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Rated: · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #1903325
My story is about 2 brothers have to fight to the death to be the next king.
The Brothers
Family is always there
By: Nick Medrano

It was a peace full night as John looked out the castle window he could hear people mutter in the distance about how their day was. John reading the old dusty book that he found in the old library goes down stairs to speak with Marcos. While down stairs was Marcos sharping his swords and exercising on the cold stone floor. John decides to go into his room when Marcos hears the door open when he runs behind the door.
“Brother, you in here?"
Marcos with a smile he cannot hold back tackles john and they both fall to the floor with Marcos on top of john.
“Ha-ha that was fun eh?” said Marcos
John slowing getting up,
“Ouch that wasn’t funny and I came here to tell you that shall you accompany me for a walk around town?”
“I can’t not just leave my room, I got better things to do than go and walk with you”.
“Alright bother so be it I’ll just be going now” John runs out the door and leaves the castle.
Once out the castle john buts on his hood and rod and starts to run across the roofs and jumping all over the place with a loud shout
“EEEHAAAA!!!” he jumps off the roof and landing on his feet as he starts to run and kick criminal’s in the face as he runs setting crime at its place as he makes his was back home”
He realized that it was getting really late, so he ran home jumping and skipping the castle steps, because it would be to slow running up the stairs. He runs in when one of the kings knight runs to john.
“The king wishes to see you master John” he says in a polite voice
“Thank you knight I shall go to him now” says John as he runs to his dad’s room

John runs into his room “Hello farther” trying to catch his breath.
“Marcos and John my only 2 sons in the world, my time is now shorten and 1 of u shall be the next king of Rome” said the king in a sad voice
“Farther don’t say such a thing you shall live many more life’s” said John in a low voice.
“You know I love you 2 equally and cannot pick who will be the next king so I have decided you both should fight to the death, the fight shall be in two days”
“WHAT!! He is my brother I cannot fight him yet along kill him he’s my brother” said john in a frightened voice
“Ha-ha don’t worry brother I’ll make it quick and easy” in an evil smile “this shall not be the hardest of challenges”
Smile in a cleaver smile john “alright so be it I shall say this won’t be as easy as u think brother”
“I’m go train not like I need it ha-ha” Marcos leaves the room and grabs his sword than was on the door way”

Later that night
“Hello john” said Marcos with an evil laugh when the room starts to fall apart and is being struck down with a sword.
“Ahh!!” he wakes up with a frightened face
“It’s not going to end like that” says John with a confidant voice
The next morning is a peaceful day with birds chirping as John looks out the widow
“WHAT?! Marcos is already wake and training” John rushes out slide and starts to train in another training area. John jumps around the practice dummy signifying that he was dogging all his attacks and at the same time slowly stabbing the dummy. John stops for several minutes and recalls when Marcos and he play fighting as little kids with wooden swords.
“I done training!” says angry and throws his sword to the ground
“If he wants to fight to the death so be it! I shall kill him!” slamming the door to his room and jumping on his bed as he sleeps away.
Marcos still training in his training room with the dummies all broken up
“there’s no way he can beat me” as Marcos takes a step back and he trips on the broken dummies and hits he’s leg hard on some swords on the floor
“Ouch!” he screams loudly. He gets up slowly
“no I’m not going to let this minor injury stop me” He stands up and try’s to walk it off and ends up hurting it more
“ahh!!” he falls on the floor hard as the royal guards rush in to help him to his room.
“Do you need any help sir?” says one of the guards.
“Yes! Leave me now Peasant” says angrily Marcos.
“Yes sir” and closes the door slowly.
The next morning appears and Marcos gets up slowly and fells a little better as he tries to walk to the training room.
“Brother are you alright?” as he runs to help his brother up
“Get off me you to weak” as he pushes John down to the floor
John leaves to the mess hall to grab something to eat at the same time Marcos gets to the training room as he picks up a sword and keeps swinging at the dummies. Meanwhile inside the castle is John relaxing and resting, because so he can relaxes his muscles. Marcos keeps hitting the dummy as he trips and falls
“ahh! My leg hurts so much” Marcos drops the sword and walks to his room and rips his shirt and wraps it around his leg. He slowly tightens it up and the he pulls it as it tightens even more.
“Ahh the pain hurts so much” he gets up and walks to the arena as John is already there sitting down on the bench eating a piece of chicken. He walks to the middle of the ring limping trying not to fall down. John looking straight into his eyes
“Hello brother” he says in a confident voice
“You shall die brother” he smiles looking up at John because he’s limping. The bell rings as the king say
“Alright Fighters to your sides and let the fight begin!” John rushes to his end and grabs his light weight sword as Marcos is getting his sword. He stands up and runs at John and starts to swing at him but keeps missing one after the other he keeps swing but John keeps moving out the way. John keeps moving as he starts to taunt Marcos.
“Ha-ha looks like you’re not as good as you thought brother” smiling and jumping out the way.
“I… shall kill…. You!” trying to catch his breath he swings his sword and throws it as John does a backflip and jumps over the sword. Marcos lying on the floor on his knees and John walks over to Marcos.
“So it has come to this you supposed to be the greatest warrior but lost to his little brother” said John with a smile across his face.
“SHUTUP!” knowing that he is going to lose Marcos looks down and closes his eyes as every single memory of when they were little kids.
“In our rooms where mom used to read to us before bed time, the small walks we took around the village, how happy we were at that time what changed?” waiting and wondering why John hasn’t killed him yet he looks up and sees that he has dropped his sword.
The guy sitting in the crowd was Booing the fight
“Boo I want to see blood!!” he said yelling
“Marcos I don’t want to kill you, I don’t want to fight anymore” He slowly helps Marcos off his feet as the crowed gets quiet.
“John I’m sorry for every single thing I did wrong to you” he says as he wraps his arms around John and hugs him tightly and the crowd yells of excitement Marcos and John, the king’s sons, were both smiling in the same time.
“I forgive you brother” says John when there dad is up in the thrown with a tear of happiness
“You mother would be proud John” he says with a silent voice, he approaches off his chair and walks down to the arena.
“John and Marcos I’m glad you both arnt dead” as the king removes his hat, when john gets on one knee with his face down. The king slowly puts the hat on John and the crowed yells in happiness. John slowly gets up and smiles
“Thank you farther” with a big smile he hugs his dad tightly
“Make my country proud” he says with a happy voice.
© Copyright 2012 Nick Medrano (nmedranoivh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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