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by dago
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1902217
a young man realizes coincidentally his most intimate desires

A massive figure slowly opened the door and leaned out of the immense hall to check that no one was there.

In the shadows of the room, he looked to have a stocky build, tall and robust.

The dim light of the enormous aquarium, on the back wall, filtered by the geometries of the Bohemian crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, glimmered within the profound darkness of the hall, thanks to the refraction produced by the drops of crystal chandeliers.

He ran a finger along the narrow collar. He had never had to endure a tie, let alone need to carry one, always in his presence.

He advanced slowly, and with a clumsy gait, made ​​his attempt to walk quietly on the floor planks of oak. Under his left arm he clutched a bundle, with a body of paper.

He opened it and began to throw the contents into the in the huge aquarium.

- "Strength, treasured Mother, let me see what you can do!" He whispered in a tone of forced affection.

Nothing moved in the aquarium.

Large pieces of dolphin liver were smoothed on the bottom.

- "Anthony, if you have disturbed my treasures, your liver will be their next meal!"

In the doorway of the room stood out the shadowy silhouette of Lady Lenora in person.

Antonio swallowed emptilly, and began to pray mentally.


Almeriense Province, Andalucia (E)

I had heard about this place years earlier, even as little tainted by 'man.

Southern Spain is usually associated with rows of skyscrapers on the seashore, but Cabo de Gata is a nature reserve and the village of San José a small wedding favor, the comparison of cemented expanses of Roquetas del Mar and Torremolinos. And since then, every year, I began to spend a vacation period of ten days.

But the 'experience that I was going to live this year was different.

Spending a period of time working near the sea and enjoy a little free time, I think it's a dream for anyone, but for me had become almost a necessity, like air to breathe.

Taking advantage of the summer closing of schools and adding us two months of anticipation, I took a one-way ticket on Easter Saturday when the bathing season begins.

I speak Spanish well (after 5 years of study I would also like to see!) And my knowledge is more than enough for what I intended to do: ice cream in one of three pubs in the country, all operated by different families of Italians.

Upon arriving in Malaga with the first flight in the morning without wasting time I reached the train station and took a seat on my convoy.

After a long journey, but quietly and safely arrived in Almeria, where I found at the station Tan waiting for me, the son of Louise, the owner of Gelateria at which I was employed.

I had already made friends with him last summer when, in an ice cream and a chat I had accepted the confidences of that tall, dark, muscular and rather hairy. To say it in under her shirt with white collar "ordinance" kept a veritable carpet of hair, which he kept shaved just below the neck, I think mostly for hygienic reasons arising from his profession.

He was the typical freak bodybuilding, sculpted by grueling hours in the gym. While not my thing, the other qualities were recognized.

He had a winning smile, a square jaw, hands and long slender fingers that gave him for almost an air of intellectual conflict. So very sexy!

Actually, during those brief chats knowledge, for both, remained superficial. I only said that he liked to wander in solitary in his free time at the seaside, which definitely made me funny.

We remained in contact via email during the winter.

Luisa and Tan now did not return to Italy when he finished the season, but they stopped them in San Jose.

Emails we exchanged our knowledge grew deeper. He told me of his childhood in the streets of the village where he lived with his mother and the fact that perhaps a tone had been in the habit of calling himself only "the savage Tan", a kind of play between him and the world, for the illusion of be cooler than what he felt.

In fact his name was prosaic "Gaetano".

By adulthood, the adjective "savage" was gone and now, the threshold of 40 years, was simply "Tan" for all except for his identity papers.

- "Hello Tan," I said with my best smile

- "Hello Dag," he said, using my nickname ", the legacy of school days, when changing names and surnames was a habit, and now institutionalized, at least for me.

- "Did you have a safe trip?"

- "You come on, all right. The pilot did well, better than that time at Malpensa for a nap when I thought we were finishing off the track!"

We chatted during the bus ride, and Tan I adjourned on his passion: the ancient traditions of the region.

Particularly intrigued me a curious anecdote about a magic tree, or something, on which he was trying to learn the heritage and etymology, who according to myth stuck in some local beach.

