were built around it to gain heat. There was a larger building, a pre-war farm house, three stories tall with a widow's walk on the roof. This is where Kenan lead them, the guards here were wearing more formal equipment. The door man was dressed in boots, jeans, white dress shirt, and green waist coat, he looked like he should be working at the capital building instead of this hell hole. He opened the door allowing them in, the inside was furnished without antique furniture, beautiful, wondrous how clean this place was considering the outside. They were lead to an office to the right of the foyer, a woman sat at a large oak desk two overly stuffed chairs sat in front of it. Kenan motioned for them to take the seats, Dawn sat his rifle on the floor in front of him before taking his seat.

"I rarely allow people from Albion get this far into my land," she brushed her light brown hair out of her eyes, "I don't normally bother talking to anyone, unless I have to." She looked them over, "I could have you killed, but I like the look of you," she pointed to Dawn, then to Cad, "but you I don't trust."

Dawn cleared his throat slipping his boot under his gun, "I'm Dawn of Albion, Cadoc is simply her as muscle. Jacob sent me to come and invite you to a meeting with him, at our capital, to speak of you lot joining with us." He looked around the room, "strange this house is nicer then any other I've seen in this area, how is that?"

"It's my family's home, from before the annex, but lets stay on the subject. Jacob has never made us an offer of peace before, he's just marched troops onto our land and tried to remove us." She sat back looking into Dawn's eyes, he found this unsettling.

"Those were rangers not under Jacobs or my command, acting under orders of an officer who has been removed from his post and replaced with Cadoc." He leaned forward, "since Cadoc has taken command there have been far less fights with your people."

"Yes you are right, but I buried three fighters in the last month, all lost to your troops." She leaned forward as if to meet Dawn's challenge, "Mr. Richardson, I want to make sure nothing like this will need to take place ever again, for any reason what so ever, I don't want armed men coming to 'invite me' to your capital."

"Well if an agreement is made, it will no longer be my capital, it'll be our capital." Dawn chuckled, "I take it you'll be sending someone to join us at the capital then."

"Unlike your leader, I don't believe in risking my people, when I am capable of going in their place." She got to her feet and straightened out her black blouse, "I'll be going with you, wait for me a moment." She bowed and headed out of the room.

Cadoc got to his feet, "I believe you'll be just fine, from here out, I hope to see you again brother." He took Dawn's hand and pulled him up into a bear hug, "remember rangers never fight alone, even when their the last man standing." Cadoc swallowed the spit in his mouth, "I love you like a blood brother, remember, you always have some where's to rest."

Dawn stepped back he kicked his rifle into the air and caught it, "you remember if there is ever, anything, I can do for you simply ask it of me, and I'll do my best. Goodbye Cadoc Richardson," he took a bow. He waited until Cad left the room before rising again and clearing his throat, Kenan was standing in the doorway eyeing him. "Is there a problem?"

Kenan stepped forward, "if any harm comes to my lady, I'll track down everyone of your family members, and make sure you feel the pain, I will feel."

Dawn smiled and walked up to him, he got so close to him that he could feel his breathe on his face. "I wish you the best of luck with that, I am a Richardson, and we Richardson's number in the hundreds, we can fight any war on our own." Dawn took a step back slinging his rifle over his back, "so bring whatever you like, we'll send them back." Dawn turned on his heel and headed outside, into the light, he took a seat down on the steps.

Nearly a half hour later the woman returned wearing jeans and a sweater, carrying a duffle bag and a rifle. Dawn quickly got to his feet brushing of the sleeves of his coat, he bowed, "hello I don't believe you gave me a name."

"No I didn't, Echo, I am the leader of these people, clearly." She stepped down on to the ground, "let's get going then," she turned and began to walk back towards the gate.

"Don't you have an escort or something," Dawn questioned following her.

"I thought that was what you were for," she waved up to some guards, in the watch post, who opened the gate.

"You trust me do you?"

