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Rated: · Other · Other · #1903497
A girl likes this boy and her besfriend goes out with him when she has feelings for him
I love you but…
Value what you have because when you lose it, you would not get it back.
         “Rrriiiing”, the bell rang it was the beginning of the second semester and students went back to school. Everyone was running in the hallways hoping to see their friends. Oliver expected to see Janet after not finding her he then went to ask Jacqueline “Have you seen Janet?” Jacqueline responded, “No I have not!” and began to walk away. Oliver just kept on walking looking all around for her and he noticed the new blue lockers in the hall and the red carpet with the school logo; he kept looking for Janet since he didn’t found her, he just went to class where he would probably see her. He went to sit beside Jacqueline and asked her “Are you feeling alright?” but when Jacqueline was about to answer this tall, blond, beautiful girl with blue eyes walked in, it was Janet. Jacqueline just stood silent. “Good morning students and staffs welcome back to California High School, hope you had a great winter break,” announced the principal.
         Oliver couldn’t stop starring at Janet, Jacqueline was so jealous about Oliver starring at Janet. Jason entered to class and sat beside Janet while he was passing through there he started calling Jacqueline names. Jacqueline was so sad she wanted to cry, but that instant Oliver told Jacqueline, “Don’t listen to him, he is dumb.” Jacqueline began to laugh and said, “That’s mean,” and then Oliver replied, “Well that’s the truth, isn’t it?” The period ended fast and Oliver ran out of class to get to see Janet. Janet got out of class and she was talking with Jason, Oliver got jealous so he just kept walking and started to talk to Jacqueline and they walked together to their next class. When Jacqueline and Oliver got to class, they saw the yellow walls in the class everything was new. Janet was talking to Emily, and then Janet told Emily, “I think I am starting to like him.” Oliver heard that part of the conversation and he thought she was talking about him, he felt so happy when he heard that. After that class ended Oliver followed Janet, Janet noticed he was following her, she turned around and told Oliver “Can you please stop following me, don’t be such a stalker.” Oliver got nervous and said, “I overheard you telling Emily you were starting to like me so I decided to tell you how I feel about you too.” “I wasn’t talking about you I was talking about Jay umm someone else,” Janet announced.
         Janet just kept walking ; Oliver and she had the next class together so he went walking behind her. They both got to class just after the bell rang. “Janet!” somebody shouted her name it was Emily. “Sit over here besides me,” she told Janet. Janet went to sit beside Emily and they began to talk. “How I was telling you in the last class, I think I am starting to like Jason I just like the way he treats me.” Janet said. “But he is not your type you deserve better; you know he hangs out with us so he can be popular like us,” Emily said. “I don’t think so how were we supposed to make him popular?” Janet replied to Emily’s comment. “Well he hangs out with us and people know we are popular and whoever hangs out with us becomes popular.” Emily said. “First of all he was already popular before he hanged out with us.” Janet said. “Why are you telling me all those things about him are you jealous or something?” Janet asked Emily. “No! I can’t believe you think that about me. You know you are my best friend.” Emily replied. “I know you are but you are making me change my mind about me liking Jason.” Janet responded.
         Emily was about to say something when someone called Janet’s name. Janet looked everywhere, Jason was calling her. “Hey, Janet asked the teacher for permission to go to the restroom I need to tell you something.” Jason whispered.” Mr. Loeb may I go to the restroom is an emergency?” Janet asked the teacher. “Yes you may Janet.” Mr. Loeb replied. Janet got out of class and started looking for Jason. “Jason? Jason?” Janet whispered in the hallways. “Janet, Right here!” Jason shouted. “Hi Jason,” Janet said.