We were almost there when a guy came up with shabby conspiratorially a smelly alley.

- "Hola Tan, acaso tu  amigo quiere un buen porro?" Then he added an enigmatic: "Lo sabes: el tren de la suerte nunca pasa dos veces!"

Anyone who knows me knows that I get excited easily, so believe me when I say that until that time Tan was walking sluggishly with his hands in his pockets, the next moment was standing and his left hand clutching the throat of the drug dealer.

Slowly turned his face to that of the unfortunate, had a look so cold, his eyes green apple, thanked all the gods in heaven and hell, not to be in front of me, at that time.

- "He does not care!" Hissed deliberately in Italian.

The poor guy could barely whisper a paltry "Lo siento, señor lo siento mucho!", But it was enough for Tan to let him go.

I was prey to conflicting emotions: admiration, fear, curiosity. Tan had to notice it because almost without thinking began to speak:

- "Did I tell you of my childhood in the streets, but what I did not tell you what I did when I was 15.

I had a friend, Jussef, we were inseparable.

One day, one of those bastards gave us the first dose, "so, to prove" as they always say.

I refused and dragged away Jussef, but he had already slipped her hand into his pocket without seeing him.

An hour later I was sliding his body in the harbor, crying like a baby.

Since then I have depleted my energy to the physical and mental, to acquire power over you. But there's an ounce of steroids in my muscles and see how well they do their duty.

He greeted me at the door of my apartment, one bedroom apartment on the ground floor of a two-storey house in the suburbs south of the country, the less touristy, populated mostly by residents only.

I had anticipated the summer before the rent at a reasonable price, in anticipation of the passage that I made.

Shaking my hand, Tan left me the keys to me that he had withdrawn from dueña, as agreed that I had taken before leaving Milan. I was reminded of it the wrinkled face, marked by the life of dueña prematurely, the mistress.

A woman of about fifty, perhaps a widow, who lived from the proceeds of the leases of flats in some isolated corner of Spain in an equally modest home. I saw her for the first time one evening, returning from the beach. Intent on watching the sea, with eyes full of tears, sat opposite the entrance to his apartment, behind, attached to the door of his house, the unmistakable sign "Se alquilan pisos".

I roused myself and so I bypassed the memories of last summer and slipped the key into the lock.

I entered, I briefly inspected to make sure everything was in order, left the room the little luggage. Shopping could wait! I opened a bag, took out the clothes fit, I changed quickly and after a few minutes, closed the door behind me, I dived into the blinding sun of the afternoon, marched directly to the nearest beach, with the desire to put some 'thoughts in order.

Luckily I only started working the next week and then I could easily devote to what I had planned: a stay-sea holiday and trekking.

Leaving the country, took the coastal path leading to the famous 'beach Genoveses', an angle rather suggestive, much that was even the scene of some scenes of films like "Dances with Wolves".

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and the beach was practically deserted.

Casually noticed a boy running on the beach, some couples who were walking ahead of me and two other hikers who have faced the past while, a short distance from each other, the hill that separated from the next beach Genoveses.

I recorded the mechanical details of the large shoulder bag she was carrying one of the two. It was probably one of the many who liked to spend a night at a wild beach.

Personally I'd never done and I doubt I'd ever dared. It is true, I loved being alone in isolated places, but only during daylight hours. The solitude of night in a cold and secluded thoughts and fears aroused me anything but abstract.

At that moment I lay down in front of the sight of the beach, almost a mile long, a good naturist, I decided to put me immediately without thinking of the naked, taking only a backpack and hiking boots to walk shoulder to contain clothing, water, and the fewother things that I bought in a bar on the road.

The few people who crossed, we did not even notice, naturism is a common practice and quietly accepted in Spain, and the beaches were no exception.

I had lost sight of the two hikers before me: surely they were facing a bumpy ride on the crest of the hill.

I followed the path where a penetrating aroma flooded my nostrils.

The land, semi-arid, was covered with creeping thyme and rosemary shrubs that, thanks to the sun and humidity of the night, spread their aromas.

