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Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1903353
Two different girls become friends and one of them has to make a decision.
One for You and One for Me

         “Mommy, are you going to be okay?” said the eight year old, Daniela Cross with her blue eyes in tears.
         The mother laid there in the hospital bed, with a pale white face and an oxygen mask. She looked as though she was lifeless. The girl sat down in the chair next to her mother’s bed. On the other side of town, was little eight year old Dalerie Lincoln sitting in her dark and cold room.
         “I don’t give a crap about your work!” screamed Dalerie’s mother outside.
         “It’s not my fault my job requires me to travel places! Now is it!?” replied Dalerie’s father.
         “Yes, in fact it is!”
         “Oh hecks no, you’re crazy!”
         “You are the whole reason why this is happening!”
         “My God! You have gone crazy!”
         “In my opinion, you’re the one who has gone crazy.”
         “Oh just shut up!”
         “Don’t you dare tell me to shut up!”
         “This has gone too far! I’m done!”
         Was the last thing Dalerie heard before the loud sound of the door shutting. Dalerie just sat there, with her rug doll by her side. She couldn’t understand why her parents were arguing. In that moment she realized things weren’t going to be the same.
         Daniela had fallen asleep next to her mother’s bed, and was awaken by a series of loud noises around her. Her sight was still blurry from her rest, and the only thing she could see was tall blurs running in and out. Her father then carried her out into the hallway. Her sight came back and the first thing she saw was her father sitting next to her, crying.
         “Dad, why are you crying?” asked the little girl.
         The father then manages to stop and respond, “Nothing, my love. Nothing.”
What Daniela didn’t know was that her mother was fighting for her life, and it seemed like she wasn’t going to make it. Daniela just sat back down and looked at the beautiful moon that arose in the night sky.
         Dalerie was sound asleep, while her father walked through the front door. As he walked up the stairs, Dalerie’s mother awoke. The man slowly opened the bedroom door and went in silently. The room seemed so calm and dark, that the only light visible was the moon’s. Suddenly Dalerie’s mother turned the lamp next to her on. The room then took the color of light brown.
         “                    We need to talk.” She said as she stared at the man.
                             “I believe this is a good time to carry a conversation.”
                             “Well, I’m not happy with you anymore. There’s times I try to make myself love you and well lately I can’t pretend anymore…”
                             “I was not aware of your feelings.”
                             “Of course you’re never aware! You’re never aware of anything other than your stupid job!”
                             “Well excuse me for trying to bring money into this so called ‘house’”
                             “Oh, you better not go there!”
                             “Just did!”
                             “You know what? I’m tired of your crap!”
                             “I’m tired as well. Ha, it’s not like I enjoy being here with you!”
                             “Fine. If you don’t want to be here with me then we shouldn’t be together!”
                             “Finally, something you say makes sense.”
                             “Then it’s settled. Tomorrow we are filing a divorce.”
                             “Alright then.”
         The two then went to sleep. Back at the hospital, Daniela awoke and didn’t see her father sitting next to her. She thought he might have left to bring some breakfast. So the little blonde girl, skipped along to her mother’s room.
                             “Mommy, its morning.” The girl said as she opened the door.
         As she opened the door and entered the room, all she saw was the sun’s rays braking through the window to show the white room with nobody inside.
                             “Little girl, what are you doing here?” said a nurse.
                             “I’m looking for my mommy. Do you know where she is at?”
         The nurse felt her heart drop as Daniela turned and looked at her.
         “Oh sweetie, I don’t know where your mommy is. I’m sorry”, said the nurse as hugged the girl.
         The nurse then slowly let go of the girl and left.
         Daniela still wasn’t aware that her mother was gone. Her father just couldn’t bring himself into telling his poor little daughter that her dearest mother was gone. But what had to be done, had to be done. So the father decides to tell his daughter that her mother was gone. It took Daniela some time to realize her mother was gone. She was sad at first, but she became happy because she knew her mother was in peace, in a better place. Dalerie also had to accept the fact that her parents couldn’t be together anyway. But in Dalerie’s case, she didn’t see a positive way to their divorce. To Dalerie, her parent’s divorce was just another excuse to make her life even more miserable. At school, he had to deal with people calling her names and hitting her. This just made everything worse.
