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Rated: 18+ · Other · Erotica · #1902992
Jimmy has what he thinks is a random run in with a crazy townie. Warning Explicit Content
Part 4

Totally Dangerous

The next three days were a complete blur; I had met up with Clint like he said for me to after we had lunch a few days ago. He was standing near the tattoo place in Blue skies, after exchanging a few brief greetings we quickly left for his house. On the outside it was just as run down as the rest of that area of town was but on the inside it was actually very nice. I didn’t have much time to look around though as we went straight to his bedroom. It was small, cozy and surprisingly neat.

“Make yourself comfortable,” were his only words to me as he left his room leaving me all alone.

I sat or rather laid down on his bed with my hands behind my head. While lying there I took a look around his room from my position on his bed. There weren’t too many things to looks at, he had the bat that he had chased me with on the night of our first meeting mounted on his wall like some sort of trophy, and a few pictures of dead badgers pinned to it as well. They were pretty gruesome to look at, but what did I expect? This was Clint I was with here. Images of the first time I had ever encountered him crossed my mind. He had been a patient at Happy Volts Asylum, and he along with Otto had managed to escape. An orderly had approached me and asked me to see if I could find the two patients for him, I had done so and brought them back to the asylum with ease. How they had managed to get away to begin with is still a mystery. Although Clint had been in the asylum at one point in time, fact of the matter was that he was no longer in there now. What exactly had prompted him being placed in there to begin with? Sure he was just plain crazy but surely that had been realized a long time ago and not just recently. At this point I recall being removed from my thoughts due to a shirt being thrown over my face. I slowly yet casually pulled it off glancing over in the direction it came from with one eyebrow cocked. My gaze landed on Clint, who was now shirtless and barefoot. Instantly I felt all of my blood rush to my groin and my heart start to pound. As usual Clint had a huge grin on his face,

“I could have sworn I told you to get comfortable,” he said while staring at my fully clothed body.

Not wanting to disappoint my host I happily obliged, “If you insist!” I replied while removing my shirt and kicking off my shoes. The grin on his face widened at my scurrying demeanor.

“Anxious are we?” He asked clearly amused at my behavior,

“Time is of the essence!” I joked now in the process of undoing my belt; before I could remove any more clothing Clint bent down over me and planted his lips firmly against mine. I leaned into the kiss and gladly parted my lips letting his tongue enter my mouth and play with my own. For someone who was crazy he wasn’t a bad kisser and as much as I was enjoying myself, it felt a bit odd, he was currently holding the role of the more dominate one and that was not something I was used to.

Suddenly I felt Clint’s large hand press against my bare chest as he roughly pushed me down on my back. When our lips separated from one another’s I found myself missing his against mine but decided to let things continue in the direction that they were headed in. As Clint climbed on the bed on top of me it was then I noticed the massive bulge in his pants. The thought of being fucked up my ass made me a bit uncomfortable as it was an act I had only taken part in once before, any other time I was always on top! Normally I was the dominate one of whoever I was with, I was the one who called all the shots and decided what we would and wouldn’t do. Being on the receiving end of things wasn’t exactly a foreign concept to me but it was still something that I didn’t partake in often. However I found myself seriously lacking the willpower to change the situation, there was this part of me that wanted to be the dominated and not the dominator. Starting to feel like a bitch I laid there as he hooked his fingers in the band of my pants and boxers and pulled them both down simultaneously. He dragged them both down to my ankles sliding them off my feet and letting them drop to the floor. He took a minute to survey my body with both his eyes and his hands letting them roam all over my bare torso and down to my groin area. My erect cock flexed at the touch of his rough hands and I found myself feeling uncomfortably exposed as the situation brought back unwanted memories, but I didn’t protest. Reaching down towards his belt buckle I watched anxiously as he went to undo his own pants. It seemed to take him forever to unlatch his belt, undo the button of his jeans, and slide the zipper down, once he did however he wasted no time in exposing himself to me. For the first time in my life I was having second thoughts about having sex with someone else after getting so far. His tool was enormous! So large to the point that it was flat out intimidating compared to mine!