Some gulls hovering on a precipice overlooking the sea. Small rounded mounds, carried by a light easterly wind, the sea ran, almost calm.

The temperature was not ideal for being naked, but it gave me pleasure to feel the fresh air on your skin and warm, rather than with the sun not yet to peak in summer, with the 'exercise.

My mom always reminded me when I was a child that is important not to dry the sweat on him, in fact, mindful of what my mother, almost obsessively, reminding me every time I ran to play in the streets, I brought a towel. Unfortunately, in spite of my desire for freedom in nature, had always been "weak lungs". I took a cold easily and often spent most of the winter of coughs and colds.

Nevertheless, to try to strengthen my body, I never stopped to practice swimming, my only sport. As a child I could not swim, I had learned at the age of 15, and since then I had not stopped, finding myself more at ease in a lane in the pool than in the crowd.

As a child I could not swim, I had learned at the age of 15, and since then I had notstopped, finding myself more at ease in a lane in the pool than in the crowd.

After a half an hour before I saw the beaches of Barronal calls. A secluded beach, a spit of sand nestled in a cove sheltered by two low cliffs on both sides, and went back inside gently down the hill, with the sand that was tapping away on tall grass and shrubs, then, to make room the overlying rock.

I went down the last steep meters that separated me from the beach, skipping rocks, until the final leap in the sand.

I was alone.

The shoreline, about twenty feet long, shining in the afternoon sun for only a half. The rest was already in the shadow of one of two low walls that flanked it.

Right there, I saw something that rolled gently transported to shore by the waves. I walked over, looked like a fruit. An apple ...

But it was not a normal apple. It was blue.

Took off my boots and I put them with the bag away from the shoreline. I went to the fruit and picked it up.

He had the classic form of red apples, same smell, texture, all he could pass it to a real apple, but its color was a fascinating mix of sea and sky. Turning it over in his fingers and watching good, I returned to my backpack when I felt something touch me on the shoulder. I whirled around.

- "What the hell did you find?"

- "Ahh you look. Tan Hello, you were then the solitary walker that I had seen from afar! One of the least!"

- "It is the other guy, Martin, I know that with a sleeping bag he had on his shoulders, it will stop some time later two beaches. There is a gorge with palms and decided to spend a few days. "

- "It is nice place, there is always someone around here will have no problems!"

- "Come on let me see that thing in your hand!" Before you give me time to please him I took the apple from the hand without waiting for my answer. It was his typical manner, and in those who knew him aroused the inevitable desire to smash his face, but I knew that I was used and he did so without malice.

Start staring at the apple, to turn it over, with a strange look in his eyes, almost kidnapped, dreamy. I embarassed a lot, so I tried to break the silence that had settled between us by saying the first thing that flashed in my head:

- "It looks like a real apple. I bet it belongs to some rich guy who has the house around here. One of those crazy full of money just to take a gardener to inject Blu-dimethylene with white roses to make them blue. "

- "Truly this is an apple, not a rose," he remarked, "I doubt that such treatment will be successful for an apple tree. The limit on the flowers, but a poisoned fruit wither before reaching such a degree of ripeness. So, no doubt. You have found a genuine, untraceable 'fruit of the sea people. "Exclaimed with his typical security.Soon after he gave one of his contagious laughter ringing.

- "And that stuff would be?" I asked as I came back to mind his speech last summer, about the magic tree that would sproud in isolated beaches in the region.

- "It is said that when Aphrodite was born from the foam of the sea, a group of mermen helped her reach the shore. It only put a huge conch shell as a boat, and shoved to swim to the mainland's true. Since few, we put the time and apologized for the discomfort with the goddess. Aphrodite moved by the sacrifice of mermen, rewarded them so strange when she puts her foot on the mainland, she was a goddess of gardens, made to grow a plant with blue fruits like the sea. Ruled that anyone who had eaten the fruit of that tree, with the desire to escape in the heart, he would go to swell the ranks of the mermen. "Having said that fixed me with his sly Cheshire cat from Alice.

Although knowing him, was a part of him that irritated me yet, and quite a lot.