         Six years pass by and now both girls are in high school. After the death of Daniela’s mother, her father just couldn’t stay in the same house that was filled with memories. So he decided to move to Texas, after just a few months of his wife’s death. Dalerie’s parents now live a million miles away. Dalerie’s mother stayed in Texas with her daughter. While Dalerie’s father left to New York City.
         It was a sunny and windy day, the kind of day where your hair is just flowing with the wind. It was the first day of high school, and both girls were getting ready to attend the same high school. They didn’t know that their paths were soon going to cross.
Dalerie is walking down the street to her school. There was a group of about six people behind her and they all had their hoodies that read the same thing. All were acting like clowns and laughed at each other, in such a way. A boy from the group throws a can at Dalerie. Dalerie just continues walking as if though nothing was thrown at her.
                             “Say! What’s up with you?” said the boy who threw the can at Dalerie, as he approached Dalerie.
                             “Who are you?”
                             “Your mom!”
                             “Oh, so you think you’re smart now. Haha”
                             “Nah, I am your mom!”
                             “You’re stupid.”
                             “Psh, I look way better than your butt.”
                             “Says a butt…”
                             “You know what just forget you and your lame self.”
         “Goodbye, dad!” said Daniela as she exited her car, wearing a red jacket and khaki pants.
         “Have a good day sweetie.”
         Daniela was amazed to see how big her high school was. It was an enormous old brick building, with three stories and a garden in the middle. Anybody could easily get lost, especially a new freshman. As Daniela entered the building, Dalerie was barely coming in through the parking lot.
         “Blah, this stupid school is so far away and for what? Nothing other than being surrounded by stupid, annoying people, and their stupid little groups! ‘Oh yes, let’s go to the mall’ ‘let’s wear the same hoodies’ ‘totally!’ Ugh! Stupid people!” said Dalerie to herself.
The bell then rang. Unlike most of the kids around her, Dalerie just walked peacefully to her class.
         Inside, in a classroom was Daniela, sitting quietly next to the window. As she looked around, all she saw was a white classroom filled with students throwing paper airplanes and balls of paper. All of them were laughing and talking. Some were practically falling out of their seats with stupid expressions on their faces.
         “Alright class, settle down and take your seats.” said the teacher to her first period class. It took the students a long time to settle down, but eventually they did. As the teacher began to take role, Dalerie entered the room.
                             “Young lady, why are you late?”
                             “Oh my bad.”
                             “You did not answer my question. Why are you late?”
                             “I was taking my time, because I didn’t want to come into this classroom with all these people…” replied Dalerie, as she looked around the room.
                             “Well young lady, you can take a seat now.”
                             “That’s what I’ve been meaning to do, but…” murmured Dalerie as she looked for an empty seat.
         She finally spotted a seat next to Daniela. As she walked over to the seat, Daniela was smiling in a friendly way. Instead of Dalerie giving her a smile back, she just took her seat and didn’t pay much attention to the blonde girl next to her.
         “Well class, it seems like everybody is present, which means we might as well start introducing ourselves to the class.” said the short old lady as she stood up from her seat wearing a brown and green dress.
         “Good morning class, I am Mrs. Crosswire.” Every student just sat there looking at her with no expression on their faces. And then out of now where a boy busted out laughing.
                   “Excuse me! What is so humorous?” asked the teacher as she looked at a boy in the back of the class.
                   “Oh, nothing. Haha” replied the boy.
                   “Well if you refer back to all the commutation that just occurred, it would seem as if though a comedian just told a joke.”
                   “Oh well, it’s ‘cause, this kid chilling next to me… Haha. Said something that was really, Haha, funny!”
                   “Oh, is that the case? Very well, would you like to share with the whole class just what the student said?”
                   “Haha, alright. If you say so, Ms. Well this kid was all like ‘Say, look at the teacher! She look like a tree and well I found it so funny.”
                   “Well, isn’t that a great comment. Excuse me young man, what is your name?”
                   “Oh, my name is Miguel, Ms.”
                   “Well, Mr. Miguel, you and your little friend are going to have lunch detention with me.”
                   “Oh man! You shouldn’t have told her.” said the other boy.