At this point it hit me, I watched him remove the remainder of his clothes and as he went to climb back on top of me I decided to take the opportunity to take control of the situation. Clint however had other plans. Realizing what I was about to do he grabbed both my arms and pinned them down beside my head. That all too familiar creepy grin spread across his face. ‘Knowing’ I was stronger than he was I attempted to free myself from his grasp, to my surprise though he held me even tighter. An awkward and uncomfortable silence fell between the two of us as a struggle began to ensue, with me trying my hardest to get out of his death hold on my wrist and he simply watching me struggle while he effortlessly held me down with amusement and lust in his eyes. Thinking back to the night we had encountered each other for the second time I thought about how easily I had taken him down, or at least thought I had! What the hell!? Had he really let me win? Was the remark he made to me true? I though he was just being a sore loser! A small hint of panic began to well up inside me as I realized I had been misled the entire time. I was startled from my moment of slight panic as Clint let out a highly amused chuckle.

“What’s wrong? You seem a bit uncomfortable,” his voice was laced in amusement knowing he was the one in control.

“Why you lookin at me funny? Did you think you were going to come in here and rule over top of me Jimmy?”

When I didn’t answer he leaned down closer to me, his face mere inches from mine, I felt my cheeks burn red with both anger and embarrassment as I felt our hardened lengths brush up against each other’s.

I turned my face away from his unable to look him in the eye. He leaned over a bit trying to make eye contact with me but I simply turned the other way and he laughed at me again.

“I’ll tell you what, after I’m done splitting your ass we’ll see if you’re up for a round of hammering mine.” With that remark I made one last desperate attempt to get away from him but failed. He held me with the strength of an insane person, which he pretty much was! Realizing that there was no escape, anger began to settle in my mind. This was not how it was supposed to be, this was not what I had come here for, I didn’t want to have sex with Clint anymore but at the same time there was no way in hell I was about to go bitch mode and tell him I didn’t want to do it, and to make matters even worse I'm pretty sure he knew that. Now certain I wasn’t going to go anywhere, he released his grip on my hands. Sure anyone else may have taken this as their opportunity to run for their life and you’d think I would have done so being that that is what I did the night we first met but I didn’t, as pissed as I was I had decided to lay there and take it like a man.

I closed my eyes in an attempt to calm myself only to be rattled from that notion by my legs being pushed apart. Opening my eyes I looked down at Clint who had settled in-between my thighs, without warning he took my hardened member into his mouth bringing his lips all the way down to the end of the shaft. My back arched uncontrollably in pleasure as I felt the head of my cock brush up against his vocal chords. Clint took the opportunity to introduce me to another slightly foreign concept of having my ass prodded. Without much of a warning, he stuck one of his thick fingers inside of me forcing it past the tight ring of muscle. I flinched in pain a bit but relaxed after a few moments. He roughly slid the digit in and out in preparation of a much larger object shortly after; a second digit was added followed closely by a third. I’ll admit that it hurt but I did as much as I possibly could to not show any signs of weakness. In the meantime Clint continued to swallow my member whole, all the while hitting that bundle of nerves buried deep inside me. The amount of pleasure I was receiving was fucking amazing and as good as it felt I still couldn’t quite shake the anger I was feeling from my earlier realization. However with each wave of pleasure that hit me all rational thoughts drifted further and further from my mind as my body was too hung up in enjoying itself. In no time at all I felt myself nearing release, sadly though that would have to wait.

Mere minutes into the euphoric bliss, Clint rapidly withdrew his fingers from my ass and my cock from his throat. The emptiness I felt was damning as he sat up on his knees over top of me. After a few moments he grabbed me by my hips and rolled me over so that I was lying face down. For the first time that evening the urge to scream ‘STOP!’ prodded at my nerves but I kept my mouth shut. Now lying on my stomach I went about making the next move without his instruction, it wasn’t like I was a virgin, hell I knew what to do!

Allowing my face to stay on the bed I propped my own ass up. Clint was clearly enthralled with my cooperation. “I see you’ve done this before…” His comment came clearly as a question and not as a statement. There was a momentary pause as he was waiting for me to respond. Rolling my eyes up in the air and sighing I gave him an answer, “Yeah….I have….”

