Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1903302-Big-Bend-Adventure
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #1903302
A grandfather takes his six grandchildren on a hiking trip in Big Bend.


Clifford sat holding Ruby’s hand on the patio of their home.  It was her 60th birthday but she was totally unaware.  Alzheimer’s had stolen his wife’s mind.  She was still beautiful to look at.  Her silver hair was done in a pretty coiffure by one of her nurses.  Her body was still slim and athletic, her carriage erect; but her eyes were vacant looking off into space.  What she saw remained a mystery because she rarely spoke except to ask for food and drink.

Clifford stood and gently coaxed his wife to stand up and join him in a short walk around the garden on a brick path.  They slowly strolled past the rose bushes that she used to tend so lovingly.

As they walked Clifford reflected on their 42 years together.  After their children were grown and gone they’d discovered the joy of Volksmarching and had spent many happy hours walking trails and exploring city streets together.  He missed having her with him, although he still did an event now and then with his grandson Garnet.

He thought back to two years ago when Ruby first started forgetting things.  He remembered the horrible day when they had received the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and Ruby knew for sure that she would be slowly slipping into oblivion. 

While she was still able, they had made one last trip together.  They hiked again their favorite trails in Big Bend which they had first done as Volksmarches.  This time they were alone. They had hidden caches on each of the six trails they hiked.  Ruby’s favorite movie had been National Treasures and she wanted their grandchildren to hunt for the caches in order to receive their inheritance from her when she died.

Clifford and Ruby went into the bank and set up a trust fund that was to be divided evenly between their grandchildren. 

“We don’t know how to contact two of them,” Clifford had explained.  “Our son was married twice and divorced twice.  Each time there was a daughter born to the marriage but our son was killed in an accident and we found no record of his ex-wives in his personal belongs.”

“I’ll be happy to help you with that,” the Trust Officer told them.  “We’ve had to use a PI before to find people.  It won’t be a problem at all.”

In an effort to keep her memory active they bought six scrapbooks and started creating the story of their lives for their six grandchildren.  Clifford helped Ruby sort through pictures to put into the six albums and made trips to Wal-Mart to have copies made of photos that Ruby wanted to put in every album.  The activity seemed to have slowed her memory loss for awhile as did the drugs the doctor prescribed but in the end it had been a losing battle.

Chapter 1.          Chapter 1

Clifford and Ruby’s daughter, Roberta, her husband William and their two children Flint and Crystal had driven up from San Antonio when Ruby was hospitalized with pneumonia.  They were staying at the home place with Clifford.  They were there to help him through the funeral arrangements when Ruby didn’t recover. 

Roberta had taken care of the airplane tickets and typing up the letters that were sent to ex-wives of her brother Phillip Warren that the PI had found.  She’d made the call to her other brother, Richard telling him of their Mom’s death. 

Richard, his wife Alice, and their son Mica were driving in from El Paso and would arrive shortly. 

Roberta sat out on the patio that overlooked her Mom’s rose garden.  Her mind returned to fond memories of growing up there with her two brothers and her sister.  It was hard to fathom that her sister, Stephanie, and her brother, Phillip, had both passed away in violent crashes; Stephanie in a car accident on a rain slick road, Phillip in a Blackhawk helicopter crash. 

Stephanie’s husband, Myron, came out of the house and joined her on the patio.

“Where is Garnet,” Roberta asked of her nephew’s activities.

“He’s in the house watching a movie with Flint and Crystal,” Myron replied.  “I didn’t see Clifford or William when I came through.”

“William is trying to distract Dad.  Get his mind off the funeral,” Roberta replied.  “I think he’s letting Dad show him the scrapbooks that he and Mom made for the grandkids last year.  They are really nice.  Have you seen them yet?”

“Yes, I actually helped make them up.  I went through our albums and donated some of Stephanie’s pictures for the books.  We had pictures of Clifford and Ruby with Mica and with your two children that fit right in.”

“It will be nice getting to meet Mica now that he is all grown up.  Let’s see he is a year younger than Flint so he’s 17 and should be a Junior in high school,” Stephanie commented.

“How did you track down Phillip’s two ex-wives?” he asked.

“I didn’t.  The bank who set up the trust funds hired a private investigator to find them.  I asked them to let me write the letter requesting them to come to the funeral.”

Do you think they will show up with their kids?  They were both girls if I remember right, but I can’t recall their names.”

