Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1903278-You-and-Your-Lies
Rated: · Short Story · Drama · #1903278
A dramatic love story between two high school juniors.
She was beautiful. She had wavy light brown long hair and bright amazing blue eyes. She was clearly tan and had little light pink lips. She was kind and seemed to be perfect. She would never like me. Never. I should at least be nice though, you know talk to her. She’s new, doesn't know anyone yet. Maybe at the least we could become somewhat friends. I started my new job at these sport camps. I figured it would be fun. Look good on my college application. It would give me something to do too. All I do is train anyways. This could be fun. I never would have thought I would meet a girl like her though. Maybe this is the start of a good year. My junior year would be amazing. This just proves it.

“Hi, my name is Trenton.”

“Oh, hi. I’m Rosie.”

“So are you new to Blairsville? I've never seen you around and this is a pretty small town,” said Trenton.

“Yeah, me and my family just moved here a few weeks ago. “

She seemed shy. She either didn't want to talk to me or she was really nervous. Before I could answer the guy who runs the camps called us over. He seems cool. Maybe a little annoying but I could get used to him. We had to go set up. I would try talking to her later.

He put me with Rosie and a few other coaches. We were assigned to the middle kids. I was happy with that. They knew what to do but at the same time they will still listen. Once again, proof my year was going to be good.

I had to go fill up the water jugs and I asked her to help. I took all of them before she could grab any. I wanted to show her I was a gentleman. When we walked over I had to think of something to talk about. When I went to say something she started to say something too. I was happy about that because it showed she wanted to talk to me and I wasn't just the annoying boy who kept talking to her. When we finally stopped answering at the same time she asked me what sports I play.

I answered, “Baseball and Football, I love it. Football is probably my main sport though. I practice year round for it. You know, lifting and getting in shape.”

“Oh, that’s cool. I’m a pretty big fan of football myself. My brother plays,” she said.

“Yeah, it’s a pretty fun sport. I've played since I was little. Are you in any sports?” I said.

“I play softball and volleyball. I really enjoy swimming too but I don’t do it competitively.”

“Cool, I swim a lot too. The local pool is pretty nice. Have you been there yet?” I responded hesitantly.

“Not yet I haven’t. I will have to check it out soon,” she answered kind of weirdly.

“Maybe we can go sometime,” I was hoping she wouldn't think I was strange.

“That would be awesome because I don’t even know where the pool is,” I was happy she took my offer.

We had the jugs filled and where heading back with the rest of the group. We had to have a meeting so we knew exactly what we were doing with our age group. After that we went down and played with the kids as they were arriving.

The day went fast and so did the rest of the summer. Rosie and I ended up dating. We hung out all most every day. I was usually with her or at the gym working out. We usually went swimming or went for walks. We definitely didn't waste our summer.

School was going to start soon and that met football was getting really intense. We had football camp, the worst part of football. I was basically at the school for two weeks straight. I barely talked to anyone but the team. So, with me being so busy with football I hadn't had the chance to talk to Rosie. I felt horrible about it but these few weeks were about football. Coaches wouldn't give me breaks to go talk to my girlfriend. To them nothing else mattered these two weeks except football.

I was excited for my first day. As soon as I got to school I looked for Rosie. I was occasionally stopped by my friends, the team and girls who were nothing but flirts. I couldn't find her anywhere. I went to my first class and couldn't find her the whole day.

The first week went fast. Classes were easy and it was all about getting your parents to sign papers. Soon it was Friday and the day zoomed past. I was excited for our first game. I loved playing. The field wasn't a new experience for me. I started playing when I was in first grade. I went out as a captain on the first game. Since I was such a leader during camp I was voted for the fourth spot for our first game.

I had an amazing game. I destroyed their players. I had to of had at least 12 tackles. I was so pumped. We won by an amazing amount. We had our fans cheering and it was so much fun. We shook hands with the other team and they all pretty upset. They had a good team but they don’t compare to the Bears. Nobody compared to us though.

Coming off the field and heading up to the school I was stopped by a lot of fans, all telling me good game. When I turned around to run up, I accidently hit someone. I felt so bad. When I looked down to help her out I realized it was Rosie. I felt especially bad then. She was so tiny and with my pads it had to have hurt. Not seeing her for a three weeks and then running in to her like this was awful.

“Hey, I am so sorry Rosie!” I said.

“Did you think you were still out on the field or something?” she said with a giggle.

I laughed, she didn’t make me feel so bad. “Have you been avoiding me in school or something? I haven’t seen you once.”

She looked kind of mad when I said that but I hope she realized I was just kidding. “Of course I wasn’t avoiding you. I was about to ask you the same question actually” Rosie responded.

“No, I wouldn’t avoid you. We must have really different schedules.” I said back as I slowly started walking. I wanted to talk to her but I had to go to the locker room too. The team was going out to celebrate our win. “You should come with us to eat. The team is celebrating our win and they all bring their girlfriends. Come with us. I’ll drop you off at your house afterward” I said hoping she would agree.

