Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1903279-A-Twist-of-Fate
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1903279
This story is about a girl who has a second chance in life.
I almost died. I never knew what it was like to give up until June 28. I felt like life swallowed me whole and spit me back out. I was by no means perfect and I knew that but I felt everyone I walked past or came across judged me on mistakes I've made in the past. I had tons of friends but I felt I couldn't be open with them about anything because they always look at my flaws. No matter how hard I tried, I felt I would never live up to the sky scraping expectations my parents had. I tried to be at my finest and put my best foot forward just for them. When I would wake up I’d put a phony smile on my tan face and pretended nothing was wrong. My hair was brown and would go anyway I wanted it too. In my crystal blue eyes I saw everyone like a character in a play. Watching someone play the role in my life would make them realize I was not the perfect person everyone thought I was. No one really knew and never would. I put my life in the hands of God. After starting to go to church and speak with people about him, I feel he knew me best. But for some reason God changed my life forever. June 28, 2010 will be the date I will remember for the rest of my life. I don’t know how I got through it but I did. I had to be strong for my loved ones. I was not ready to die.

I’m Melanie; I live in the beautiful city of New York. I was a college student at New York University. My parents, Michelle and John were both doctors. I get my height from my dad and my looks from my mom. She has luscious light brown hair and crystal blue eyes. My father has dark frizzy brown hair and chocolate tinted eyes. I came from a very prosperous family. No one knew what happened behind closed doors and if they did I wouldn't be where I am now. I was an only child and I was obsessed with fashion. I planned on going to college for four years and then planned on working some place with fashion and clothing. My parents were continuously harsh on me and I thought it was because they wanted me to be successful like they were. My dad was the cruelest person alive; in my eyes I would never be good enough for him. He didn't know I knew about what he did but I did and I hated him for it. My life was like a roller coaster, it had its ups and downs but it would flash before your eyes if you didn't enjoy it. The day I met my boyfriend my life changed drastically. I met Cody Fitzpatrick in high school my freshman year. He moved to New York from Alabama. Moving from Alabama to the city I knew was complicated for him because he wasn't used to gigantic cities but tiny towns. We met because he came up to me in the hallway and asked where to find the gym. Later he asked for my number just in case he needed extra help and the rest was history. When we went on our first date he complimented on my long curly brown hair and my dazzling outfit. I knew that night we would be together for a long time. We have been dating now for eight years and I don’t regret any second of it. Living in the city is an immense bonus when it comes to finding things to do with each other.

My best friend Loren and I have known each other since we've been born. Our parents met in college and instantly became friends. We were like sisters with different parents. Everyone knew we were opposite, her blonde hair and outgoing personality and peppiness to her. I tried to tell her everything but there was always so much I kept to myself that I wish I could have told her. When we graduated me and a bunch of friends rented a beach house in the Jersey Shore. I’ve never been so cheerful in my life and to spend it with people I cared about a lot about meant the world to me. When we were at the beach Cody was still in the impress me phase and tried to surf. He fell off the board within seconds. I will never forget those two weeks. I already knew her face would turn pale and tears would stream down her face, I knew I would start balling my eyes out too once I told her. Loren was destroyed when I told her what happened with me. I knew she will be with me through it.

Back when I was having a lot of stomach issues I couldn't bare it. Ever since graduation I was unable to control my pain. My mom wanted me to get an appointment because she didn't know what it could be exactly. My appointment was at the end of the month because I wanted to spend time with Cody before anything happened, if there was something wrong. Those next few weeks I was waiting for June 28.

Spending time with Cody meant I would have a new and exciting adventure wherever we went. One thing good about living in the city was there were loads to do.

As the month went on and I continued to spend time with Cody and Loren, I realized I needed to have more fun. I needed to lighten up and be happy. There were only a few weeks until I find out what was wrong with me. I thought to myself, what if there was something wrong? I realized that I had people in my life that had been with me through thick and thin. Cody and Loren, my best friends, were there whenever I needed them. My mom was my best friend. I just wished she would have came out and told me what my dad was doing to her. He was a sick man, someone needed to find out about what he was doing and lock him away.

June 28, 2012 taunted me every day as it came closer. I finally got to see what was wrong with me and live on. My mom told me not to worry because it was probably nothing. She said everyone has pains in their stomach. Although no matter what she said, I was still nervous. What if something was wrong? What could it be? What if it was something bad? What could have possibly been wrong? Cody took off work and decided to go with me because both of my parents had to work. Cody was always there when I needed him most.

