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This is the story of a girl named Kratace whose only option, is to escape. |
Time is too short to dwell on things long gone. But when those things come back, time can wait. When all seems lost life goes on, unless it doesn’t. Forgive and forget are the way to live, unless forgetting is beyond capable and forgiving isn’t humanly possible. You say there is no such circumstance, that life is wonderful and perfect. Walk a mile in my shoes and you’ll see, but you won’t. You are naïve and contempt in that. You are lost in the glamour you see before you, but can you see past it? Can you see through the shields you’ve built to hide behind? You must not know enough to try. I have no freedom away from work. Momentarily I shall have to leave this precious book once more to return to the world of the living. “KRATACE!!! Come feed Kameron NOW!!!!” She set down her pen and sighed. Never would she have a day of peace until she left. She hoped that soon, it would be time. Each night she sat at her window and waited for Danyl’s Signal. As soon as he said it was safe she would leave this awful house, this awful town. And should the gods forsake her again, they would lose a powerful patron. Kratace trudged down the steps from her small attic bedroom into the dimly lit hallway. She felt along the wall tracing the indents left by her brother’s rage. I miss him. She thought. He escaped, and soon, so shall I. She reached the kitchen doorway and stepped into the long beam of light escaping from it. The grimy faded white walls pulled her in and threw her right into her mother. Kratace could see her mother’s bloodshot eyes. She hadn’t been the same since Dom left. Her sickness came back ten-fold and her mind was fading. “Look who finally decided to come down! How you live up in that room……” her mother’s voice began to fade off. It was the attic that had made her crazy. At least, that’s what her father said. A blood-curdling scream came from the dining room and whimpers followed soon after. Shouts echoed from the back yard and the screen door slammed. “Shut up Kameron!!!!! You woke up Kristi!!!” “HUNNNGGWY!!!!!!!!!” Kameron screamed as she banged her fists on her high chair. There was a thud and then Kameron’s wails ran into Kristi’s. Kratace turned back to her mother but she was gone, again. Shaking her head she walked into the dining room to confront the children. “Dylyn!!” she shouted seeing the red mark on Kameron’s arm. He backed away seeing Kratace’s anguish. “I’m sorry. I just can’t stand her noise.” “Then help out a little bit, ok? Please Dylyn she’s only two.” “Yeah. I’m gonna go get Markus to help me get Kristi.” “Thank you.” Poor kid. Nine years old and he’s lost so much. And Markus, thirteen and not one girl he’s close to. How can I leave them here? Unless… “Why can’t you control those stupid kids?!” A final sister interrogated, “It can’t be that difficult!” “If it isn’t that difficult then why can’t you do it? There’s nothing wrong with you! You’re the oldest! You should be out here. Not the rest of us!” Kratace was fuming. Kylin was 17 and couldn’t even help around the house. “I Have a Life and I didn’t ask for all you guys to come and interfere with it!” “The way you interfered with Dom’s??” Kylin fell silent. She stepped past Kratace and walked out of the room. When she returned she had Kristi in her arms and the boys trailing behind her. She glared at Kratace and then nudged her as she passed. Kratace finished feeding Kameron and put her down for a nap before returning to her room. I can’t wait much longer, this atmosphere is too much. Danyl needs to hurry. I love the kids to death but I do not know how to bring them along. Kratace, not even thinking, reached into her pocket. Inside was a neat piece of pink paper, folded perfectly Kylin. It read: D says you leave tonight. Don’t ask why I’m involved, I just am. The boys will go with you, I’ll have the girls. I’ll be joining you tomorrow night. Be ready at midnight. I’ve already packed for the boys. -Ky I can’t believe it, yet it makes perfect sense. Danyl had to have an insider besides me. He knew the situation and would want us all out. In two days father would be back with his newest girlfriend and mother would have a fit. It is his way, he is in control, but it is not decent for him to take everything from us including, most importantly, our sanity. We will be gone when he arrives and there is no knowing his wrath. I ache for mother but I do not regret this decision. It is 9:00. The hour of my escape is nearing. She set down her pen again and went back down the stairs. Kylin was waiting for her. “Did you..?” “Yes, thank you. Really. I’m sorry I...” “No you’re right. But it’s going to change.” Ky promises. Kratace nodded and then walked to the boy’s room. Toys were strewn across the floor. They heard her and called her in. Stepping over the piles and piles and piles of toys pretending to be a landscape^ Kratace made her way to Markus and Dylyn. “How ya’ doin boys?” “We know already. Ky told us.” Markus mumbled. “Then you know why.” Just then a ripping noise resounded from the front of the house. “I’M HOME!!!!!!!!” A deep and dangerous voice bellowed. “Oh no,” Sebring whispered, “not now.” All the children ran and assembled in the front room. Kameron took up the far left end and Kylin, holding Kristi, the right. Their Father, or the man who made them call him that though he showed none of the qualities, paced back and forth in front of them. “Well kids,” he sneered, “this is Andrya. I don’t want to see or hear you until tomorrow morning and you better have made breakfast.” Kylin looked at Andrya and her father saw. “Did I tell you to look up Kaylin?” “It’s Kylin.” Markus said, “it always has been.” Their father glared at him. Before Markus could react there was a painful Whop to the side of his head that made his eyes water. “Now, to the attic!” The kids scrambled to the stairs and rushed up. Their father laughed below them. Kratace shut the door and then questioned Kylin quietly. “Now what? There is no way we can get out without him hearing us.” “Don’t count on that,” Ky replied, “Danyl is creative. All the bags are packed and I hid them under your bed, we don’t have far to go, and I’m sure me getting there a day early will be no problem.” Kratace thought about it. “When?” “Same as before, Midnight.” Midnight approached and the children prepared. Kristi was fed and put to sleep, Kameron instructed carefully about how important it was for her to stay quiet (though not all of the warnings were truthful) and Dylyn and Markus laden with the younger two’s bags as well as their own. Markus grabbed Kameron’s hand and set his jaw. Kratace went to say something to him but his eyes were so empty she couldn’t bring it out. They went to the window where Dylyn had placed a ladder. Kylin had called him and he had rushed over. They climbed down one by one as quiet as possible. They were all on edge. They each expected the worse as they climbed down. And then, it happened. Kylin’s foot slipped and Kristi woke crying. Ky rushed down as fast as possible to try and quiet her down but it was not possible. A window ten feet from the ladder was shadowed over and they heard his voice: “WHAT THE... GET BACK IN HERE, NOW!!!” They ran. As fast and as far as they could, they ran. They heard a click and a bang. Gunshot. Another shot. And another. They could hear the man that they called^ father running towards them, his new mistress screaming for him to stop. He shot at them and Kratace heard a moan and a collapse. She looked behind her and saw Markus and Kameron. She told Kameron to go catch up with the others and Kneeled in front of Markus. He was hurt, but if they got away he would live. If they got away they could find help. But if their father reached them, as he was nearing now, there would be no help and no mercy. One final shot could be heard in the crisp cool night air^. Kratace looked up and saw this demon of a man collapse. She saw the red run down the street. She saw the gun in her mother’s hands and the look of approval and peace in her mother’s eyes. She saw the word, “Run.” Danyl showed up next to Kratace and lifted Markus off the ground he turned to her and nodded. They ran and ran and ran until they reached a new town. A new place, a new beginning, with one familiar old face. Dom, their runaway brother, named for their cruel father met them there. His face shaven clean and a young woman with child on his arm, they became a true family. Dom, the father with a wife that belonged, and the children many, and glad for it. |