         Mrs. Crosswire then turned around and wrote this the old white board. It was a white board with marks and lines that were not able to erase because of the use of permanent mark. “Summer Vacation” was what the teacher wrote on the board. And with that the class continued. The bell then rang, and everybody ran to the narrow door, as if though there was a fire inside the classroom. Dalerie was just barely getting up. Then Daniela approached her.
                             “Hey” said Daniela.
                             “Umm Hi…” replied Dalerie as she walked out the door.
                             “It’s cool that we sit together in first period.”
                             “Yeah, I guess.”
                             “Do you have any friends here?”
                             “No. I don’t do friends.”
                             “Oh. Why?”
                             “Because, friends always end up making your life worse than it really is.”
                             “Oh, you think maybe I can be your friend?”
                             “Umm, sure…”
                             “Alright then, friend.”
         Months then pass by. The two girls have become very close friends. One day the gym teacher announces that track is going to become one of their new sports. Daniela gets very excited. While Dalerie isn’t much interested in track, or pretty much any sport.
                             “Oh come on! It’ll be fun!”
“Nah, I don’t know.”
“Yes, it fina be beast!”
“Haha, you think everything’s beast”
“Lol, maybe. But come on; don’t be messed up like that.”
“If I join, will you stop annoying me?”
“Of course.”
“Haha, alright then, I’ll join.
A week later, the two girls are at the track. It was a big field, with a beautiful view of the school. The track instructor that is always in red arrives at the track field.
“Hello everybody.” She said as she stood in front a small group of girls.
Everybody was very enthusiastic. “As you know, everybody can run. But of course some are very good at it. So let’s have a test run to see who the best in the group are. ”said Ms. Talley as she sat down on the bench. The girls then went inside to change into red shorts and their school gym shirt. Ms. Talley then asked the girls to line up on specific parts of the track. They all did as she told them.
“And Go!” yelled Ms. Talley as she looked at the girls.
All of the girls passed by Ms. Talley in a very fast speed. After the test run, Ms. Talley only accepted half of the girls into the track team. In the team were both Daniela and Dalerie. Both girls were jumping up and down in excitement. They then went home.
“Hello my lovely daughter. How was the meeting?” asked Daniela’s father as she entered through the front door into a beautiful light Carmel room filled with different paintings.
“It went great, father. Guess what?” said Daniela as she put her things on her floor.
“Dalerie and I got into the track team!”
“Well that’s great.”
“Yes, indeed. Well by dad. I’m going to my room to study for my World Geography test tomorrow.”
“Okay, darling.”
Daniela then went upstairs to her room. A room painted purple, with painting flowers and landscapes. In the middle of her room was her bed, with purple and white covers. On top of her bed laid her laptop and a stuffed teddy bear. She walked into her room and sat down on her bed. She took her shoes off and opened up her laptop. Next to her was a night with a vase filled with beautiful roses and two picture frames next to it. One of the picture frames contained a picture of her father and herself. The other was a picture of her father and herself as well. But, this picture also included her lovely mother. Back when she had a beautiful peach toned face, with long light brown hair.
Daniela’s laptop then started up and the first thing she did was log into her ooVoo account.
“Hey.” said Daniela as she waved.
“What’s up?” replied Dalerie, who was also on her laptop.
“My dad was excited to hear that we got into the track team.”
“Awesome! Lol I haven’t told my mom yet.”
“You know how she is. She’s probably out with her friends again.”
“Oh. Well that sucks.”
“I don’t think she would care much for it any ways.”
“Maybe she would.”
“Nope. I know my mom very well, my friend. So what’s up with that world Geography test tomorrow?”
“Oh, it’s just going to be reviewing Europe and parts of Russia. It’s not too hard.”
“That’s ‘cause you actually know what the teacher is talking about. Lol, half of the time I don’t even know what that chick is talking about.”
“Haha. That’s because you’re always day dreaming about Justin Bieber.”
“Oh hecks nah! I be day dreaming about Vic Fuentes. Forget Justin Bieber. You’re the one who loves Justin Bieber.”
“Duh, have you seen his hair? Lol.”
“Haha, he’s hair’s ugly with a capital U G L Y.”
“Oh my goodness! You know how to spell Vic Fuentes’ middle name. How sweet.”
“Ha, Ha. Very funny Mrs. Bieber.”
“Haha, of course.”
“Lol, shouldn’t you be studying?”
“Oh yes. I had forgotten. Lol sitting here talking about my husband and Vic Fuentes.”