June 28, 2012 at 4:42pm I would remember for the rest of my life. When I got home that day Cody just held me in his arms and I just cried. Tears’ streaming down my face, my mascara was ruined. Why me? Why then? Everything was going so good! I was so aggravated with everyone, better yet everything. How could I let my body to this to me? Cody just held me tight and we cried together. My mom; still at work didn't know I was home but Cody called her and asked if she would come home early. With her being a doctor I think she knew something was erroneous but wanted to stay positive. I never wanted to see anyone or talk to anyone I wanted to just run away. How could this happen to me? What did I do wrong to deserve this? As my mom walked in the door that day, my throats just tighten. How would I tell her? Maybe Cody should do it for me. I didn’t know what to do!

“Hi, how are you?” I grabbed her and held her, every tear I still had left come out. My mom knew me the best and she knew something was wrong.

“How did it go?” Not being able to answer I just held her tighter and cried.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong?”

It took every ounce of courage in my motionless body to tell her.

“They took an x-ray of my stomach because the doctor noticed a weird feeling on the inside when he pressed on it. Mom, I have a tumor in my stomach. My white blood cell count is extremely low so they did this test. They found out I have cancer.”

“No, this can’t be” m¬¬¬y mom said while holding me tighter. Since she was a doctor she knew how this goes. She had seen this every day. I never was so frightened in my life.

“It will be okay babe; we will get through this together. I’ll be with you every step of the way.” I kissed him. He was supportive; where life takes us I know he would be there.

It was Saturday evening and because it was summer I didn't have classes. I was up in my room sitting by my bed just thinking. Was it normal for a 19 year old to think she might die? What would happen to me? I wasn't ready to go yet I was so young. What I needed to do was think. Thinking helped me when I didn't know what to say out loud. I always considered myself, a person who looked to herself for comfort. Before I met Cody I was sadden all the time because going to myself never worked, and I didn't know how to handle things. That was why I told Cody everything. Cody was calling me. Should I answer? What would he say? I knew what he would say. But was I ready to talk to him? I think I should answer maybe he will give me some advice. I also had to talk to him about the weekend.

“Hey babe,” I said to him as I answered the phone. Cody was the only one I thought I could talk to right now. That was the only reason why I answered.

“How are you holding up?” As he said that my body went numb. I had that strange feeling that something bad would happen. I was afraid that I would die. Leaving Cody, my family and friends would be hard. I really needed to think positive though.

“Fine I guess, I made that appointment, you know, for the surgery. They told me that I needed to get my tumor out, as soon as possible.”

“What day is it I need to take off work, I will there with you whether you like it or not, I love you Melanie.” That’s what Cody said to me, he knew how to make me feel better.

“I love you too; but I don’t have the paper with me right now so I’ll have to tell you later. Are we still on for this weekend?”

“Yes, I've planned something magnificent for Friday.” Knowing Cody this would be good. He always knew how to impress me. For my birthday that year he wanted to take me to a fashion show. I told him not to because the prices of tickets were really high but he said he preordered them already. We went and had the best time ever. I tried so hard for Cody to tell me what we were doing that weekend but he wouldn't even give hints.

It was Thursday and I was so frantic. Why? The next day was Friday and I was hoping to have the time of my life. I wanted to know what we were doing so badly but he wouldn't tell me. Cody kept dropping hints only because I kept bugging him. I just wanted to know. What he told me was that we would be going around the city. In a city like New York there are endless amounts of things we could do. I was so eager about Friday. Apparently he told my parents what was going on but they wouldn't tell me either. I tried to get it out of my mom but she wouldn't budge. I wanted to know what was happening. My parents seemed thrilled but I just didn't know. They love Cody, he was like the son they never had.

The past couple of months they were talking about their marriage and I think that they kind of needed to. What he was doing wasn't ok. My dad was hurting my mom. I knew he was the bruises on her arms and the scars on her body. Those aren't just from falling. I was pretty sure my mom knew that I knew about what he did. She was probably just too terrified to tell me because of what I would do. He didn't understand that I hated him and would never forgive him. She had so much on her mind and to be honest she didn't need him. I really did hate him. One day I will get the little courage out of my tiny body and face him myself.

It was Friday morning! Yay! Cody was coming to the condo at noon. I should have gotten ready sooner; he said it would be a long day.

“Hey baby, you excited?” Cody said as he handed me a single red rose.

“Of course I am where are we going?” I frantically asked him.

“You’ll see” When Cody said that chills ran up and down my back. I was getting really wound up for today.

As the day went on we went to so many places. First we went to the Statue of Liberty, then another Broadway show. After we came out of the theater, Cody took me to a really fancy restaurant in the city. My night was coming to an end, but I didn’t want it too. As I looked at the clock it was getting to be about nine-thirty.

“I guess our date is over.” As I said that he stopped me.

