Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1904613-Metal-Gear-Koopa-Part-2
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1904613
Part 2 of the Metal Gear Koopa. Enjoy!
It starts off at the bottom of the Corona Mountain where KOOPA-HOUND squad leader was talking to one of the Goombas.

Bowser Junior: Stay alert! He’ll be through here. I know it. I’m going to swat down a couple of bothersome flies.

While Junior was going on a little trip I started talking on cell phone called the codec.

Christ: This is Christ. Bowser, can you hear me?

Bowser: Loud and clear. What’s the situation, Christ?

Christ: Looks like the elevator in the back is the only way up.

Bowser: Just as I expected. You’ll have to take the elevator up to the surface. But make sure that nobody sees you. If you need to, contact me by codec. My frequency is 140.85. When we need to contact you, the codec will beep. The codec’s receiver directly stimulates the small bones of your ear no one but you will be able to hear it.

Christ: Got it. Okay, I’m ready to go.

As the codec started to beep, I took the call.

Bowser: Christ, there’s an elevator there you can take up to the ground. You’ll just have to wait for the elevator to come down. You better hide somewhere.

And I did. It took me about half an hour to wait for the elevator to come down and I couldn’t wait any longer until… the elevator came. I got into it just in time and took off the scuba gear to reveal my true self. While the elevator was taking me to the surface, I contact Bowser.

Christ: It’s Christ. I’m in front of the disposal facility.

Bowser: Excellent, Christ! Age hasn’t slowed you down one bit.

Gowlla: How’s that sneaking suit working out?

Christ: I’m nice and dry, but it’s a little hard to move.

Gowlla: Bear with it. It’s designed to prevent hypothermia. This is Mushroom Kingdom, you know.

Christ: Take it easy. I’m grateful. If it weren’t for you suit and your shot, I would’ve turned into a popsicle out there.

Gowlla: An anti-freezing peptide, Christ. All of the Goomba soldiers in this exercise are using it.

Christ: I see. I’m relieved to hear that. Already tested, huh? By the way, how’s the diversionary operation going?

Bowser: two F-16s just took off from Chocolate Island and are headed your way. The terrorist’s radar should have already picked them up.

Christ: A Super D? Bowser, what’s a American gunship doing here?

Bowser: I have no idea… but it looks like our little diversion got their attention. Now’s your best chance to slip in unnoticed! There are only 18 hours left until their deadline. You’ve got to hurry!

???: Wow… he must be crazy to fly a hind in this kind of weather.

Christ: Who’s that?

Bowser: Oh, sorry. I haven’t introduced you two yet. This is M.D. Koopa. She was assigned to us as our visual and data processing specialist. She designed your Codec as well as your Soliton radar system. Contact her if you have any questions about either of them.

M.D.: Nice to meet you, Christ. It’s an honor to speak to a living legend like yourself.

Christ: ………

M.D.: What’s wrong?

Christ: Nothing… I just didn’t expect a world-class designer of military technology to be so… CUTE.

M.D: (giggles) You’re just flattering me.

Christ: No, I’m serious. Well I know I won’t be bored for the next 18 hours.

M.D.: C’mon… I can’t believe I’m being hit on by the famous Christ Koopa. But I’m surprised… you’re very frank for a trained killer.

Christ: Looks like we both have a lot to learn about each other.

M.D.:Yeah. I’m looking forward to learning about the man behind the legend.

Gowlla: Be careful, Christ. The Goomba soldiers have highly developed senses of hearing and vision due to their gene therapy. Make sure you don’t let them see you.

Bowser: First, I want you to infiltrate the disposal site and look for Roy Bully, the DARPA Chief.

Gowlla: The DARPA Chief was injected with the same GPS transmitting nanomachines as you.

M.D.: He should appear on your radar as a green dot.

Bowser: Get whatever information you can from him about the terrorists. If he’s alive, that is.

M.D.: Christ, your radar isn’t affected by the weather, but if you’re discovered by an enemy, you won’t be able to use it.

Bowser: Yes. It gets jammed easily, I’m afraid.

M.D.: Yes. It’s all made from currently existing technology. You won’t be able to use it in an area with strong harmonic resonance. So be careful.

Bowser: We’ll be monitoring your movements by radar… so contact us by Codec anytime you want.

Christ: Got it. I’ll call if I’m feeling lonely.

Gowlla: Seriously, Christ. We’re here to back you up, so call if you need some information or advice.

M.D.: I’m also in charge of your mission data. Contact me if you want to record your current status. My frequency is 140.96. It’s a dedicated frequency for saving data. Don’t forget it.

Bowser: Remember, except your binoculars, you’re naked. You need to arm yourself with whatever weapons you can find.

Christ: I remember. First I’m strip-searched by Dr. Gowlla here, then all of my weapons were taken away. Imagine yourself put in that position.

Gowlla: Well, if you make it back in one piece, maybe I’ll let you do a little strip-search on me.

Christ: I’ll hold you to that, Doctor. By the way, sorry to disappoint you, but I did manage to smuggle out my smokes.

Gowlla: (seriously) How did you do THAT?

Christ: In my stomach. Thanks to the shot you gave me that suppressed my stomach acids.

M.D.: Cigarettes? How are those going to help you?

Christ: You never know.

I have successfully infiltrated Corona Mountain. Once I  reached the surface, I had to find a way to enter the nuclear weapons disposal facility. To rescue the DARPA Chief who was taken hostage, I avoid being seen by the Goombas’ surveillance and infiltrated deeper into the disposal facility.

To Be Continued…
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