“Haha, well go ahead and study. I’ll be fine. Haha, I’ll stay outta trouble. Maybe.”
“Haha, alright. Bye.”
After logging off, Daniela went to the kitchen to make a sandwich and grab an orange juice. She then returned to her room. She grabbed her World Geography book and began to study. Meanwhile, Dalerie was also in her room. But her room was not at all like Daniela’s. Her room was painted red with black splattered spots near her door and window. On her walls hanged poster of her favorite bands, Three Days Grace and Pierce the Veil. Her bed had black and red covers with a bunch of pillows but no stuffed animals. And there on her bed laid Dalerie, with her headphones on full blast.
“You thought you were there to guide. You were only in my way. You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you!” singed Dalerie as she stared up at her ceiling.
She had no interest in studying for the test. She had more interest in going out to the park and just walking by herself. Even though both girls had different interests and personalities they were still best friends.
The next day, the girls took their test and then stayed after school for track practice.
“Ladies, in four days as known as Saturday, just in case you ladies forget about the days, we will be having our first competition. Which means we have we are going to add additional time to our regular practices. So get ready for some long runs, ladies.” said Ms. Talley to the girls.
The girls then went to change. They then came out and began practice. Daniela was the first to run. She was very fast and had good timing. Dalerie also had a good speed and time. The teacher then asked both the girls if they wanted to represent their school and both girls accepted.
Four days passed, and the competition had come. The competition started at 11 A.M. Since both girls woke up early in the morning they agreed to log into ooVoo and talk a bit before they left.
“Are you nervous?” said Dalerie.
“Of course, I am. It’s our first competition.”
“True, but it’s not such a big deal.”
“To me it is.”
“Yeah, that’s because it matters to you… To me it’s just something I’m doing for the school and nobody else. For you on the other hand, you do it for your father and yourself…”
“You can do it for your mother.”
“Nah, you know how she is…”
“Your father?”
“Nope, he decided to leave instead of staying here with my mother and me.”
“You can do it for me? Lol, it would be awesome if you did it for me.”
“Lol, alright I’ll do it for you.”
“Alrighty. Now you should start getting ready so you can win for me.”
“Haha, I will. You should start too. Lol.”
“I know I’m getting ready to do that.”
“Lol, okay. See you on the track. Bye.”
So the girls began to get ready. It didn’t take them long to shower and put their track uniform on. It was almost 11 A.M. so the girls were getting ready to leave to the competition. Daniela’s father took her to the track, while Dalerie walked all the way to her school. It was a sunny day, with no clouds in sight. Everybody was almost ready to start. The only people who were missing were Daniela and Dalerie. Daniela had just arrived when she saw Dalerie walking. She waited for her friend while her father went to go get a seat.
“Hey.” Greeted Daniela as Dalerie got closer.
“Hi.” replied Dalerie. They then walked to their team.
They were already to start and Daniela was first up. The girls then got ready to start and off they went. Everybody in the crowd is screaming as loud as they can. The girls were running as fast as they could. Dalerie was in the lead and it seemed as if though nothing could stop her. She was the only who win for the school. Everybody was even more excited. Daniela was very proud of her friend.
After the competition, she misses some days at school because she is in the hospital. Dalerie asks Daniela’s father why she is absent and Daniela’s father tells her about Daniela’s kidney disease.
One day Dalerie decides to go to Daniela’s to see what’s happening. She walks all the way to her house, that afternoon. It was a very windy day so she wears a pair of jeans with a red shirt and white jacket. Once she gets to the little blue house, she sees Daniela’s father walking out of his house and towards his. Frank Cross, Daniela’s father is heading towards his car.
“Mr. Cross!” said Dalerie as she ran towards the middle aged man wearing brown.
“Oh, hello Dalerie.”
“Hello, sir. I was about to come to your house to ask about Daniela’s absents.”
“Oh, well, the thing is… Daniela is in the hospital.”
“Oh my goodness! Why?”
“I don’t know if I should tell you. But, you are her best friend... So I might as well tell you. Daniela is in the hospital because her kidney disease has worsened.”
“I didn’t know she had a kidney disease. Well is she going to be okay?”
“Well she should be, once she gets a donor for a kidney.”
“She’s in need of a new kidney? My God this is real serious.”