Although he didn’t say anything, I knew he wanted to ask who but had decided not to do so. It was then I felt him place his hands on my hips and position himself behind me, I felt his thighs brush up against the back of mine and something much larger than a finger brush against my entrance. I tried my hardest to relax as much as I could but regardless it didn’t help much. His intrusion started off slow, I felt his head push inside of me gently as he paused to give me a moment to adjust to his massive size. After I managed to get used to what little was in I waited thinking he was going to continue to enter me slowly I was wrong! Out of nowhere he roughly rammed into me burying himself to the hilt. A searing pain ran through my body as I buried my face in his blankets to muffle a scream I was unable to hold back.

“OH GOD!” I yelled into the bed, “HURTS!”

“Just relax,” Came Clint’s raspy voice now teetering on the verge of sounding outright sadistic.

Thankfully he wasn’t cruel enough to immediately go on with the thrusting; once he pushed in he again waited a while to give me time to adjust. However he didn’t give me much time and eventually resumed with the movement. The pain was unbearable as he slid in and out of my ass at a mild pace. Was this how the others felt when I fucked them up their asses!? Sure my dick wasn’t as big as Clint’s but it wasn’t what you would call small either. Even if I hadn’t hurt anyone this bad I had now gotten the gist of the pain they felt when I did have sex with them. The minutes that passed seemed like hours as the pain I felt was slow to subside, with tears beginning to sting the corners of my eyes I threw my arms over top of my head trying to think if there was something I could do to relieve the pain I was feeling. Of course nothing came to mind, nothing that would actually benefit me at the moment anyway. Still Cringing, my ears caught the faint sound of a tinkling noise, with Clint’s massive tool still inside of me I was too slow to react. I popped both my eyes open when I felt cold metal surrounding both of my wrists, followed shortly by a clicking sound. He had hand cuffed me to his bed post! “WHAT THE FUCK!” I yelled out angrily.

“You’re too tense,” Came his voice again, “I told you to just relax; you’re all pent up…” His voice seemed to trail off as he finished speaking; “Fuck you….” came my own non-threatening reply.

“Ha! Fuck me? Naw Fuck you!”

I clenched the bed sheets in my fist at his remark; those words stirred something within me, probably because I had heard similar ones before. This wasn’t the first time someone who had been given or taken the opportunity to dominate me had told me that I was all pent up and needed to relax and this wasn’t the first time that someone had said fuck you to me and had literally done so…

Thinking back on it those were some of the first words that Gary had ever spoken to me, they were also the words he had said to me when I ‘let’ him dominate me in the dorm room. It was funny how both Gary and Clint had certain things in common. Aside from their choice of words, they had both been acquainted with the local asylum and had some serious mental issues. I recall once hearing a comedian crack a joke saying retarded people had the biggest dicks in the world, and while nether Gary or Clint would classify as retarded they both did fall under the mental category. On top of all of that they had both been the only two people who had ever been given the opportunity to control me in any way shape or form. At this point I suddenly realized that the searing pain I had felt had started to wane and was slowly being replaced by something more akin to pleasure. Opening my eyes I looked around through my bleary sight, it was late afternoon and the sun was setting. The orange glow it had created cast shadows across my body and I could feel the lines of heat start to warm my back.

“Is it safe for me to assume you are starting to enjoy this now?” Clint asked with a harsh panting in his voice. I involuntarily let out a moan of pleasure inwardly cursing myself for doing so. I didn’t expect Clint to say anything else but surprisingly he wasn’t done being verbal with me.

Slowing his pace drastically he pulled out of me and again I was left with that same damning emptiness, placing one hand on my back and the other on the upper side of my thigh he went about getting me to lay flat. The cuffs around my wrist pulled a bit and my neglected member throbbed with pain as it became sandwiched between me and the bed. As I expected though, Clint wasted no time in re-entering me. It wasn’t as painful as the last grand entrance but it still hurt. Despite the overwhelming pleasure I felt I found myself growing frustrated Yeah he was fucking me good but I couldn’t help but to feel like he was teasing me, doing little things here and there to build up my anxiety. The cuffs had been one thing, but every now and then he would slow his pace to a crawl drawing out an aggravated moan from me, if he thought I was going to do any begging he was sadly mistaken! Suddenly I felt one of his large hands slide up underneath my neck, and with a heavy amount of force he took the liberty of pulling my head up and back making it easier for him to lean down next to my ear. The pain on my spine from this position was excruciating but I didn’t whine, or at least tried not to.

