Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1903266-Tiddlywink-Reunion
Rated: GC · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1903266
A longer version of Class Reunion.
Aaron Miller turned with the rest of the crowd when someone screeched the name he had been aching for and dreading.

Grace Wright was here.

He watched her fancy hairdo wandering farther away from him. That was all right, he had his eye on her now.

Aaron took another sip of the over-spiked fruity punch to hide his anxiety. He didn’t know what he’d done to make her drop all contact with him after graduation, but he was determined to find out tonight.

Damn he’d missed her.

Whatever the hell he had done, he would find a way to fix it. He had to get his best friend back, and this time he would tell her how he really felt about her. Finally.

Aaron checked his pocket for the cards and green tiddlywink . He’d searched everywhere before finally ordering a tiddlywinks set online. He thought she had the original chip, but he couldn’t count on her bringing it with her tonight.

Grace’s back was to him. Her dress bared more of her body than he’d ever seen. For four years she’d wore jeans and a t-shirt to school like a uniform. Even her prom dress had actually been long sleeved and ankle length, with a high collar. It might have seemed modest to her mom, but the material stretched provocatively in all the right places.

He hadn’t been her date that night, but they’d danced one slow stately waltz, gazing deep into each other’s eyes. He still didn’t know how he’d stopped himself from kissing her out on the dance floor. He’d left right after and went home to get drunk alone. He’d wanted to pulverize her date.

Tonight’s dress was different, it barely covered her from shoulder to knee. Her hair, still the color of walnut shells, was swept up with pins leaving her neck deliciously bare. He wanted to walk up behind her, nibble at her neck and wrap his arms around her waist. To make her squirm until she agreed that she wanted him. That she had always wanted him. That she never wanted to let him go.

He was now close enough to hear her voice over the rest of the crowd.

“No, I never married.” She didn’t sound regretful. 

Aaron reached her. God. The front of her showed off even more creamy skin than the back did. What little blood hadn’t been in his cock since the moment he heard her name rushed there.

“Grace.” Aaron hoped his voice didn’t really sound choked.

“Aaron.” Her tone was happy, which heartened him.

“I’ll just let you two to catch up.”

Aaron didn’t spare the random man a glance.

Grace took a step towards him and wobbled on her heel. She caught herself against his arm.

“I missed you,” she said, breathless.

He couldn’t think of anything to say with her cleavage pressed up against him. He wanted to bury his face in her soft bosom and never come up for air.

“Aaron?” She sounded confused, but pleased.

He swallowed and looked up into her face. “Ah, can I get you a drink?”

“Not at the moment.” She held up her half full glass. “Let’s find somewhere to sit down.”

“Over there.” There were a few quiet tables far from the dance floor.

Aaron sat on her left. He always sat on her left.

“You never called, you never wrote.” she said with quiet steel.

“What?” He gaped at her. “I didn’t know your number or your address.”

Her head cocked to the side, like she was trying to understand him. “You knew mine better than I knew yours. The last I heard you had a job with a road crew in Ohio or Pennsylvania.”

“I… That was only for the summer. I was back home at the old number by October.”

She shook her head. “I didn’t know that. You knew where I was going to college, that was my address.”

“I didn’t know that,” he said quietly.

“I sent you a letter to your parent’s address. When you didn’t write back I thought your family might have moved. Mine never did.” She took a sip of her drink. “They still have the same phone number.”

“Shit.” He took her hand. “I swear I never got it.”

“I believe you.”

“God I missed you so much.” He lifted her hand to his cheek. “I’m so sorry.”

“Me too,” she said quietly.

“But you weren’t mad at me?” he asked. “I mean you aren’t? It wasn’t because I did something stupid?”

“No.” She got that puzzled look again. “Why would I have been mad at you?”

“I don’t know.” Aaron felt like a huge weight had lifted off his chest.

“So what do you do now?” she asked. “I’m an Art History professor at the community college”

He tapped a finger against the table. “I have a contracting company. We lay brick and stone masonry, you know, cellars, chimneys, walls, foundations, whatever. The work is hard, but takes skill, so the money is good.”

“Have you had problems with the housing downturn?”

“Some, but not as bad as all that. There will always be people remodeling.”

“Good then.” She ran her finger along the rim of her glass.

Aaron pulled the little green plastic circle out of his pocket. “Care for a game?”

Grace laughed and reached into her bodice for a bag. “I came prepared.”

She didn’t seem to notice his cleavage shock, as she calmly pulled the old tiddlywink and the deck of cards they played with in high school out of the little cloth bag.


She looked at him curiously and then smiled. “I think it’s my turn to deal.”

“Yeah,” he managed, “five card draw, nothing wild.”

