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Kira's Birthday Continues with her attending her party in a revealing outfit! |
Part 9 Inside the dressing room, I finally cleaned myself off and went to try on some stockings and garter belt. I wanted to be as covered as I could get, and it would’ve been awkward putting on the panties before the garter belt. I decided on the black set so that I knew I would be completely covered. The problem was, after I fastened the last strap to the stockings, Jackie decided to come in. At least she shut the curtain behind her. “Wow! That looks so hot on you!” “You think so?” “Oh yeah. The way the black accentuates your light skin, and perfectly frames your nethers is so sexy!” “You really think so?” “I know so.” Then she got real close to me, and came about an inch away from kissing me when she broke away. “I’m so sorry. You’re my friend, and I don’t want to complicate things. It’s just that I realized this year that I have feelings for you. Not just the ‘I love her because she’s my friend’ feelings, but the ‘I want us to be more than friends’ feelings too. I mean with all the stuff going on today, and me finding you in this very attractive attire, I just can’t help myself!” “I know, Jackie. You don’t disguise your feelings very well. You’ve been eyeing me all day. The weird thing is, I kind of liked it. I don’t get much reaction from boys at school, and when you look at me, it just makes me feel so sexy.” “So, now that’s out in the open, let’s continue, shall we?” “Can we save the more intimate stuff for a more private place? I don’t want my first lesbian experience to be in a dressing room.” “Okay. Can I at least get to feel your nethers?” “You’re very straight-forward, aren’t you? But, if you touch mine, I’ll have to touch yours, and you’d have to be naked with me.” “That’s okay with me. As long as you’re mine, and I’m yours.” “That’s sweet, I guess. But could you leave me alone to try on the rest of these? You’re kind of a distraction.” “Alright, girlfriend. Ha ha. Now when I say that, you’re literally my Girlfriend!” “Ha ha Yeah. Please go, okay?” “Okay. Just hand me the stuff you want to buy after you’ve tried them on. That way you won’t confuse one pile for another. ” “That’s a great idea! Now go.” “Alright.” After she left, I still couldn’t believe what just happened! I just got a girlfriend!!! I was pretty sure I was straight, but when she kissed me, GOD it made me hot!! What really freaked me out was that during the kiss, I wasn’t thinking of my crush at school, but of Jackie, and the thought of her kissing me was making me hot!! I had turned into a lesbian, and I was okay with it!!!! I then tried on the matching bra and g-string set that also matched the stockings and garter belt. I gave myself a long look in the mirror, and decided that this was my “special” underwear. The kind you save for that special night with your one and only. Shortly after thinking about it, I decided that I wouldn’t buy any of the other garter belts or stockings. I wanted these to be extra special. I then wondered whether or not I REALLY wanted to wear underwear at all. I mean today hasn’t gone too well because of my lack of them, but I thought I’d be more adequately covered in the future. But I also wanted to dress sexier, and that meant risking a possible flash of flesh if I didn’t wear underwear. I gave it more thought as I tried on the remaining pairs of underwear. After handing Jackie the third set of underwear, I knew that if I bought them, I’d still have the choice to go without them once in a while, so I decided to continue to try on the last few sets. When I was trying on the fifth or sixth set, I started thinking about how I would leave the store. My “friends” had my clothes (along with my purse that had my dad’s credit card), and I was in here with a slowly diminishing pile of underwear. I was starting to worry that they’ll make me walk out of here naked, but I knew that my friends would let me wear the underwear out of the store. It was a question if the store would let me. Now wearing the tenth and final set (a matching white strapless bra and G-string), it seems that my friends really knew how to pick out underwear for me because all of the sets fit me perfectly! I decided to buy them all. Before taking off the ensemble, I told Jackie about how I was worried that the store would make me walk out of the cubicle, and possibly out of the store, naked. I even asked her if I could have my clothes back. I wasn’t prepared for who would answer back. “You’re actually talking to Tara out here. Jackie and Shelly went to another store. Don’t worry. They said they’ll be back soon. And I don’t have your clothes, and even if I did they wouldn’t be of use to you.” “Why not?” “Shelly ripped them off you, remember? Your clothes are totally ruined.” “Oh, no!” “At least they have to come back with some clothes before we can pay for this stuff.” “Good. Could you call Shelly or Jackie and ask them how long they’ll take?” “I can’t. They don’t have their phones with them.” “Great.” “I talked to the management about your “worries”, and you can wear the underwear around the store, but