"I trust more in my people, and what they'll do if I don't return or send word," she smiled at him.

Dawn grinned, "then so be it, but a full out war will end badly for your people."

They made camp a couple hours east of Hedgeville near an old gas station, Dawn built a fire, and tended to Rose. Echo cleaned her rifle, watching his brush his horse down, before be took some blankets from a saddle bag, he threw some to her.

"Make a bed some how," he threw a sheet on the ground and rolled up into a pillow, threw it down next the sheet. "You hungry?" He looked her over as she laid the blanket out and placed a sheet on top of and rolling her sweater into a pillow, her pale arms were covered in scars and burns.

"Yes," she pulled a tin from her bag and sat down, "got a stick or something to cook this on?"

Dawn laughed lightly before reaching into his bag and pulling out a metal rod an tossing it to her, and then grabbing an apple from his bag. "I didn't think I'd have company on this trip, thought you lot would send a party sometime tomorrow."

"If I'm to much trouble, I can always turn back."

"No you're no trouble," he went silent for a second realizing she had no intention of turning back, "I normally travel alone, are you familiar with me?"

"No, should I be?" She looked at him through her hair, licking a small cut on her finger, she'd gotten from the rod.

Dawn laid down with a smug grin on his face, "I'm told I'm famous among the rangers these days. I was wondering if it moved into the ranks of opposition, you know a price on my head type of deal."

"Nope, no luck there," she winked at him, "lucky for you, I don't think your ego could take it, may burst as it is."

"Well thank you for caring so much about my ego." He took a nit from his apple, finishing it off and tossing it aside. "I'm going to get cleaned up, that rifle all you got?"
"Yeah, didn't think I'd need anything else."

Dawn got to his feet, and pulled out one of his triple barrels, and threw it to her, "here a little faster, and smaller, just in case, you know." He picked up a small bag and headed off into the woods were he knew there was a small brook. He took off his holsters, belt and other guns, he sat them in a pile on top of coat. He felt his face no need to shave, but a was wash was always good, he pulled a bar of soap, and cloth from his bag and began to wash himself, loosening his collar to get at his neck.

The forest was silent, the sun was setting, causing a beautiful golden green glow over the forest. He looked into the sky, and took a deep breath of the fresh pine air, sending him back into his early childhood, long days on their family farm, and the heat of the wagon rides to town. He felt a sadness for the loss, of that old life, images of his sisters and parents filled his head. He knelt on the river bank for a moment, allowing tears to roll down his face. Soon he splashed water on his face and got to his feet, and headed back to their camp with his gear on his shoulder.

Echo was sitting cross legged eating her food from the rod, "you know you don't look like a soldier."

"I'm not one, I don't kill on demand, I think for myself, and I spare the weak. I'm also a bit out of shape, serving on the boarder does that though, get to comfortable doing nothing all day." He laid back down and looked to the sky, he smiled at the sight of the stars. "We could have made it back to town, I just needed a night outside fresh air."

"I understand, I just hope to be sleeping indoors soon, not a fan of the cold."

"Don't worry about it, you'll be indoors tomorrow, safe and sound in the capital." He took his coat, and covered his face to avoid the heat of the fire, and closed his eyes.

The sun was setting ablaze to the eastern hills, as Dawn pulled his coat off of himself. He rolled over onto the cold rocks of the old parking lot, and got to his feet. The fire was low, Echo was still asleep, looking oddly peaceful, considering the stories of what her people could do to a settler. He smiled, thinking of what people thought he could do, and of the stories about him. He picked up a piece of wood and placed it on the fire, before grabbing one of his bags and heading to the stream.

Once at the stream he removed his leggings, and put on a pair of black dress pants from his bag, he then replaced his worn shirts with clean white under shirt, and a black dress shirt. He slipped on a pair of leather boots and threw on a fresh black frock, this was the formal uniform of the ranger, and he felt powerful in it.
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