Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1904513-The-History-Of-The-Bannana
Rated: E · Fiction · Entertainment · #1904513
I give you my own thoughts on the history of the bananna even get into some legal stuff.
  Da people watch da monkey pick da fruit of da bananna tree and eat da bananna;peel
and all. Da people scratch their heads and wonder if they can pick da fruit of da tree,
send all over da world to include da mainland and get rich. One of da persons and a
fresh owner of a certificate from the power of positive thinking seminar said and I quote "I think we can" no scratch that "I know we can!"
  So da people climb da tree pick the bananna in bunches and drop to da people on da
ground. The banannas are then  put in a box, on a pallet, on a ship and sent all over da world. Da bananna eventually arrives at da store.
  Da consumer beholds da bananna, admires da bananna,buys da bananna, and takes da bananna home.
  Sometimes somebody slip and fall on da bananna peel. Da place to do dat is while
bananna is still in da store. Den when da money rolls in from da lawsuit you have so much money you can buy your own island full of bananna trees, so full of banannas
you see dollar signs instead of banannas
  Some people like their bananna swimming in melted chocolate. Others like their bananna drowning in ice cream and all the fixins. Dat is called a bananna split. While,
still others like der bananna mashed with peanut butter. Dat is called a peanut butter
and bananna sammich.

For excerpts of this email:::: banannas rock.com.net.org.dis.dat.dis and dat. have you
                                          had your bananna today? and why not!!!
To get best effect say bananna in a Jamaican accent
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