they can’t let you out of the store without covering up.” “I guess that’s fair.” “But you need to take off the underwear so they can ring them up.” “Okay. I’ll just wait here while you give her the credit card.” “Um, their policy states that the credit card owner must be present to validate the transaction.” “So…” “You’ll have to pay for these naked.” “Fine. I’ll just wait until Shelly and Jackie get back, and they’ll give me something to wear.” “Um, the manager wants the dressing rooms cleared when the customers are done trying on clothes, and that they can’t wear them for more than five minutes in the store without purchasing them. You’ll be better off handing me the underwear after you stay out here for five minutes.” I took a few deep breaths to calm myself, and then opened the curtain. They were a few people in the store, but no one was looking in my direction. I slowly walked over to the register so that I wouldn’t attract attention too quickly. After the five minutes elapsed, and still no sign of Shelly or Jackie, I was made to strip out of the small amount of clothing I had on. I took off the underwear set and handed it to Tara. At least no one was looking at me. And since I was naked, I decided to have the cashier ring up the items as I waited for Sherry and Jackie to arrive. As the cashier was ringing up the merchandise, she was constantly glancing back and forth between me and the monitor of the register. It seemed like she was analyzing every inch of my body (or every inch that she was able to see). She even tried to make small talk with me! I tried to ignore her by looking around, and I began to see people notice the naked girl buying underwear. Most of them were girls, and the majority were either puzzled or angry or both. Standing there knowing all those people were looking at me, seeing my bare bottom, was just enough to make me wet again. Of course I couldn’t touch myself here in the middle of a lingerie store. I fought the urge to caress my nethers and just stood there trying to keep my arms at my sides. Part 10 After another five minutes, Shelly came rushing towards me! But I wasn’t so glad to see her: she wasn’t carrying any bags! All she brought was a t-shirt and shorts. Thankfully, she also brought me my purse so I could pay, but that stupid cashier took forever finalizing the transaction. She took her time putting the credit card through, and then analyzing my driver’s license to verify I was who I said I was. After another five minutes, the cashier finally hands me the bag of my purchases along with the receipt. I immediately reached into the bag and pulled out the first matching set I could find. It was the same white strapless bra and matching G-string I was wearing earlier. Even though I wasn’t completely covered, I felt as if I was wearing a floor-length coat. I started to leave when the cashier reminded me that I’d have to wear something to cover myself a little bit more. Of course I grabbed whatever Shelly was holding and put it on. I also took the opportunity to ask her a few questions. “What took you so long, why did you only bring me this, and where is Jackie?” “It seems that all the stores here have the same rule about the credit card owner being present when the purchase is made. I, um I mean we, couldn’t pay for the clothes we got for you.” “So how did you get these clothes…Oh no. Is Jackie okay?” “She’s fine. I had to leave her at the store to guard the stuff.” “In her underwear?” ‘No, silly. She’s wearing a coat we found. Now hurry up. They also have that insane policy of taking off clothes that you haven’t paid for after five minutes, and it’s been almost three minutes since she put it on! We have to run for it!” With that, we took off at full speed. As I ran, I knew my skirt was billowing outward and likely revealing my bare bottom to everyone who’d dare to look. I felt my boobs in the strapless bra bouncing, almost fighting their way out of it with each step. Oooh, the way the fabric of the bra rubbed against my nipples as I ran, and the rush of air between my legs…I was getting hot again. My mind started to wander, and everything got hazy. I resisted the urge to touch myself, and just kept running. I should have been paying more attention. I thought I heard a scream, but before I knew it, I was on the ground, and I was rolling and slid to a stop. I opened my eyes, and I knew I was staring at the ceiling, but I didn’t know where I was. I looked around and saw Jackie on the floor next to me, lying on her back as well, spread-eagled, her jacket was open enough to see that she was only wearing panties underneath. The sight of her rosy pink nipples on top of those gorgeous mounds just made me want to kiss them all over…but I still wasn’t sure what happened. I looked back where I thought I came from and saw Tara and Shelly staring at me with their mouths agape. I looked down at what they were looking at, and I was shocked! What appeared to have happened was that I had run right into Jackie, and the resulting fall had put us into the positions we now lay in. Somehow my G-string had slipped down and was now around my ankles, and if that wasn’t bad enough, my skirt had