“Do you know if Drew is going? He can just take me afterward. We are planning to go visit my dad’s best friend in the hospital tonight”

“He might be. Come up with me and I’ll figure out,” I said feeling sorry for her dad’s friend. He seemed to be pretty bad and Rosie was always going to visit him.

We talked about the game as we walked up the hill. I knew I missed her a lot but I didn’t realize how much until I saw her again. Her beauty inside and out was amazing. I have never felt this way before. Ever. In my life. This wasn’t love, was it?

As we got to the locker rooms I told her to wait so I could go shower and talk to Drew real quick. I did it faster than usual because I was late coming up and I wanted to talk to Rosie. Drew said he was coming which made me happy. I knew she would come then. After I came out she was still there. After she agreed to come we went to my car.

We soon arrived to eat. A lot of the team was there and they seemed to be having a blast. I went over and introduced everyone to Rosie. They heard me talk about her many, many times, although, they didn’t get to meet her until now. My best friend’s girlfriend and Rosie seemed to be getting along pretty good. I was glad. She seemed to be having a great time. Colton and I were talking about the game while the girls were getting to know each other better. I was so happy Rosie was making some more friends. The night ended very quickly and I said my goodbyes to Rosie and missed her as she walked away from me.

We decided that we were going to make each other see each other during school. So, I walked her to all her classes. Most of her classes were on the other side of the school from mine so I sprinted off to my classes almost always. But, it didn’t matter to me. As long I got to see her I was happy, even if it meant a few tardies for classes. I wouldn’t tell Rosie that though. She would refuse to let me walk her then.

I would hang out with her constantly on weekends and after practices most days. I wasn’t going lose her like I did before. If it wasn’t me and her Colton and Ashley were usually with us, which I was really happy with.

Before I knew it, it was the last quarter of the year. Everything was going great between me and Rosie. I had a business report to do and I picked a guy named Drake Diamond. He had the same last name as Rosie. That was the only reason I picked him. I was online looking for a picture of this guy for my report. It was funny Rosie kind of looked like him, just a weird coincidence. Looking through the pictures I saw him with some girl. I clicked on the picture and I couldn’t believe what I had seen. It was Rosie, with him in the picture. It couldn’t be happening. Rosie didn’t have a rich billion dollar dad. She was normal like me but, when I typed her name in I found thousands of pictures of her. All pictures of her with her dad at premieres and fancy place. There were even magazine articles about her. She was famous, my girlfriend who seemed to be so, well, normal.

I all the sudden got furious. If that was true then all the things she told me were lies, all of it. She isn’t at all the girl I thought she was. Rosie has been lying to me the whole year. I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to either. She just wasn’t the girl I thought she was. Not that her background would have changed anything at all but, she was a liar. She didn’t care about me at all. She could have cared less about me and I fell for it all. I really thought I loved her too. I thought I found the girl that meant everything to me and I would be with my whole life.

Thoughts were rolling through my head but, I figured I might be missing something. I immediately went to find her. I ran into the room and I knew I didn’t look happy, at all.

“What is this?” I asked completely furious but trying not to be. I held up a picture that I found.

“Where did you get that?” she said back completely astonished by what I had found.

“Well I picked a man named Drake Diamond to do my business report on because he has the same last name as you. I was looking for a picture to include in my report, and I found this.”

She just stared at the picture without saying a word.

“How could you not tell me you are Drake Diamond’s daughter? How could you keep that from me?” I said hoping to get an answer this time.

Once again all I got were stares. She really didn’t care or she would at least try to explain herself. I thought maybe there was a reason but, apparently there wasn’t.

Furious I said, “You lied to me. Did you just make up all of that stuff about your childhood? All of that stuff you told me about your family, did you make up all of that too? Is your house really still in boxes, or did you just make that up so I wouldn’t come over and see how you really live? Is anything you told me true?”

She still wouldn’t give me an answer. It really hurt. I never felt pain like this before in my life.

“To think I thought you loved me,” I yelled and walked away. I didn’t even want to look at her anymore. The amazing girl I met at the beginning of the year was completely fake.

As I stormed off I heard her yell “I do love you!” but all I could think was apparently not…

I avoided her on purpose after that. It made me sick to think about it. It hurt a lot and I still didn’t completely believe it myself. I told Ashley, too. Once she found out she was just as furious as I was. I was glad to know I wasn’t overreacting to it.

A few weeks went by and I still couldn’t bring myself to talk to her. I never believed this would happen to me, especially with Rosie. Rumors started going around that she was moving back to Malibu now. Her dad’s friend was in remission now so they had no reason to stay. It made me happy. I was never going to get over what she did to me but, at the same time I was upset. The girl I love or more like loved was going to be gone and I wasn’t speaking to her at all. I never would again.

Today was the day Rosie was leaving and my heart wanted her to come back and try to talk to me just one last time. My head on the other hand was happy she was gone and didn’t want to talk to me.

I went out later that day to get the mail for my parents. There were a few ads and bills, normal stuff, but, there was also a letter that had Trenton written on the front. By the hand writing I knew who it was from. None other than Rosie…

© Copyright 2012 Trenton Henley (kristijf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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