         “Come on lets walk around the hall.” Jason said. “Okay.” Janet replied. “Okay thanks for coming I needed someone to talk to.” Jason said. “You know I’m always here for you.” Janet replied. “I need help is ‘cause I like this girl but I am not sure if I should tell her how I feel about her. Can you try helping me? How could I tell her?” Jason asked Janet. “Well I know how you feel because I like this boy but I don’t think he feels the same way about me.” In class, Oliver wondered why Janet was taking long. The first thing you should do is get to know her a little better and then you will decide if you are really in love with her.” Janet responded. “Thanks that’s what I am going to try to do even though I’m guessing she doesn’t feel the same way.” Jason said and then walked away. “See you next period.” Janet shouted. After that conversation, Janet went back to class. Janet got to class and the teacher asked, “Miss Janet why did you take long to go to the restroom?” “Sorry, Mr. Loeb I was talking to my friend, it is not happening again.” Janet answered. “Of course is not happening again,” Mr. Loeb, replied. The bell rang it was time to go to the next class. Emily and Janet walked together even though they didn’t have the next class together. Janet told Emily everything that she talked about with Jason. Emily was jealous.
         Jason and Janet didn’t talk a lot in that class. Jason and Emily had the next class together and Emily sat next to Jason. She began to talk to Jason and she told him “I know who you like.” How do you know?” Jason asked. “Janet told me, but I knew who you liked before Janet told me everything,” said Emily. Well who do I like? Let’s see if you really know,” Jason asked. “She is not in this class, and her name is Janet,” Emily mentioned. Jason just turned around and started drawing and he started telling Jacqueline things, “Hey you goose face move your head outta the way,” Jacqueline turned back and said, “If I were you I wouldn’t be talking because probably you have not seen your face in a mirror.” The entire class started laughing and some people said, “She got you!” “Shut up ‘cause I’ll get you all after class.” Jason said with such anger. “So I guess you like her right? Well she likes someone else so hope she would accept you one day, you know I really love you I’m the one who’s always there for you,” Emily complaint. Jason looked at her and he had a surprising face when he heard what she had told him. In his head he was thinking about all those moments he had with Janet, and he couldn’t believe it, you could almost see tears coming out his blue eyes. Emily was so happy because she felt she had every chance to go out with Jason. Jacqueline knew what was happening because she was sitting in front of them and listened to the entire thing.
         Jacqueline wanted to tell Oliver about this, the whole thing was going round and round in her head thinking about telling Oliver about this. When she got out of class Oliver was there and Oliver was asking her many questions while they were walking to lunch together. Jacqueline just stood thinking about what she heard, but didn’t tell Oliver anything. “Are you feeling okay? You didn’t say a word at all during lunch,” Oliver asked.” “Yes I feel okay I just had some things to think about,” Jacqueline responded. 3 days passed by and there was something almost the whole school was commenting about. “They’re going out?” students asked in the hallways. Emily and Jason where going out. When Janet found out about this, she went to confront Emily. “You knew I liked him , why did you do this to me? I thought you were my friend,” Janet told Emily, with such anger with watery eyes. “He asked me out! How was I supposed to say no if he is the cutest person at school. Anyways you never took any chances to go tell him what you feel for him so don’t be coming up to my face and tell me you still love him, that doesn’t work for me.” Emily said. Janet was so furious that she started saying many things to Emily. Emily turned around and went to class.
         Oliver found knew that Janet liked Jason, when he found out that Emily and Jason were going out he tried talking more to Janet. Janet was so mad, furious with tears about to come out of her eyes that she didn’t even pay attention to Oliver. Jacqueline tried to get closer to Oliver to see if he can forget about Janet and pay more attention to her. Days flew through and Janet didn’t talk to Emily, she couldn’t even stand her. Jason and Emily planned a party to celebrate a week of anniversary. “Everyone is invited to our party,” Emily and Jason announced in the halls. Jason invited Janet, Janet felt bad if she told him no, so she said yes. It was the day of the anniversary everyone from California high school was talking about the anniversary. Everything was ready for the party, people where getting there early almost everyone was excited except for Janet. “Come on Janet let’s dance,” Jason said. The party had begun everyone started dancing they looked like people that came from the jungle. Almost everyone for school was there; they shouted the party was too loud. Almost everyone enjoyed it. “Party is over!” Jason said. It was 3am and the people wanted the party to keep going. Jason had to take most of the people to their house because they couldn’t drive. Emily was riding with him because he had to take her home. Jason was so sleepy because he woke up so early and the party lasted too long, everyone he was taking home was already sleeping. He felt asleep while driving. Emily woke up at the hospital, “What am I doing here?” she asked. “You had a car accident at midnight young lady,” the nurse replied. With all the pain she felt she asked, “And what happened to my boyfriend, the boy who was driving?” “Well he is in surgery right now a I don’t know what is going to happen to him,” the nurse replied an later walked away . Hours passed by and Emily hasn’t received any news about Jason she was somewhat worried. Then the next day in the morning around 7 am she received news, “Jason couldn’t make it, he didn’t survive the surgery,” the doctors notified her. She began to have watery eyes, with tears coming down her eyes.