- "What I know Aphrodite was born in the Aegean Sea, and landed in Cyprus", if it fits right in Spain there was Hercules that divided the Strait of Gibraltar from Africa, not the goddess of love. "

- "OK Mr. 'know-it-all', get me a better explanation." And so saying I threw back the apple, awkwardly caught on the fly. The contact of the apple with the skin of my hand gave me a slight tingling and indefinable, coupled with his increasingly penetrating odor and attractive, I found myself thinking 'eat it!'. 'Eat!'

Without thinking, almost in a trance, I took her to his mouth. Tan kept grabbing me by the wrist.

- "Look, I remind you that email made me a head like a ball for weeks about how much you are unhappy and how would you escape to a mountain top or bottom of the sea. If you're still the good old "long face", I suggest you not tempting fate "

His comment, as ironic and said with a smile, cut me deep, evidently something in me had recognized the truth in his words.

- "At the very least I beak intoxication Blu-dimethylene"

And so saying, bit into the apple.

At first he seemed an ordinary apple a bit 'crunchy. While chewing, turned salty. More and more salt.

I started to spit it out, but instead I ended up in the stomach. To step into the esophagus gave me a strong feeling of cool, like I swallowed a whole packet of chocolate mints. This feeling made me in a short severe nausea.

Tan looked, and exclaimed: - "I know I fucked up!"

- "Why? What is it? "

Tan had a curious eye, not at all worried, as if he knew, or guessed, the consequences of my act.

- "Shit, it tastes horrible that looks like a medicine, be reduced at any time!" I tried to vomit, but without result.

I collapsed on the sand, her hands to her belly, her face a grimace of disgust unmistakable.

- "Do not try to vomit, it would be useless." Said Tan.

- "How the fuck do you know? It makes me sick, but I can not forgive. I also began .. "

- "... To hurt the stomach." Concluded he, quietly.

- "But the misery, you know what's happening to me and not you tell me? Why did not you stop him. Heck, take me to hospital to get me to do a gastric lavage! "

- "It would be useless, it's too late Apple has already released the serum that contains"

- "What a serum? What the fuck are you talking about?!? "I said with my eyes full of terror, first as a dense, throbbing, I shook from the stomach to the pubic.

I crouched on the ground, grinding my teeth.

- "Quiet. You will not die. Or if you want to put it poetically, a part of you dies and another is born, "he said calmly, almost glacial, and began to stroke my hair.

- "Help me I preyyyyyy arghhhhh" I lay down beside her arms wrapped around the stomach.

- "Shhhh, I think instead you'll be helping me, even I, like you want to escape. And you'll be my .. hehe .. Charon: I just have to be patient and wait for the right time. "

He crouched down next to me and put his arm around her shoulders with one arm, when he saw that I was going to fall sideways.

I was terrified and tormented by the burning, I just accept his attentions almost hoping that contact was enough to stop the pain.

"You'll give me back Jussef."

He said with his eyes fixed on the horizon.

"Remember the friend I told you about this morning, in front of your hotel? You thought you were talking about a banal 'reed' cheap. In fact for years now in this region between the dealers turn voice that there are some people who peddle these apples instead of blue ... "

- "But I got to do with what the fuck, why you did I eat one, if you know they are dangerous?"

- "To tell the truth I have also tried to dissuade you, if I remember," he said with an expression of 'good boy', totally false, in the face.

- "More than just a warning .. aarghhhhhhhhh ahiaaaaa .. seemed an invitation! "

- "A little 'Machiavellian, maybe, but you had to eat it! However, you'll see that you'll thank me one day ... "

- "But what do I face? Why do you say that part of me will die? "My last words sounded hoarse, as if I had come a sudden laryngitis.

- "But .. my voice, It's gonna disappear

- "Calm, calm. I'm not sure what can happen, any mutation that seems to differ from subject to subject. "

- "Mutation? That mutation? You talk as if they knew much more than what you say, "I managed to hiss more and more dimly.