“Because I am the only wild card at this table,” she purred, “and you are the only stud.”

He had forgotten how erotic the words were meant to be. It all started as a ploy to get people to leave them alone. They'd always made eyes at each other and said things like that while they played.

“Winner has to deal.” That was the rule because he used to stack the deck so she’d win.

They played several hands according to their own rules, complete with cheating and intense looks as they passed the green tiddlywink. The playacting felt more real than ever.

She looked up at him and he looked down at her. They were caught, unable to look away. Aaron knew he had to do or say something to break the spell. If not, he would kiss her right here. He didn’t have permission for that yet.

He brushed at the hair that was escaping her fancy topknot. “Can you ever forgive me?”

“I already have.” Grace reached up, kissed his lips gently and retreated.

Aaron fought to breathe. “That’s new.” He leaned towards her. “Can we do it again?”

“We have to or I’ll never forgive myself.” She said.

In the next moment she was sitting in his lap, kissing him like she was starving and he was a feast. The world disappeared around them. There was nothing except him, her and the chemistry between them.

Aaron was overcome by the waves of emotion caused by finally holding the only woman he’d ever dreamed about. The fabric of her dress was smooth and cool and caught slightly against the hard calluses on his hands.

Aaron slid a hand up her skirt, petting the inside of her thigh. She moaned and squirmed against him delightfully.

“Hey!” Some random man called. “Get a room.”

There were more assorted jeers and catcalls.

Grace braced her arms against his chest, and he let his head roll back.

“Maybe not such a good idea.” He moaned.

“I have a room.” She gasped.

He looked at her, hoping she meant what he thought she meant.

She stood and gathered the playing cards. “Are you coming?”

“Oh, hell yeah.” There was a cheer as they left.

In the elevator he leaned against her, pinning her to the wall. She felt so perfect pressed against him, her waist curved in just right and her breasts were full and soft under his hands. He pressed his thigh between her legs, elated that her damp heat was kindled just for him.

He flicked the corner of the badge pinned to her dress. “Are you going to regret skipping out on the rest of the reunion?”

She laughed. “I had exactly one objective in coming here tonight.”

“Oh really?” He focused on her words. Words were important.

“Yes, really. It involves you and room 517.”

The elevator dinged.

They speed walked to room 517. She fumbled the cardkey out of her little cloth bag. It fell to the floor. Aaron picked it up and tried it backwards before getting the door unlocked.

Grace closed the door behind them and flipped the hinged bolt into place. Then she opened the door just wide enough to put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign out on the handle.

Aaron swooped down for the kiss, but stopped himself just short of her lips. “You’re sure?” The pain of stopping was almost physical, but he had to give her an out.

“Oh, hell yes.” She bridged the inch between them with her lips and began pulling at the buttons on his shirt. She pressed against him with her hips grinding.

“Ooff.” His back hit the wall with a little too much force. He picked her up by the waist and carried her to the bed. She got the last button and ran her hands up and down his chest. She reached for the button on his trousers.

Aaron felt her urgency and matched it, shedding his clothing.

He unzipped the back of her gown and tried to ease it off. “It’s stuck.”

She groaned. “Yes, here, the bra is connected.” She reached back and unhooked the back of her bra. The motion pushed her breasts higher against the neckline.

“Oh my God, look at you, you’re gorgeous.” He buried his face in her cleavage, kissing and nipping, like he’d wanted to since his eyes first saw all that skin.

“You’re not so bad looking yourself.” She traced the outlines of his chest and stomach with both hands.

“Moving rocks all day,” he muttered, “rocks and bricks.”

She shrugged out of her dress and let it fall to the floor. All she had on now was a tiny pair of lacy panties and high heeled shoes. She stepped out of the shoes and reached for the panties. “Catch up.” She instructed. “God I’m horny, hurry up.”

Aaron took a deep breath and obeyed.

“You first.” She said, putting her index fingers under the lace panties.

He reached for the waistband of his boxers.

“Please. I have to see your cock.”

The shorts were gone in a moment and he stood in front of her, hard and proud.

“Nice.” She pulled her panties down over her hips and let them drop to the floor.

He steadied himself with a breath. “I almost hate to ask this, but have you ever…”

“I’m not a virgin, if that’s what you mean.” She sat him on the bed.

She kissed his neck, pressing her tits against him and reaching down to hold his cock in one hand. His cock twitched, eager for her touch. She slid the head up and down her hot wet slit, then she lowered herself onto him. She began to move, slowly at first, moaning.

“You’re so tight.” He moaned.

Aaron moved one hand to her pussy lips, stroking her around his cock and searching for the little bud of her clit. She cried out when he found it and bucked harder against him.

His kisses left her mouth and trailed to her ear. “My wild card.”