“So…” Clint started, with a blatant display of smugness in his tone. “You want to tell me who else you let fuck you up your ass?”

“WHAT!?” I managed to growl out through my own harsh panting.

“You heard me! Who else did you let fuck you like this?” Angry at the fact that he was trying to prod into something that didn’t concern him I decided to give him a smart ass answer. “None of your fucking business! Don’t think because I let you do this to me that you can get me to do or tell you anything you want!”

“Let me!?” Clint nearly shouted “You’re saying that you let me dominate you? Haha, Jimmy I think you’re forgetting who’s in control here, so don’t give me attitude!”

With that being said, he went about releasing the front of my neck and wrapping his large hand around the back of my neck after letting my face hit the mattress. He pulled himself all the way out of me again only to ram back inside with an unbelievable amount of force. The searing pain had returned this time with a vengeance as I let out an agonizing cry, I felt a warm liquid seep out of my ass knowing I was probably bleeding profusely. Without warning and without mercy he did it again this time just as painful as the last.

“You know the sooner you decide to tell me who else you fucked with like this the sooner we can end this Jimmy boy!” He was clearly enjoying this far more that I was. Clenching my teeth angrily, I gave him a panted answer, “When this is over..... you are fucking dead!”

There was a moment of silence when suddenly an unexpected sound hit my ears.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That may be, but for now you’re the one who is powerless to do anything! As long as you refuse to give me an answer I’ll continue to enjoy manhandling you! So it’s your choice, you can either be a good little boy and answer my question, or you can be a bad little boy and continue to be punished for it, so what’s it gonna be!?”

At this point I had become fearful of him; he had literally turned into a version of Gary. When he didn’t get an answer he resumed his rough thrusting. I cringed in pain trying my hardest not to give in but I wasn’t sure how much longer I could put up with his torture. I felt his ripped body lay down on top of mine from behind. Bringing one of his hands around to my face, he stuck two fingers in my mouth. As soon as he did I could taste a familiar sweetness on them, cracking one of my eyes open, I was a bit disgusted to find that they were covered in blood, most likely my own blood! Furious, I bit down on his hand as hard as I could, unfortunately though this only seemed to heighten his enjoyment of the situation. “That’s right go on and bite me, I love it!”

He didn’t even flinch as I chomped down on the digits and even felt my teeth tear through the flesh. Again his maniacal laughter filled the room,

“Ahahahahaha! This is turning out to be far more interesting than I thought it would be!” The pain I was feeling was starting to course through my entire body, the seconds that passed seemed like hours and I began to feel like I was going to pass out, unable to take anymore, I spit his fingers out of my mouth and yelled as loud as I could, “STOP!”

To my surprise he actually stopped, he held perfectly still for a moment before he slowly slid himself out of me. The silence that would have fallen at this point was being interrupted by my pathetic bouts of whimpering. “You gonna give me an answer?” He asked sounding much saner at this point.

Feeling sick to my stomach I managed to choke out an answer “G…Gary….Smith….”

“Ha! Now was that so hard for you to do? All that pain and suffering for nothing!”

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right! I could have simply given him Gary’s name the first time he asked and could have saved myself a world of trouble!

Placing his hands on my sides he gently rolled me back over onto my back causing my arms to become painfully twisted. I stared up at him with blurry vision while panting and still in pain. Angry, tired, weak and bleeding I choked out one last thing, “Untie me….” I was done, this had gone too far, and it was nobody’s fault but my own but that didn’t mean I had to continue with it. I felt a bout of fear well up inside me as I watched that oh so familiar grin make its way across his face; he clearly wasn’t going to let me go!

“Not quite yet,” was his reply as he stared down at my still erect member, I was furious with my own body for betraying me like it had. Shifting his position, back to an earlier one, I watched as he again for the second time that day started to blow me. The pleasure I had felt from him doing so earlier had returned. Regardless of how good it felt I still wanted out,

“I….” I struggled to find my voice, as I had been reduced to a pathetic mess, “I fucking said….. Untie me!”