- "Jussef ate the apple that day," he said, staring in front of you. Ate and turned as you are doing. At first he was terrified, but then became quiet, and later discovered that the transformation releases endorphins, so I know that soon you will stop suffering, too.

When his transformation was completed he was beautiful. He had a dolphin tail, glints of silver and the human side was much more tonic than mine now.

But it was clear even to me that he would die if I had not brought the water quickly. We were in an alley near the port, but I had to do the same almost a mile with him in the shoulder, trying not to be seen by anyone.

When I arrived at the dock, I did slip him into the water.

He left without even looking back.

I was unable to think, talk of Tan I seemed the ravings of a madman.

I struggled and I jumped up, with anger, but collapsed to the ground. The legs had suddenly become soft. As if the bones were weakened, and ... gone.

With difficulty I managed to sit up and watched horrified hands: they were covering a thin membrane ... Indeed, the membrane was developing between the fingers. I felt something on my back, I put a hand to probe what was happening, and then I felt the same sensation on the head: a dorsal fin was bursting with strength, speed and just as he had formed a fin on his head, which leaned backward , to hide among the hair.

Forearms sprouted two fins of triangular shape, which grew more and more in the direction of the elbow. I saw a few strands of hair that began to be clear that they were brown and especially to grow a lot.

Tan observed a few meters away, a little 'surprised but also amused, while I threw glances that would have incinerated, if they had the power.

By then he had given up arguing, but his look was more than eloquent!

Almost apologetically, Tan began to speak:

- "Now is to form your tail"

Instinctively looked to the genitals, the penis after being stretched and enlarged, as was absorbed by the growing prominence of the coccyx, blending with it, while the urethra is widened and deepened my dental corpomentere outside is formed a structure in which also flowed into the anus, which had meanwhile moved towards the front side of the body. Both merged into a sphincter similar to that of their dolphins, while the testes were absorbed within a structure like the fleshy burst from the coccyx. I acquired a female sexual apparatus.

The protuberance growing from the coccyx was really a fish tail, growing visibly. In proportion as the queue grew, legs and feet are atrophied became webbed, temporarily resembling those of a duck, but with 5 webbed toes and transparent.

- "You know, when I left the dock, stupefied with amazement and a sense of loss Jussef, I returned to the driveway where I had witnessed his transformation. I picked up what remained of his apple and made the biggest shit of my life I ate it, hoping to turn me to join him.

Only recently I discovered that the serum of the apple is very volatile, once exposed to air the flesh, like an apple oxidizes any. I do not eat that blackened core transformed at all. On the contrary ANTI-toxin developed and made me immune to the serum.

I spent my teenage years trying to find out everything possible about these damn apple, I eat a lot before you resign, and each one cost me a lot.

I assure you that I know is the truth.

The drug dealers who have come under my hands, had not wanted to lie.

Those still alive, I mean. "

Meanwhile, I kept changing under my eyes in horror. I fell on my right side, while the body accelerating the mutation that lasted less than a minute, and the pain just as quickly vanished, giving way to an almost unreal calm.

Endorphins announced by Tan had entered the bloodstream.

I roused from slumber, and I began to feel my strength returning.

The body as a whole seemed to be regressed age, assuming the appearance of a 25 year old.

A 25 year old very strong, much more than is Tan said.

The skin of the upper part of the body, that still largely human, was elastic, stretched, hairless and pores, showed the hard muscles and flickering under it.

I noticed that my legs were totally absorbed by the hips and feet, reduced to small fins to balance the body during swimming, they were placed on the sides, where before there was the hip bone of the pelvis. I tried to move almost with detachment and curiosity and I heard them respond immediately.

The tail had grown to a length greater to my old legs and at its end had formed a wide semitransparent fin that had settled in a vertical position relative to the body. Finally, the tail light of the sunset reflected on the purpose of a bright green scales very similar to that of hair, darker on the dorsal, ventral clear on that.

The tremors had ceased altogether. I tried to breathe slowly and fully recovered consciousness.