“Ah, my fucking stud.”Grace moaned each word. “Fuck. Fuck me, stud”

“Yes.” He stood, lifting her with him and turned to the bed, her raised knee over his arm. He needed to move over her and in her, he needed to fuck her like she asked.

“Oh, you’re so big you fill me right up.” She thrust with his rhythm and held on to his shoulders with both hands.

Aaron shifted again and lifted both her legs until her ankles were around his neck.

“Yes, that’s deeper. God, Aaron, fuck me, fuck me hard.”

He moved faster, harder and deeper until she produced a wordless cry and shuddered around him. He gentled and let go of his control. He climaxed inside her with an intensity he had never known. When he finished he pulled out and collapsed beside her. He reached out, cupping one tit in his hand.

“I sure as hell hope that felt good to you.” He muttered. “Because I have never had better.”

“Wonderful.” Grace turned towards him. 

They lay there, just looking at each other, basking in the glow while he slowly, gently caressed her breast.

She smiled, “Wow, why didn’t we do this as teenagers?”

The moment was shattered. Aaron froze. “Because you always said no.”

“Me?” She stared at him. “I said no because you were going to say no.”

“Really? You really think so?” He smiled ruefully.

“It always seemed to take longer and longer but it was always no,” Grace said.

“God.” He gathered her close again and stroked her back and neck. “That long, awkward pause? That was me begging you to say yes.”

“Funny.” She finally said. “I was doing the same thing, waiting for you. When?”

“Huh? When what?”

“When did you first know you wanted me to say yes?” She elaborated.

“Oh, shit. Um…” he paused. “Right. You were dating that guy, the creep…?”

“Ryan,” she supplied.

“I used to get so jealous every time he put his hands on you.”

“You beat him up,” she said.

“I found out he was cheating on you.”

“So you were, what? Defending my honor?”

“No, I was pissed that little prick got to touch you and I didn’t,” he huffed. “That is when I knew I wanted more from you.”

“Oh.” Grace cleared her throat. “He never bothered me again.”

“Damn straight.”

“Aaron, that was the beginning of junior year.” Grace said.


“You’re telling me that you’ve wanted me since junior year and you never once gave me a solid hint?” Grace turned so she could see his face.

He bit both lips together. “Yes.”

“Why, damn it?” Her pouty frown was very cute.

“You have to understand what was at stake for me.” He ran a hand down her side and cupped her hip. “What if I had lost your friendship? You were the only truly good thing in my life. I mean, what if you were saying no because you never would and never could like me that way?”

His hand meandered up her belly. “It would have made our poker games strained, maybe you would even sit at another lunch table. Maybe you wouldn’t walk with me between classes. Maybe you would find another ride home after school. Maybe we would never stop to talk and do homework together. I couldn’t. I didn’t dare.”

“Oh, Aaron,” she sighed.

“I’ve broken up with three women because I accidentally called them Grace.” He ran his hands up her body and back down. “I love it when you tuck your hair behind your ear. I love it when you bite your lip while you’re bluffing. I love watching you walk away from me, but I love it better when you’re walking towards me. I even love all the baggy t-shirts you used to wear, because they hide how great your body is from the rest of the world.”

“My parents made me dress like that.”

“I was glad of it, and, by the way, I have never seen a sexier prom dress.”

“What? It was hideous.” Grace shook her head. “You barely looked at me.”

“No, I stared at you all night. I watched you until my date punched me in the arm and stormed off.” He felt his cock stir thinking about that dress. “Then I cut in on you during a slow dance, because I couldn’t stand to just watch anymore.”

“We danced once then you disappeared.” Grace cleared her throat. “I would have gone with you if you’d asked.”

He began pulling pins from her hair, it was longer than ever. “When did you start growing your hair?”

“I stopped cutting it sophomore year.” Grace smiled. “You said chicks with long hair were hot.”

He curled a lock around his finger. “You changed your appearance for me?”

“I respected your opinion.” Grace said primly. “Oh, alright, yes, I wanted you to think I was hot. It chafed that you could look at me the way we looked at each other and yet not think I was attractive.”

Aaron shifted. “God, what a mess we made of everything. You are the only truly attractive woman I have ever met.”


“Without a doubt.” He nibbled at her neck between words. “For example, every time you pressed against my arm at the lunch table, when we were supposed to be pretending, I got a hardon.”

“Every time?” Grace shifted so her tit was pressed against his arm.

“Near enough, just like now.” He parted her legs with his knee and settled her against his growing erection.

He rocked against her gently, causing delicious waves of sensation to wash over them both.

Word count: 2911

Prompt: Hotel Naughty
© Copyright 2012 fabledfigment (gusha at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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