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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Adult · #1903310
My summer holiday didn't quite turn out the way I planned and neither did my friends
The holiday to Majorca had been a total disaster. The five of us that went were no longer speaking, ignoring texts and phone calls and avoiding each other at work.
Chris, my best friend had organised the holiday as a girls fortnight 18 to thirty piss up. She described it as Boys, sea, sand and sex. Chris was twenty four, blond, curvy namely 36dd and according to her an expert at BJ's with over forty notched on her headboard. Adele her sister, was a miniature version of Chris and was an absolute nightmare to hang out with as at twenty two, she still didn't have a personality and copied everything Chris did.Pam, Chris' cousin was engaged and was on her last fling before she got married. She was tall, thin and game for a laugh, especially after a few drinks. Delphine was a colleague from work and was very straight. I couldn't understand why she wanted to come as she didn't drink, was obnoxious and tended to wind everyone up. Finally, there was me. The ever faithful gooseberry, who hung out with the girls and made sure they could all cheat on their boyfriends without getting caught. Not in a relationship, I found that I was not the type to sleep around so I always ended up driving or carting the coats.
I drove everyone to the airport in Cardiff, parked up and then spent a gruelling hour checking in the bags because non of the girls had put their make-up or foundation in bags. Delphine had too much in her case and had to take some items out and when Chris opened her case to put in Delphine's shoes we couldn't do up the case. Eventually all our cases were open and we all started to argue. Once that was sorted out, Delphine lost her bag in all the commotion, which we later found was in lost luggage. By now tempers were beginning to become frayed.
Things were quieter on the plane, except for the moaning about the meals and lack of leg room. The flight was a bit turbulent and Adele started to cry when the plane began to bump around. Then she used all the sick bags. Ick!!!!
We arrived at night and were ushered onto a hotel bus and were soon at our destination- the Hotel Castlamarey. The reception was quiet and when we got to the lifts they didn't work, but fortunately two very handsome Spanish lads carried our bags up for us, which stopped the complaints.
The next few days were great. Sun, sea, sand and lots to drink. We spent our days on the beach and the evenings out on excursions. Then at the end of the first week everything started to go wrong. I began to feel unwell and I retired feeling quite green to our shared room to lie down. All the girls were by the pool with cocktails and some snacks. As I made my way up the stairs to our room on the fourth floor, I passed out just one step from the top. I didn't remember falling. A few hours later I woke in my bed with a cold cloth on my forehead all alone. The room was dark and I couldn't see anyone. I sat up and tipped my legs over the be. I tried to stand and my head began to spin and I fell forward. When I woke I was face down on the bedroom floor with a terrific headache. It was light outside and I looked around and I was the only one in the room. My head was splitting, but I sat up and headed for the toilet which was a few feet away. I needed to pee and I didn't want to embarrass myself further and have an accident. getting up was hard and my head was pounding but I made my way, somewhat disorientated over to the toilet. I sat down and as I relieved myself a feeling of nausea swept over me and I was sick. My head spun and I passed out. I woke up in my bed to the sound of bumping and creaking. I could hear moaning and I decided not to move. I started to feel sick again and as I got up I could see Chris sitting on some guy riding him like a well mounted stallion. They were both groaning and screaming. As Chris climaxed I threw up all over the floor.  Chris jumped up and took her guys arm and left the room. Once again I tried to get to my feet, slipped in the sick and went head over heels towards the balcony.
I came around in my bed with a doctor standing over me, the gorgeous hotel rep and Delphine chatting to them.
The doctor spoke in Spanish to the rep and he then told Del that I was dehydrated and I needed plenty of fluids. I had a number of bad bruises and I was lucky I hadn't gone over the balcony. If Del and Adele hadn't returned from their two day excursion to the canaries, I'd have ended up either over the balcony or in hospital. Del was livid. She asked me if I knew where Chris and Pam had gone as she hadn't seen them. No-one had seen them at the hotel since last night when they had been drinking in the bar with two local lads. The doctor had left me some medicine and I took a dose and went back to sleep. I woke to the sound of arguing and Del was shouting at Chris. Del called her a slapper and Chris said that I was ruining their holiday. Selfish cow. What a nerve!!! Chris stormed out and Del went after her.
Feeling a bit better, I got up and went to the toilet. I then washed up and saw myself in the mirror. I had a massive black bruise on my chin, a black eye. a bandaged wrist and bruises on my knees and feet. I looked like i'd been in a fight.
A few days later we arrived home not talking. I drove everyone home and dropped Adele, Chris and Pam first.  Del apologised for everyone's behaviour and that she couldn't believe how selfish they all were. Apparently, Chris and Pam had picked up two guys in the next hotel and had behaved like tramps and appallingly bad friends and were only interested in making the most of their holiday with no regard for my health and safety.
Dropping her home she said she'd ring to see how I was doing in the next few days.

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