- "Where I am ..... what happened to me .... why are they out of the water .... And who is it that human ...?" I thought. A flash made me remember his name and the fact that I had led the transformation. My mind was reorganizing, as it was emptied of some things. I knew I was a merman, that I was human, but could not remember very much of me. It was as if I had remained some basic information I had received many more, but all I could have in terms of recollections and personal acquaintances had vanished, or perhaps, temporarily shelved.

- "Now you'll give me back Jussef!"

The last secret I discovered only a few weeks ago, the last drug dealer with whom I ... 'speech' is that there is an alternative to the apple. Just changed the subject remains a carrier of contagion. Just enter into the sea and takes its first breath of water, its gills open and purify the body, but until then, their body is like a giant apple blue.

YOUR body will be MY apple. "

I did not understand and could barely hear the sounds emitted Tan. Words alien to my language made of sounds, whistles, products such as logical for water to be from facilities located in the front. And especially do not understand why the sight of him almost naked, excited, give me a chill on the dorsal fin. Tan then immediately grabbed me from behind by the hair and began to massage the abdomen and the upper part of the tail, just where, under the skin flaky, was located on my cock. He took off his swimming trunks he wore

- "I could to stick and drink your blood, but it would be unnecessarily dramatic and theatrical, is not it? I'll settle your bodily fluids "

Expression painted on his face I realized that I was saying some compliments. I heard him fumbling behind my back, with his free hand, then right after I passed something on my face. His swimsuit.

- "It turns the idea of ​​what is to happen? After so many years, you'll satisfy my body and my soul. "

With his touch was experienced, knew how and where to act to cause reactions, but at that moment I understood only one thing: he was giving me pleasure.

A pleasure invaded me like electricity, in the form of waves, starting from the base of the dorsal fin, spread on the sides, then the abdomen, chest and tail throughout.

My temples throbbed, and I literally lost all restraint.

My sphincter began to soften under his hand, and began to emit a dense liquid and blue.

Tan noticed it immediately, and licked his eager fingers wet so I laid him on the back.

Holding me his arms at his sides began to lick hungrily.

I felt the heat and the weight of his body lying on my tail and delirious arched her head and let out a moan, a small sound, sharp and shrill, ending with a squealing.

I felt all this vaguely, at that moment the only thing on which every fiber of my being was concentrated was Tan who kept giving me pleasure, and I implore you not to stop.

While my senses screamed, I realized that, now, l KNEW.

On the physical level my irises changed color, becoming the same color of my scales with elliptical pupils, like those of cats, both to see the light of the surface as the darkest depths of the sea. I suddenly vanished sight. All I saw was dark black. Like a flash. When the sight returned, I saw in me. And I understood.

Within seconds I bought the full knowledge of me.

I understood what I was, my fate.

As if body and soul had become a whole, as if the information I had been dumped in the brain, everything was suddenly clear to me, and my whole past now appeared unimportant, vanished leaving nothing but faint traces in my memory.

My gaze was now that of a ruler, whose current awareness was that of having to take what he wanted as his right.

I was aware that he had somehow lost my member, but felt no female, in spite of my new sexual organs,

And what I wanted at that moment had the absolute pleasure and pure that I could give that human.

I remembered, like a glow in the dark, words, the source of which I did not know me back, but they gave me another sense of peace: "... a part of you dies and another is born."

I re-born, unlike before, certainly better

Tan urged him again without shame or restraint. Tan looked up:

- "Here you have changed your eyes! Well .. look good .. hehe.

But how did you seriously. "What are you complaining?"

I cursed his inability to understand my language, but certainly suitable to depths not understood by a human.

I was not aware of my new force, that had not completed the change, even at the deepest level of only physical. I was prey to a delusion and I just knew I HAD to satisfy it.

Tore from her arms from his grip and grabbed the head.

He was amazed, he did not expect such a reaction.

Just then began to turn, let out a roar arching your back., Who choked in his throat quickly. He was losing his voice.

He pulled my head and saw the thick locks of his hair that I had grasped me stop in my hand.

I could smell his sweaty body, and this led to my desire to heights even more devastating

The greedy and incite, even if he did not understand the obscenities that I said, my actions speak for me.

