Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1904686-Israel
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Political · #1904686
That Kardashian chick is cute.
      Israel is a Zionist state. That means it is a state for Jews.
      There are laws prohibiting non-Jews from gaining political control of Israel.
      It is not a democracy based on majority rule. If it were the Palestinians
      would be running Israel. This, then, is the conflict in Israel.

      When I visited Israel on 9/11, the Twin Trade Towers had been demolished
      by Muslim extremist terrorist. I was in fear for my life. Ramon my tour guide,
      a Christian Palestinian, suggested that I should go home. I asked that I continue
      my tour of the Holy Land. Ramon said that, "It would be open season on
      Palestinians." He said that the Israeli government had taken his home and
      closed the school where he taught history. He had only his tour guide job to
      support himself and his wife and children.

      This was a familiar story in Israel. Palestinians were being forced off the land
      they had lived on for generations. It is very similar to what was done to the
      Native American tribes. President Andrew Jackson called it "Manifest Destiny."
      The Palestinians in Gaza have mortars and rocket launchers.
      The Native American Tribes had rifles. They were overwhelmed by superior
      fire power. I think it is reasonable to say that The United States of America is
      now a great democracy. It is also just as reasonable to say that the Israeli
      democracy is preferable to a sharia dictatorship. But, the process of nation
      building is bloody.

      I mentioned my visit to a friend of many years. She winced.
      Just mentioning Israel can upset people. She asked me if I had fun.
      I said no, because it was a very dangerous visit. The pizza shop I stopped
      by in Tel Aviv was bombed a few weeks later. I hoped that the girl, who
      served me my pizza was not killed. It was a violent country.
      I wanted to see the town of Marry Magdalene, but the town was under siege.
      Israeli soldiers had been shot at in the town and I could see Israeli tanks
      firing on the town from a highway.

      I showed my copy of Canterbury Tales to Ramon and asked to see the cave Jesus
      entered into Hell through. Ramon gave me a toothy smile and took me to
      a cave near Gaza. There was a plank walkway down the cave.
      I did not have the courage to go down the cave. Ramon laughed and took
      me to see his friend Libra. She was a Russian prostitute and licensed by Israel.
      It was an ironic stop on my pilgrimage, but she was very passionate and
      growled as we coupled. The whole thing cost me $200 US dollars.
      She didn't want Israeli money. I told Ramon I liked his tour and would like
      to know more of his female friends. He laughed and we had Pepsi and
      chicken fingers . with Libra. Prostitution is legal in Israel.

      Israel has 300 nukes. We know this thanks to a whistle blower, who was
      in the Israeli Massad.. If Iran fires its one nuke at Jerusalem, Israel will
      return fire with overwhelming nukes. It might begin WWIII. Russia and China
      have sworn to attack any nation that attacks Iran. But, there is no written
      treaty. . There is no tolerance for terrorist threats in Israel. Israel will attack Iran.
      I asked a Chief Rabbi at the Western Wall; if he believed the Temple will be
      rebuilt. He said that God has commanded the Jews to rebuild it and the Arab
      nations will not stop it. That sounds like a world war.

      For the record I would not try to take Mecca back from the Muslims.
      But, that is at the heart of the Temple. The rock of Mecca is a meteorite.
      It is radioactive. Abraham asked God where to build his temple and this rock
      fell from Heaven. Ironic that the Muslim faith and the Jewish faith all have the
      same founding father: Abraham. I hope someone is rational in this family feud
      or were all toast.

      That's my two cents.

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