                             “I thought I could be a donor…but we don’t have the same type. So we are searching for someone who has one.”
                             “How do you know if you can be a donor?”
                             “Well you have to take a blood test.”
                             “You think I can take that test?”
                             “I believe you can. Only if your parents agree to it.”
                             “Okay. Can we go visit Daniela?”
         So Dalerie and Daniela’s father headed over to the hospital. When they arrived there, Dalerie talked to a nurse about getting tested to be a donor. The nurse said that she could be tested as long as one of her parents signed a paper of agreement. Dalerie asked the nurse to give her the papers and that tomorrow she would get them signed. The nurse handed her the papers and told her that she could come get tested tomorrow after school. Dalerie then walked over to Daniela’s room.
183. Read the wide white door in front of Dalerie. She slowly opened the door. As she opened the door, she saw her friend lying on the hospital bed.

                             “Hey, Dalerie.” said Daniela as she looked at her friend.
                             “Hey. How are you doing?”
                             “I’m alright I guess. Lol, how have you been?”
                             “Okay, kinda lonely though. Mostly ‘cause you’re not there.”
                             “I’m sorry.”
                             “It’s alright, I mean you’re sick. You know you have an excuse.”
                             “Yeah, because I love to cough.”
“Haha, Lol.”
“So how things at school?”
“Boring as usual.”
“Lol, I knew you were going to say.”
“Well of course. What else can I say?”
“I don’t know something like, I don’t know… Maybe ‘Guess what! I learned something today’ you know.”
“Haha, you wish I would say that.”
“You should say that.”
“Nope, you know how I am about school and besides you are the only person who encourages me to continue.”
“Aw, I feel so special. But, you will was have one person supporting you.”
“Yeah, I know. You.”
“Yeah, but there’s another person who will always be with you”
“Who’s that?”
“Haha, seriously?”
“Yes. Encourage yourself! Accomplish things for your own pride.”
“I guess I can do that. Just for you I’ll try.”
“Alrighty, well it’s getting late, no?”
“Yeah, I should get going. I’ll come visit you soon.”
“Okay then. Take care.”
“You too.”
Daniela’s father then took Dalerie home once again. When Dalerie got home, she began to think about how her friend is also in a good mood no matter what. It got her thinking about how Daniela always gets her hopes up. How Daniela always has something nice to say. Dalerie thought about how all those things made Daniela a great friend. That is when she realized that she would do anything to keep a friend like her around.
The next morning, Dalerie woke up early so she can catch her mother before she left for work. She went downstairs, to her mother’s office and opened the door.
“Hey mom, can you sign these papers?”
“What do you want Dalerie?” responded Valerie Queen, as she looked up from her computer screen.
“Can you sign these papers?” said Dalerie as she showed her mother the permission slip for the hospital.
“What is it for?” said her mother as she looked to her screen again.
“I think it’s for a program for school or something like that.”
“Oh, you couldn’t have told me about this later?”
“Nope, I need them for today.”
“Fine, I’ll sign.” said her mother as she turned around in her chair and signed the paper.
“Thanks mom.”
“Yeah, sure.”
She that afternoon after school, Dalerie went to Daniela’s house. She asked Daniela’s father if he could take her to the hospital to turn in the papers. Daniela’s father was very excited to hear that Dalerie was willing to help his daughter. He then toke her to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital, Dalerie was very excited to be tested. She was also scared because she was not sure if she could be a donor.
“Okay, it seems like your parent has given permission for the tests to take place.”
“Yes, she was very encouraging on the whole test thing.”
“So if you are ready, you can take the test on tomorrow morning.
Afterwards Dalerie went to go visit Daniela, but was surprised to hear she was not there. So she decided to go back home.
The next morning, Dalerie woke up early and she took the bus to the hospital. When she arrived, she saw the happy nurse waiting. Therefore, the nurse began the test. Dalerie had to wait for a few hours before she got the results. When the results were finally in, Daniela’s father had already arrived and they were both very happy to know that she was a donor.
The process then began where they were getting Dalerie ready for the surgery. Soon everything was ready. The surgery was a success. Dalerie kept her friend and Daniela had her kidney. The two went on to study together in college and have many wonderful memories.

© Copyright 2012 Diana Karen (dianaakarenn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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