Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1903502-Never-Giving-Up
by jackie
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1903502
A story about a girl that liked surfing and never gives up.
Never Giving Up
          Have you ever seen someone surfing? Nobody ever knows what’s going to happen in the future, but even though some things change throughout life. We should always keep on trying and never give up.

          Noemi is a very happy, kind, cheerful and an outgoing person. Noemi is a little girl around 9, which likes seeing people surf. She sometimes dreams that she’s like them all professional. Her family, which is her dad, mom and her two brothers like, going to see people surf by where they live in California. She never misses any of the competitions of surfing by where she lives. She once told her dad “Whenever I grow up, one of things that I want to do is learn how to surf”. Her dad agreed to show her, when she was 14 years old.
Years passed and passed and, it finally came when Noemi was 14. She tells her dad, “Daddy remember that you said, whenever I turned fourteen you were going to show me how to surf.” He said, I thought you had forgotten about that. When you were smaller I thought you were playing about surfing. She responded,” Dad I wasn’t playing; I have always wanted to surf since I was a little girl”. Weeks after, Noemi’s dad called her, while he was outside and told her “ready to surf, Noemi was so excited . At first it was hard for her, then she started to get better and better at it.

          Months later, after she had gotten better, she decided to enter in a surfing competition. In her first competition she was in the lead. She did a lot of tricks and awesome stuff. Then some girl her age made a higher score and she was left in second place. Even though she didn’t win first place, she was proud of her self. She entered a lot of other competitions later. Noemi started getting famous for all of the tricks she did, and the incredible and amazing stuff she did also. All of her family was very proud of her and supported her in all her competitions. She was very famous in and out of school. People would see her and ask for her autograph.

          One day Noemi was bored and didn’t have anything to do. Her friend Esther called her and invited her to go the ocean and go practice surfing. She asked her parents and they agreed to let her go. Her friend picked her up from her house and they head it to the ocean with Esther’s dad. On their way over there, Noemi was kind of scared but she ignored it and didn’t say anything. They finally got there; Noemi and Esther started running to the waving and beautiful ocean. Time passed and they were having a great time. Minutes later a wave moved Noemi really far, Esther dad called her and told her to get head back to where he was at. Noemi was heading over there, until she felt something by her foot but she ignored it. She kept on going and going, minutes later she felt something bit her. She started to scream really hard because a shark had bitten her. Quickly Esther’s dad ran to where she was at and brought her to the dry area. Noemi was losing a lot of blood from her hand and was crying. Esther’s dad quickly told Esther to call the ambulance and call Noemi’s parents also.
When Noemi’s parents got the news, they started bursting into tears and started rushing to the hospital. Finally the ambulance gets to the ocean where Esther dad, Esther and Noemi are at. They quickly take Noemi to the hospital and Esther leaves in the ambulance with her. While in the ambulance, Noemi tells Esther, “don’t cry Esther Everything is going to be ok”. Esther just looked at Noemi and has her smile. When they got to the hospital, Noemi’s parents where already there. Noemi’s mom saw her and told her that she was going to be there with her. After that moment, Noemi just fainted and the doctor quickly took her in the surgery room. The doctor talked to Noemi’s parents and told them everything that he was going to do during the surgery. Noemi’s parents agreed and told him “do whatever you need to, to save our daughter.”

          Hours passed and passed; finally the doctor came out of the surgery room and told them that Noemi was ok and said that Noemi wouldn’t be able to surf anymore. Noemi just needed to rest for a while, and needed all the family to be there with her. Her family entered the room and waited, because Noemi was asleep. They waited until she woke-up. When she woke-up, she just looked around the room and then looked at her family. Her mom asked Noemi how she was feeling, Noemi just said ok. Noemi then touched her right arm and notice that her arm wasn’t there. She asked her mom “mom why did they cut my arm?” Her mom just looked at her and said. They had to take it off, because a shark bit it a lot. Noemi started to cry and just said “things aren’t going to be the same now.”

          Finally it was time for Noemi to go to her house. Noemi was looking forward to that, because she didn’t want to be on the hospital no more. Now that Noemi is in her house, she feels sad because she thinks that everything is going to change now. The thing that she likes doing the most, which is surfing. One day while her dad was outside, she told her dad that she wanted to try to surf. Her dad just looked at her and said, “are you sure, you want to do this.” She looked at him and responded “yes, I want to try to surf again “. Her dad took her to the ocean and helped her on her surfings. While in the ocean, she started to cry because she couldn’t surf no more, she needed her other hand also. She practice and practice and didn’t give up. Finally after a while passed she began to surf by herself. She was super happy and wanted to tell everyone. She then told her dad that she wanted to enter in the next competition. Her dad said, “I don’t think you should” Noemi said,” yes I want to show people that even though things have changed for me. No one should ever give up on something that they really like; people should always keep on trying for what they want.

          Weeks passed and the day of the competition finally got here. Noemi was ready for that competition; she was very excited and wasn’t scared off anything. All of Noemi’s parents and her brothers where ready to go support Noemi in her competition that she had that day. While in the competition some people would look at Noemi and ask her if she was going to surf. Noemi would respond yes, I can still surf even though some things have changed for me. The competition started and all the girls went to the ocean. Some of the girls would do very good tricks and they would get high score. Finally it was time Noemi’s turn and she felt very confident. She did a lot of awesome tricks and any people where really surprised because even though she needed an arm she still surfed. Time passed and now it was only 2 girls in the game or race. The girls still in the race were Noemi and a girl named Jennifer. Which was the girl she had went against in the competition she had before. The both gave their best on the last surf they did. Now everyone waited for the result of the judges. Finally they announced the 1st place which was Noemi. A lot of people screamed and Noemi’s family ran to where she was at and congratulated her. A lot of people where very surprised of what Noemi had done. Noemi was so excited and was satisfy with what she had done, because a lot of people would see her story in the newspaper, articles, TV and on websites. This would help people learn who would hear or read her story would inspire many them.
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