Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1903359-Party-Crashed
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1903359
Valerie has to decide whether to protect her sister or let her be.
“Where could she be?” my mom asked franticly, both of our eyes darting around the room filled with crazy teenagers and cups thrown all around the floor. That’s when I heard it, people screaming and then I soon saw people rushing out of the door. As I was looking for Vanessa I saw cops running around the house yelling at people and dragging them along with them. My heart was beating faster I could not believe this was happening. Why did I make my decision to protect my sister so late?
*3 days earlier* “This is unbelievable.” I heard my sister Vanessa whisper to herself, as she kept staring at the invitation in her hands. In my mind her reaction was a little much, but I understood she wasn’t always invited to these types of parties whereas I was invited to most of them. Finally she looked at me and asked, “So what time are we heading out to the party?” I hesitated at first and replied, “Actually I don’t think I’m going….and you shouldn’t either.” She gave me a confused look before asking, “Why?” “Vanessa you don’t know how crazy those parties can get. Remember last time how the cops were called? They could’ve taken anybody and I don’t want to be involved with that.” “Nothings gonna happen! Come on don’t be such a party pooper, it’ll be fun!” “I’ve already made up my mind! Okay? I’m NOT going!” I shouted slightly offended that she called me a party pooper for not wanting to go, the only reason I wasn’t going was because I didn’t want to be involved with something that could possibly go wrong and obviously she didn’t care about that fact. “Whatever.” She muttered before my mom walked into the room. “What’s with all the yelling?” “We were invited to a party.” Vanessa stated “And? That can’t be the reason Valerie was yelling.” “Well Valerie doesn’t want to go because she thinks the cops are going to turn up at the party again-” my mom cut her off and said, “If cops were involved last time I don’t want either of you going to that party at all. And you’re NOT going.” “But mom you don’t understand! This is the first BIG party that I’m invited to and you don’t want to let me go? Nothing is going to happen! You and Valerie are two of the biggest worry warts I’ve ever met!” And with that she stomped her way up the stairs to her room. “Ugh she’s such a drama queen.” I muttered to myself when I heard her door slam and my mom just sighed before saying, “I’m happy that you decided not to go, but I had no idea that the cops were at that last party. If you hadn’t said anything I would’ve let her go. We need to make sure Vanessa doesn’t go.” “Well good luck with that.” I replied annoyed with the conversation and headed up to my room as well. I didn’t want to have anything to do with the whole Vanessa situation, of course I was still annoyed with Vanessa, but then again how could she not care if something bad happened at that party? I mean I understand she’s excited, but sometimes she can be so careless if anything SHE’S the one that doesn’t understand. So I spent some time in my room watching TV and after a while of thinking about what was going on I decided to swallow my pride and go talk to my sister. Arguing is not fun. I hesitated a bit before actually knocking. “Come in.” Vanessa answered in a monotone voice. Opening the door slowly I walked in and sat on the foot of her bed while she was in her closet. She came out and saw me, “Oh...” then she walked back in. There was a minute of silence before I began, “Look I’m sorry for yelling at you...” “Um…it’s alright.” I stayed quiet for a little bit but then continued, “Vanessa I know you don’t want to hear this but-,” She cut me off and said, “Look I really don’t want to argue with you.” “I know I don’t want to argue either I just want to talk.” She nodded her head before I went on, “You gotta understand that it could end up just like the other party. You just never know.” She sighed before saying, “I know it could happen but…Valerie I can take care of myself. I know what I should and shouldn’t do. You know I wouldn’t do anything to get myself in serious trouble.” “I know you won’t, I’m just saying I want you to really think about it.” She sat down next to me and smiled saying, “Well um…since we both know I wouldn’t do anything to get into trouble…I decided that I’m going to the party. I’ll make sure I won’t do anything dumb.” Then she looked me in the eyes and continued, “Yes I know mom doesn’t want me to go but I’m going to go…pinky promise you won’t say anything?” I hesitated for a bit before grabbing her pinky with mine. She managed to convince me, “Pinky promise.” We smiled at each other and apologized for our behavior earlier. She was right, she was good and trusted enough to go to a party and take care of herself… I’m sure she’ll be fine, she knows right from wrong. I laughed to myself wondering why I was worrying so much before. Now all that’s left to do is figure out something to say to mom so I can cover for Vanessa.
The next day nothing much happened Vanessa and I thought of something to say to my mom. It was pretty easy we were just going to say that she was going to sleepover at her best friend, Danielle’s house. What made it so easy was that my mom didn’t even know when the party was anyway so of course she let Vanessa go. “Wow! I didn’t think it would be so easy!” Vanessa whispered to me and I just smiled back at her, thinking yesterday I never would have thought that I would be helping my sister sneak out to a party that I didn’t want her to go to. I knew I could trust my sister, even though she could be a little careless sometimes she could still be trusted. Later on that night she asked me to help her pick out an outfit to wear to the party and I gladly helped her. I love to style people. We did that for a good hour and a half until we both decided on medium dark skinny jeans, a nice bright blue peplum top and leather jacket and later dozed off into a deep sleep.
