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I thought Dennis Miller was dead... |
The map of culture is clear. It originated with tribal laws and progressed to multiculturalism. This is why we have legalized Gay Marriages in Maine. We progressives do not subscribe to superstitious sperm dogma. However, there are those religious extremist like Bill Oriely, who insist that traditional isolationism is necessary .. A way or so ago I treated myself to a lecture by a traditional apologist Gerry Matatics~(703)536-7236 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS, 1350 PROGRESSIVE DRIVE, FRONT ROYAL, VA 22630. It was a dinner event with Gerry as the entertainment 1:00 PM Did Jesus make Peter the first Pope? 2:30 PM Is Jesus really present in the Eucharist? 3:45 PM Will faith alone get you to Heaven? Dinner Break 5:00-6:15 6:15 PM Does scripture support Mary's Immaculate Conception? Perpetual Virginity, Bodily Assumption & Material Intercession? 7:30 PM Will Devotion to the Virgin Mary & the Saints Displease God? All of these topics were debated after Gerry Matatics lecture with a Reverend James White, director of the Alpha & Omega Ministries. The whole event was wrapped up with audience questions at 10:30 PM...zzzz. I don't know about you, but I get sleepy around 9:00pm after a dinner of cold cuts and cheese on tooth picks. Yum! I started with an obvious question, "Do you have to be Christian to go to Heaven?" Gerry gave the Catholic answer of salvation through good works. The Reverend James White did not believe in salvation outside of Jesus Church. Well, if there is salvation without Christianity, then why should anyone bother being Christian? Isn't that obvious ? I guess I was talking to the wrong crowd. I got killer looks from peace loving family folk. Gerry was very pleasant and let me ask him if the Virgin Mary's mother was free from Original Sin. He said she was not free of Adam's cursed blood line. ... (?) Gerry said the that's why the Virgin Mary was Immaculately Conceived. Okay, this means Mary was created in Heaven and then inserted into a surrogate mother. I thought the Catholic Church forbid the use of surrogate mothers? Gerry said this was an act of God. The Reverend White did not believe in the Immaculate Conception of Mary, however, he did believe Jesus was conceived by The Holy Spirit. Okay, so the Virgin Mary was a surrogate mother? The Reverend White called Marry a vessel of God. Was Jesus a U.F.O baby? Gerry laughed at that and explained that nothing is impossible for God. This will probably flip Bill O'Riely's wig, but why do we need a savior? Can't we save ourselves? Deuteronomy 24:16 states "The children shall not be punished for their father's sin." WHY ARE WE BEING PUNISHED FOR ADAM'S SIN?! The entire Christian ethic is built on denial of responsibility .. Do you believe that Jesus crucifixion helped anyone ? Let's go to death row and randomly substitute convicted murders with Priests, Nuns, Reverends or law abiding citizens. Is that what Jesus wanted? Is this justice? I was discussing the movie 300 with a Leprechaun. The Leprechaun insisted that Sparta represented traditional values. The Spartans had strong family values that were linked to a fierce patriotism. And they practiced infanticide. Any Spartan baby born with a physical defect was cast off a cliff. Only the strongest Spartan babies could become citizens of Sparta. This was a tradition of those tribes. Are these the traditional values we want? If fascism comes to America it will be called Americanism. "My country write or wrong." Adolf Hitler declared; "must defend itself against all enemies." I think that idea is still alive. I wonder how Dennis Miller got to be conservative? Is he still alive? Just kidding cha-cha! + $ V |