I tried to sound firm but failed miserably, even then I don’t think there was anything I could have done to get him to listen to me, he had control and until he decided to let me go I was stuck there! I felt my resolve began to slip away as he continued his oral assault on my cock. Using both his hands he pushed my thighs further apart, I felt myself nearing my height and my anger began to boil over, and there was nothing I could do about either of them. As before my back arched at the sensation, I squeezed my eyes shut angry at myself for allowing this to happen and at my body for enjoying what he was doing. His warm mouth and the combination of the cool air whenever he would thrust my cock out of his mouth caused me to shiver with pleasure. I thought about kicking him as my legs weren’t being restrained but feared that he may bite me if I did so. Dropping the thought of escaping in defeat I acknowledged the fact that there was nothing left for me to do but lay there. With a few more oral thrust I felt myself blow directly in to Clint’s mouth, spewing the hot liquid down his throat.

Another shiver of pleasure ran through my body more powerful than the last one and Clint didn’t let a drop of my release escape his mouth. Once I had softened up he let my cock fall out of his mouth and brought his gaze up to meet mine. I looked down only to discover that he was still hard, still tied to his bed I closed my eyes dreadful and furious of what I believed was to come. Realizing what I was thinking he was going to do, he informed me otherwise.

“Relax Jim, I think your ass has had enough for one day…. and besides you're bleeding pretty bad!” His remark angered me even further if possible; I opened my eyes at this to see him positioning himself over top of my chest. The dull glow of the afternoon sun cast a large shadow of his cock across my face as he took himself in his hand. I relaxed a bit knowing my ass would be spared any further torment and watched as he stroked himself over top of me clearly aiming to cum on my face. He stared at me the entire time not once letting his eyes drift from mine and I stared right back. Aside from our heavy breathing we were both silent the whole time. Thoughts of anger and revenge filling my mind and only god knows what filling his. He quivered a bit as he was clearly about to cum, and without thinking and almost reflexively I opened my mouth. He got the message and positioned his head right on my tongue as his release spewed into my mouth and covered my face. Just like that it was over. I had came, he had came, we were now both spent, there was no reason for him to hold me there any longer. After taking a moment to catch his breath I watched him as he leaned over towards his bedside table to retrieve the key to un-cuff me with. Before doing so though he paused to look at me. Bringing his face closer to mind he used his own thumb to wipe some of his cum off of my face as he continued to stare at me.

“Don’t look at me like that” He seemed bothered by my rather bland expression.

“You didn’t kill me…. I’m stronger….” Came my bleated reply, although it was unnecessary for me to say so I wanted him to know that just like anybody else who had tried to do so, that I wasn’t one who was easily broken, yeah he got me this time but I would live to tell about it should I decide to do so and move on.

“You’re right; I didn’t kill you, because if anybody can handle me and move on it has to be you.”

My eyes widened at his flattery, “You’re the only one I can do this too and won’t run off crying about it like they were the poor innocent victim of a sexual assault!”

Leaning above me he unlocked the cuffs that had been restraining me, I slowly pulled my now stiff arms down to my sides still too sore and in pain to move much. Clint laid down beside me and propped his head up on one elbow as he stared at me, I turned my head a little to get a better view of his face, he brought his lips up against mine planting deep wet kisses all over my face, and licking off his own seed that he had left behind. I was too worn out and spent to kiss back much but didn’t protest his doing so. After a few moments Clint looked down at me, I stared back at him. The words he had spoken to me wouldn’t leave my mind. So that was it, he had done what he had did to me because he knew I could take it, I had developed a reputation for being hard to kill amongst my peers and apparently he had gotten wind of it before he had even met me. The entire time he had been pretending, 'pretending' to not know who I was and pretending to dislike me when in reality he knew exactly who I was. It had all been a scheme as part of his plan to get me into his bed room so he could do as he pleased with me. The entire time he had intentionally misled me, allowing me to think I had control when I never really did. Not because he thought I was easy prey or weak but because he knew I was strong enough to deal with it...

“You want a go?” He asked, apparently remembering what he had said to me earlier about me taking my turn.

Closing my eyes and rubbing my face I gave him a tired response

“Fuck no! You are absolutely ridiculous!”

Again for who knows how many times that evening he laughed at me.

“Hahaa! Damn straight!”

© Copyright 2012 Akemat Lynn (akematlynn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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