flipped up as well, revealing the sight of my bare slit, which was what we were all looking at. Jackie immediately sat up and closed her jacket. I wasn’t sure how to get up without exposing myself even more. I took off the G-string so my legs wouldn’t get tangled in it. I then moved the skirt back into place, and was able to get back on my knees without showing too much. I then lifted one leg, then the other, and I stood up. Finally, I was able to put the G-string back on without lifting the skirt too much. Sadly, all this took so long that Jackie had to take off the jacket. I peeled off her shirt and gave it back to her so her bare chest would be covered. I quickly paid for all the clothes they picked out for me, and I tallied up the total amount of money spent today: $150. Not bad for a whole new wardrobe, and I still had $50 left over for whatever. After the cashier gave me the bag, I gave Jackie back her skirt, and rummaged around for an outfit for myself. It seemed like they had picked out mostly mini-skirts and shirts that would expose my belly. I picked out a light blue shirt that came down to a couple inches below my breasts, and a dark blue skirt that just barely covered my ass. I couldn’t believe that this was the most covered I was all day! “Now that’s all settled, can we go somewhere else?” “Not yet, Shelly. I’d rather take a look at all the stuff I just purchased. Maybe I’ll find something else better to wear. And since these stores have weird policies, I’ll just take these to the restroom.” “Okay, we’ll go shop around at the other stores here. Maybe we’ll find some great accessories to go with your new clothes!” “That’s fine. Just wait for me so I can voice my opinion. I’m a little worried since you guys gave me some very provocative clothes without even consulting me.” “Will do. I hope you enjoy our selections!” With that, I left them and headed towards the restrooms. I went in and got into the first empty stall I could find. I put the bags in one side of the stall, and stood in front of the toilet. Since I had to go anyway, I dropped my panties, lifted my skirt and sat down. While I was doing my business, I rummaged through the bags to find something more conservative. My efforts seemed fruitless, unfortunately. The longest skirt was just a couple inches longer than the one I was already wearing, and there were only a couple shirts that didn’t expose my midriff. At least I would look good for my new girlfriend. Jeez. I never would have thought that I’d have these feelings for a girl, and one of my best friends, too! But I couldn’t deny the feelings I had for her, and the way she made me feel when she looks at me. I’ve never seen anyone look at me like that. It was electrifying! Part 11 Once I was done doing my business, I started to clean up, which made me inadvertently touch my sensitive area. A small moan escaped my lips as I didn’t expect how good it would feel. I found myself rubbing myself more and more as my arousal reached new heights! I reached under my bra and began to alternately massage both my breasts, and even started to teak each nipple. Within minutes, I was in the throes of ecstasy for the third time today! “Wow. That must’ve been a big one!” Oh, no! It was that bitch from earlier today! I guess she’s here to cash in on her “favor” “I didn’t know anyone else was in here.” “Apparently. Well, I guess you know why I’m here, don’t you Bitch? It seems that my boyfriend and I have come to an understanding, so I know what I want you to do for me.” “I know it’s probably gonna be horrible, but what is it?” “Okay, Bitch. I want you to masturbate in the middle of the food court. Just go sit at the front table like you’re waiting for someone. My boyfriend and I will be videotaping from somewhere in the food court. After you count to a hundred, strip off your clothes and get a-rubbin’. Remember, we’re videotaping, so you have to make it good. Oh, and you have to moan my boyfriend’s name: Marcus. Don’t worry. The tape is for private use, and you won’t hear from me again as long as you put on a great show for these people.” “I have to strip? Can’t I just go over there naked, do the deed, and come back here to get dressed?” “No. I don’t want people to think it was planned. I want everyone here to think you’re some crazy perverted slut, and just to ensure that you’re gonna follow through, I want you to put any underwear you have on into those nice bags by your feet. And hurry up. I haven’t got all day.” I didn’t have much time to react, so I slipped my panties off my ankles, and deposited them in one of the bags. I then did the same with my bra. After a few deep breaths, I emerged from the stall carrying my bags with me. I washed my hands, and headed out the door. That bitch had one last thing to say. “Remember, we’ll be watching, so you’d better not try to put on anything from those bags until you’re done.” “Why are you making me do this?” “Because sluts like you shouldn’t be parading around trying to steal nice girls’ boyfriends.” “Wh-what if I choose not to do this?” “My boyfriend and I have something special in store for you if you don’t do this small task for us.” I just nodded and