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I was browsing the net aimlessly for hours. I've got nothing to ponder about. Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, Tumblr and YouTube were all opened in my browser in different tabs but the colorful pages of these sites contributed nothing to my blank state of mind. I just wished I've got something to share to you, people.. Something worth reading. Something not merely funny or witty but something that could make you think. Finally I found something that could heighten my spirit. A video of a dog hitted in a highway rescued by another dog. (http://youtu.be/PgWUeI3AHrs ) In the video you can see how the dog risked his life across the highway, just to put the other into safety. It is really amazing to see how animal behaves despite of their lack of rationality. Here comes the comparison, a 2 year old toddler, a victim of hit and run in china. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo7BDbH17qA). Many passers-by saw the accident yet didn't came to aid the poor child. After hours of lying in the cold street silently wailing for help, finally a women came just to put her aside with no further help. Is this the modern day constrasted story of THE GOOD SAMARITAN? For those who dont know the parable here it is: There once was a Jewish man walking along a road. He was coming from Jerusalem and was heading to Jericho, which was a full day or two of walking. The road was rocky and there were small hills all around. The man was just humming to himself and enjoying the nice day when suddenly a group of men jumped out from behind a hill. They took all his belongings and tore off most of his clothes. They didn't want him to follow them so they beat him up very badly, and left him lying and bleeding on the side of the road. A few minutes later a priest was walking down the same path and noticed the man lying on the side of the road. Do you know what he did? You'd think he would run over and help the man. Instead he crossed the road and walked on the other side and acted like he didn't see the man. About an hour or so later another man called a Levite was walking down the road. Levites were people that assisted priests with their work. He would probably help the man. But you know what he did? He slowed down and walked a little closer to the man, but then kept walking without helping him at all. You might be thinking that maybe the man lying by the side of the road looked like he was resting or something, that's why the priest and the Levite didn't stop to help. The trouble is, it was easy to tell he was badly hurt. The man was bleeding, had most of his clothes ripped off him, and he was bruised and hardly breathing. Just a few minutes later another man came walking. He was a Samaritan. One thing you should know about Samaritans is that Jews didn't like them. Jews usually didn't treat Samaritans very well, so they never got along. The man who was dying on the road was a Jew. So what do you think the Samaritan did? You'd think he would walk by and maybe even laugh at the man. But as soon as he saw the man he went over to him and felt compassion for him. He put bandages on his sores and poured oil and wine (which were quite expensive) on the sores to prevent them from getting worse. Then he lifted the man on his own donkey and took him to a hotel to take care of him. The next day the Samaritan took out enough money so the man could stay at the hotel until he was well enough to leave. He paid the man at the front desk and asked him to take care of the man. If he wasn't better after about two months the Samaritan would come back and pay for any extra cost. After Jesus finished the story he asked, "Which of the three men do you think was a neighbor to the man who was left beaten on the side of the road?" The man who asked him the question at the beginning replied, "The one who had compassion and helped him." Jesus told him, "Go and do the same." 19 people who noticed the child just left her to die! They tried to reason out that those who were trying to help victim of accidents in China were commonly jailed by the victim's family for money. Is it rationality, or i should say, self serving rationality, prevented these persons to save a life and to be HUMAN? The world is far too logical and systemized that compassion and humanity had gone haywire,. Where's humanity there? Where was the Good Samaritan in us? This is not only about the Chinese people, but is about me and you and the entire human race. The world is sick, I know, yet it is not a sufficient reason to bare and left our humanity buried deep underground! The rationality we possess is greater than the insticts that the animals relying on. The dog save the other, and we are suppose to save each other too. The world have gone so twisted I think, that most of us where left thinking strangely. If you think about it... between the dog and 19 people who ignored the dying child... , who do you want to be? What would you want the helping instict of a dog or the rotten self-serving rationality of those passers-by? Finally, as I took a last glimpse at the photo of the toddler... I know i may sound absurd.. but my mind keeps saying.. "Only if, the dog was there...." |