It was the day of the party and after school Vanessa and I went home and she started packing before my mom could get here that way she wouldn’t be suspicious. “Okay, Valerie! Danielle is here I’m leaving! Bye!” she called from downstairs “Bye!” I replied. I realized I was home alone and I was really bored so I began watching movies. I watched for about 30 minutes, but after a while I tried to pay attention to them, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking about Vanessa and the party. I know I agreed not to tell on her that she snuck out to the party and honestly I do trust her but what about the other people at the party? Maybe I should’ve gone with her and watched out for her while enjoying the party myself. Why did I agree to cover for her in the first place? What was I thinking? All these things were running through my mind and suddenly the only thing that stopped me was when I realized my mom was waving her hand in front of my face. To tell you the truth I had no idea how long I sat there contemplating. “Hello? Earth to Valerie!” she said with a laugh I shook myself out of it and replied, “Oh sorry about that…” “What’s on your mind kiddo?” Should I tell her? Ermm…? “Nothing I was just…its nothing.” “Okay well dinner should be done in 20 minutes and with that she walked out the room and to the kitchen. The voices continued in my head, asking myself what I should do because honestly I didn’t know. The answer should’ve been easy since it had to do with the safety of my sister but then part of me knew that she wasn’t dumb enough to get herself into trouble, but there’s always that what if question that stays in your mind. I got up and run-walked to the kitchen, “Mom!” I shouted scaring my mom “What? You scared me! This better be important!” “Vanessa well she um…went to the party after all and I don’t know why but I agreed to cover for her because I think she’s not dumb enough to get into trouble, but now I keep on thinking that I shouldn’t have done that because who knows what can happen. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you I just I don’t know!” I exclaimed catching my breath because all of that came out in a rush. My mom stared at me wide eyed before walking towards her purse and pulling out her car keys. “I’m so upset with the both of you, but we need to go get her NOW!” and with that we were out the door and off to the party. I directed my mom on the way to get to the party; it took us about 15 minutes to get there. It was already sort of late but these kids start crazy parties fast, so I wasn’t so surprised to see how many people were there and how dumb they were all acting.
“How are we going to find her?” my mom asked “I don’t know but we’re going to have to.” And we began our search for Vanessa. We were looking for her everywhere outside and throughout the house and came up empty. “Where could she be?” my mom asked franticly, both of our eyes darting around the room filled with crazy teenagers and cups thrown all around the floor. That’s when I heard it, people screaming and then I soon saw people rushing out of the door. As I was looking for Vanessa I saw cops running around the house yelling at people and dragging them along with them. My heart was beating faster I could not believe this was happening. Why did I make my decision to protect my sister so late? My eyes scanned the whole room I was in when I spotted Vanessa, she was okay but she was standing next to a few drunk people, talking. “Vanessa!” I shouted at the top of my lungs so she could hear me above the music. Her head snapped in my direction and she gave me a confused look and before I knew it there were cops surrounding her and the drunk people. My mom ran into the crowded room and saw what I was looking at. She ran over there and began telling the cops to let Vanessa go and told them she was her mother, but they wouldn’t budge they said we would have to get her from the station. My mom continued yelling while the shocked cops just stared at her. Looking at my mom, I could tell she was on the verge of tears, most likely from frustration and worry. This is exactly what I was scared of she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time because she was not even drunk. The look that her face was wearing was scared and full of regret. My mom and I followed the cop car to the station, neither of us saying a word just complete silence. We were both scared because we did not know what was going to happen to Vanessa. Finally, we arrived at the police station and we quickly got out. The cops and the people they brought were already inside. As we waited, one by one they took them into the slammer and last was Vanessa, looking like she was about to burst into tears at any moment. We waited for at least 30 minutes and other cops kept staring at us as they walked by. They tested her and realized she did not have an ounce of alcohol in her system. “Sorry we brought her in, she’s clean…I had just assumed,” said a very tall cop walking in our direction with Vanessa at his side. My mom just looked at him and muttered a low, “Thank you.” and with that, we walked out silent as we walked to the car and silent the whole car ride back home. I knew my mom very well and I knew that Vanessa and I would be getting an earful once we got home.
Yep, I was right. We definitely got that earful. Although I didn’t get it half as bad as Vanessa I knew I would never do anything like this again, make a decision when I’m not completely sure especially when it involved the safety of someone. As our punishment, we were grounded for a month and our parents kept a close eye on us. It also took them some time to gain their tryst back because of what happened. Remembering that night Vanessa and I sure learned our lesson. I knew for sure I never wanted to step foot in another police station again.

© Copyright 2012 kim.blanco (jlopezivh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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