         Emily got out of hospital the next day and she did not go to school for one week. She didn’t feel like doing anything she just cried and cried. She still remembers the day she had to see Jason dead when they were about to bury him, almost everyone from school assisted to the funeral. Janet couldn’t resist the tears coming down her eyes she just cried and in her mind, she was just telling herself, “I might be dreaming, this might be just a horrible nightmare.” She just kept on saying that in her mind. Oliver was at the funeral with Jacqueline, there where a lot of people crying. Jason was going to be missed by many people. The days passed by and Oliver wanted to get closer to Janet to see if he had a chance with her. Jacqueline was noticing that and one day she told Oliver, “You know Janet used to like Jason, so I don’t think she is going to pay attention to you.” Oliver just said, “Well I don’t lose anything by trying,” and then walked away. Jacqueline felt so sad she wanted to tell Oliver what she felt, but he didn’t even pay attention to her. Oliver went up to Janet and told her, “Hi Janet, you look so pretty today I haven’t seen you smiling like today since the day Jason died.” I know what you are trying to do, but sorry I told you that there is not going be anything between you and me,” Janet replied and kept walking to class. Jacqueline found out about what Oliver told Janet, she felt happy she felt like if she had a chance with Oliver. One day Oliver was walking in the hall, and he saw Janet crying. He wondered why, but he thought he knew the answer, it was because Jason. Oliver wanted to go up to Janet and make her feel better, but he was just too shy to go. Oliver just kept walking and went to class. The class was over and Oliver and Jacqueline got out of class together. Oliver noticed that Janet was talking to a person; he turned around and saw it was Ronny. Ronny was Janet’s ex-boyfriend, so Oliver was somewhat surprised because he did not see them talking since they came back from winter break. He also noticed that Ronny was making Janet smile. Oliver then started saying in his mind, “Now I have no chances with her.” Jacqueline noticed that Oliver kept on looking at Ronny and Janet talk she thought he was jealous of Ronny talking to Janet. Jacqueline did not really care because she was tired of Oliver not paying attention to her. Then school was over and Jacqueline went house earlier than usual, Oliver in the other side stayed to see if Janet began to talk to Ronny. He was jealous. Days passed and passed and Oliver saw that Janet and Ronny began to get closer and closer each day that passed by. While that was happening to Jacqueline, she just felt more apart from Oliver, she then began thinking and she felt that Oliver and her would never be together. Emily would begin to try to talk to Janet, but Janet didn’t trust her as a friend , so Janet didn’t talk to her at all. Janet couldn’t accept her as a friend. Oliver then later found out that Janet and Ronny where going out. Oliver just gave up he saw that Ronny made Janet smile and that’s something he couldn’t do. Jacqueline saw what was she then decided to tell Oliver everything, “How can you be so sad of losing her if I am the one who loves you how can you not know I love you, but you never paid attention to me.” She then thought, “Why did I tell him, if won’t care.” Oliver just looked at her and said, “What I had always thought that you had a crush on Jason because you always said he was every girls dream guy.” “I never felt nothing for him I meant that he was cute I had always loved you even though you didn’t.” Jacqueline said. They just hugged each other and Oliver said, “I did have feelings for you, but I didn’t want to tell you and I just thought Janet and I would make a cute couple.” Jacqueline and Oliver went out.
         Time passed by. Oliver and Jacqueline had 5 years together, they got out of high school and then graduated together. Ronny and Janet did too, Janet decided to go to Jason’s grave and thanked him for letting her be happy with Ronny. Emily didn’t graduate she ended up getting in drugs and lonely, she lost everything she had. Jacqueline, Oliver, Janet and Ronny became good friends and looked up on each other. They had a good life, they got everything they wanted which was love.
© Copyright 2012 Fatima M. (fmendez at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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