“We have one last stop. Don’t worry it will be worth it.” When he said that I knew I was in for a real treat.

Cody had gotten a white limo for us after dinner; he said he really wants tonight to be special. While we were driving we drove through Times Square. I had no idea what was coming next but I was anxious and nervous. What was going on? Pulling up to our destination I was pleasantly surprised. As I walked out of the car I was standing in front of the Empire State Building. When I was little I wrote a bucket list and one of the things on my bucket list was to go to the Empire State Building at night. Well here I was. Cody got out of the limo and just had a little smirk on his face. We got in line and waited patiently; as we were waiting we talked about how our day was going.

“Oh my god today was wonderful. Who knew you were such a romantic. Today was one of the best days of my life. While we were having our little conversation a guard came up to us.

“Your VIP passes can be used now.”

“But we don’t—“

“Ok, thank you sir.” Cody answered the man and grabs my hand.

For some weird reason Cody and I were the only couple on the elevator. Something I thought was very strange knowing how long the line was. When the elevator stopped and the doors slowly opened, all I saw was roses. Roses, they were everywhere! I have never seen such a beautiful sight in my life. Cody said thank you to the man.

“Wow, they really make this place look stunning don’t they.”

“Melanie, I love you more than life. You are the love of my life. We have so much to look forward to in life, but for me that isn't good enough. I want to know when I wake up in the morning you’ll be right there right by my side. I want you to be the girl I spend the rest of my life with.”

As Cody said that my heart started to race.

“Cody, what is going on?” Not being able to finish my sentence, Cody took my hand.

“Melanie, Will you spend the rest of your life with me?” When he asked me that, my heart raced faster and faster. This was really happening I thought to myself. As he is getting down on one knee I knew exactly what he was doing. Cody was proposing. Everything that happened today was leading up to this moment.

“I know you’re probably in a lot of shock but Melanie, Will you marry me? I promise to be by your side for the rest of your life. I’ll be there through thick and thin.”

“Oh my, Cody, I will gladly take your hand in marriage.” When I answered him he got up from the ground and kissed me. He swooped me off of my feet and was just so blissful.

“I love you Melanie.”

“I love you too Cody.”

That was it, after about ten minutes I was engaged. A little after he proposed the guard helped us pile all the roses in the elevator and we left. June 30, 2012, was the best day in my life. Cody and I were going to get married. I figured I’d tell my parents and Loren but just keep it on the down low. When I got home my parents greeted me with hugs and kisses, they already knew.

The following week was the surgery. I knew I’d have Cody and my mom with me. But I was still very worried. I just was just hoping everything would work out.

As the months went on nothing really was any different than my original life style. The only thing that changed was my mom. Over the course of a few months she got the courage to stand up to her husband. One night when she was home with him he tried to hit her. She had enough. She lifted her arm and beat him over the head with whatever was in her hand at the time. That was the night it all ended for her. When the cops arrived she told them everything. As the tears streamed down her beautiful face, her hair in a messy ponytail, she didn't even move. She stood in one spot and didn't leave a thing out. My dad John Carmichael was arrested and charged with domestic abuse. For my mother I knew it was hard and it would take years of counseling, but with the courage she had nothing would stop her again. My mom never went back to work, she figured it would remind her too much of the dreadful life she once lived. Her new career was speaking to women who were in the same position or was. My mother was an inspiration to everyone. She opened up her heart to many victims and got them help. I will never know what it was like in her position but I do know that I will be strong just like her.

. After the continuous surgeries and the endless amounts of chemotherapy, I made it. I survived the deadly disease. During the time of my illness I lost all my hair. When Cody and I made the wedding plans we decided not to get married until I had my hair back. My hair was too almost about my chest and it was then when Cody decided to officially make the date for the wedding. Knowing I made it through the cancer I now know I am ready for anything.

As my mother, who has looked like she aged ten years walked me down the aisle trying to hold me with all her might was proud. Over the course of four years she overcame her abusive husband and watched me grow as a person. My mom will always be my number one hero. As she walks me down the aisle with my big white princess ball gown and my purple flowers I knew she would be with me for a long time. When she handed me off to Cody I just wanted to tell her one more thing.

“Mom, no matter how much I love Cody or how much time I spend with him you will always be my best friend. I love you mom.”

With tears coming out of the corners of her eyes we both just cried together. Even Cody’s eyes watered a bit. Cody looked so good, his tan skin and his black hair slicked back, and I knew I wasn't making a mistake. Someday I will look back on my life and think was it worth it? But right now I didn't care. I was standing in front of the alter waiting to marry my best friend.

© Copyright 2012 Brianna (brianna_28 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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