headed for the food court. As I made my way to the front table, I realized what I’d be doing, and what it would look like I was doing. She wants it to look like I was touching myself thinking about her boyfriend. That’s when it dawned on me that Jackie and the others were still waiting for me! It would be totally disastrous if they saw me! Thankfully, the food court was in the opposite direction of the other stores. I didn’t have time to worry about such things. I was afraid of what that bitch or her boyfriend would do to me if I didn’t come through. I just sat down at the aforementioned table and started to silently count to one hundred. As I was counting, I tried to figure out where they were, but they must have gone through some back way because I couldn’t see them anywhere. Once I reached a hundred, I swallowed real hard, took a couple more deep breaths, stood up, whipped my shirt over my head, and pulled my skirt down to my ankles. I knew that no matter where they were, if I sat behind the table, they wouldn’t be able to see me, but I had to show everything to them. If I was to do this with the least amount of trouble in the end, I would have to move away from any cover. So, after I stripped off, I moved over to the right so that everyone had a clear view. I also moved the chair so that I wouldn’t have to kneel, and that also gave them a better view. It was at this point that I heard the gasps, the screams, and the catcalls coming from the crowd. I had gotten this far, so I couldn’t chicken out now. I closed my eyes, and started to rub my “nethers” again. Since it was so close to the previous one, it took a while to get aroused again, but once I did, I started to think about Jackie and her perfect breasts topped with those rosy pink nipples. I was about to say her name, but remembered that I had to say “Marcus”. My motions soon became faster, and I started to caress my breasts with my other hand. As I felt my climax getting nearer, I started to tweak my nipples, and then began to plunge several fingers into my now drenched pussy. I started to scream out “Marcus” more frequently, but in my mind I was screaming “Jackie”. That didn’t really matter now, as wave after wave of pleasure went through me. I still kept my eyes closed, as I didn’t want to see the expressions on the other people’s faces. It was so strong that I knew everyone must’ve heard it. Part 12 After I caught my breath, I opened my eyes. Everyone in the food court was staring at me, and they were all silent! I looked at all the people around me, and saw the exact same expression on everyone’s faces. Everyone was staring with their mouths wide open, it was like a freeze-frame. Then slowly, the people started moving again, and it seemed like all of them realized what had happened at the exact same time. There was screaming, yelling, laughing, hooting, and hollering from every possible angle. I was still trying to get a grasp of the situation when the most shocking thing happened. “S-So who is this Marcus, huh? And how come you felt you had to touch yourself in public to please him?!! Why can’t you do something like that for me??!!! I thought we were in love!! You WHORE!!!!!!!!” Oh my God, it was Jackie!! She must’ve seen and heard everything! I tried to explain. “Jackie, I do love you -” “Then why’d you call out some guy’s name?! I saw how you reacted every time you yelled out his name!! It doesn’t take a genius to see that I’ll never be able to make you feel that way.” “It’s not what you think. You don’t understand –” “Oh, I understand. I understand that I was a fool to think you really wanted me in the first place!!” She then put the clothes I was wearing earlier into the bags, and took them before I could react. I wish I told her what really happened, but she had to say one last thing. “Since you think you can throw away our friendship, I’ll take these clothes that I picked out for you! You can get your fabulous new boyfriend to replace them!!” That’s when she ran away. I wanted to follow her, but I was still naked. I didn’t even know where she was going, or if she would really leave me here like this. I wish she knew the truth, but I don’t know if she’ll even believe me. After hearing her basically breaking up with me before anything even happened, the reality of it all became clear. I had just lost my one true friend, and possibly even true love. I was about to cry, but I had to get somewhere that nobody would see me. I ran back to the restrooms and cried my eyes out there. I sat down in the same stall I was in earlier. So much has changed in the small, seemingly insignificant amount of time between going out there and coming back. Before, I was so happy, and had so much to look forward to. Of course I was scared of the dare, but in the back of my mind I knew that the rest of the day would be spectacular. Now I’m not so sure. “Wow, Bitch. It seems like someone didn’t like the show. We, however, loved it!” Dammit. It was her again. “Now we’re even. My boyfriend and I have some killer material for our collection. As a token of appreciation, here’s something to wear, seeing as you’ve got nothing on you.” She tossed me a pair of overalls. Of