Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1903527-Watch-What-You-Say
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1903527
A opinionated boy named Troy, goes to school forgetting the day before then explodes!
Watch What You Say!
“Ughh” Troy stretches as he wakes up in the morning getting ready for school, but as soon when Troy goes to brush his teeth, he thinks to himself what happened after school the yesterday, “Really! How am I wrong for giving my opinion?” Troy told himself that he’s too opinionated and he thinks too hard , but Troy shook it off and got ready for a school day he’d never forget.
As Troy finished getting dressed, he smells the most delightful smell that he absolutely enjoys. He smelt his mom’s famous pancakes and eggs. Troy was sure that today would be a good day. Troy walks into the kitchen, and tiredly tells his mom, “good morning”. As Troy sit down to eat his mom asked him about school, Troy immediately sighs, “It was aight”, and Troy told her, that he lost his appetite and was ready to walk to school. Troy stomps out of the kitchen angrily and grunting because his day just has just been ruined by the remembrance of the day before.
Troy walks in the hallway at school with his hands in his pockets. Troy starts to go to class angry. Trevor, Troy’s best friend, asks him “what’s wrong”, and Troy replies, “Nothing, just leave me alone for right now bro.” Trevor mugs Troy telling him, “whatever bro, you trippin” A few class periods passed by, and Troy is starting to forget about what happened yesterday, but as soon as he begins to calm down, his attitude right back because Trevor tells Troy something that set his attitude off quicker than a hiccup.
Since Troy tells Trevor to leave him alone, Trevor decides to get under his skin and tells Troy in the middle of the classroom, “Shut up, stupid! Who cares! You're wrong.” That write there set Troy off, making him angrier than ever before. Troy stands in front of his desk interrupting Trevor’s words, throwing his desk across the room, “really? How am I wrong for giving my opinion?! Are you so serious? When you're feeling down on your luck, feeling lonely and depressed you fat slob, DRINK BLEACH AND DIE! Do me a favor and dead yourself. I told you told you to leave me alone, but you had to irritate me to the core! Whatever man, kill yourself!” Troy storms out of the room leaving all his belongings, and walks to the bathroom in raging anger.
Meanwhile, in the classroom, Trevor is blatantly shocked, upset, and quiet as the dead of night. Even Mrs. Green was amazed at Troy’s outrage at Trevor. The whole classroom grew silent. Suddenly Mrs. Green started to lay down her lesson, and finish the day. In the bathroom, Troy sat in the stall, contemplating about the showdown that just happened 20 minutes ago, so Troy gets up and heads back to class. As he walks in, his blood-shot eyes lock on Trevor, full of rage and frustration seeming if he is going to explode for a second time. Troy didn’t do any more work for the remainder of the day.
At the end of the day, Troy walks home, in anger cursing and saying death threats to himself referring to Trevor. When Troy walks in the house, his mother and father are sitting in the living room staring at him. Troy says to him, “here we go”, with a sorrow look on his face. After the long conversation with his parents; telling Troy to apologize to the class tomorrow and most importantly to Trevor. When Troy calls Trevor, his mom and dad answers Trevor’s phone telling Troy that they’re going to press charges because Trevor committed suicide, leaving Troy in sure astonishment. He dropped his phone with a blank look on his face, staring out the bedroom’s window.

Police Report
Trevor LeShaun Washington
Birth Date: March 17,1998
Cause of Death: Suicide
Date Of Death: February 24, 2014
Place of Death: Bedroom
Suspect(s): Troy Lloyd Patterson

© Copyright 2012 Kenneth Smith (ksmithivh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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