“Amber and Opal,” Stephanie supplied.  “It will be a treat to get to meet them too.  I explained in the letter that their daughters needed to be at the reading of the will.  I hope Phillip’s two ex-wives don’t make a scene.  That’s all we need, for them to get in a cat fight at the funeral or the reading of the will.”

Chapter 2.          Chapter 2

Margie Warren and her daughter Amber arrived at the Midland Odessa Airport in plenty of time to catch their flight to San Angelo.  She had received a Fed-Ex package with plane tickets, a funeral notice for her former mother-in-law, and a letter explaining that Amber’s presence would be needed for the reading of the will.

It had been twelve long years since she’d heard from the Warren family.  She’d seen the news ten years previously about a Blackhawk helicopter that crashed while on a training mission at Goodfellow Airforce Base in which Phillip, her ex-husband and Amber’s father, had been killed.  She hadn’t attended his funeral.

This letter had come as a complete surprise.  She vaguely remembered her former Mother-in-Law, Ruby, as a sweet person who had welcomed her as a member of the family.  Ruby and Clifford had been at the wedding and at the hospital for Amber’s birth.  They had come to visit several times during the two years the marriage lasted.  It was Margie who had cut the family ties.  She was very bitter that Phillip had left her for another woman and she wanted nothing to do with his family. 

She had been a well paid advertising executive so she’d told Phillip that if he agreed to give up his custody rights she wouldn’t request child support.  Phillip had happily given up his rights to his two year old daughter and moved on.  Margie had made it plain to Phillip’s parents that she didn’t want contact with them either.

They made their way to the American Eagle gate and placed their carry-on bags in some empty chairs.  Amber quickly got bored waiting and wandered off to look in the shops nearby.  Margie looked up from checking her text messages to see her daughter talking to a woman near a coffee shop. 

“Why is Amber holding that woman’s carry-on?” she thought and then did a double take as she saw Amber walking toward her.

As Amber took her seat, her mother patted her hand to get her attention and silently pointed at what appeared to be her twin standing by the coffee shop.

The girl’s back was to them but her hair was brown and waist length just like Ambers.  She was dressed in jeans with rhinestones on the pocket just like Amber’s.  She was wearing a bright pink tank top that hugged her slim figure, just like Amber’s.  The bag she held matched the one that set in the chair next to Amber.

The travelers turned and started walking toward the American Eagle gate and Margie and Amber were amazed to see that the girl could indeed be Amber’s twin.  Margie with a moment of insight realized who the girl must be.  She rose and walked toward them.

“Excuse me,” Margie said accosting them.  “Your daughter looks like a twin to my daughter.”  She directed their attention to her daughter sitting nearby.  “You must be Phillip Warren’s widow.”

After a startled look at Amber the woman looked back at her own daughter and tried to take in what Margie had just said.  Amber was anxious to know what was happening so she jumped up and quickly joined them.

“Uhmm no.  I was divorced from him long before the accident,” the woman responded.  “And you must be his first wife, Margie.  I’m Carol Warren and this is my daughter Opal.”

“Yes, I’m Margie and this is my daughter Amber,” Margie introduced herself.  “Please come sit with us.  I assume you received a Fed-Ex package with the funeral information and invitation to the reading of the will?”

Seated across from each other the two families of Phillip Warren became acquainted.

The girls hit it off immediately and really could have passed for twins.  Other than a small difference in height it was not readily apparent that there was two years age difference between the girls.  It was amazing that they had the same taste in clothing.  They were both pleased to find out they had a sister and quickly exchanged email addresses, phone numbers and other means of keeping in contact.  Now that they had found each other they were not going to chance losing each other again.

Chapter 3.          Chapter 3

In spite of his sorrow over Ruby’s death, Clifford was excited to be meeting the grandchildren they hadn’t seen in at least ten years.  Myron had offered to pick up Margie and Carol Warren and the two grandkids but Clifford wanted to greet them himself.  He parked the Dodge Caravan and hurried into the airport to await the arrival of the flight from Midland/Odessa.

When the passengers came through the tunnel he eagerly scanned the crowd and quickly picked out Margie.  She hadn’t changed and was still a lovely woman.  Directly behind her was a set of teenage girls and then he spotted Carol. 

“She hasn’t changed much either,” he thought as he eagerly waved to get their attention.  “But where are the little girls?”

He stood there as the two women approached followed by the giggling and talking twins.  He couldn’t help himself; he started to cry when the teenagers eagerly dropped their carry-ons and rushed to hug him.  He hugged them back and then self consciously wiped the corner of his eyes to dry the tears.