course they didn’t cover much up top, but at least it was something. I just had to be extra careful when I walked around. Finally, that bitch left, and I decided to look for Jackie or the others to see if they were still around. As I walked around, I had to hold the front of the overalls in place so my nipples wouldn’t peek out. It started to look like I was grabbing my boobs, so I hugged the material to my chest and walked faster. I looked over where the girls said they would be, but they weren’t there. I then went around to the places they might be, but found nothing. I finally went to the parking lot to see if they were by the car, and sure enough, there they were. Well, Sherry and Tara were there, and there was no sign of Jackie or my clothes. Shelly looked particularly pissed off. “It’s about time you got here! Now you can tell us why Jackie was crying her eyes out and running away from the mall earlier.” “And why she was taking your clothes with her.” “Speaking of clothes, where did you get those stupid looking overalls, and why aren’t you wearing anything else? I swear. Can’t you go five minutes without exposing yourself?” She looked extremely angry. I didn’t want to tell her that I’d humiliated myself and hurt Jackie’s feelings, but I had to say something. “It seems I made a big mistake and in the process I hurt Jackie. She ran off with my clothes and left me in the restroom naked. Someone thankfully gave me this to wear so that I could try to find her.” “What did you do, Kira?!! Jackie is our FRIEND. What did you do that would make her do something like this?” “It doesn’t matter now. What’s done is done. We should try to find her before she does something rash.” “Before we go, do you guys have anything I can wear? I’m feeling a little exposed up top, and I really don’t want to walk around holding my boobs the whole time.” “Sorry. You got yourself into this mess, and we’re not helping you until we make sure Jackie’s okay.” With that, we climbed into Shelly’s truck and drove in the direction that Jackie had gone earlier. Part 13 After turning the corner, we saw her sitting on a bench, still sobbing. At least she still had my clothes. We pulled over so we could talk to her. Since Jackie didn’t want to hear from me, Tara decided to try to soothe her. “Hey, Jackie. What’s wrong?” “I’ll tell you what’s wrong. Kira broke my heart. She acted like she was interested in me, but she goes off and meets some guy.” That’s where the sobbing intensified. I really felt sorry for her. I tried to tell her the truth, but she wouldn’t hear it. Tara kept trying. “Are you sure it was Kira? It could’ve been someone else.” “It wasn’t someone else! I ran up to her and talked to her. It was Kira, and she *sob* she…” “What did she do, Jackie?” She couldn’t say it. The thought of what I had done just made her feel worse. Seeing my friend in that kind of pain, and not being able to help her started to make me feel even worse than she did. Shelly cut into the moment with a quick question. It was quiet enough so that Jackie wasn’t able to hear it, but it still made me jump when she said it. “What on Earth have you done to our friend? She’s crying her eyes out, and it’s all your fault. You know what? You don’t deserve those overalls. Hand them over. NOW.” What else could I do? I didn’t want everyone to be mad at me. Plus Shelly had a mean temper that I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of. I quietly took it off and handed it to her. Now naked again, I hoped that Jackie would forgive me. I listened to what was left of Tara and Jackie’s conversation. “Whatever Kira did, I’m sure she’s sorry and that she’d still want to be your friend. Why don’t you hop in and we’ll sort this whole thing out?” “I guess you’re right, but I don’t know if Kira’s the type of friend I thought she was.” Tara then gave me a signal to go to the back row of the truck. I quickly jumped over my seat and into the back row just as I hear what Tara had to say. “Why not just get in, and we’ll leave Kira’s naked butt here. Let’s see if she can make it back home without any clothes.” “Alright. Let’s ditch the bitch.” Jackie then grabbed the bags and leapt into the truck. After we were back on the road, I popped my head out from the back. I didn’t want to scare Jackie, so I just tapped her on the shoulder. “Kira?!! What the? You were here the whole time?!!! You guys tricked me!!” “Jackie, let me explain.” “No. Stop the car. I wanna get out right now.” “Please, Jackie. If you’d just listen to me –” “I don’t want to hear your lies. Let me out of the car now!!” I didn’t know what to do. I tried to tell her, but she won’t listen. I was trapped naked in the back of a truck and unable to reach any clothes. I did the only thing I could think of. I pulled her chin close, and planted the biggest, most passionate kiss I ever gave. When our lips touched, time stood still. I felt every curve of her lips, every taste on her tongue, our lips gently caressed one another, our tongues danced in each other’s mouths. It seemed like it lasted forever, but it was only a few minutes. When it was over, I knew Jackie wouldn’t be mad anymore. “I love you Jackie, and