- "Let me go! Not serve me as I have a role to play!" He hissed.

But I was still stronger than him.

I sat up shooting with a flash and with his hands grabbed his shoulders.

The girded with his left arm and pressed his chest against mine, holding it with the right grabbed his cock hoping he understood what I was longing. Somehow Tan reacted instinctively and begin to satisfy me.

- "This Bastard will pay me ..." his voice choked in my throat.

He succeeded in forcing the close of my arms, arched her back and despite my own views clearly worse, I was able to observe it again with a certain clarity: we were very similar, but its scales were blue.

Like mine, his legs were atrophied and reduced to a tiny hanging of two fins (his ex-feet) suitable for him to balance the body in swimming.

The fins on his forearms differed from mine, though.

Were more "threatening", equipped, in contrast to the mine, of two spines, one on each side.

He had completely lost his hair, replaced by a fin.

The skin was very similar to mine, had lost his beard and hair, but kept the samebushy eyebrows gave the appearance that his eyes something dark and menacing.

The ears were pointed and thin.

He had beautiful blue eyes with irises almost phosphorescent.

I felt his strong tail over mine and his member still inside me.

The contractions in my sphincter became increasingly broad and deep.

For each contraction corresponded to a wave of pleasure that my channel is always radiated a greater distance.

The frequency of these waves of pleasure grew and began to pant But I heard him crash.

I looked at him: the eyes had hardened, turn nasty, the pupils had a savage look.

He was totally a triton now.

Two small holes on the front, just over the center of the eyebrows, the forehead, which gave itself a seemingly slight frown, he hissed:

- "Now you've finally finished making your own convenience.

Do not know why I'm here now, or how they got there. I only know that my job is to find Jussuf. And you're making me lose time.

Satisfied itself that these pheromones give a lot of your boredom.

I will not put up with you any longer! "

Now was stronger than me. He pulled out without too much effort on his big penis quickly retreated into a kind of pouch, inside his sphincter.

He struggled up, got out of my body moving to the side, He arched his back, resting his hands on the sand and webbed with a powerful shot back swung the whole bulk of his massive body starting from the queue.

With a movement as a whip, began pushing with his arms and leaped into the air by drawing a perfect semi-circle against a purple sky.

The push that you gave was sufficient to cover the few feet that separated us from the shore, with a final twist of the entire body, head slipped into the water just beyond the shoreline, even in very shallow waters, but it did not seem to bother Minimally, as if he had done was the easiest thing in the world and banal.

His roar of exultation mingled with the sound of the surf, then, with two blows of the tail and disappeared into the blue.

I could not I would stop wheezing, shortness of breath even increased.

I felt my mouth dry. Despite the confusion that I was still leading, I realized that was not the place where I was staying. Besides, I felt a great urge to drink.

I turned on my belly and saw the sea, which barely make out like a darker blue field dominated by a clear blue sky at sunset it was that was happening behind me.

I felt good the scent of water. Instinctively, with a strong contraction of the muscles made a jump, similar to the springs that make the fish when freshly caught, jump on the keel of the boat.

As soon as I reached into the water, I sensed a feeling of warmth. I was for a moment think: "But it should not be cold?" But the thought quickly vanished, cataloged as an assilly nonsense.

But I don't  swam away immediately.

With my head just below the surface I noticed that my vision was finally perfect.

I could see the tiniest grains of sabbath in suspension. I took a few deep gulps of water swallowed with pleasure. Immediately I felt a contraction of my body and felt clearly the gills open up under the armpits, along the rib cage.

A puff of blue got out dissolving in water, and I thought immediately that I hadlifted a great weight.

I advanced a few yards, I paused to contemplate the sandy bottom.

Instinctively I touched my gills, to hear the water flowing from them.

I was very confused. It all seemed obvious, but it all again.

I dove and I lay down on the bottom, on a sandbank surrounded by clumps of seagrass; I put me on the back, and, watching from below the surface rippled from the sea waves, I thought to finish alone what Tan had left off.

Then the darkness of night surprised me, and with it, It came a deep sleep.
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