Smiling broadly he said eagerly, “Why you are such young ladies! Which one is Amber, and which one is Opal?”

The girls quickly identified themselves and told him which woman was their mother.  He shook hands with Margie and Carol and took their bags to carry them out to the van as the girls danced along in front of them.

He looked questioningly at his former daughters-in-law.  Margie hastened to explain.

“We only met for the first time today at the airport.  We’ve never met before.  The girls startled us too, looking like twins.  We were amazed that they had chosen duplicate outfits.  Isn’t it amazing that they both have waist length hair.  Their tastes are so alike it is kind of scary.”

“When they are together I’ll be able to tell Amber because she is taller, but when they’re apart I won’t know which one I’m talking to.  One of you wouldn’t like to volunteer to get your hair cut today would you?” Clifford joked.

“I’ve been telling Mom I wanted to get a tattoo,” Amber joked back.  “Maybe you can talk her into letting me get one!”

“No way, young lady!” her Mom replied sternly.

Chapter 4.          Chapter 4

The “twins” caused quite a stir when they arrived at the house.  Flint, Crystal and Garnet welcomed them warmly and they went off together.  Clifford had booked rooms in a nearby hotel for them but wanted them to stay for dinner before going there.

“Richard, Alice and Mica should be arriving shortly,” Roberta told Margie and Carol as she greeted them and told them to make themselves at home.

“How old is Mica?” Margie asked.

“He’s seventeen,” Roberta told her just as a car pulled into the driveway.  “That should be them now.”

Clifford led the way as everyone went out to greet the new arrivals.  Margie and Carol hung back and gave them some privacy.  After hugs and kisses were exchanged all round, Clifford brought them over and introduced them to the two women.

Myron noticed Mica standing there uncertainly.  “Come on,” he said. “I’ll show you were the rest of the kids are and introduce you.”

Mica followed him into the den where a Harry Potter movie was playing on a big screen TV.

“Hey everyone,” Myron said.  “This is Mica.”

“Mica this is Flint and Crystal,” Myron said pointing them out.  “They are brother and sister.  These two are not twins, though they are sisters.  This is Amber and Opal.  And this handsome young man is my son, Garnet.”

“h-h-Hi,” Mica stuttered nervously and took a seat next to Garnet on the sofa.

The nine adults gathered on the back patio and the housekeeper brought out glasses and a large pitcher of iced tea.  Clifford picked up his camera and asked the housekeeper to take a group shot of them, so they all gathered in close for the picture.

When they took their seats to enjoy their tea the women sat on one side of the patio and the men the other as they chatted getting to know one another.

Before long the housekeeper announced dinner was ready.  It was served buffet-style because the dining room table couldn’t accommodate fourteen people.  When the kids arrived more introductions were made.  Alice had been warned by Stephanie that Phillip’s daughters looked like twins, but Richard didn’t know and was astounded by their resemblance.

The food was arranged on the island in the kitchen where everyone selected their food and drink.  The teenagers took their food and drink out onto the patio while the eight adults took their food to the dining room table. 

“Roberta and her family have been staying here at the house with me,” Clifford addressed his comment to Richard who sat on his right hand.  Myron suggested that you and your family stay at his house.  He has plenty of room.  I made reservations at the hotel for Margie, Carol and their girls.”

“Thank you,” Richard said, looking at Myron.  “That is very generous of you.  I think Mica will enjoy getting to know Garnet better.”

“We will all meet back here at 9 a.m. and then go to the mortuary together.  Is that agreeable?” Clifford said glancing around the table for confirmation.

Chapter 5.          Chapter 5

The day of the funeral dawned bright and clear.  Clifford took a cup of coffee out on the patio before anyone else woke up and watched the sun come up over his beloved Ruby’s garden.

“Please God; help me get through this day.  Help me to remember that Ruby is in heaven with you Lord, and that I will be reunited with her there.  Please God, bless my children and grandchildren.  Help us all to deal with our grief and be able to move on with our lives.  Please God, let my grandchildren accept the challenge that Ruby planned for them and use it to become friends with each other.  Amen”

The family assembled as planned at the Warren home.  Clifford again had the housekeeper take some group photographs.  It took some doing to get everyone arranged for the pictures and it helped keep their minds off the coming funeral.