I will never do anything that will hurt you ever again.” “Oh, I love you, too. Just don’t make the same mistake again.” I was finally able to get dressed again, but I didn’t have long to decide what I would wear. We were making the last turn before we would pull up to my house. I quickly threw on a skirt and a tube top and got my flip flops on just as we stopped in front of my house. With the driveway blocked with so many cars, I knew everyone was there for my party. We left the bags of clothes in the truck since we planned on having a slumber party after my birthday party ended. We then walked quietly up to my house and were making our way to the backyard when Shelly stopped us before we entered the party area. “I almost forgot! This is a jungle-themed party.” “Oh, no. We have to make our outfits look more like they were made from animal skins.” Luckily, we found some scissors and they got to work. They decided to make me look as sexy as possible. Since I was wearing a skirt, they cut off the fabric that covered my hips so only the waistband remained. It now looked like a loincloth. They then cut the hem-line in front and in back so it looked tattered like I lived in the jungle. Next was my top. They cut all the way around so that that my midriff was showing. They then cut on top and on the bottom of the fabric so it also looked tattered. Once they were done, I took a good look at what they had done. I was barely covered up top, but I was really concerned that I might flash someone if I didn’t constantly mind my loincloth. I was afraid that I would have to constantly push the front and/or the back down all night. I resolved to be very careful that night. Part 14 “You look so hot, Kira. I think we did an excellent job.” “Are you sure, Shelly? I feel a bit naked down below.” “If you feel that way, why don’t I just take it from you.” “No! Don’t. I-I’m fine. I’ll be okay.” “Okay, let’s go.” “Wait! Aren’t you guys going to cut your clothes to look more jungle-like?” “We don’t want to take attention away from you. It is your party after all.” “Alright. Let’s go then.” As we walked, it was a little weird feeling the breeze on my backside. I even looked behind me to check that I was still covered back there. As we entered, I noticed that there weren’t any fake trees or vines, no “animal skin” tents for the food, and everyone was wearing regular clothes!!! “You guys tricked me!!! This isn’t what I wanted at all! Plus, I’m half-naked at my own birthday party!!!” “Sorry to play such a prank on you, but we wanted you to be the center of attention. Look on the bright side: we still have some great food and music planned. Just have fun and enjoy the attention.” “Yeah, sorry Kira. The truth is, your parents heard what we planned, and they didn’t want the backyard full of half-naked kids dancing around while your relatives were fully-clothed. We were gonna tell you this morning, but when you came out dressed the way you did, we thought it would be fun to have you exposed like this.” “What about you, Jackie? You of all people should have told me. I thought we trusted each other. I thought there wouldn’t be any secrets between us.” “I’m sorry. I just thought about how hot you looked today, and how much fun it would be to have you attend your party like that!!” “But Jackie –” “Hey, if you feel so bad about it, I’ll be glad to expose myself as well. Plus, I promise that we’ll have tons more fun after your party’s over. What do ya say?” I wasn’t so sure that I could attend my own party so scantily-clad. I mean these people have known me all my life and I’ve never worn anything so revealing. Especially without any underwear!! If they all were gonna be dressed like me, I wouldn’t feel so out of place, but this just felt like too much for me to handle. The thought of Jackie being just as exposed made me curious, though. I would be able to sneak peeks of her bare form underneath her loincloth, and I wouldn’t be the only one half-dressed. Even though I would be able to see more of Jackie’s gorgeous body, I wasn’t sure if I could expose myself as well. But since she was able to put her dignity aside to please me, why should I not do the same? “Okay, Jackie. I’ll do it, but you have to be just as exposed as I am.” “No problem. We actually have an outfit that we got especially for you. If Shelly would give me her keys, we could change in the truck.” “Change?” “The outfit is for you. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll like it.” “I’m worried that you won’t fit the outfit I’m wearing.” “I think it’ll work. I tried to cut it so it’ll look good on me.” Once Shelly gave Jackie the keys, we went back to the truck and she showed me the outfit. It was basically the same as what I was currently wearing, but it looked like it would fit better and possibly cover me more. We got in, and quickly changed. Well, I changed pretty quickly, but Jackie had to take off all her clothes before slipping on the loincloth and tube top. She had her back to me, but I was able to see glimpses of side-boob. I wondered if she knew how much she was tormenting me by giving me such brief glances of her flesh. Oh, how I longed to see her fully nude form, to touch it, caress it, taste it. As she peeled her panties down, she revealed the magnificent shape of her backside. I resisted the urge to reach out for it. I instead just enjoyed the fantastic view she was giving me. After she put on the loincloth, I was still able to see the curves of her backside, and think of the beautiful behind that was concealed by the small amount of clothing that covered it. After she was fully dressed, we emerged from the truck, and we were able to see just how (in)decent our clothes were. “Wow, Kira. You look fabulous! I knew that outfit would fit you perfectly!!” “You’re not so bad yourself. I’m amazed how good you look. Your breasts are almost spilling out of that top, and the loincloth makes your ass look spectacular!” “Ha-ha. Thanks. I’m actually surprised that you’re comfortable in that outfit. I half-expected you to keep this outfit than wear that one! You look nearly naked!!” It was true. The top was basically a wide strip of cloth that covered my breasts, which had strings that tied in the back. The loincloth looked like an actual loincloth. The pieces in the front and back were ten inches wide and reached about fifteen inches down. My front was completely covered, but the back left hardly anything to the imagination. You could clearly see the shape of my behind, but I have been told on numerous occasions that part of my body was nothing to be ashamed of. The thing that made me the most nervous about it were the strings I had to tie on each hip so it would stay up. I was afraid that some guy would walk past me while I wasn’t paying attention and either purposely or accidentally untie one of them. Since Jackie bought it for me, and she did like how I looked in it, I couldn’t back out now. Part 15 As Jackie and I walked back to the group, I felt how different the loincloth I was currently wearing was from the previous one. I was actually able to feel the fabric on my behind, so I wasn’t so nervous about what I was showing. This also helped give me a boost of confidence in the way I walked. Once we got back to Shelly and Tara, we headed on in. Of course, once everyone saw us, everything seemed to stop. Everyone was staring at us. Like at the mall, there were many different expressions on their faces. Most of them appeared shocked, and I noticed some of the more popular girls that were there were looking at me and Jackie with disgust. Probably jealous that we were stealing the spotlight from them, or possibly just jealous that their boyfriends were looking at us now. I was surprised that the adults acted the same way. Many of the women were chiding their dates for looking in our direction. All this attention actually made me feel good, even sexy. We just passed through the crowd, not even making direct eye contact with any of them. Instead, we just made our way to the buffet table where we filled up on much-needed food. While we ate, everyone slowly got back to what they were doing before we came in. They continued their conversations, dancing, and other activities. By the time we finished, the party was in full-swing again. “Kira, wanna dance? I bet we’ll look hot tearin’ up the dance floor in our outfits!” Jackie wanted to dance, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted everyone to know about our new relationship just yet. I didn’t how they would react or if they’d approve of me dating a girl. “I’m sorry, Jackie. I don’t know how our relationship will be received. For right now, let’s make it look like we’re still interested in boys. I promise that we’ll make an announcement later tonight. Besides, I don’t think they’ll be able to take the news after our big entrance.” “Alright. As long as you don’t give yourself to anyone here tonight besides me, I guess it’ll be okay. I’ll make sure that we do make an announcement tonight before everyone leaves.” “Thanks for understanding.” We then went to look for some guys to dance with. The real reason I didn’t want to announce our relationship was because I still had a crush on Kyle Williams, who was the most popular guy in school. He was the Student Body President, our football team’s Quarterback, and was a candidate for our class Valedictorian. He had it all: brains, body, and social status. I had planned this party just so that I could ask him out, but it seems that I would only need a few minutes with him. If a possible relationship bloomed, I wasn’t sure what I’d do, but I didn’t want to stand around and wait for something to happen. As I made up my mind to look for him and ask him to dance, I heard: “Hey, you must be the birthday girl. Kira, right?” “Yeah. That’s me.” It was Kyle!!! It took almost every ounce of my inner strength to not faint! This guy was gorgeous! Before I could say anything else, he asked me to dance. “Sure I’ll dance with you.” It was a dream come true. I would be the envy of all the girls in school. At least that’s what I thought. As we slow danced together, his hands would roam downwards towards my backside. Every time he tried to grab my ass, I quickly smacked his hand away. He then tried to feel my chest!! It happened a few more times before I really got mad. “What do