The funeral was public and there were lots of people in attendance; people who knew Ruby from Volksmarching, as well as friends from Church, and Clifford’s former co-workers.  The actual graveside service was to be private.

At the end of the funeral service at the church Richard, William, Myron, Mica, Flint, and Garnet served as the pallbearers. 

The hearse led the funeral procession through the cemetery gate and wound through the graves to a tent covered open grave where Ruby would be placed to rest.  After the ceremony, sensing that Clifford needed some time alone, the others quietly withdrew.

Richard looked back and saw his father kneel down beside the open grave to say a private goodbye to his wife.  As he continued to watch Clifford gently tossed a bouquet of yellow roses onto the casket and stood up.

Clifford walked briskly down to join his family, a tearful smile on his face.

“She’s home with Jesus,” he said and hugged each family member in turn.  “Our tears are for ourselves because we’re left behind.  She wouldn’t want us to mourn.”

“Let’s go home and prepare to celebrate her life with the people who are coming to visit.

Chapter 6.          Chapter 6

The day after the funeral Richard invited his Dad, William and Myron to join him for a round of golf.  His Dad turned him down.

“Thanks son,” he said, “but I’m expecting company.  Y’all go ahead.

The three men dressed in golf shorts, polo shirts, and ball caps left to go hit some balls.

The ladies loaded the teenagers up into two cars and took them to play the miniature version of the sport.

The quiet house didn’t last long.  Clifford’s guests, Evan and Ava Wright, arrived soon thereafter.  Clifford had contacted Evan and asked if he would mind delivering the six walking sticks he’d carved for him the previous year. 

He’d promised to pay handsomely for their delivery and explained that Ruby had died and all his family was in town. 

He was glad they had driven up and delivered the walking sticks.  He drew the Wrights into the living room and asked the housekeeper to bring them all some tall glasses of iced tea.  He admired the carved designs on the sticks and then laid them aside. 

After they were seated and the tea had been delivered he proceeded to explain that the sticks were for his six grandchildren.

“Ruby, as you know, loved Volksmarching,” Clifford began.  “Our grandchildren are strangers to each other.  Ruby realized that they would all be gathered together for her funeral.  We didn’t mean to play favorites with our grandson Garnet.  It is just that he lived here and the rest of them lived far away and because of circumstances with their parents we didn’t get to visit often or some of them at all.  Divorce is just as hard on the grandparents as it is the children.  We both missed getting to be part of the grandchildren’s lives and we thought of them often.”

“To make a long story short, Ruby came up with the idea of my taking the grandchildren hiking in Big Bend to hunt treasure after she died.  We’ve done Volksmarches there.  You know, you have Volksmarched there too.”

The Wrights nodded in agreement.

“Anyway we were familiar with the trails.  So awhile back we hiked there and planted some caches for the grandchildren to hunt for.”

“That’s what the hiking sticks are for,” Evan said with a smile, “hiking in Big Bend.”

“Exactly!” Clifford continued.  “It will be a perfect opportunity for me to get to know them and for them to get to know each other.  Although Garnet has done Volksmarches with us, we’ve never taken him to Big Bend so it will be new to him also.  I think the teenagers will enjoy the adventure and being outdoors.  At least I hope so.”

“You haven’t told them yet,” Ava guessed.

“No, they will find out at the reading of the will tomorrow.  If they do the hunt they will get access to their trust funds for school and approved activities immediately.  If they don’t they will have to wait until they turn 25 to get the money Ruby set aside for them.”

“I think the young people will do better on their own without their parents to fall back on,” Clifford continued.  “But I can’t look after the three girls properly.  I was wondering if I could impose upon y’all to come hike in Big Bend with us.  Ava could chaperon the three girls.”

Ava and Evan exchanged glances at this unexpected turn of events.  Ava had vacation time coming she could use.  She shrugged her shoulders and let Evan decide for them.

“I will, of course, pay all your expenses,” Clifford told them. 

“Sure, we’d love to come,” Evan agreed.  “When will we be going?  Ava will need to request vacation time?”

“If the grandchildren agree to this, we will leave next Monday and we will be there six days and seven nights.  Ruby designed it so each one of the grandkids would lead a hike.  Since Almeada is on the way we will stop and pick y’all up.”

The conversation turned to the grandchildren and Clifford told Ava and Evan about the shock of Phillip’s two daughters looking like twins.  With all the arrangements made the Wrights soon took their leave.

© Copyright 2012 Eveline (walksfar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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