you think you’re doing?” “I’m trying to make you feel good. Why don’t you just let me touch you?” “Because I’m not the type of girl that would let just anybody touch my ass in public.” “You’re such a tease. You come in here dressed like that, and you get all mad because I thought you wanted to be touched?” “Not by some misogynistic pig that just wants me for my body. We barely said anything to each other and you think I’d let you feel me up?” I don’t think you know who I am. Any girl would be willing to have me touch them.” “Then why don’t you just get one of them, ‘cuz I’m through with you.” “Oh, no you’re not!” He then grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. He proceeded to plant a huge kiss on my lips. It wasn’t the romantic type either. He forced his tongue into my mouth and was trying to cop a feel. I tried to push him away, but his athletic arms were too strong for me to get away. When I thought I had no choice but to give up, Jackie came from out of nowhere and kicked him away from me. I guess those yoga classes really paid off. “What the hell, bitch!! Don’t you know who I am?!!” he said, holding his groin. “Yeah. You’re the jerk who’s trying to make a move on my friend.” “Aw, she was enjoying herself until you showed up. Who are you, anyway?” “I’m Jackie, and I’m here to defend my friend from your ‘busy hands’.” “Bring it on, slut.” Part 16 Before anything bad happened, my parents came in and escorted Kyle away from the party. To make sure he didn’t try to come back in, they said they’d call the cops. I love my parents. Plus I saw how much Jackie loved me. “Your parents are so cool, Kira. I don’t think mine would ever try to do that. They’d probably try to reason with the guy before actually calling the cops.” “Yeah. I guess they really care about my safety. I guess you do too by the way you tried to defend me earlier. Thanks.” “No problem. I know that you probably wouldn’t do the same, but at least I know you love me enough to feel guilty if you do chicken out when anything like that ever happens.” “That’s sweet. You know what? I think it’s time for us to come out with our relationship.” “You sure?” “Absolutely.” Once my parents got back, Jackie and I went up to the stage where the DJ was set up. I took one of the microphones and made our announcement. “Everybody! If I could have your attention, Jackie and I would like to make an announcement.” I felt a little nervous at this point. I looked at Jackie and our eyes met. She smiled that wonderful smile of hers that let me know she was okay with everyone knowing our secret. Her smile gave me the confidence to continue with the announcement. “A lot of strange things have happened to me today, but there is one thing that has made me very happy. This morning, Jackie professed her love for me, and I feel the same way. Throughout today and my entire life, Jackie has been with me through all the good times and bad. It just took the insane series of events of the day to show me just how much she cares about me and how much I care about her. So today, we have decided to take our relationship to the next level. We’re dating.” The shock and awe everyone had on their faces were priceless. Of course, it did make me uneasy about the fact that I just told them that I’m dating another girl and they weren’t saying anything. Finally, my parents came up to the both of us. “Honey, are you sure you know what you’re saying? You just told everyone that you’re a lesbian.” “I know, Mom. Today, Jackie and I fell in love, and we want to continue expressing it.” “Well, I guess you are 18 now, and that makes you an adult. We can no longer tell you what you can and can’t do. We can only give you advice and hope that you take it into consideration. But, if this is where your heart is leading you, I say, go for it.” “Thanks, Dad! I knew you’d understand.” “I guess if your father doesn’t see anything wrong with this, I guess I don’t either.” “Thank you, Mom. You guys are the greatest!” “We just want you to be happy. And what’s with all these stone faces?? I thought this was a party! Come on everyone, let’s give my daughter and her new girlfriend a round of applause. It took some real courage to step up here and pour her heart out!” What started was one of those slow-claps that happens in the movies where one guy slowly claps, and then another one does, and more people join in and the clapping gets progressively faster until everyone is clapping at full speed. Needless to say, Jackie and I were speechless! “Honey, I think everyone should get back to the party.” “Right. Um, I think Tara and Shelly want to take a picture with me.” “That’s a great idea. We’ll take pictures of you with all our guests.” I walked over to where Tara and Shelly were waiting for me. Mom took out her camera and got us to pose for the picture. Tara was on my left, Shelly on my right. “Honey, why isn’t Jackie going to be in the picture?” “She and I will have our picture taken after this.” “Okay. So here we go. On three. ONE….TWO….” Just then, I heard two almost silent snips. I wasn’t sure where they came from, but I didn’t have time to look. I wanted this picture to be perfect! “THREE!” |